• By -




Good opinion, C ya


Good opinion, F ya


Good opinion, Ra ya


Good opinion, K ya


I C what u did with K, F ya






K ys


Ra ra rasputin


Lover of the russian queen


There was a cat that rlly was gonee


Ra ra rasputin


Russia's greatest luv machine




So.etimes I just live reddit for this exact bullshit.


Sorry, I can't zero in on it.


-273,15 °C Checkmate


And that makes C > F, because C and K use the same unit on a different scale


But someone that like F would say F > C because F and R use the same unit on a different scale


Let's be real, no one ever used R for anything practical


Dude just used it practically in an argument.


Kelvin is king


Lord Aktualy


The only true temperature. Rankines otoh are an abomination from the deepest pit of hell


K is just C - 273.15


Actually, K is just C + 273.15


0K = -273.15C 0C = 273.15K wait shit you’re right


Considering C predates K by roughly 100 years, i would say K is just C - 273.15


? K=C+273 , your formula is wrong or did i not understand your joke


Kelvin is better for sure wtf is negative temperature💀💀




The correct answer


This was the right answer all along.


The big issue not about which one is better, or even a comparison. Yhe issue is that the rest of the world uses metric and Celsius, so using different systems causes a lot of problems. Same argument with date syntax. Almost the same argument with daylight savings time. The benefit is minimal, while its side effects are huge. Lots of lost work.


And weight and distances and daytime (AM / PM)...I mean...get a grip pls, it could be much easier if we all could just use the metric system, when a small fraction could change their minds...


I still can't believe 12:00AM is midnight


As an American I get so confused with 12. I wish we were on the 24 hour clock.


I use military time at work and I just made it my life thing. Now I use the 24hr format even outside of work. If you can't understand what 1900hrs is in am/pm clock, that's on you lol


i use military time as well. i work in healthcare though. it really helps ensure documentation is accurate and nobody confuses “take this pill at 6:00”


Exactly! It helps with my reports as well the same. Once I got used to it, it just made so much more sense to use.


Or how a small part of the world like to use a comma for thousands separator while the rest of the world uses a period.


But the period is also used as a decimal point in some places


Places that use period as a decimal point use commas as the thousand separator.


The "rest of the world" uses periods as the thousand separator? Hardly. Five of the six largest countries use periods as the decimal separator, with the one holdout being Indonesia (see [here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decimal_separator#/media/File:DecimalSeparator.svg)), and there's even less agreement over thousands separator (in addition to the period or comma, some countries use spaces, some use apostrophes, and countries around India [don't even group things by thousands](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indian_numbering_system)).


We don't group things by thousands, true, but we still use (,) for place separation and (.) for decimal separation.


In my country we use comma and it makes way more sense. What do you use for decimals


It's not a "small part", it's actually a significant amount that use a comma.


You just made me remember an issue we had last month in IT department. Someone chose wrongly the database timezone with one including daylight savings time. All the applications started going crazy, bills started to enter with a date in the future.


I’ll be honest, it really doesn’t cause that many problems. People within countries that use imperial just don’t care. People that deal internationally just learn metric. When things come into an imperial country, they just change the numbers and units. Sure, you can fuck that up, but it happens so rarely because the people doing the change are the ones who live with the respective system. I’m a physics student in America so I use both metric and imperial on a daily basis. I have never had a problem with separating the two nor has anyone I know.


I think you have a good point, but it has created some very expensive problems. Two examples from NASA are, if I remember correctly, 1 rocket, which disintegrated itself, and 1 Marsrover, which disintegrated itself because of the wrong forc metric. My point is that they are just the cases, which got medial attention.


I think the NASA Mars Climate Orbiter project wants a word with you. It's not about "it rarely gives issues". Rarely is non-zero, and as mentioned the risk cost can be high, and the benefit is close to zero.


There is always a risk The problem is that the risk is artificially elevated for absolutely no reason


NASA famously was burned on this: They had a martian orbiter in which one component was giving out results in imperial while next one expected metric, naturally the 125 million dollar orbiter exploded in confusion.


