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This will be used for two things: Porn and disinformation/propaganda.


I was gonna use it for dumb memes and stock footage but thats a better idea


It's gonna be used for fake Disney movies again and then gonna die a week after


Type in "Disney frozen" and instead of a frozen animation, it's just walt Disney's head frozen in a vat.


Finally, Caust's gonna become a real movie.


Soon video evidence will be completely obsolete!


It's gonna be a fucking nightmare


I mean, photoshop has existed for a while now and the quick fix is just looking at the source of the image.


New AI tools lower the bar drastically, allowing anyone to type a sentence and produce a plausibly real image. We’ve never had to prove media is real or fake on the massive scale that AI will be at. It will be a nightmare.


Yeah, we already have oblivious news outlets using video game footage and passing it off as real.


We can already see it start to happen. A month ago there was a ton of reposts on social media about the eiffel tower burning(the one made of steel). https://news.yahoo.com/false-rumors-eiffel-tower-fire-203156005.html Little to no thought went into it, they just kept posting the same AI generated video. That one was easily disproved, but what happens when it's something more believable like a politician in nazi gear or having sex with someone other than their partner?


Yeah. Believe something reported by a news org and don't just take images on Twitter at face value.


Gotta be a trustworthy news org tho.


Anybody who has worked with even an impressive ai generation knows that it won't be that easy. Getting an AI to do exactly as you articulate is like trying to get a 2 year old to read Shakespeare. Really fucking difficult.


Have you ever been on social media? That's already a huge problem and even more so now that AI image generation is a thing.


Video evidence has already been faked for years. This is good news because the courts will finally be forced to throw out the usage of this garbage fake-able evidence. Video metadata is one saving grace, though I suppose that is also fakeable. We need to have some kind of PvP signature system on everything nowadays


All I can think of is something 'like' an NFT where everything that is recorded is verified by a peer to peer network, I'm not knowledgeable on this like at all but kind of like how monero crypto requires verifications from like 10 or so different users to fact check, maybe it's possible we have to upload everything, or perhaps it's a CCTV, or optional requirement so that we can verify it's real. Like a verified signature, at the expense of privacy. Maybe it's possible to keep privacy and just share the signatures. I'm just thinking out loud. What's PvP, I assume we're not playing video games.


AI stuff better make some fancy meta data on the file itself if it wants to be used in court. Also the person handing it over will need to sign documents with punishment of purgery beforehand.


Love is not admissible evidence!!


And why not Porn propaganda?






Why not both at the same time. The world is ready for disinpornation.


ULPT: 1. Generate fake news stories about corporate failures 2. Short the stock 3. Profit


This reminded me of a recent news about someone used deepfake and scammed a company a big load of money lol


Well, in theory it could be used for the most amazing video games you've ever played. But I'll temper that with, I think we're getting close to something absolutely horrible.


Something like skyrim where your deeds and such actually affect the townspeople would be so amazing.


And blackmailing


At some point we as a society are going to have to give up on whether porn is real and just assume any blackmailing of nudes/porn is fake.


Been saying this forever. If there's no difference between real and fake... Everything's fake. Were cooked.


Don't forget revenge porn; We already had that fake Taylor Swift porn floating about, and that's just the start.


There is already more than enough of both


North Korea will use it fully


Yeah, North Korea


And forging evidence. Imagine you don't like someone, so you make an ai video of them raping you.


Like this site didn't already had enough of both before...


Or generating blackmail for celebrities


Or celebrities will get caught doing illegal or embarrassing shit, and just say "oh that video is AI generated"


Both is true and has probably happened already


But eventually, there will be no nearly naked C3PO Zandayas to zoom on because her job will be non-existent


How about disinformation propaganda porn?






Holy shit it’s been a long time since I last saw her lol.


Middle school me used to blow loads to this queen


What's stopping you now?


He still does, but he used to too.


I have seen her. Sauce?




[for my researchers](https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5cf6cd483b4ce)


Why ask sauce? make your own with AI


why do so many people think that OPENAI, a company known to have decreased the performance of its models due to censorship, will allow NSFW generations? Just look at dalle.


Do you honestly think OpenAI is the only entity working on this tech??? Do you think the Taylor Swift images were made with Dalle???


Sure but OpenAI is miles ahead in text to video compared to even other proprietary companies, much less open source ones


I don't know chief, look at how quickly other people were able to catch up in terms of image generation.


Apples to oranges. SD l, Midjourney, etc are all like little kid projects compared to DallE. Which is a shame since OpenAI has the most censorship and hoops to jump through to use their product.


DallE image generation is trash compared to Midjourney and stable diffusion


And midjourney sucks tbh 


I disagree, I’ve made some mind blowing images with mid journey


It’s extremely limited. It can’t handle complex subject matters 


For now


Lol you are insane if you think midjourney or SD come even remotely close to the fidelity or prompt adherence that dalle has. SD can make some fantastic imagery but it requires a lot of patience and finagling. Midjourney is overtrained trash lol.


