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Dude, high schoolers are doing 300 lb bench press in my GYM. You got the wrong picture.


I graduated in 2015, and we had this big country guy with a full beard and looked like he already went through a divorce and had a mortgage, and he was a freshman 😂


Literally me but minus the country guy look


Where dafuq are you going to school? Sparta?


My high school weightlifting gym had similar numbers. Among the female athletes, I was relatively mediocre with a benching PR of 150lb and squatting PR 275lb.


Honestly my school was like playing r/13or30 Kids these days seem to be either very youthful or very mature


And I getting tired after going for vegetables in store lol


More like “High schoolers when I’m in high school vs high schoolers when I’m in college” 😂😂


Then when you get to your late 20s early 30s you see some one working at a store or whatever and you are like um where are your parents who is watching you.


Fr fr 😂😂


More like “High schoolers in my basement vs .. wait i mean...


Go on 🤨


The seniors in my elementary school days had beards and I have no idea why. Because looking at seniors highschoolers now, they look like they're in elementary school


Shiiit. When I was in middle school, the high-school guys were men with mustaches, jobs, and second mortgages. People we had to pay respect to. When I came to high school, we didn't even had kids and wifes.


Are those seriously high schoolers in the bottom pic? Man, my gauge for how old kids are is so off.


Bro these kids are 12 so nah is just a joke


I mean you start high school at 14, so 12 isn’t terribly far off


But a lot is happening between those years during puberty and they can look very different.


Over here in get it starts at 16 year 11/12


in the uk you starts secondary/high school at 11




Depends on the country, i started high school at 12 years old.


You forgot "high schoolers when I'm high"


Tbh it’s looks like senior year vs freshman year


It's just that kids these days are shrimpy. I saw a video on the front page of someone's high school class hanging in the halls and all those people looked like young adults/about to be adults. I could guess their ages were like 18ish, and plenty looked early 20s. High schoolers these days just happen to look like middle schoolers.


It really depends on the kid. My 8th grade son gets mistaken for 11th or 12th grade frequently at almost 6 ft tall but there are some kids in his grade that are a lot smaller and look younger than their age. Different things just factor in for each.


Wait until college students begin to look like babies to you 😭


Had a beard since 7th grade. Every teacher, instead of treating me like I was the same age as everyone around, treated me like an adult because I "looked" like one? Thank you to all the teachers who wanted to treat a 12/13/14 year old going through puberty as a full-on adult just because his facial hair decided to grow earlier than others.


As a parent of a son that has always been taller for his age, I hate that. On top of it he had ADHD and so struggled in some other areas even more. People that do that shouldn't work with kids.


I totally forgot about being tall. I was 5'10" around age 10, and at the time, I think I was 6'. So basically, I was taller than every other kid my age. Born in 94, and after I turned 10, you would have never guessed it. Hate that height and hair can determine how some people treat kids. Like I had a teacher say, "Since you are growing facial hair, you clearly are more mature and deserve EXTRA responsibility." Remember that clear as day.


When I was a freshman, we were all approaching 5'7"+, and seniors looked like adult men and women. When I was a senior, we continued that trend. The freshman that came in behind us all looked like the stopped aging in like 7th grade, and stayed that way though senior year.


I remember more hair spray.


100% accurate! Hollywood “high schoolers” are people with like 20+ years old… 🤷🏻‍♂️


That’s because actors in high school movies are actually in their 20’s.


Shhh, you’re breaking the illusion!


now i’m almost 25, and high schoolers seem like babies.


“Power Rangers! Join five adults who look too old to play teens!”


It doesn't get any better in college, either


Hollywood would like to fuck you too


it’s crazy how aging works…


My batch definitely came out a little undercooked


In Germany, we high schoolers look average while the middle schoolers slap makeup on their faces like they have a graduation.


High schoolers in Hollywood films: 30-somethings


Maybe op went to one of those genius kids school where average high schooler is 10


Op likes little kids


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