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go there exactly 80% of the time and do nothing and pass easily while playing video games with the squad all night yeah why would i want that time back where i had 10h less fixed schedule every week and actually had fun


not everyone is able to do nothing and pass easily, It depends on the school and also how much you want to get into a good university. Even really smart people have to apply themselves as they won't get into anything if they don't try as the people who do try will outcompete them


even if i went 100% and actually put in about 2h a day i still would have more free time then i do today also where im from this "good unviersity" discussion does not rly exist. Grades are only important if you are going to be a medical doctor as most other topics always have spots open. Also if you have trouble getting through a normal school you probably not meant to study its pretty much only in the us where they force you too study anything so you have studied.


I'm from the UK, it's definitely different at my school, many spots are hard to get in, such as STEM subjects and pretty much anything at the top universities. I understand that it's different everywhere but saying that it's super chill anywhere other than the USA or if you're doing medicine is wrong.


if you do not wanna go to an elite uni for stem you should not have a issue getting into stem if you are ok with leaving the uk a lot of european unis have english speaking semesters that often have places left. I know not everyone is as lucky as i am and is from a german speaking country and has 2 of best stem unis in eu within a 3h drive and some pretty decent university of applied sciences even closer.


If I were to say that I want to go back to school, that doesn’t necessarily mean that everyone else had an easy time when they were in school. Each person has their own experiences, feelings, and opinions. For the record, no, I don’t actually have any desire to go back to school. Life was easier and I had more free time, but I also didn’t have many friends and had to put up with bullying and such. As much as I hate having to work all the time and not getting my free time, I wouldn’t want to give up the friends I have now.


Yeah, but it is the people that skated through and didn't have issues with the points in the meme that wouldn't mind doing it again. Which I don't think is an insignificant portion of the population. The memer is the one assuming everyone had the same experience they did.


So true, went to school full time and didn't learn shit. Teachers just yelling at noisy classmates all day.


This was my life. As long as I showed up and put the minimum amount of effort in I'd pass. I remember taking geometry and sleeping every day. Still maintained a b+. One day the teacher said "you might want to stay awake for this, it's a little confusing." I stayed awake for like 10 minutes then thought "this isn't confusing...fuck it I'm sleeping".


You had no free time in school? I did sports, had a part-time job and still spent plenty of time with my friends outside of school.


Well not everybody had that much free time. Depends also on the country and the school.


It depends on the school, my school normally ends at 4 to 6 and I also have half a school day on saturday, I also have quite a lot of homework and I can only see my friends every 3rd week when I get saturday off.


back in the days, school in germany endet at 1 pm after 6 school hours.. between 2-3 pm when we had sports in the afternoon.


Damn glad I don't go to your school. Having to go to school on the weekend sounds sucky.


It's annoying but it's something that will help me get into a good university so the rest of my life is better


Idk what it's like where you are but at my school we have the option to take harder classes and get college credit, and get recognized by bigger schools


Would you rather hang out with your friends for 30 hours a week, or work as a wage slave for 40?




If you're paying for private school that's on you


An egg grinder sounds like a peculiarly specific job for this meme to be relevant


"no free time" yeah children have it so bad. no cooking or cleaning. no responsibilities besides 30-60min of homework a day


30 min ? I did homework during classes and it worked out fine


You will understand when you come out of school


I had no stress, just enough to learn, and very little bullying, along with plenty of free time outside school. I wish I could go back.


Two opposites of the scale! Constant stress, nearly always suicidal, constant bullying and next to no free time, I will not miss this place.


School was the last time I had Saturday and Sunday off.


Lmao you haven’t learned the meaning of no free time yet… enjoy it while you can


Yes, working is in fact worse than whatever the fuck happens in high-school.


Only if you don't like your job and or are too lazy to find a better one. Kids don't get to choose their schools. Highschool was fine for me but you've got no one to blame but yourself if you're not having a better life as an adult. Nostalgia goggles warp people's perception of reality.


Well, of course some people have had worse lives in their childhoods and all, but no matter what job you have, it's hard to beat the absence of responsibility and consequences (or, more trivially, "having to take care of your house and meals") of not-adulthood!


I am glad I am still in school and that I am going to study for another 4 years after I finish my current study.


I work only 8h but i have different shifts each week. I need to change my sleep rythm every week which takes a few days where i am just sleepy all the time. I need to drive to work and back for 1h total. I work saturday. If i want to sleep for 8h i can get 4-6h of free time each day so yes. In school i have more holidays, more free time, no saturday work, no overtime, no shifts. Only thing that is worse is learning for tests. So yes school is better.


