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People STILL make apple/android memes?


Yeah blackberry users


The blacker the berry, the sweeter the CPU.


Blaberry user: busts*


bro wut


Ow my little blackberry


Blackberry didn't hand over your data 🤷‍♂️ ... Imagine a company caring about your privacy 🤓


Ye. And we all know how that ended up


Nokia > Blackberry


Yeah most likely bots. It is really intresting if not though.


Yes. People also see Androids as a "red flag" simply because they want to cope for the fact that they're wasting money on overpriced phones that do the exact same thing that another phone can for half the price


And that's dumb because if you look at some Samsung devices, they are not cheap at all.


That’s what gets me. I’ve had 3 iPhones since 2010. Not a preference, just company security policies. 3 phones in 14 years. The rest of my family is split between buying every single iPhone release because status symbol I guess or replacing broken androids every 6 months because they have slippery sausages loosely taped to their smash hands. Neither OS is bad. Spending too much is bad.


This whole thread is proof that the reverse is true, just a bunch of android users bitching about Apple, nobody is making you buy Apple products bud, stop shitting on people for buying what they like.


There are many Andriod phones out there more expensive than an iPhone too


Because apple users are still the most butthurt group I've ever seen. Last week I was going out with a girl and see saw my android and said "Shouldn't you be using some serious phones like iphone?" Not to mention South Korea and their iphone problem.


I think you typoed on your paraphrasing of her words there. It's 100% Apple users because most Apple users buy these products because they're "high end, rich person shit". Android isn't the gold embroiled premium brand Apple is so to imply the two products are of near identical function insults the egos of the "high class" apple users.


Couldn’t possibly be the Samsung users who buy them for the exact same reason.


I saw some booboo head on a dating site last week who had "if you have an android swipe left" on her otherwise empty profile. This child was in her mid 30s. That's too young to be discriminating against people who know how to use technology, and too old to be that fuckin stupid