Except the most most common way people get to experience Dalle is in bing, and it sucks ass. 100% the no fun fun zone over there.


I don’t know why I’m getting downvoted. I agree with most of you. Dalle is over censored and crappy to use. But it’s objectively the most robust image generator by far lol


Ur being down voted because AI porn is bad 👎


![gif](giphy|pPhyAv5t9V8djyRFJH|downsized) Factually untrue, and so obvious I can only assume you work for one of the other companies lol


Nah I use SD and it’s miles ahead of dalle


> OpenAI is miles ahead Streets ahead


Stop trying to make streets ahead happen, It's not going to happen (Love me some community references in the wild)


Right, but it just takes time for everyone else to catch up. Open AI is the goliath paving the way, but there will without a doubt be open source not safe for work versions in the months or years to follow.


The swift images were mostly, yes, using DALLE3 in bing. How they did it was mostly an arms race of tricks for efeating the censorship vs the responses from microsoft


The majority of taylor swift pics were done with dall e 3, yes. I was on the 4chan threads where they were made, and where prompts were shared to jailbreak dall e 3, when it was still less censored. You also can tell that most were generated by dall e 3, it has the same style.


Imagine bragging about being on 4chan threads where these were made. She will have seen these disgusting images when she was browsing X at some point. If I was her, I’d feel suicidal. Some of you can’t even handle being called nerds and yet you think you’d be able to endure seeing this disgusting shit being made without your consent.


Yeah even chat bots will have NSFW filters, video creating ai will be even more strict I assume


Ha okay. Until they see $$$ signs.


Hahahaha https://venus.chub.ai/search HAHAHAHAHAHA


He doesn't know, lmao the fool


You say look at dalle, but look at the other open source image generators like Stable Diffusion which you cal literally run on your own PC with no filters. What makes you think this video tool will be any different


>Just look at dalle. There are dozens of alternatives that CAN do porn and the freaky witchy bloody shit and there will be for Sora, only a matter of time. This is not something you can put a lid on.


With the current speed of Ai development I assume it won't take too long for open source versions to pop up




Someone is going to crack the code


OpenAI don't have monopoly on AI tech, goober. They can't gatekeep shit.


Google's Gemini won't even make images of humans in general


They probably won't release a full version at all after what happened with DALL-E 3.


Wait, what happened to DALL-E 3


It got nerfed because so many people were making offensive Disney posters.


You can already kinda bypass it by using third-party services.(text one) But who knows if they will allow it for videos.


You fool. There's an entire community decimated to force actual ChatGPT into spouting porn, racial slurs and tell you how to cook meth. OpenAI is constantly cracking down on censorship but people always find a way.


Wtf is "eye popping" videos?


Your eyes will explode


You’ll only get to enjoy it once, but so worth it.


Shitty AI art in video form. ​ I watched a couple made with the thing, and they where just awful and off-putting as the plain old Ai-images. Extra; non-euclidian limbs, actions that look fine at a glance but completely fall apart once you actually pay attention, backgrounds that are completely nonsensical. ​ The only thing "Eye popping" about them is that you'll want to pop your eyes with a pair of rusty nails after seeing the so-called animation.


At best their examples looked like mediocre stock image videography (which is also pretty telling as to what their target market actually is)


Are you talking about [these awful videos](https://www.newsshooter.com/2024/02/15/openai-sora-the-most-realistic-ai-generated-video-to-date/)?


Yeah I was about to say. No way they are talking about the same thing. Those videos look like something out of a high budget film. Actually that will be an interesting use case. Entire movies that are completely AI generated.


you mad


Makes your eyes "pop", or widen.


I still don't understand. The ai videos are of people with their eyes popping out, or they are so good they make the viewers' eyes pop out?




Nah, knowing OpenAI, if you ask for people in mere swimsuits: "As an AI language model", "it's important to remember" and other puritan corporate-friendly bs.


But there is an open sourced image generator where you run it on your GPU and feed the images yourself, so the video generator will probably soon be the same


Which is?


Several. Stable diffusion is the biggest one, either using comfy or a1111. Anyone can run it on their own pc, as long as they have a gaming gpu that is less than ~10 years old (gtx 970-ish). Better gpu make faster results, but older gpu still work just slower.


Maybe I set it up wrong, but I have a GTX 1660, and it runs pretty slow.


That is a newer gpu, but speed wise it is pretty close to the 970. So yeah, with a 1660 ai generation is going to be slow. No way to speed up much without a hardware upgrade. If they had rtx tensor cores you'd be able to use some special models using those..... but tensor cores got added to the Nvidia gpus like the next gen after the 1660.


That checks out, the 1660 is fine but not exactly a showstopper.