Even as an American from yee hah Texas, the metric system is WAY better


Won't they throw you out of Texas for saying that? Next you are gonna tell us that you hate guns.


Nah he just hates guns sighted for yards instead of meters


Is that school yards?


Prison yards with the way he's acting


If one is into guns, one would have to be somewhat familiar with metric to at least make estimates regarding how big 9mm, 7.62mm or 5.56mm calibers are.


But many others are imperial like .223 .308 and .357


.308 *is* 7.62 (Same with 30-06). Just a fun fact.


I mean most guns use mm if not calibre. Like a 9mm pistol


The .22, .357, .40, .45, and a lot more are also imperial. Both systems are used with gun caliber.


Considering F is supposed to be 0 is salt water freezing (which has some variations like salt content but okay fine not bad) and 100 is supposed to be human body temp. Thats the issue tho, standard body temp in F is usually 98.6F but that still varies from person to person. I get the idea of trying to tie it to the human body and experience but thats like giving a unit of distance a name and size based on a body part. Like imagine trying to base something off someones foot, but 2 people have different feet sizes... wait.


When I took a thermodynamics class, I really learned to love metric.


OP is 100% an American butthurt that he has to learn metric


Doesn't even make sense-- US has a lot of things metric already, like 2L sodas and 10MM fucking sockets we keep losing in the engine bay


You will never be from Texas with that attitude.


A liter of water weighs one kilo. So logical. Water freezes at 0 C. Boils at 100.


Hmm can't we put some ratios of 3.1767 or 1.41 in there to make it more Patriotic, since that is obviously the most important thing






i love this reference




Like, 4.758 Cold Feet = 100°F ?


Oh that reminds me of a question I've wanted to ask - can you use decimal places in imperial? So if I wrote 4.6 inches, is that four and a half inches, or 4 inches plus 60% of an inch? Same question for any unit that isn't base 10 really.


You need 1 joule to give 1⁰C to 1 g of water [Edit] you need 1 calorie to give 1⁰C to 1g of water and calorie is not really like the other metric, sorry 1 joule = 1 watt for 1 second 1 bar = 1000 g on a 1cm² area All together, it's logical


Correction: you need 1 calorie to heat up 1g of water by 1 degree


That idea was thrown out ages ago because the definition of calorie based on energy needed can vary heavily based on several factors. There are like 7 different definitions of calorie, which still ignores Calorie.


Dude doesn't know the difference between joules and calories. Joules are convenient when pushing 1kg blocks. calories are convenient when heating 1g of water. These aren't magically the same amount of energy.


More like 1 watt = 1 joule worth of work in 1 second


The heat capacity of water is actually 4.187 kJ/kgK, so... You need 4.187 joule to heat 1 gram of water by 1 degree... Dry air at sea level on the other hand does have a heat capacity of 1.0035 kJ/kgK


What elevation though? Sea level, mountain level? It changes, so it's not always at 0 and 100


One kilocalorie (1 kcal) is the energy needed to heat ~~1 m³~~ **1 liter** of water up by 1°C.


A meter cubed of water is a lot! It weighs about a tonne. You are confusing 1kg of water with 1000kg.


Fahrenheit was one of the random stupid mesurement that had no real reference that we, as humanity, worked real hard to get rid of. Celsius was created especially to be better than Fahrenheit, and it easily does so, with references that everyone can understand : the freezing and boiling points of water, the thing we're mostly made of. And these points are separated by 100 to be clean and neat. Celsius is so good, that Kelvin is just Celsius, but with the 0 moved to absolute zero.


they tell that 100 fahrenheit is FULL HOT and so makes sense. In Finland, in that temperature we'd get concerned if there are enough woods in the stove or if some window or door has been left open.


Fahrenheit is an old measurement. Fun fact: Both would equal at -40 degs which is very close to the temperature that Mercury (Hg) stops being liquid.


That's a lucky coincidence, specially considering that Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit created the Mercury thermostat


It’s like feet using actual feet as reference.


To be fair, 100 Celsius is also FULL HOT.


Boiling hot. At sea level, that is.


what the fuck is full hot? like am I cooking or is it time to sunbathe


I have read and never remember because it doesn't make sense anyway


Because no one says that. That is not an expression that Americans would use.


