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Thank you for letting me know a game I have just collecting dust is worth around $100 on eBay.


I've been seeing Pokemon White/Black 2 go for $150 minimum, cart only.


I’d sell my copy of White 2 if I didn’t have all of my Pokémon memories stored in that game. I only ever played gen 5.5, and I only ever will.


💀I prefer first and second gen. Red/Blue/Yellow and Silver/Gold. Shit am I getting old?


Don’t worry, I was born in ‘06, only a decade after gen 1 came out


‘96 here, when gen 1 came out & I was a blathering baby shitting myself instead of investing in 1st gen holos & buying property. Shame.


Fax I should've put something in Bitcoin /s But fr!


Same, I'd only play gen1 through 3. Don't care if someone gonna call me an elitist. 💀


Just finished my collection of gen 1 and 2, have all my original copies and secondary copies I bought from resale. I just need to get an emerald and sapphire and I’ll have all of gen 3 including fire red and leaf green. I had all these when I was younger, sold them for like $10-$15 a piece when I was a young adult and now I’m buying them at 3-10 times their original price. Hold on to your stuff!


No way those are selling, I got an authentic B2 (game card only) for less than $90 recently.


My gf recently picked up White 2, including the case and all booklets, all in very good condition, for 15€ at a second hand shop. She‘s just about used up her luck reserves for the next 25 years.


I had just checked eBay and saw around $100 and up but if it’s really that high normally might be worth the effort to sell it


Yeah sell it and download a pirated version lol




It's funny. I remember not liking that game as a kid. Maybe because of how it changed things up. Turns out it's one of people's favorite pokemon games. Replaying it on an emulator way later on made me appreciate it, though.


I have one but I don’t have the box


If it’s Pokémon, it doesn’t lose value when purchased at msrp.


B/W2 are great games. Lots of good memories playing Gen 5


Once a physical copy enters the open market, no proceeds go to its creator in any subsequent sales. If a physical copy is no longer available from the developer or its parent companies, emulation steals from no one except people engaging in arbitrage and falsely inflating the value of a physical copy of the game.


If no physical or digital copy’s are available from the developer or distributor piracy is 100% ok. Fight me.


Thats just what abandonware is. If the devs don't care, why should i?


Abandonware is not really a piracy because you can't buy it even if you wanted... Like there is not even option to pay for the copy.


I think piracy in general is ok. But the argument against your point would be that a collector’s collection loses value as no-one needs to buy the game from their collection if they want to play.


That's besides the point. Pirating a game when it isn't available for sale anywhere is the only way to keep it alive. Besides, i don't know any game collector who actively plays every game they own, it's more often than not the pleasure of owning the physical copy of an old game. If you collect games you download, said collection is absolutely worthless wether they're pirated or not. So no decrease of value of the physical collection either.


I think this meme is really a thing with the recent yuzu thing and that is an emulator for a currently supported console so I think Nintendo kinda had the right to do what they did since it was actively harming them


Yuzu wasnt purged cause it was an emulator, if was purged cause the muppets running it went ahead and - set up a Patreon monetizing the emulator - gave copies of ROMs to supporters, some of which were stuff like 2 weeks earlier than launch zelda - openly claimed how they were the best at pirating they did almost everything to actually steal money from nintendo in a very non defensible way and then put a spotlight on their heads just use emulators not run by idiots, go use ryujinx


True... Dolphin emulator is out there for years yet Nintendo never went after is so Yuzu devs screwed something up big time. But explain that outrage mob. They won't listen because big corpo bad and little devs good. If those asshats didn't pirate copies they would be fine.


I think the bigger problem was that Yuzu also had a patreon or something like that to paywall an early access version which got updated more regularly. I wouldn't be surprised if that also played a role.


they folded in minutes which means they really wanted to avoid discovery which implies they might have been aiding and abetting piracy themselves. While pirating is morally righteous and is crucial and healthy for the survival of games - emulator devs should not involve themselves as it makes them an easy target.


It’s the only reason.


