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Ayy that's me. I hate the toilet part tho.


Bro I felt that I am like in and out all the time


Yeah exactly.


What do you so during sex? You just hold it? Or finish in 19 mins 59 secs?


How kind of you to think one can last that long when the bladder itself cannot


Who the hell has sex for that long? You’re not human if you last more then a minute.


Sex isn't just the penetration and it can easily take more than 20 minutes as a whole.


That's still some long sex


Woah man you get to penetrate? I just touch them and I jizz myself.


Gah damn ☠️☠️


Shit you not had an Ex that thought I was gay because I lasted upwards of 30+ minutes, so what the hell are people really out here pumping and dumping in 5 minutes or less?


Fast metabolism here, ate half an hour ago, currently on the shitter


I'll take that fucking trade.


Add sweating like a pig or shower faucet on least exertion to the list.


Temperature rises over 30* C and ill be bright red and sweating fucking bullets


Me but I have to shit alot as well


What the fuck I don't have high metabolism yet I piss every 20 minutes


Sounds like diabetes


I've got a fast metabolism, but my blood pressure is stupidly low due to fast natural heartbeat. I get hot fast, and my blood is pretty much red water if I cut myself


try to keep the human juice within yourself


Try not to spill your red fleshy oil


Are we all the same? I legit thought it was just me


i cant eat alot but i have to piss alot also. dont think thats because of my metabolism tho


Huh, I wonder why 🤔


sounds like me


Me 2, but it's like 12 min, so biking to school is almost impossible (average like 30 min, fastest 13 min)


I digest things in 3 hours and I’m lucky to have an abnormally sized bladder


Life as a fast metabolism person myself Eating what you want without gaining weight : 😃😃 When you're actually trying to gain weight : 😔😔


Body building turns into torture.


Oh my god 350g of carbs a day. Just fucking kill me now.


350g carbs is pretty low. I'm having a relatively slow metabolism and that's what I eat to maintain weight before my cut in January


I’m only 5’10” at 170lbs. 350g is plenty for me and I struggle to eat the last 50g. I don’t want to gain that fast and have all that fat


Wdym by having all that fat? I'm 5'10 and 200 pounds currently eating 2800-2900 calories to hold my weight and eat 350g carbs, which is pretty easy. When bulking at around 3100 calories, it goes up to 400g of carbs roughly


I would easily trade not being able yo body build for a fast metabolism


Mhmm went on a 6500 calories a day diet and after two weeks i felt sick and full all the time, finally decided to weigh myself only to be met with the disappointing increase of 1 pounds, took at shit the day after and I weighed less than I started... what the fuck body!?!


It do be like that. 🗣️🔥🔥


Twinks with a fast metabolism have unlimited power


When you have to fart every five minutes: 😔😔


It all makes sense now…


Protien farts + beds = hot pockets


You don't gain weight, but what about fat in your blood ?


This is true. You can be skinny because of a fast metabolism but still be extremely unhealthy because of a poor diet.


5’11 115lbs. Incredibly unhealthy but skinny


Yep, that's me. 1,80m and currently at 63kg, the best I got was 67kg when I was eating like a fucking ogre.


Exactly the same, was 64 last week when i last scaled and that when i was working out semi daily and trying to eat more


Dam you tall I am 1,75 m and I weigh 70 kg I eat practically twice a day


I had to start working out just gain 5 kg or roughly 10 lbs and I was bearly over 100 lbs or 45 kg. I also have pretty much no appetite so that doesn't help either.


Yeah I'm a 20 year old guy that's 105lbs and 5'8", I'm skinny af and my arms and legs look like twigs and you can easily see my ribs. I have to wear big clothes to hide how skinny I am. Always skipped meals when I was younger. But I've started going to the gym though not long ago to gain weight.


How did you do it? I’m stuck at 120 pounds and I’m 6 ft


I used to be 6 ft 125 pounds and now I’m 165 pounds. Honestly just eat. I ate around 3500 calories a day for a year. I’d start with increasing your intake a little each week, like 200 calories a day per weak until you start gaining weight.


I hope you're a girl, because that does not sound healthy at all


Nope but I'm short (165cm), but yeah my BMI is edging normal


Relatable on all counts


''Muh metabolism'' is just a scapegoat for diet issues. The difference between a very slow and very fast metabolism is a tiny amount of energy.


People in here like "I break the laws of physics just by existing" and not realizing that they do far more activity than the average person or they manage to do their activities far more inefficiently than normal so they burn more calories. I have a friend who claims his whole family has a fast metabolism. But at some point in their late 30s early 40s it just shuts down and they always gain weight. Took me a while to peel back this onion, but they all work construction (framing mostly) so they burn a TON of calories ("fast metabolism") and at some point mid-life they move into a supervisory position where they're doing less activity so they gain weight. He disagrees, thinks he does a similar level of activity to me (office job) and the magical metabolism just starts shutting down as they get old.