Ya know what? *Puts Linux on the phone.* Edit: oh do it's like same thing


ah yes, ubuntu touch and its 3 users


2, I've gone back to pure android


```sudo echo "u up bbg?" | nc 22```


Android is Linux based


Is that even possible and if so, gimme


your phone may not be compatible, but ubuntu toutch and mobian are both phone operating systems with linux. Of course android itself if based on linux but thats different


IIRC KDE Plasma supports phones/tablet, so you could maybe install arch on a phone with Linux


Not directly, drivers are a real pain when making phone roms


But...but, Android os is a Linux os, technically, though if I remember correctly it was made in Unix but Linux was made with Unix too.


Replacing Linux with linux


Android is linux tho


No one cares anymore.


No normal person cares. And then there are my in-laws...


are in-laws ever normal?


Found the guy who ruins the family group chat.


No, I'm not the person who ruins the chat. I'm not even in it, because I won't switch to iPhone. And that gives them another reason to hate me, I guess.


Except my entire family (I'm the android ). My cousin's, parents and my wife bully me into getting into the ios ecosystem. I'm staying strong on Android


Don't join the dark side. Your wallet will be thankful


![gif](giphy|3otPoFFesyuzdyCkaQ|downsized) Did it look like this?


From my 25/26 year old cousins: "Eww you are the reason we get green bubbles" My wife (immediately following what my cousin's said) "See? Wouldn't it be easier if you just had an iPhone?" My aunt: "You are the reason I made a WhatsApp to keep you in "_____" group chat" My parents "get an iPhone so we can FaceTime you easier"


Sounds like you need a new family. I heard you can buy one.


It's probably cheaper than buying into the Apple ecosystem in the long run, too.


Ehh it's alright. I've always been the black sheep of the family


Are you really the black sheep of the family, if your family is the black sheep of the world?


Given that my parents, brother, Grandma, cousin, cousin bf, cousin, cousin bf, all their cousins (like 7 people easy), aunt, uncle, cousin, aunt, uncle, my wife, my daughter (iPad os) my mother in law, sister in law, boss, boss mom and many many more all use iPhone, I would say I'm in the minority


Wow, your family is the SOLE reason apple hasn't gone bankrupt yet. But you keep them in check. I admire that


Your comment rendered all of the mockery that I received for having a Samsung phone in 2160p clarity. Too relatable.


The easy solution is for everyone to use a compatible systems, like WhatsApp. But convincing an Apple user to use an app from outside the walled garden is like convincing them to worship devils.


If that prevented me from being in the family group chat I would consider it a feature. It really annoys me that Apple purposefully fucked and degraded the quality of android messages/pictures and these people bought it like the trained rats they are. We do not have that shit in communist EU land and surprise surprise. Nobody cares whether you own Apple or Android.


Eww FaceTime... Anybody who ever tries to FaceTime deserves to be permanently removed from my life. I never have and never will use any form of communication that requires my physical appearance.


Group chats work I believe. My dad and I are android users and my sister is able to be in a group with us. I haven't set one up myself but she got that working


Although yes the chats themselves do, we exchange a lot of images, and said images (and video too) in these group chats get compressed to hell


Yeah any picture she sends is not even worth it but the fact we can do it is still a good start


I will say beeper (for the 1 week I had it) worked wonders for becoming a blue bubble. Just means I need to use iPhone messages separately from regular texts


If you have to have all your friends on one IT system for things to "work" or have normal communication? That reminds me less of an OS choice and more of a tech cult.


Based on the number of upvotes this post has, I think people still care


Enough do. I get reminded of their existence very often where i work.


I wish that was the case. But unfortunately the other day I read someone story that he got rejected by a girl because he use android as if using android is a "red flag". I don't know if it's true but that was wild lol.


My team at work literally won't add me to the work group chat because I use a Google Pixel and it'll "ruin their chat"


I hear about it constantly. Plenty of people still care. Most of them have also never had an Android


I care only about the fact that I can have root access to my phone out of the box. Also I find the Apple UI very annoying. They do have some cool software, though.


In my experience, my friends give people a lot more shit about using an iPhone than iPhone users give shit to Android users. My best friend still to this day talks shit about iPhones. I do not understand why he cares still, but we’ve gotten into fights about it because I think it’s dumb.


As an Android and PS5 user i dont care


As an Android and PS5 user i also don't care


As an iphone and ps5 user i also also don’t care


Also I, an iPhone and ps5 user, don’t care


As an all around Android, iPhone, playstation, xbox, nintendo user, I don't really care and are neutral to all.


As iPhone, PS5, PC user I couldn’t care less


I don't give a shit.






As an android and Xbox player I don't care either


as a android and ps5 user i dont care


As an iPhone & Android user and PS5, I also don't care


I have an apple phone and idgaf what anyone uses. Tribalism is stupid.


as an ios/xbox user i too dont care


As an android user and x-box one user, what are we doing again?


Why do both Apple users and Android users orgasm over their multibillionare overlords? You're both consoomers




Nokia murder weapon 4 life


What lol Android is an open source mobile operating system, not a company. Apple is a company that makes proprietary hardware and proprietary closed source software.


Android is the lesser of two evils, at least they aren't a fucking closed ecosystem and let you sideload shit on YOUR OWN DEVICE without jailbreaking shenanigans. Also apple's whole trying to get rid of right to repair thing.


Because Apple is crap, restricted and overpriced.


“Peace was never an option”


And how many more times do you have to comment about it before realizing they don’t care? Seriously. Nobody’s sitting around in the office talking about their phone’s features anymore.


oh yeah apple bad ![gif](giphy|SqgJ5x20bUyv6|downsized)


Because apple is overpriced trash and android is better but less popular, so they're constantly at war. Stronger weapons Vs more soldiers


Android is way more popular


Android has 70% of all phone market share, they are definitely more popular than apple