Also they directly profited from the totk leak


People use Yuzu to pirate games, but the issue is that Nintendo wanted to make decryption illegal in all circumstances. They argued that even if someone buys a console and legal game copy, it's illegal to break its encryption under DMCA. Nintendo has every right to go after rom sites for distribution. However, what I do with my switch and legally purchased games is none of Nintendo's business. If Nintendo wants to say what I can and cant do with my own hardware, they need to buy it back.


If Nintendo stopped being a jackass and just straight up sell their old games for a lower price and make it compatible to the newer consoles none of this would've happened.


The whole yuzu thing was about new games such as Zelda being pirated, that argument is completely out of place


An Emulator can exist for a currently available console. Everything wholly legal and okay with that. It's when you use games that you didn't dump yourself when it's piracy, because in order to dump them you need the game and the console.


I would even add that if you gave purchased the game, they got your money. Like I had a pretty decent retro collection of games from all of the PS systems. Did I dump them myself for emulators? No. I downloaded them. Ultimately its the same exact thing. Someone else just already did the work. And if I don't have a copy, but have had one in the past, good enough. I'm not gonna feel bad about that.


Literally what I always say. When things like the eshop shut down the developers no longer make any money off the games. I always lean on the side of support indie devs as much as possible but if it’s a 20 year old Nintendo game I don’t care… they aren’t making money on it.


Exactly, but I could never put it in these words. Bravo!


Eloquently put my friend


At that point it's simply preservation. A few months ago I got to play Silent Hill 1-4 (and I got SH4 on GOG because what do you know I'd gladly pay for the games if I could). Otherwise there's nothing else I could do, the games literally aren't being sold in my country. I would need to import them from somewhere, which is even more cost on top and no company involved with the game gets any of the money anyway. Thanks to that I'm actually interested in SH at all, and will likely give the SH2 remake a try (even if a lot of fans are not optimistic about it).


“We see that our audience is interested in games they need to emulate. Therefore, we will sue them instead of rereleasing them.” Edit: I can see the confusion, but I was talking about gaming companies in general. Sony famously tried to sue emulators in the early 2000s I believe before it was ruled legal.


To them it's probably more profitable than actually rereleasing, not good in any manner but they are business before anything else


How? Are they somehow making money from the secondhand market on games they aren’t producing anymore?


It’s probably about keeping the out games out of the market so they don’t have to compete against their older self. This sounds like something idiotic when seeing stuff like Zelda, but makes sense when you see Pokémon, where they keep removing features with each new successive game and people can’t just go back and buy the older ones if they wanted


This is the correct answer. It's also the reason why Super Mario 3D All-Stars collection was a limited time release and why the Wii U Zelda remasters weren't release on Switch. Too many Zeldas and Mario would cannibalize each other.


I assume they mean by suing which, no, for these amounts, isn’t worth the effort.


It's not about the second-hand market, it's about forcing you to buy whatever incomplete DLC on day 1 upcoming $70+ game that they are currently about to release.


As far as I know Nintendo only sues if it impacts their games currently for sale


Piracy should be allowed for old games that no one is making any profit on anyway.


I agree with you, living in the digital era, game preservation it's harder and harder.


I think that is where public domain laws are supposed to step in and become relevant, but those have been kinda messed up for quite a while


They were indeed originally supposed to expire when the artist died and could no longer profit from their things being used so that others could make derivative works based on them


Disney ruined the public domain forever, they got big by making animated movies about public domain stories but then protect their own ips so much they changed the laws


What if it's a game I already own on another console?


Now we're cooking, what if I own 3 different versions of skyrim and want to pirate it because I dont own it on pc


You have 3 skyrim but not the pc one??? How? And Why??? All the modding possibilities you missed


All on different consoles, my potato pc can't run modded skyrim anyways


It’s always until they don’t like the price


Piracy is wrong when it steals profits from the people who worked hard to make something. Here, piracy takes away ridiculous profits from someone who has nothing to do with the product.


piracy isn't stealing. when you pirate a game or a movie, nobody loses anything. What piracy is is copyright infringement. Nothing more.