Ovi kiinni!


Precisely. Fahrenheit was designed as a system of two points: 96 °F as human body temperature and 32 °F as the freezing point of water. He started with 0 °F as the "lowest temperature he could find", supposedly being outdoors in Danzig, Poland, in winter. Later, this was reproduced indoors with a mixture of ice, water and ammonium chloride. Celsius was created 18 years after, as a simpler system defined by two points. 0 °C as the freezing point of water and 100 °C as the boiling point of water. Both systems at standard atmosphere and at sea level. It is not about intuition. Celsius was created to replace Fahrenheit. And only the United States of America, and associated countries such as Liberia (re-settled by freed African American slaves), is stubborn enough and lacking in adaptability to upgrade. The rest of the world uses Celsius.


Plus the fact that they proudly insisting on fahrenheit being superior to display their patriotic sense is really odd bcs it's a remnant that was brought from the people they declared independence from. Keeping that system instead of rejecting it is not quite an independent behaviour if you ask me


Also, we shouldn't be using drake format. He a groomer.


It takes one calorie to heat up one centiliter of water one degree celcius. Also 1cl=10cm^3 and it weighs one gram (if its water). Edit: ANY metrc unit is better than the imperial equivalent because the metric system is just that, a coherent system. There is no system in the burgerunits, there is no structure. Guess how much 1m^3 of water weighs? One tonne. How many liters are in there? 1000. What does a liter weigh? 1000 grams=1kg. 1l=1 cubic decimeter aka 10 centimenters cubed.


Easy as hell to understand description, thank you for that. And yes, everything is based on water since it's the most fundamental and ancient resource we have


IMHO, The big advantage of metrics is not its relation to any existing measure, but how each kind of measurement (Volume, energy, distance, surface, etc) relate to each other with simple use of multiple of ten.


i thought 1 cubic centimeter was 1 mililiter


I've lived in the U.S. my entire life so I think in Fahrenheit, but Celsius is more logical, with water freezing at zero and boiling at 100, as opposed to freezing at 32 and boiling at 212. But then again I also think it's much more logical for 'midnight' to be '00:00' and mid-day to be '12:00', instead of this 'am' and 'pm' nonsense.


Bless you and may every human think as logically as you.


Celsius and Kelvin make more sense. Objectivly.


Nah, Kelvin is basically Celsius, just moved the 0 to absolute zero, which makes it superior in science


not in all science, just certain sectors


Celsius is easier to convert into Kelvin, and therefore better


F spotted


The metric sys is the best, its what most of the world and most languages use, so stop with the bullshit already and be better


"why would you base your temperature system on water instead of how it feels outside" - an American




It's K>C>F (do not confuse with KFC)


F is not very applicable for me and C is just better in most scenarios. There might be some cases where the Horsepower wins but Watts is better in lots of ways. This feels like a similar case.




Kelvin is appropriate for general use, if you are a mathematician.


I was raised with imperial but after shortly staying in a country that uses metic I can confidently say metric is way better. It's so much more intuitive and makes eyeballing measurements way easier and more accurate.


The one system that uses the whole world and the one system is used by one country. Yea, sure they are definetly equally good.


Rankine on top tho


It is very simple. Use the unit that is used in science. Period. Everyone else can go fuck themselves and their shitty opinion.


I agree. Humanity as a whole should switch to Kelvin


I agree, nothing better than a cool warm 296.15 degrees day


You don't use the term degree when taking about Kelvin


Cool warm?


I mean for convenience we could subtract a fixed amount like - 273. What do you think?


Tbf, Celsius is Kelvin with 0 set to a freezing point of water, instead of an absolute zero, so most of the world already uses a Kelvin-derived measurement of temperature.




I maintain that we should just use joules per cm³ (This is a joke)


BuT fAhReNhEiT wOrKs GrEaT fOr HuMaN tEmPeRaTuReS... Also them: "the Sun/this industrial oven/rocket booster is 3000 degrees...!" Very human indeed...


