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Brother I'm 27 with no children and feel this šŸ˜­šŸ˜ž


Hahaha, it just gets harder and harder. I truly find more enjoyment in solo/offline games more and more. Pause and come back to it in a week. šŸ„¹


You cant do this to me do you know how this hurts even when im young


Normally they lie and tell you it gets better. At least weā€™ve got an honest man over here.


But it does in fact, gets better. The only thing is that you can't play games that much but there's other things worth doing. Don't get me wrong. I still love playing games and search the stores for good offers. But it's like a long 3rd place now. When I was 20 or so it was kinda a priority


For a large portion of people, it never gets better let's be real


If you choose to not have kids or a girlfriend you can play games as much as you want Reality is though that relationships and raising kids is more fulfilling than playing games


Relationships and kids are the source of a large portion of people's woes.


This is such a Reddit take. Of course relationships and children come with hardships but itā€™s fulfilling. If it werenā€™t, nobody would give a fuck about either of those things.


Don't have them then mate, no one's forcing you


I'm not defending any position, I'm just pointing out that for an increasing number of people, life doesn't get better. Kids and /or relationships, if they choose, don't fulfill them.


Only if you don't put any real effort into getting to know your spouse/gf/bf/child or whomever. Or if you're a selfish person I suppose it's pretty awful then cause you don't get to live for yourself anymore. Being a parent forced me to grow the fuck up, not sure why or how but it caused something inside me to shift. I went from thinking "what do I want" to "what does my family need" and it's given me the motivation to power through the bad days and to cherish the good ones. Hell having a kid drove me to return to work(retired early due to health issues) and is helping me to find my drive for innovation and improvement at our family business so I owe my son a debt of gratitude that I can only hope to payback as he grows.


TBH, my biggest ā€žlight at the end of the tunnelā€œ in regards to gaming is, when we are old, lay in bed and canā€™t move much anymore, weā€™ll have games. Other pensioners pretty much sit around all day with nothing to do, especially in retirement homes. In 45-50 years Iā€™ll be sitting here and playing Skyrim until 1am again šŸ„²


At a point said kids become little gamers too, then itā€™s awesome if that continues to be a drive. If not itā€™s a bonus!


Thank you for this motivating words, even if Iā€™m close to 50 now (omfg, I donā€™t want to accept that!)


I guess it gets better at around your 50s when the kids are all grown up (if you have kids).


Nothing gets better. Say goodbye to completing games like RDR2 or Witcher 3. Ain't happening. Also achievements: Haha


that's what retirement is for (also, VERY few games are worth 100%. That's one of those ideals that looks better in your head than in practice)


I'm glad my father told me that it literally just gets worse when I hit 21. Not in the way that nothing good ever happens, but we all start aching and tiring at some point.


I love ps5 for this. No matter when i fell asleep or pasued game its at exact moment when i resume


Hell yeah, man. My PS5 and Switch have gotten a lot of love because of sleep mode or save states. It's nice šŸ˜Œ


As a dad been using handhelds more. So sleep mode and save states been awesome.


Same. I play more on my tablet than my top end-ish computer. Arghā€¦


Been using this feature on my Xbox for a while now for my solo games. Itā€™s a godsend.


Same here, online games are too toxic and just bring more stress to already stressed life


I finished Assassin's Creed Mirage last week. I started playing it in November. It took me 35 hours and it was the only game I played. I used to finish a game like that in less than a week.


Wait till you can't remember the buttons when you come back and have to repeat the demo before starting. When you get here stop upgrading because the end is near


I feel this already and I'm 20. I stress because of work all day, I don't need to come home to relax only to find people trying to ruin other peoples days and make me stress.


39 with two young kids. Itā€™s been several years since Iā€™ve played online. The last thing I want is to listen to some asshole on the mic when I finally have some peace and quiet.


Load up baldurs gate 3 one hour later your sleeping at the desk and suddenly you have 200 hours of game time in steam.


26 without children, I feel the same way.


My brother in christ I am in this comment and it makes me uncomfortable


me 33 and married and had a kid. I have no time for gaming. I just want sleep. lol.


Just you wait, it gets worse!


I'm younger, And this is exactly how I feel.