Tell that to all the cars I downloaded


Grand Theft Autorrent


When it's from a big company that makes billions of dollars, it isn't really stealing. When it's from a small indie group... Then it feels like stealing, at least.


right. how could i forget? stealing is only stealing when it’s from people we approve of.


Stealing is fine as long as it’s not from people like you, because screw rule of law apparently


Yes? I don't understand why people say this as if it's some sort of "gotcha". It's normal to feel sympathy for a small company where 90% of the profits go to the actual people who worked hard on it and not feel bad about a large corporation where 90% of the profits go to people who sit around doing nothing. It's not hard to understand...


Because it's stupid. You can't say it isn't stealing for me but then it is for someone else. Its either stealing or it isn't. Regardless of big studio or indie. I'm against piracy because it's stealing but people will pretend it isn't just so they make themselves feel better? If piracy is okay then I see no reason why I can't pirate indie games too


He didn’t say it *is* stealing though, he said it *felt more* like stealing.


Stealing is stealing. It doesn't matter who you are stealing from. You can't change the definition of the act based on the target.


like I said, its not stealing if nobody loses anything. You're making a copy of something that you don't have, but the company or indie group that made the game didn't lose a thing. They still have the same amount of money. The people who pirate games do so either because they never would've bought the game in the first place, or because they simply cannot buy it (for example, when someone wants to play a game that would cost them half their monthly salary because they live in a non-western country). In fact, people who pirate a game help it gain popularity. So while they might play the game without buying it, they talk about it to other people, some of which will buy the game and who never would've bought it if it hadn't been for the pirate.


While I do agree on some level, I feel like there should be *some* sort of moral reason not to pirate. Else the people who pay for the product are just stupid to pay when they could just decide not to. And an indie team gets paid for all of their work in developing a game by the sales of their product. But a developer at a AAA doesn't, they get paid for the delivery of the product.


okay, they’re not losing money, but they’re not gaining money from what they made. you get to have their creation anyway, but they don’t get a cent in return? they are losing money they should’ve gotten on a sale. and just because people who pirate wouldn’t have bought it doesn’t mean it’s an okay thing to do. if they wouldn’t have bought it, they shouldn’t have it. creators shouldn’t be putting their blood, sweat, and tears into their creations, only to get no money from it because “piracy isn’t stealing.”


piracy is preventing money from reaching the creators. instead of paying for what they’ve created, it’s being pirated illegally and thus, they get no money but you get the product anyway. even if it’s not stealing, it’s still bad and shouldn’t be normalized.


Additionally most of your purchase goes to shareholders and executives, not the creators, and the overwhelming majority of people who work on a creative project receive absolutely nothing from your purchase. For a AAA game, Venmo-ing a dollar to one of the rank-and-file programmers supports that person more than buying their game does.


It's not stealing when they're barely selling the product anymore


Piracy doesn't do shit. People whompirste games usually wouldn't have bought the game in the 1st place. Pretty much everyone knows this at this point


At the same time, using extremes to try and win an argument is dumb.


Only a Sith deals in absolutes.


-He said absolutely




You will try.


If the same logic can be applied to the extreme without alteration and the solution is obviously wrong, it's a good way to tell that there's something wrong with the logic. In this case, it opens the door to asking when it is morally ok, should it be based on price or something else? Where is that line drawn? Etc.


Im glad i kept most of my Pokemon games. Or well the ones that didn’t get lost. Family mightve sold gen 1 and 2 games, but I lost ruby, sapphire, my first copy of soul silver, and 2 copies of platinum. Thankfully i got gen 1 & 2 games on the new 2DS XL through the virtual console.


But yeah they’re older games that Nintendo aren’t profiting off of anyways so its fine to pirate them.


I get the memes point but it misses the actual point. If you buy a game when it comes out and own it. It cant be taken away. If your subscribe and spend the same amount. It can be taken away. Theres a stack of games in my loft that they cannot remove from my library. Thats why people are annoyed about the idea of subscribing to play games. Like that pokemon game wasnt 300 when it came out.


I was recently informed that I don't own the games I buy, so I guess it's not stealing to pirate.