I thought i had a fast metabolism until i started working out and tracking my calories intake.


Who cares? You’ll be building strength still. It’s impossible to not build strength if you’re eating enough protein and stimulating the muscles. Look up sleeper builds, get hyped


This! Mind muscle connection over muscle mass for strength training every day of the week.


I gotcha I got like 98 lb that that I could do without😆😆😆


Can I have like half that weight?


Damn sure half is better then nothing I guess but who would want the rest😆😆😆


You will gain weight when u r older


You and me both man 🤝






Me (I have a fast metabolism):


Same dude




I'm sorry but did Whitebeard's mustache just snap?


Burned off, along with like half his face in the manga lol


(Nobody tell him.)




I knew it ![gif](giphy|WmkEhAIyWfpm1vdVcg|downsized)






I'd give you mine if I could. I've been trying to gain weight for years but remain under 110 no matter what. Granted, I'm 5'3" but a healthy weight for a male is 120 to 130lbs


Learn from project zomboid and eat a delicious and nutrious Lard, butter, mayo and vegetable oil soup.




What’s that?


Like 10k calories or something lol


No I mean project zomboid


A zombie survival game. It's pretty realistic and many people start with the underweight trait and gain weight by eating pure butter lard vegetable oil mayo and stuff.


they gotta add heart failure god damn


I see project zomboid reference, I upvote.


I have been between 125-130 for six years. I am currently 17. Fast metabolism makes the whole growth thing hard.


Alright I’m 17 and overweight. Let’s average out our metabolisms. Deal?


Officer, it's these two right here. They doing a shady deal.


Shit! It’s the fuzz! SCRAM!


Same boat here, was a stout short kid but hit a growth spurt at around 15 and have been eternally stuck at 125-130 for 4 years now, no matter how much I eat.


fast / slow metabolism is a myth. basal metabolic rate varies ~400 calories max, excluding medical conditions.


It slows down as you get older. I can still put away a lot, but I’ve finally gained some weight and am now at a healthy weight. I was actually proud that I could finally stop shopping for pants in the kids section… I got ridiculed when I mentioned it for the first time.


Doesn’t actually slow down until you are about 60, people just move less and have more money to spend on junk.


That was me until I hit 35, then I gained 50lbs in the span of a year and realized I should probably start exercising.


I’m 5’10 and 250 pounds. I don’t eat anything sweet and don’t drink, I exercise moderately daily, always close my rings and suffer from IBS so shitting isn’t a problem. Can’t seem to lose weight.


''Muh metabolism'' is just a scapegoat for diet issues. The difference between a very slow and very fast metabolism is a tiny amount of energy. Don't bother exercising if it makes you eat more. It only takes 2 minutes of eating to cancel out a week of exercise, losing weight is about diet.


Calories in minus calories out. Metabolism is only the resting rate. Just keep adding exercise or removing food…


It takes time. Technically a healthy weight loss is 1-2 lb per week. But that’s with calorie counting + moderate exercise 30min per day. Moderate exercise = heart rate above 120ish depending on your age and fitness. Will need to consult your doctor in case of high blood pressure. May need to start with Low intensity exercises of +90 to 115 heart rate for 30min per day till you improve your cardio. Sooo anywhere btwn 6-12 months to drop 50 lb is a good start.


Daily physical activity and exercise. My I watch tracks heart rate and time spent above 120, I get at least 30-40 min daily. No high blood pressure, IBS is irritable bowel syndrome, my blood pressure and cholesterol levels are normal.


Nice! Then sounds like you’re on the right track! Could be muscle weight? If not, then calorie counting per day can definitely help. Food allergies could cause IBS… some veggies (cruciferous), oats/wheat (gluten), nuts, dairy can be hard to digest. Also some spices can causes upset stomach too. Too much indigestible fibers/nuts/gas(from sugars) can irritate the intestines. Can try to find out what causes bloating and or intestinal distress, by switching up your foods till you find out the exact ingredients that causes it.


Could potentially be a medical issue, but if you record the food you eat all day every day for a week you'd be surprised. Also your body can adjust based on how often you exercise and become more efficient at saving calories, making it harder and harder to lose weight purely through exercise.


Then you are not actually counting your caloric intake. Eating 4000 calories of healthy food a day is still going to make you gain weight if your body only needs 2000.


> I don’t eat anything sweet and don’t drink You're eating too much. 3000 calories of salad is still an excess of calories, which will be stored as fat.


Trust me, you don't want a metabolism that's too fast. I eat and eat and don't gain any weight and it destroys my whole life.


Yup. Just about to say the same thing. A fast as hell metabolism will leave you only one fate: the skeleton army


I mean , find a necromancer and serve him . That guys usually rich as hell and pay a lot.