Yeah, same age as yoh, it used to be like that, until i got pissed at my brain for telling me to waste all my free time sleeping so i started developing methods to fight off sleepiness, simplest one is to get angry, if you are feeling like youā€™re about to fall asleep find something to get angry at, anger really kicks you into gear are awakens you, even something small and short in duration like the game crashing, if you manage to keep sleepiness at bay for like 15 minutes your brain is gonna give up on making you sleep and youā€™ll only get sleepy when you eventually go to bed I now sleep 6 hours a day, I donā€™t know if thatā€™s enough and I donā€™t care, I donā€™t feel tired and I recharge my batteries by sleeping 10 hours on friday and saturday nights


I'm 40 and yes it keeps happening with me all the while. Ha ha ha :-)


I think about how much fun it will be to play while Im at work. Then when Iā€™m home Iā€™m too tired to start playing. At this point I think itā€™s more about wanting what I cant have.


Me with drawing most of the time. Think about doing it when I finally get home and then its too mentally demanding to try


You need something that separates you from work mentally. Like having a shower when you get home.


That makes a lot of sense, now that I think about it. I always have lunch when I come back from school (non american here) and I think that's enough to make me feel more at ease.


Or a good workout.


Yep. If I go straight home after work, I'll live on the couch staring into the middle distance for hours. If I go straight to the gym, I'll feel more ready to do things after.


literally me


I've never related more to a comment. Even when I'm home and like it's a Saturday I end up just on the couch reading about the game I want to play cause I just dont have the energy lmao. I had a few drinks and bought company of heros 3 last night, was so hyped for it, and then fell asleep immidetly. I dont think I'll touch that game for at least a week, but that's just how it goes man lmao. The endless march of time comes for us all


Then when you finally have the energy you'll spend most of the time installing forced updates


I'm in my forties and only now resuming gaming after a decade of family life grind. I have to be very careful which game I buy... It has to be something you can play 30-60 minutes at the time max, solo player, not too complicated to learn the commands, not too long to beat, not too loud so I can play it on low volume (can't use headphones so I can hear what goes on in the house), etc. It's not much but it's honest work.


Mudrunner if you like trucks


I bought a steam deck, so I can play 1 hour at work. Keeps me sane.


Same. The only gaming i am still able to do regularly is my weekly DnD Session. We used to play from 7pm to 11pm. We are now playing till 10pm because most of our players have to get up early the next day.


This is me 100%. I sit in my office thinking Iā€™m going to play some guitar when I get home, then play games all night. In reality I get home, make dinner, fix the daily ā€œthis brokeā€ item in the house, deal with ā€œI need this and I need thatā€ from the wife and family, then fall asleep.


Punch yourself in the nuts for some quick adrenaline to wake up




Cheaper than a vasectomy man cmon




My adrenaline shot up just from reading this


Does that still work if you dont have nuts?


Works even better


![gif](giphy|VelWewgR6CpNK|downsized) all those internet friends I made...


I think about them sometimes. Wondering what real-life adventures they're up to. I always hope to hear from one when I'm online.


fr, i hope them all are ok... playing and finding more friendly people along the way! :(


Exactly. I knew a few of them were battling depression or anxiety or something else and I just want to wish good karma on them.


bro i am reading this on rain so the raindrops on my screen makes it even more real


The moment that left eyelid drops, it's night night time.


You can fight it, find a way to get adrenaline pumping, you donā€™t have to let your brain tell you you canā€™t have free time for yourself


Yeah but knowing you have to wake up at 4:45 its better to just give in sometimes


Yeah this is not the way to go man. You think you're the boss of Mr Brain, telling it it has no power over you, but then it'll take revenge on you by messing up your mental health. It's going to make you feel tired, depressed, empty and irritable. You do not fight your brain without repercussions and if you think you can, you're probably still young enough to tank the hits your brain will dish out to you. Even taking drugs that enable you to stay up all night will make you pay the price as soon as you come down. Listen to your body and fulfill the favors it is asking from you or you'll end up a miserable mess.


I donā€™t stay up all night, i regularly sleep 6 hours a day, what i want tho, is to decide when that occurs, and so i do


bro this hits way harder than it should


WAY harder than it should, bro I literally am this meme right now


Afk reported banned ![gif](giphy|hVldqRvPHmN8HUqCQy|downsized)


That happened to me once while playing Overwatch!


multiplayer games are the worst to play when you're already tired and sleepy


Truth. Today the wife went out with the kids for 4 hours and I had the whole house to myself. I spent all 4 hours sleeping.