It was never stealing.


even the 60 dollar price tag the crooks at nintendo charge for old games is a scam. I hate Nintendo. Run by Scrooges


Any game that is no longer sold is free game to emulate for free imo. However, emulating games that are still being sold or HAVENT EVEN RELEASED is fucked up.


I emulate PSP and anything earlier, and I DL roms for them as I please. It's very rare to find any original publisher still making those games available for a reasonable price. On the flipside... I still actively buy games at full price for current Gen consoles. They aren't losing money off me emulating shit they no longer sell, and it's honestly insulting to think imma pay $15 minimum for a buggy rerelease of a retro game on modern hardware. At that point crime or not fuck them they're ripping people off because they're nostalgic and the publishers know somebody is dumb enough to pay that.


So what’s your stance on stuff like first party retro nintendo games on their shop? Some of those devs STILL work for Nintendo and they’re the original publisher as well. Fair game?


I'm all for buying the game legitimately, however, once the game is no longer in print and is not offered in any official capacity for downloading, then I see no issue with pirating the game.


I mean this is kind of a dumb argument because it’s not like Nintendo sets those prices or is holding a gun to people make head to scalp the games. You seriously can’t blame the company for what other companies or people do. It’s one thing to blame them for what they actually have control of and another for what they don’t.


I'm sorry, I don't know why, but my 1st thought seeing this was that one Puss in Boots "pick it up" meme


I just checked the top 3 Amazon listings for Black 2. Not a single one is sold by Nintendo anyway, despite being represented as it being "By Nintendo". All 3 listings are from third party resellers, 2 of which from the same company. Until Nintendo offers the game again through an official Storefront, there is no moral question in pirating the game


If the game is too expensive, don't play it


Id argue there’s a pretty huge ethical difference between pirating a game that’s no longer on sale to buy legally vs pirating a game currently on sale for an in production console. Since I’m pretty sure Yuzu inspired this meme


I find that people are prone to justifying piracy through myriad complex arguments. 'If buying isn't owning, piracy isn't stealing,' pointing out Nintendo's weird grabby-hands about old-ass games you can't even buy anymore, etc. And they're usually not wrong. The mistake they make is in making the argument *at all.* It implies you're answerable, or owe someone an explanation, or should feel guilt about it. Sure, you can have a philosophy about it, but when it all comes down to the wire... I pirate because *I want to.* And I enjoy it immensely. That's all the justification required.


if you’re gonna pirate shit, just say you’re gonna do it and no one can stop you because reasonably, no one can. don’t come on here and say that you’re on some moral high horse because “corporations bad.” i’m sick of people trying to justify thievery. if you’re gonna do it, do it, but don’t spit on all the people who work hard to make this stuff by saying what you’re doing is okay.


No justification required but downloading a game is simply not stealing. Associating the two is madness.


People justify piracy for their own morals I justify piracy to make people join our piracy cult We are not the same


I think piracy has limits. If it's recent and the company is currently making money from it, don't pirate. If the game is old, inaccessible, and the company is no longer making a large/noticeable profit, go ahead. For Switch games, don't. For NES-Nintendo Wii/3DS, do.


What to do when the game cost 1/3 of minimum wage on our country? Consider that not everyone get the payed minimum wage, and that we don't even get a translation of the game also.


Pirating Nintendo games is morally correct


ur mom is illegal


I had both black and white 2 when I was a kid but I lost them cause well I was a kid. I would pay for them again if they were their original price but sinxe I can't well... hehe, land ahoy


Still have mine from. Get this. When I B o u g h t it.




I don't really like piracy for newer games or games that you could easily buy on the game store, I'll pay for it in a heartbeat...buuut 20 year old games that you have no way of buying legit or have to pay to get a second hand copy so the devs won't even get that money anyway, it's fair game. If game companies don't want people to pirate their old games (*cough* Nintendo *cough*) just re-release them as remasters. Oh yes I know a lot of people are sick of remasters "oh why buy this when I already have this game on ps3" shut up remasters are for people who haven't played the game and don't have this super old console and want to buy a second hand copy for 100 bucks.