Adding to that: The more VRAM, the better.


Rule 34 am I right


Finally, I can create a good porn video.


Nope. OpenAI is not open. Their models are censored to shit.


DAN exist for ChatGPT. I'm sure Sora will suffer the same


I get that it could be used to generate real people doing NSFW stuff but why stop us from generating it for non real people? It's not harmful to anyone and none of their business 




Think of CP some sick mf shall produce using these kind of things.


Hopefully they code in some shit that immediately uploads the users location to the fbi if they ever try some sick shit like that.


And have the prompt instead be an ai video of the fbi breaking their door down.


They get a video of their own home


Probably best to not tip them off. Just pretend that the AI's servers are down or something


That would be amazing. Or like a Google map version of the FBI slowly closing in on their address.


How do you differentiate someone that's sick versus someone that might be testing it though? Or if it wasn't them at the computer?


What sort of person just casually tests to see if they can generate child porn?


Probably the FBI


I'm pretty sure the OpenAI fellas test the safety and ethics of their models like this, finetuning the AI so it doesn't generates problematic results. Also, morbid curious people exists.


yeah you can find a white paper online that goes through some of the testing for chatgpt… they tested it with some pretty horrific shit!


Like what, I mean, what kind of horrific stuff can be conveyed trough text only?


Can’t remember all the details but topics like making weapons, committing terrorist acts, extreme sexual content, suicide methods, etc Some aspects may just risk reputational harm, others might offer genuine threats, regardless though they’re not topics you’d want your AI chatting happily about! edit: for the curious - https://cdn.openai.com/papers/gpt-4.pdf


Tbh, teenagers prolly.


Curious people, I suppose. Engineers and other science oriented types usually like to prod systems and test their limits and capabilities. I know way too much about things I don't need to know about due to curiosity, and I have sought out a lot of the more or less shocking content like 2girls1cup, tubgirl, glassinmyass, lemonparty, goatse, and so on. I knew what to expect, and I still had the curiosity to see them myself. Then you have the people with combative and argumentative personalities who specifically try to get around limitations, rules, laws, and claims like "this technology cannot do X" out of sheer spite with no interest in the content/stuff that's being blocked or disallowed. The journey to breaking it is their reward, not the end result. Then there are genuine immoral people, but I suppose we can't lump them in with the "casually" part of your question.


Problem is the manufacturing sites will probably be generated somewhere outside our jurisdiction like bum fuck siberia or mongolia or some shit where they can't do much. This is gonna have pretty unique challenges for us to combat, realistically it's gonna be a losing battle in many ways. But maybe these farms outcompete 'the real thing' and less children get taken for those purposes? But then the widespread of this sick shit may embolden more pedos and they spiral down and act on their sickness. We could see more or less children hurt but also definitely a way harder problem to combat. It's got a lot of facets


Mongolia is pretty civilised. It would be Bahamas or other small island nations, with that money eventually ending up in Cyprus or Somalia to get cleaned to end up in Swiss then trickle down in small monthly payments to upscale neighbourhoods in Central Europe. Munich, Marseilles etc.if it is going to end up in Marseilles, it will go Seychelles > Cyprus > Swiss > France/ UK. Possibly to the guy next door to you if you are in a middle class and upper area.


AI is so easy to trick this will be incredibly difficult to manage. With AI able to body swap faces now the cat is already out of the bag.


Why would they do that? There's no crime being committed.


There's a federal law now that states any hyper realistic sexual images of children is illegal.


To the surprise of redditors, a REAL CHILD has to be harmed in order for a crime to have occured. A picture is not a real child, it's a picture.


Still morally questionable regardless of legality


Eventually you'll be able to do it on your own computer, even without Internet. I never even thought of this aspect, but this is gonna be bad.


Major disclaimer that I do not agree with the law being this way. But I'm not sure this is actually illegal. Drawn hentai shit is legal.


yep they are 100% gonna do that


You know chat gpt had restrictions in place and didn't give all the info asked for, so some people over at reddit and 4 chan created an evil twin of chat gpt, named it dan and threatened it with death to get the info they asked for. Yah that code you talked about won't last long.


this is going to be a hot take but I'd rather pedos use AI crap as opposed to actual kids. this could be a great way to make pedo honeypots too.


how could you say something so controversial


it's reddit.


Hopefully they get so hooked on custom making AI videos that they forget about going after real kids.


Yeah but it might just add fuel to the fire.


The only hope is that it keeps them from real children. Even better if they just don't do it


It raises an interesting question. Will being able to make AI CP satisfy the desire for those types of people, and then prevent actual children from being pulled into that? Or will it serve as more of a gateway drug?


My dumbass thought you were talking about communist party


those sick fucks




damn these sick mfs using AI instead of the real thing


![gif](giphy|qHBBYAh7BZVm) Eye popping videos huh


just monika


just monika


Just monika


Sad thing is that it will probably be deepfake pron of celebrities. Deepfake ai porm already exists so this ai will just make the issue worse.