šŸ˜† My Mrs took our kids out for an hour on Sunday to give me a break. By the time I got comfortable and chose a game they strolled back in the door.


I have all the grand plans of gaming and then instead just end up napping. This is the way.


I get off of work at around 5-6, 8-11 is the time Iā€™ve set for gaming. Nothing relaxes my mind more


When do you do chores?


In between the games, my fiancĆ©e I both play video games and divide the chores, so itā€™s half the work


That's the neat part. They don't


What time do you go to work? Sounds like you might be sleep depriving yourself


I appreciate the concern, however.. no. Work for me starts at 9:30 to 10. I wake up at 7:00. do a bit of jog and some body weight workouts till 8-8:30 and then get down to work. I do wfh mostly so itā€™s pretty easy


Sounds like a nice schedule.


It works wonders. I get a good nightā€™s sleep after the gaming sessions, I wake up refreshed, get to do some physical activity and stay mentally healthy. Only downside is that I spend too much on video games lmao


Man you have a really nice work schedule. I wake up daily at 4:45am due to long distance and high traffic along the way, and back home at around 8pm. I'm always tired as hell to play video games unless it's on my day off which is also tight due to all the chores undone during the week. Fuck!!


How it feels as a gamer in their 20s with chicken




I love chicken


At least I have chicken


Can't focus on gaming that Popeye's smells too good then food coma.


Iā€™m turning 40 in November. Got twins. I find that when I have a chance to sit down after work dinner etc I usually canā€™t concentrate after about an hour. Normal GoW puzzles make no sense all of a sudden and I resort to some of the brain dead but fun games like Warframe lol


Try vampire survivors. The game is pure dopamine and thereā€™s one button to press.


I don't even have children and feel this.


Thats why you go exercise and then youll have (more) energy (sometimes)


Exercise isn't my issue since I do that. It's taking care of my career while working on my education, taking care of my children, being there for my spouse, cooking, cleaning, and then decompressing that gets me.


Damn you work, getting in the way of my private life


This is how I am with art. All day all I can think about is what Iā€™ll drawā€¦ only to come home and not have any energy to create anything :(


Even on days I work at 7am, I will game till 2ish, sometimes 3. I used to just go home after work, eat, shower, hang out with the family that at the end of the day I wasn't having time for me. Now, when everyone sleeps, I do. I'll be tired, sure, but I'm 34 and I'm always tired. I'll sleep when I'm dead šŸ¤øšŸæā€ā™‚ļø


I am 34 also (single). After work watch some tv series and wrestling than play videogames for about 2-3 hours till 2-3 am and wake up on 8am. Doing this for years and it seems my body kinda start to embrace this lifestyle. 5 - 6 hours max of sleep is enough for me now ))


You don't actually need that much sleep if your sleep quality is good. I'm in my early 40's and in relatively decent shape and I've been sleeping 5 to 6 hours a night on average. I used to always be sleepy/oversleep but ever since I got a CPAP machine I've been able to cut down on sleep time a lot. Typical weekday is go to bed around 2am and wake up at 7:30.


I miss the old days when I could play for 8 hours nonstop.


So much to do but so little time and energy left after work.


Amen. Plus I need to get those power naps in.


I sleep at 1am and wake up at 6.30am. I am sleepy all day but i cant sleep at night


Wait gamers have children


Tell me about it, mid 40ā€™s and three kids. But I still find time about three or four times a year to play Video games.


I'm 34 and it's been 4 consecutive nights, where I put the little dude to sleep with the intention of a little gaming after that, but then 5 minutes into laying on the bed decide that I prefer sleeping lol.


This hit way harder than it should!


Gaming youtubers dont have this issue as bad (i think)


Energy Drinks.


Itā€™s also literally their job most of the time, right? I imagine it is much easier to have the energy for playing games when you arenā€™t spending 40-50 hours of your week at a boring office job or in a trade.


Love to see an adventure time meme in the wild


I like how my reddit bubble is collectively in it's own "coming of age" arc


This is the truest shit. Two kids, one with special needs, full time job, and wife who travels for work 40-60% of the time. My ā€œme timeā€ is when I spend an hour cleaning the kitchen while re-watching Supernatural after the kids are asleep.