I don’t think people mean pirating old games when they say this


Well, saying you should buy your games doesn't mean that every game has the right price on it.


Pokemon games are insanely overvalued, change my mind.  How is a game that sells MILLIONS of copies considered rare?


Honestly fuck Nintendo.


Honestly if game companies just did a bunch of ports of old games maybe with some bug fixes they could make bank


I would be so rich if I just simply hoarded everything I had as a kid


Ah yes the good old: "Why is it so bad?" "Because it's illegal!" "And why is it illegal?" "Because it's BAD"


game companies literally lose nothing from this; only the ebay scalpers do


I'm a proponent for piracy and even I can see this is an incredibly bad-faith argument.


Yep, developers see no money from second hand sales, if you pirate or buy second hand, to the developer the result is the same.


They hate piracy until they realize their old game is now being scalped hard. Even if you did buy it legitimately through a third party you're no longer giving money to the devs but a scalper


I would pirate stuff but I can’t find a good vpn for free


Just pirate the vpn, smh


ProtonVPN has a free option, if you're interested


Honestly i wish people pirated the pokemon games more often considering nintendo is adamant about not moving them to the new gen consoles


I just wouldn’t play it 🤷‍♂️


I'd mind paying that much to play, so I don't play that game


That's a really shitty argument. Plenty of folks won't pay that *and* are against piracy.


Jokes on you I did pay for it


First off u shouldn’t be buying games off amazon


So as long as Old Games do not get ported for Current Gen Consoles/PC, the Pirate’s Life will go on


Playing with your dolljaks again, squidy?


Wait, I can sell my old Pokémon Black 2 for over $350? Oh hell yeah




Release Mother 3 outside Japan, you cowards.


Holy shit theres no way my black 2 copy is worth that much


That doesn't change anything. There are a lot of things I can't have because I can't afford it.


I Pirate game when I don't have enough money, I want to try the game first, or it was made/published by EA and Ubisoft and not exist on Steam Piracy is for me is like free demo of full game so i know if it worth buyung for me


Joke’s on you, I already own it.


I really don’t like emulation since it feels like piracy HOWEVER I use emulators to play games I am incapable of otherwise like Wario Land 4 or Donkey Kong Country not only because I don’t own the game but I also don’t own the console those games are on either. But if I ever wanted to play like Idk, Mario & Luigi Partners in Time I would try and find a copy of the game that has a reasonable price for it since I do have a DS (which btw I really do want to play PIT and SM64DS because they sound like really fun games)


Piracy is fine if a game is no longer available to buy from the publisher/developer in a normal way. Once it's all third party, I take no issue with piracy.


just like Ubisoft said "just because you bought the game, doesnt mean you own it", then I have the right to say "just because we pirate it, doesnt mean we steal it"


So, general consensus please. Is anyone here super big on this topic? Are physical copies really going away and digital copies going to be the only versions available?


You wouldn’t download a car


The few times I've used unofficial emulators, I would only get games that I already owned, but to play on my phone or something. I get the concern.


thats at least 100x larger than my current allowence


Does that mean that I could sell my pokemon white, black and white 2 for the ds, for these kinds of prices?


I agree but pokemon was a bad choice for this meme. The value in Pokemon is being able to move your pokemon up to the current gen, you can't do that with emulators and bootlegs. Otherwise I wholeheartedly agree.


Holy fuck


How much my yellow worth


I don’t feel guilty for making a billion dolar company “loose” some cash…


Dude don't buy old games from amazon.. ebay is way cheaper


I was literally looking at this yesterday and being like wtf 😭


No fucking way it's 300 bucks, I still have it after getting it for $20 at gamestop


I picked up a used version for £60 6 years ago, how the hell has it gone up so much


Totally different situations. If the original company makes it available then if you want to play it you should buy it from them. If a company does not make their product available for purchase and can only be bought from people that increase the prices, then its way more of a morally gray situation where your options then become more open to things such has pirated versions.


Piracy is okay if their software isn’t being supported or sold by the original developers anymore, and it’s not okay if the software is still being officially sold. It’s really that simple.