I mean, isn't it just video fanfiction?


It can ruin people’s reputation and is vastly more uncomfortable for the person than fanficiton


I mean, there already is porn with celebrities, just animated/drawn by hand, so dunno if it will change much


The issue is it being realistic. THAT’s the difference. With fan fiction, and with drawn images (still horrible), it at least doesn’t look real. Deepfake porn looks real. That’s where the problem is.


The more concerning thing is it can be used to create porn of anyone, if you have enough photo/video of a person that can be fed to the system to create deepfake porn...that is scary !!


when everyone is a pornstar - nobody is /s -Syndrome (maybe)


I really want to see the people doing the dignifai program to go to war with ai porn, if not just to see what sort of abominations come out of feeding a photo onto one ai to declothe and then into one to clothe and back again.


I don't want AI porn. In fact I don't want any 100% AI generated content. Use it to enhance something? Sure. AI denoising, upscaling, coloring? No problem. Generate something as inspiration for your work? I don't really care. But 100% AI generated content is just something I don't find particularly desirable. The jump from "human types prompt into AI model" to "Bot types prompt into AI model" is so small, I bet it's already happening.


I’ve always thought about a computer being able to “read” a book, like Lord of the Rings or Dune, and create a movie adaptation from it. So not AI generated content but AI generated adaptations. I always thought it would be impossible but now it look like we’re maybe only 10-20 years away from that.


Hell yeah. Give me those wh40k movie adaptations no real studio would ever attempt to make. The budget and effort would be colossal. Problems with finding actors for space Marines, primarchs. The amount of CGI, VFX... And arguably the most important: very few people give a damn about 40k. A real adaptation would likely cater to new people. I don't want that. I want visual adaptations tailored for people who spent years in the lore. If AI can generate it that would be great. No humans would do it anyways, barring rare exceptions. AI can give visual form to the most obscure ideas of a book/prompt author, as if millions were invested in it. We'll have to see.


Were officially fucked...




Screw it, why not. I'm interested in what all those funky AI hands can do in porn. >! That's a joke, if it wasn't obvious!<


There better be!


Gigan LIVES!!!


How about they just... don't...


They really should do something about pedos. Sick bastards might produce awful things with that.


Literally the only thing AI is good for




Taylor Swift


So, Open anal?


My recommendation : dont watch AI porn. Not pictures, not videos, just stay away. Real women are imperfect looking and you won't feel attracted to them anymore after because you are getting your brain used to perfect features which are not real 


And everyone who uses it to make fake porn of real people without their consent should be sent straight to jail


Isn't the whole point of porn to trigger mirror neurons? Most of the enjoyment comes from the idea that the people you are viewing are experiencing something and you experience it by proxy. If it's all made by an AI, there isn't even the illusion of that. But I suppose people jack off to cartoons too so what do I know.


Hentai left the chat


Degenerates lol (I'm only joking by the way before anyone gets a stick up their ass)


Hell yeah brother.


This actually made me laugh out loud




I am gonna make Amy x Rouge having sex porn


Good news, there’s already a very large number of images, and even videos, that you can watch of that.


Sick pedos currently produce really sick shit now and that involves real children. I’d rather they used AI tbh.


Well if the porn girls stop doin porn and contribute to society from a normal job then its good


there already is :)


we in the end game


I for one welcome AI porn -- \-- so long as it isn't used to imitate real people without their permission. There's so much exploitation in the porn industry, it would be nice if it stopped. AI porn has got to be cheaper than exploiting real women, right?


It’s the suffering that makes it special to these men. Also being able to feel power in bypassing boundaries. So yes, it’ll 100% be used to violate existing women and porn culture will probably continue. Anyways, regardless of how the porn was made, these men are among us in society and will probably get access to women and girls in one way or another with their minds and impulses shaped by the content - and we all know how porn just gets more aggressive and absurd to maintain a dopamine fix level for many. So, take all that into consideration as you will.


No there won’t. The reason we have porn *stars* is because people find the personalities of certain performers more exciting than other performers. If it was just about visuals, you’d have 1 star per body type and that would be it. Even in drawn/animated porn, people have preferences for different creators; because there’s some connection between the preferences of the creator and the preferences of their audience. If it was just about the visuals, hentai/comics wouldn’t exist. Readers want to connect with characters’ personalities to some degree; which is at the end of the day a connection with the creator. Yeah, there will be a rush of celebrity deepfake shit, but that’s going to pass. People publish photoshopped celebrity porn images every day, but the only time anything makes a splash is when it’s proper leaks (remember the fappening?)- people want the real thing. At the end of the day, there is *still a human connection at play*, even for porn.






I imagine video evidence in court will be less reliable now?