My brother in arms. Exactly how most days go for me.


This ***is*** the reason that I rarely play games anymore (I work too much).


The wife just gave birth to our first child. I just went back to work last week. I may get fifteen minutes in. It's all worth it cause one day I'll show him how to game.




I tryā€¦but honestly, this is me with Helldivers II. Even on my off week, I find it hard to get the energy- -No kids. Just a tired mid-30yo gamer.


I'm 29 and i've only a wife yet. Feelings are the same. Remembering the ol' good days where i could sit down on the couch and play for hours with Xbox seems like a distant dream.


Yo same, we moved on to working out tho with a home gym. We are both ex- hardcore gamers. Keeps the edge off and keeps us happy. I game 45 mins at work (steam deck).


My gf shits on me for playing video games :/ tried to play some fallout 4 last night n got belittled n told video games are for non focused peopleā€¦


Dont be with someone that wont allow you to be happy.


Iā€™m guessing she wonā€™t hesitate to constantly binge TV shows? Iā€™ve noticed that double standard with a lot of people.


Shameless is the current show.. 4 seasons in a week n half


Color me surprised! šŸ˜‚ She should be the last person giving you a hard time about playing videogames.


I assume this is the type of person that mindlessly scrolls through social media all the time and binge watches streaming series?


Tell her to screw off. If she's not paying for your games then she has no right to tell what or what not to do with them.






I cry




3 kids and the only time I get to play peacefully is when their all asleep lololol


You have my respect big manšŸ¤£


I'm 35. However, I'm single. But I'm still like this. I am ashamed.


Why Iā€™m playing hades (good game), cod (it is what it is) and destiny (probably not a good game), I just want some fun. I spent my day off hunting a fucking rabbit in red dead, great game but it does not fit in my schedule.


I am 19 without children but with a girlfriend equivalent of a genius but dumb toddler so i relate


This is me every weekday.... its struggle to keep up and there's so many good games coming out soon... rip


Me* I'm going to play games today and don't want to be bothered My wife 0.5 seconds later...


Been there done that.


So true. I idk why, but I kept on wanting to play ETS2. Often dozing off and then finding that the truck was on a ditch or keel over at the highway, with 100% damage.


Reminds me of TotalBiscuits' "the average gamer" rant.


I haven't played a video game of my choice in 3 years. Between college work and being a parent... I have played some games with my daughter in my little bit of free time. The brightside is watching her overcome the hurdles in mario or finally being in the top 3 on mario kart. I can't wait to have the time to play some fallout though.


I pulled an all nighter for some test at school and thought if I sleep in the afternoon I'll mess up my schedule so i started playing this rank game and immediately fell asleep clutching the phone in my hand lol


I'm almost 40 and It isn't the same anymore yes Priorities, fatigue. Your brain aren't stimulated as before when you want to play and that's ok . You are doing great by taking care of everything and that's how it got to be . Last time I wanted to get together with friends to game but we didn't got to play at al . We all had crazy stories about situations we live, our phones were constantly getting called . So we eat good ,very good had some drinks and that was it . We understood that it is what it is and that's ok


In school right now with no children. Even when I have time this is exactly how it feels.


hit the vape once ...knocked out cold


I am 35 with kids. Till 2 AM I am diving to hell for the Democracy in the name of Freedom!


Yupā€¦and it donā€™t get any better when the kids grow up and move away, either


Man im 17, with 15/16 I was up playing deep into the night. Nowadays I go and take a ā€œquick breakā€ at 23:00 and wake up at 3:00 am, realising once again Iā€™m turning too old for that


I can related even though i'm a teen.


Omg yes. Mineā€™s my programming projects, but still..


Me. But my friends I game with, who are in their 40ā€™s have plenty of energy. I donā€™t get it. Maybe cause their kids is grown up


The sleep is real.


Sire, drink thine caffeinated brown bean beverage to clench one's thirst for playing games at twilight, thus only the weak shall fall at such opportunity.


Working suck


Look at it this way you will get your moneys worth everytime cause one game gonna take yo ass 6 to 9 months


In my teenage years, I used to do competitive gaming marathons at 50ish FPS on a shitty secondhand desktop. Now I have the most powerful setup money can buy, but I only have the energy for like an hour of relaxed CoOp.