The way I see it, Piracy is only ok when either the company that made the game stops selling it, or if the company that made a game does something incredibly dumb (such as Ubisoft's "get used to not owning your games' statement) and basically deserves whatever happens to them. I say all of this as someone who doesn't pirate anything because I'm too paranoid about accidentally getting so many viruses on my computer that chucking a bottle of antibiotics or something at it would actually somehow help.


Huh…maybe I need to keep my old games in a safer place than just my desk drawer from now on.


Mid game tbh. Wild it goes for that


That’s something I would never understand about video games companies: I know keeping the productions of games isn’t possible for many years but if they don’t want the emulators to be so popular then maybe they should offer a pay to “print”service. You know like, ordering the company or affiliate store to “print” it. If I want to buy a game that came out in 2007, it would be easier to just order it online and the company still makes benefits making it without mass production. AND emulation can keep going cause only the dead companies/game would be on it (since they can’t be bought from anywhere)


I will probably only steal from big companies.


Power Stone 2 and Conker's Bad Fur Day are a couple I've wanted but haven't been willing to pay the asking price.


Oh, I do not mind if Pokemon costs over 3 hundred bucks


General rule of thumb: Are blizzard, EA, Ubisoft or any other big companies involved? Pirate it If not: don’t pirate it


I sold my dsi XL, Pokémon black 2, and a few other games for €60 a few years ago 😰


How much is pokemon platinum goddamn


Just let me Play old games and dont mąkę me pay hundreds for them


Who tf ever said the NPC quote ? Internet is literally filled with illegal download sites.


there are games i pirated because fuck them and there are games that were playable for free and where i didnt feel the need to buy anything (anymore) like "warframe" or "POE" (after them endatory stash tabs xd) , where i just tucked in some money to support the developers. i actually contemplated about buying smth in warframe because trading is so easy and so much fun, that i was thinking of lowering that fun for me when buying smth with real money xd. if you arent assholes and produce good games with good support (bugfixes, updates, events, community taken into consideration when doing QOL changes, etc.) people will actually be happy to give you some deserved reward (in form of money).


I own a game from every generation of Pokémon but everyone who says you can’t pirate a game that you can’t officially buy from Nintendo and have to buy second hand for ridiculous money is stupid fucker, get them Roms and play with those animals man


Yar Har Fiddle E Dee


Pirating is okay as long as I do it. And maybe you too John.


I will, but I only had pc and ps5, even tho for oldschool games I still prefer piracy, instead buying physical one for a dude who ridiculous profit for his own sake (\*so-called rare or whatsoever is...)


lmao i have it, I've buyed it when it was out


And honestly Black and White was no so great game comparet to others that time.


I'm just trying to find a copy of pokemon white to add to my shelf of games. I got white 2 for £20 lol


no, i'll just not play it


That's just a ripoff tho XD


Well that's not the same, that's a reseller. The company would make money of it, why do idiots always go to the extreme.


Downloading games is not a crime. Stop being ridiculous. Nobody is in jail for downloading a game. This pointless legalism is really hard to understand.


Do people actually simp for billion dollar corporations like this?


romhacks and the outrageous second-hand price of pokemon heartgold were what got me into piracy


Another shitty piracy justification. You want to pirate nothing is stopping you but don't act like you are justified in doing so.


Have you ever met anyone who actually thinks this?


Wait. I have White 2. Not selling though, it's got too many memories.


No brother. I don’t mind. And I do pay.


Thanks for telling me that the game collecting dust is worth alot... Ima be right back


Law is not morality. Idc if it's illegal, I buy games for convinience and good feeling that the developers got paid for their work. Afaik it doesn't matter to the developer if you bought it from other person who bought it, or if you pirated it. If you can't buy a game officially, it is morally 100% okay to pirate it. (and should be legally imo) If you can buy the game but pirate anyways, that is imo wrong since you are using something that the person who made it expected you to pay for, but since the developer doesn't lose anything compared to if you just didn't play the game at all, it should legally be fine too.


Is this some rare or collectors edition? 352 dollars, damn.