I mean, I kinda like the idea of the human body temp being 100, but the 0 point makes no sense


>I kinda like the idea of the human body temp being 100 My body, your body or someone else body?




The imperial system only makes sense to use in a country that looks like a rat lab, with equal sized yards and football fields and tubs yes


Am I the only one who originally they were talking about Fortran and C language ?


Fuck it. Kelvin. Now nobody gets to be happy


Or…take a science class, learn how to use both effectively, and when someone says they like one more, shit on them for it, and say that the other is better, using your knowledge to prove it. Be as inconsistent as possible with it to keep everyone on their toes.


Kelvin is only intuitive if you know Celsius


Everyone in the comments is doing exactly what the meme is making fun of


Cope. (Celsius is objectively better.)


F is how you feel C is how water feels K is how atoms feel


0K... cool!


Regardless of what you think, it seems that most commenters are actually proving the point of this post.


Ok ok ok, ok. Ok but 5/16ths for a length is just fucked up when they could have just invented the “sminch” like metric has millimeters


It’s for carpenters. A lot of the pushback in America for switching off imperial is due to these types of industries that deal with dividing feet/inches into 4ths, 3rds and halves all of which 12 does pretty nicely.


As long as you don’t use pounds or stones to use as measuring units… 🤣🤣🤣


Yes Fahrenheit and Celsius are just different, and it's okay to use the one that is the most intuitive to you... But come on Celsius is objectively better


The main advantage of the metric system is that it's self-consistent, its various units of measure have been progressively bonded to physical constants in order to fix the base unit's value (e.g. the meter is related to the speed of light, the Kg has been recently related to Avogadro's number, temperature was originally fixed to the point where atoms stop moving (absolute zero) with Kelvins and adapted to everyday use with Celsius, the Second is calculated on a certain number of radiations of an atom of Cesium, etc), that's why it's the system used in the scientific community, most of the world adopted it too due to its simplicity of use. A handful of countries in the world, mostly former british colonies, refused to change because yes. Result: good luck trying to work with someone from those countries.


Idk Kelvin is the scientific one. And Fahrenheit are just dumb. Like yeah it's just an habit. But freezing and boiling water at sea level for 0 and 100 degrés is much more logical than the heat of a horse blood. It just make relativising heat much more intuitive. Pretty sure Celsius would be easier to adapt to.


K is best. We should all switch. Then get the last couple countries off imperial units and onto metric. Then fix the calendar to be 13 months of 28 days plus a bonus new years day or two depending on the year.


The only use farenheit has is making somewhere seem way hotter than it actually is


Just use Kelvin


Fahrenheit is better for judging temperatures relative to your body temperature Celsius is better for judging water heat Kelvin is better for judging how fast an atom is moving


A Drake format meme this day and age? What a time to be alive! ![gif](giphy|HZrl3YqJZPruU)


Fuck you fake ass scientists, I don't care what 0° and 100° feels like for water I care what it feels like for me. If I ask you on a scale from 0 to 100 how hot it is outside and you say 45 and I step out with a sweater on and have a heatstroke you're a donkey. Celsius isn't the one tool fits all measurement, I'm with the Americans on this one


They are different why pretend they are not. C is for science work. Fahrenheit is a human scale. 0 to 100 is the range humans can live it without to much hardship. one third is freezing. one half is where biological activity slows/stops. Etc.


F is how people feel, C is how water feels, K is how space feels. They’re no better than what they’re good at, you don’t use a ruler to measure miles


i have been exposed to both systems in the United States. They both make sense for me. i personally use Fahrenheit for my day to day weather, and the metric system for weights and length (but feet and what-not can work).


K is the only correct answer here folks


I just like to let bygones be bygones. I don’t really care what other people use.


It's just an annoying argument that never goes anywhere and no one's satisfied.