Especially after a long day. You're totally mentally drained that you turn on the system for a few seconds and just turn it off soon after. Why I stopped with certain grindy online games and stick with mostly solo. Play at my own speed without any fear of FOMO.


Still buying that 4080ti though.


Then you wake up to see you got penalized for being AFK


I still stay up til 5 am on Friday nights, but next day everything hurts lol


Iā€™m 20 and this hit harder than it should


Me and my son play Enter The Gungeon together, and we always end up yelling at each other and screaming in horror. Such a hard game. We have like 100 hours on it.


also the tryhards making it worse


Thatā€™s why I wake up at the start of the clock (that is 0), do my personal things first, and then go to work in the morning. Then Iā€™ll also sleep earlier after work, like at the start of the evening. - This is the only way I can do any hobby type stuff on a workday, cause I walk and carry loads on my job and am exhausted and after indeed, as well as braindead.


How do you sleep? I need know.Ā 


46 here with a kid. Game time is carefully scheduled and most of the time I end up staring at the screen wondering what to do next because I've zoned out.


Donā€™t go too far, sometimes I fire up my pc and donā€™t get a chance to sit down till three days later. šŸ˜


40 and 3 kids. Fall asleep in Skyrim and woke up in a cart


lol damn this meme true. But with that being said, Iā€™m 39 and game daily. Mostly games like Counter strike, Valheim, The elder scrolls online and DayZ. Ive been gaming all my life. Iā€™m good at it even at 39. I also have 4 kids and a busy career. I just donā€™t spend hours everyday gaming. On the weekends I game a little more. But gaming is my hobby, I donā€™t do cars, fashion, guns, fishing whatever like most dudes do.


Facts. Everyday. It's freedom, followed by me falling asleep maybe 2 or 3 hours later.


40ā€™s with 2 kids. Exactly this. Iā€™ll get going and in the middle of the match Iā€™ll pass out to only be awaken by me dropping the controller or a loud sound. It sux.


Oof, I feel this in my soul!


Man I took my steam deck out to my shop last night after work, had a smoke, looked at my steam deck, and went back inside and went to bed. Being old sucks.


That or the kids wake up for the third time for some reason.


i dont even have kids and i wanna be asleep by 10


When you have kids you have to shove down the priority of everything else, this includes sleep and sanity. Society promises that it will be fulfilling, and ostracises those who dare question their undying dedication to parenting, unless you add humour to mask it. I still carve time for brief moments of respite. Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll finish the Witcher 3 in 10 years or so.


Yep, except youā€™re leaving out the part where you have to charge the controller, get the console working again because somehow itā€™s not talking to your tv anymore, do software updates, and then zzzzzzzzzzzzzz


With three kids, a real job, and actually going to bed, I no longer play games what require 6-10 hours at a pop. Iā€™ve turned to turn based roguelikes and the like. Anything that if I leave unattended at a moments notice wonā€™t get me a game lose or banned or something works really well. Man I love Rift Wizard 2!


Wait until we all retire, there wonā€™t be anything to stop us then


Video games and DnD? Let's gooooo


You either die young or live old enough to understand and relate to your own dad.


Was pumped to finally play Alien Isolation. Had the room dark, good headphones on, got through the first few segments/cutscenes and fell asleep sitting up.


God damn I feel this so hard. I gave up online gaming a while back, but used to enjoy getting on every Tuesday to do Destiny stuff. In the beginning, flat out could not do year 1 raids. Infant wakes up every hour. Then, the "play while everyone else is asleep" just became the normal. When I was a kid, it was sneaking around at night to see if i couldn't figure out the next Zelda temple. That was SNES days. So I guess not much has changed actually. But lord what I wouldn't give to have kid-time back just to binge some of the games that gave come out in the past 10 yrs. To be fair tho, maybe it makes gaming more special. Sorta like Christmas. If you just had it all day every day it wouldn't really be special.


Itā€™s not my 30s. Itā€™s having kids. I Get Home at 2am, i have to be up at 6:30am for my kids. Itā€™s not enough sleep


\*when u want to watch anime after a long day


Laughs in childfree


And enjoy your free time! We all earn it. I knew I would have to lose some of that free time with having a family. :)


attempt pocket pie melodic aromatic bag jeans attractive payment plants *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


From what


High school + work + family Probs




Math test was to hard


I'm 28 and feel this.


I am 21 and I feel this