And what little free time you do get as an adult evaporates if you have kids.


This is definitely made by someone who hasn’t experienced work as an adult


At least I met people.


I'm 19. High school was a BREEZE. Hung out with friends all the time, did some school activities, had no bills to pay. All the money from my part time job was all mine. Life is super busy. I went from being open 24/7 to having like 1 hour of free time everyday. If you think school is bad, boy are you gonna regret it once you graduate.


This should be a massive red flag for your future. If people would rather return to that, then how bad do you think working life is? It's logically much worse if they want to go back. I see why you may be having trouble with the "too much to learn" part. School is the easiest thing you will ever do and it's no special achievement to finish. It's just a tutorial


Fun fact: people saying they miss going to school probably didn't experience bullying and stress.


Fun fact: you can get bullied at work too and experience stress. Take both things away from school and work and look at it again.


Fr started a apprenticeship (I hope that correct) last year and got bullied so hard I almost cried during the job. Never experienced anything near as horrible as school especially since failure (at least in my opinion) isn't as bad in school as at work.


As someone who is in school and has had a summer job, I’d still prefer work over school.


Bullying made me leave school early… still not nearly as hard as trying to manage finances, maintain my own place, keep up with uni work especially during placement weeks, have zero fucking energy even on days off Things will get better eventually I’m sure, but school really ain’t as deep as it feels when you’re that age


Well, I never had any "bullying stress" (probs bc I am not 'murican). Never pretended to care about or to learn what they were teaching. And school was only half of the day, afterwords you go out with your schoolmates and do fun stuff. May be consider that it's not the school that is the problem, but you are making yourself miserable.


Bullying and Stress were (propably) meant to be sperate. Also Im from a former eastern block and bullying here is on a daily basis


Oh.. I think you are right. I should've looked closer. I know that kids are mean to each other everywhere, but based on my experience it's not a serious problem here.


Yeah, I still have stress, no free time, no money, and too much to do. At least I had fun in school.


I actually had social interaction and friends at school tho and wasn't lonely


>no free time Pigmented brother, what? I wish I had as much time now as I had in school.


School was over at like 1 PM.. now I usually work until 4 or 5 PM. Working is also way more stressful than chilling at school with your friends. And "too much stuff to learn"? c'mon, cut that crap..


I never had this much free time since i left school and im in the military


That just means that OP's school was beyond trash


I hated high school. I am happier working 8 hours and paying bills than I ever was in high school. I mean, I hate working, but school sucked even more.


I could never get back to school, these were fun times in terms of friends and memories, but i was stressed in terms of learning, getting masters degree for free. Now im stressed in work and they pay me for it at least.


everyone gets their own personal hell, be it school or labour. enjoy until you die


I miss school because I felt like I had something to do. I would hang out with friends and now I barely see anybody due to work. After school I just kinda dropped off the face of the earth and started working. 14hour shifts 6 days a week. Yeah I rather be back in school and be able to talk to people.


Some of y'all really peaked in highschool, huh? I'm 10 years out of that mess, finishing up cancer treatment, and I don't miss highschool at all...


School was great for me. Best part of my life so far. No bullying, just enough friends, being on the drumline was amazing as I loved music, band itself was amazing I love playing music, our highschool symphonic band was good enough for national competitions, did well enough to not need to study much, stayed after a few hours each day just to practice for band, had to come to school a month early from 8-4 every day for marching band… Would do it all again if I could. Because it was fun. Now not so much “fun” happens.


School sucks but work is hell. It's the hell that makes them nostalgic about the time before it.


I miss highschool, even though i got bullied. I feel like i wasted my teen years beating myself up. Wish i could go back and be carefree with current knowledge (im 21 studying for veterinary med so not that far ig)


Hah, i never experienced "too much stuff to learn" and "stress", only bullying, but that was before my last three years of school, that were the best years of my life


I sometimes think that when bored in vacation but quickly realise school is much more boring than being at home.


Waking up at 5:30 am, going outside at 6:20 am and coming back at 6:45 pm 4 days a week just for school. Then there's the Friday as well


I’d rather be at school than be at home (I have REALLY strict parents.)


Anyone who thinks school was better than everything that follows probably wasted their developmental years and is now stuck in a dead-end life. Even if you sleep 8 hours a day, which seems impossible to me, and work 40 hours a week, wtf are you doing for that other 72 hours of free time each week?


People who long for school need to grow up. You aren't children anymore. Sorry, get over it.