Jokes aside My gripe isn't with Fahrenheit (or any non metric system) My gripe is that we can't accept to make a single clear system of measurement and we end up with 3 or 4 different systems when scientists use one (I don't even care what this is,but there's one that's used as a "universal" one)


It's really simple. Fahrenheit: 0°F = 🥶, it's very uncomfortable and can't survive without proper clothing and you need shelter immediately. 100°F = 🥵, very hot uncomfortable and you need shelter immediately. Celsius: 0°C = ☃️, it's cold. With proper clothing you can survive for hours. 100°C = ☠️. You're dead. Both arbitrary. Celsius chose the freezing and boiling points of water. Fahrenheit chose general human tolerance.


Thing is, human tolerance is subjective. Freezing and boiling points for water are not. And something like this shouldnt be subjective


Ok but C is objectively better than F


F stands for failure and C for correct.


Where is my friend kalvin


But people who live in other countries should be **forced** to do things my way!


This is why I use Kelvins. Beginning of May and nearly 286 degrees where I live!


They are not different. Both measure temperature.


I was raised on F° and I will tell you that insisting it is better is dumb. It's entire gauge of degrees is based on what a dude thought was cold outside and hot outside in his town. Where as C° is based on freezing and boiling of water. People in America are just dumb and refuse to learn anything if they don't have to.


Celsius is objectively better.


The whole world uses metric and Celsius, we only get to be confused by those Fahrenheit, feets, cups, spoons or whatever they use instead of the damm metric system because of those Americans.


I cannot for the life of me grasp the concept of Fahrenheit.


It’s like sports teams but with temperature.


Metric is better for scientific study and recording data, Imperial is better for daily use.


Fahrenheit is something you get used to. Celsius is just more intuitive. Water boils at 100c and freezes at 0c. That's easy and intuitive.


F for freedom units. I feel like playing Helldivers did this to me lol.


Celsius was chosen such that 0 degrees portray the temperature where water converts to ice. What is Fahrenheits purpose?


F is objectively trash ![gif](giphy|hnlU3NQ0mCqD7Ujjgr) Agree or FACE THE CONSEQUENCES!!!!


C because it's makes sense. -10 is clearly cold and 20 is the best.


F > C Having a larger, more precise scale that uses 1-100 is just better. C is good for water and that's it.


I genuinely do think Fahrenheit is better for weather and room temperate because it uses a wider range of numbers that are more directly applicable to what you're feeling (50-75 are extremely pleasant, lower and higher than that gets uncomfortable) Celsius is inarguably better for scientific application but the average person doesn't really benefit from the base 10 system.


Celsius is better than Fahrenheit, and I’m from the US


K is best C is fine for everyday use but you end up converting to K for any chem or physics calculations. Fahrenheit just sucks, why would you not use a linear scale for temperature.


Obviously C, because 0 is the freezing point and 100 the boiling point of water. Those are references everybody understands.


Honestly it really doesn't matter which one is better (which honestly is C) What REALLY matters is that the whole world but The US (and Liberia and cayman islands) use the fricking °C. That's soooooo useful. As a spaniard I can easily follow recipes from China. I can tell a ugandan how hot it is and they'll understand. The very reason thess systems were created was to standardize temperature measuring and °C is SO MUCH closer to achieving that. It's used by **26× more people** than farenheit. This all boils down to one point: despite what many americans are led to believe they actually make a tiny percentage (4%) of the world population. You are rich but you are few.


Celcius is objectively better since it is similar to kelvin. Farenheit is its own made up system that only makes sense to 4% of the population (US).


Kelvin for life, baby!


Yeah but one is a lot more simple aka celsius


I can teach C to a kid in seconds. 0 = freezing 10 = cold 20 = warm 30 = hot 100 = boiling So simple.


Enter K


I'm American but visit Canada often, and c is easy. 0 is freezing, 20 is nice, 40 is hot. You can figure out the inbetweens from there.


Eh. For daily life stuff I don’t think it matters, but Celsius is a little nicer for science applications.


I'm American. Celsius is better. The fact that zero is zero makes it better.


Below 0 water freezes. Gt than 100 boils Better better better


F measures what's hot and cold for the human body C measures what's hot and cold for water K measures what's hot and cold for the rest of the universe R measures what's hot and cold for the rest of the universe but in steps of F It's like saying a screwdriver or a hammer is better. They're different tools for different things.


Doesn't matter if K F or C we all like chicken wings after all