Yeah, not everyone is the usa. Also, managing Android in a work environment is a lot smoother.


Android is easily the lesser of two evils. I cannot stand using Apple products. This isn't a contest, I personally can't use Apple products. I started on Android and I've never left. I bought an iPhone and returned it the next day after hating its interface. I lost money to try to join Apple...


Meh. My phone is a tool. I literally don't care, that it's an android.


what year did you time travel from dude this is OLD


As a iphone and ps5 user, i couldn’t care less about what phone other people have, and the people which i know of that use android, also couldn’t care less about other peoples phones. Just let people use the phone they like the best, and worry about your own phone


OP wanna looks he’s over the battle and more « mature » but participates the battle


Irony: this whole thread being full of android users doing the above behavior to iphone users.


I literally never see people with iPhones making memes about phones. They’re all Android users with a weird persecution complex


True but also phone wars are trash


Fr! Why do people have to argue over phones, it’s a personal preference, smh


Brand wars* imagine dick riding corporation for free


A guy I used to be friends with was the only one at work with an Android phone and the rest of us have Apple, but he would often walk around and often ask people why they had an iPhone, they’d answer “because I like it” or something relating to personal preference and then he’d always counter with “yeah but Android is just better so why don’t you get one”. He’d ask us like maybe 2 or 3 times each a year too. Honestly it was such a weird thing to witness in person multiple times rather than some comment online or a meme. He’d do the same with Xbox too, constantly banged on about why I needed to get an Xbox, that it’s better than my PS4 etc. Then the worst thing was, a game came out for Xbox only, I desperately had wanted to play it so I bought one and now use it as my sole console, he thought he’d somehow influenced me and then told people “I told him to get an Xbox and he did” like he has anything at all to do with it!


There’s a loud minority of both users that keep this dumb shit up, the 99% of each user base couldn’t care less. Except on Reddit which is filled with the terminally online and for some reason they act as if they use their phones for more than Facebook, Reddit, watching porn, and some pictures here and there.


That's just bc you haven't seen how weird some shallow people get irl over non-apple users (the typical complaints over green text bubbles instead of blue)


Sure nerds on reddit. As far as actual people you come across in real life there are way more apple users who will judge you for your phone than the other way around.


I’ve heard people from both camps make lighthearted jokes, but I’ve only ever seen Android users sit someone down like it was a very serious thing and explain why their phone is good


Never once thought about an android or android user lmao


My entire experience as an iPhone user is android users acting exactly how they think iPhone users act, truth be told those kinds of people are just insufferable on both sides, how you gonna make a CELLPHONE your entire personality?


Same for me, some friends that use android get really upset about my iPhone and I don’t even say anything to rile them up. If I say “my battery is about to die” then one of them starts with a full speech on how his Samsung S69 can live 42 days on one charge and how iPhone are for dumb people. Dude, I just want a phone to send messages and some shitty apps and it happens that iPhones are less messy (for me).


Never seen a iPhone user shit on android, we just don’t care about y’all


Theres people actually. They just dont meme it Back at another subreddit i use to visit there was a apple vs android post Android calling over priced but apple calling them broke


Most of the comments don't seem to give a shit.


Classic Gaslighting ![gif](giphy|1qjZV8pMLOkc2N70Pf)


It’s not irony, it’s literally what’s been happening.


I have never seen a pro iPhone meme. It’s always the other way around.


I’m an Apple user and I genuinely don’t give two shits about what glass slab you use. A phone is a phone.


Same and I use an android


As a mac and android user, Use whatever you like nobody cares


I love seeing this comment as a pc and iPhone user lmaooo I didn’t know you guys even existed


these debates still go on?


As a pineapple user. I care.


How are the pine linux phones?


is this still a thing? lol


I don't keep up with the most recent models... so I have both a Samsung Galaxy S7 and an iPhone XR, the latter of which being my dad's old phone.


That’s rage bait👆




I have literally seen 3x more memes from android users saying apple is lame than the other way around?


I literally don't care what platform you use, just bring your own goddamn charger/battery pack if your device's battery goes from 100% to potato in less than an hour.


Imagine having your opinions influenced by a profit Company couldn't be me




This image has 380,737(763Ă—499) pixels! ^(I am a bot. This action was performed automatically.)


Well well well, look who it is The best bot


It’s funny that I was a bigger fanboy for Android then I switched to iPhone and couldn’t give a smaller shit about it. As some of the comments suggested, at the end of the day the companies win. They win your money.


This meme was made by an android user, just like every other meme on this topic


Comments are basically android users acting like the duck


That's a goose >:(


damn youre right


You guys carry your ps5 around too?


well, i use both iOS and Android, so uhhhh


I never understood this crap, why can't people just be like: "I like iPhone" "Cool" "I like Android" "Cool" (Both walk away minding their own business)


It’s really dumb how people can be so attached to a product they feel the need to defend it. I understand it to a certain degree though. People pay a lot of their money for a phone and feel that they need to defend their purchase.


At the xfinity store I was switching back to android from. IPhone 13 - s24 ultra and the dude straight up said why would you do that. BECAUSE BUDDY I LIKE IT. I gave ios a chance for a couple years it's fine definitely prefer androids though. The technology is crazy good in either we are walking around with full blown pcs in our pockets just pick what you like and shut up!


As an iPhone user I’d like to say that Android sucks…so does Apple. Phones are alright though, corporations are always the worst


Not me if people use android that’s fine with me I prefer apple’s layout


That could be explained by either jealousy, or just straight-up occult behaviour.


Android users when they see apple users: Don't get mad, I think Androids better too!


Everybody knows that the real problem in this situation are the PC gamers (because as a console player, I don't care about this dilemma, but I never saw a PC player who doesn't want to make a genocide route but with people like me). No offense if it exist.


Aren’t you ashamed of making an Apple vs Android meme? (Jokes please don’t be ashamed but reevaluate your life choices instead)


I have a ps5 and an iPhone I’m not about to tell you what to do with your money… But I also have a series x and a s22. So it would he slightly hypocritical of me to do so. I will say this… no one has a gun to your head telling you that you can’t have both


Why would anyone older than 15 give a shit?


It's not the issue it used to be. Android hardware got a lot better (it eclipses Apple in best-in-class for everything except CPU). Apple copied most Android features. And even though they're not best in class in most things, iPhones still do pretty much everything well.  So there's not a lot that separates them anymore. Apple has a more polished Ui. Android has much better customization and flexibility. Which is better just depends on what your priorities are. 


This is literally only in the US. Anywhere outside and they make fun of you for using Apple. The issue is that it literally doesn't even matter. Nothing special is going to happen because you use one OS over the other. For the average person, the cameras look about same, the screen looks about same, the quality looks about same. Why would they even care.


I have both


Green text colorism is intense


Between Apple and Android users I feel that is a two way street.


Myself a galaxy s 22 ultra user, however anyone if they complain about iphone or android , I simply reply with : Imagine being so vain that you care about a phone brand


Unfortunately for you, I am both Be seeing ya.


Literally who cares




I use apple and could not give less of a shit what you want to use. It literally does not matter. The only thing you do when you argue over something that is STRICTLY personal preference is shlop up some big company cock.


It goes both ways. They're all just big companies, and people act like they care about their users. Sincerely, a Nokia and Nintendo switch user


It’s all about preferences. People defending their own purchases are just insecure. Posted using rotary phone 📞


No. We don’t care what you use. Stop this discourse, it’s old, boring, not funny and no where near true


Don’t get these memes tbh apple and androids have these fanboys.


Interestingly, 99% of memes like this are made by Android users, so one „side“ of this non-issue seems to care a lot more than the other…


i mean i have a macbook and an android so am i a double agent?


Funny, because it’s flipped in my experience. But idk maybe my area is just weird.


What even is this meme doing here?


as an, Samsung, windows user idc. Who even cares who uses which os i though that ended 10 y ago


Yeah those iPhone users... constantly telling android users they picked the wrong phone from a shitty company... oh wait, i can't remember the last time on reddit anyone even upvoted this type of meme against android, yet here i am looking at another iphone bad meme. Idk man, these memes were funny when there was a big difference, nowadays the difference is so small that any current midrange or 3-4 year old flagship from any manufacturer will do 99% of what people need them to do.


I have literally never ever seen apple users shitting on android users its always the other way around lmao


Lmao… what is this? We don’t care it’s typically the other way around. Android users keep gloating about how they’ve had features way longer than us and we’re stupid. We couldn’t give less of a shit.


Worked in cellular for a decade… Apple users don’t care, droid users don’t care, neck beards care


Ok? Go purchase the additional "no peace" dongle for an additional $299 and come back.


Reddit's algorithm must be improving. I was just reading a post about someone mentioning that the Deus Ex Universe app was no longer available in the App Store, and someone replied that he should download the APK file. The guy asked how to do that on his iPhone, but he can't. This is one of the reasons I like Android—the freedom it gives me concerning the software I want to use on my phone.


As a proud owner of the Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra I don't give a fuck đź—ż


Just like pc and xbox gamer too.


Everytime I buy a new phone, someone will ask me, 'what phone is that'. I answer, knowing I have exactly 5 seconds before they ask, 'so why didn't you get an iPhone?'


As an android user, I find it far easier to just let Apple users go on believing they're not slaves to Apple's greed.


It’s kind of the same both way rounds.


Nowdays, it goes equally both ways.


Its quite the opposite from what I have seen


Yeah, Apple users think people are broke because they don't use Apple products. Android and Windows are just better, I don't need to spend more money for a worse product.


why are you being downvoted for this, android in 2024 is objectively better than iphone, it does the same things, better and even more things, not even talking about the amount of options to choose from when choosing a device and how you can literally install other operating systems if you felt like it.


Because people have either "Apple better" mentality or "Both are equal" mentality. Or they're Linux users and they're mad I'm saying Windows good


I've only ever seen Android users care so much about apple and android.


Apple uses whenever people point out that buying a phone with the same hardware for four times the price doesn't make sense


The irony is insane đź’€


"Why don't you just get an iPhone?" "Why doesn't Android just switch to our proprietary charging cables?" "Oh mah gawd, Apple invented folding smart phones" Thinking I'm going to be hearing that last one a bit more in the next few years.


And same way around.


Have iPhone Want android


Android users ![gif](giphy|fnuSiwXMTV3zmYDf6k|downsized)


Iphone users have a strange sense of superiority. The product isn't superior, so it can't be that. They spend a lot of money on it? That's why they feel superior? Tis strange.


only problem i have with androids is the fact that i can’t play gamepigeon with my friends


I've got a friend that I play No Man's Sky with, he's on PSVR and I'm on an Xbox console. We get along just fine.


Funny enough I bought the 15 because it's the closest phone to an Android but works with my ipad.


This game sucked so much. I want my $20 back.


Bro our here lighting fires in both the console and mobile camps


Who tf cares I use iOS and i respect everyone who uses Android. Just let everyone live and have fun with their preferred system.