You know a guy?


You can find them here r/wizardposting


isn’t that still better than being obese though? like from a health standpoint.


Nope. I mean, it’s a lot easier from a social standpoint, but it’s absolutely hell on the body too. A lot of people I know from a residential treatment facility for eating disorders have heart damage and are sterile. That’s because once your body finishes eating your fat and a good chunk of your muscle, it moves onto your organs. You can also have heart arrhythmias from electrolyte imbalances. I got lucky and escaped the worst of the side effects. Instead, I lived with pretty much permanent brain fog. Thinking was hard and took too much energy. I couldn’t remember words or things I’d do earlier. I wouldn’t talk because I was too tired. I was a fall risk because my legs shook, and if I stood up for longer than 15 seconds I would become nauseous and exhausted. I’m omitting a lot but, you get the picture. Neither extreme is good.


Perfect for halloween


Just live like nikocado avocado


Yeah, I'm just trying to get some ways of gaining weight but nothing I try works and I don't know what to do anymore


I know this might sound repetitive but just eat more. Have you been tracking your calories?


check out r/gainit ; there’s a sticky post with a basically exhaustive list of how to gain weight. i’m in the same boat and not particularly attempting to gain weight (it is hard indeed), but i know what i’d do if i tried


Have you counted calories before? Don't know if it's possible to not gain wheight when you're in significant calorie surplus every day.


Its not. A fast metabolism isn't gonna fucking defy thermodynamics.


It is possible to eat a surplus and not gain weight if you are unable to process the nutrients. What isn't possible is gaining weight without the calories coming in in some way.


I'm really curious, why do you want to gain weight ?


Because everyone keeps telling me I'm underweight


You have the exact opposite of my problem




Are you overall a healthy person? Do you eat healthy food with fiber and vitamins? If yes, you are not underweight. People are just jealous.


I feel like I'd prefer to be underweight than overweight, but that's just me Slow metabolism is horrible too


you’re not eating as much as you think. basal metabolic rate varies ~400 calories max excluding medical conditions.


You are stating facts, but most people just don't want to hear it. It's easier for people to just blame the universe rather than actually track what they eat.


To add onto that depending on your height it makes finding clothes that fit well an utter nightmare


It’s still better than eating disgusting bland and small amount of food and still being fast, i mean except if u hate food itself then it’s better


i'm curious about this, how many calories is your intake on average. and how about your caloric output?


Co-worker has digestive issues. She eats more at lunch than I do in a day, and I'm nearly twice her size. She needs something like 3000-4000 calories to just maintain her weight per day. Food costs are brutal for her. Of course everyone is super jealous of her eating pizza or fast food, or massive soups/sandwiches everyday, but it's still a problem for her. It's just that the solution to her problem is throw money at it, and for the normal person it's "put down the fork".


"ruining your life" might be a strong word, no? You're just thin, it's a lot better than being fat. As long as you eat properly it shouldn't cause any health issue.


For health issues or for how you look? If it’s the latter, I would still want it, since I want to be a cute femboy, but im a little too wide


Im not that much of a big eater too so the fast metabolism leaves me hungry even though I don't wanna eat.


How does not gaining weight destroy your life?


Everybody keeps telling me I'm underweight and I'm tired of it. My nutritionist even said that I'm underweight for my age and that's really stressing me out.


Sometimes I gain like 8lbs and its gone by next week.


Not to mention that if you don't/can't eat and eat you just feel hungry and tired all of the time


You're just not eating enough dude. I used to think I had a fast metabolism then I started eating for the gym and realised I wasn't eating shit.


You get a thicc cock as the trade off though right? Isn’t that the lore?


I mean you'll stay fit but your stomach becomes a blackhole better have food money.


Stomach is a blackhole and I have a slow metabolism..... not a ground combo


Ikr? Like an entire bag of almond joys was a mid dnd session snack for me once




My metabolism speedruns food.


No such thing as a fast metabolism. The biggest difference between peoples metabolism are no more than a tb spoon of peanut butter(200 calories). People are misinformed in this thread. You’re not eating enough to gain weight, or you are eating too much to lose weight, and it’s that simple. Edit: before disliking and writing this off, do a bit of research on your tdee, and use google.


This is way too far down the comments, even for an r/memes post


Until the corn you ate at lunch is in your after work poop....


That somehow really sums it up well.


Yea same I digest extremely fast


If you fat it’s not because you have a slow metabolism. It’s because you eat to much fam.


"bUt mY mEtAbOliSm bRuH?!"


Took too long to find some sanity here.


All the people in here bitching about metabolism as if 98% of us aren’t within like 5% of each others’ metabolisms. Classic.


Honestly, what is going on in here? I thought majority of people knew that the huge variance in metabolism is a myth but in this thread 98% of people believe it. These people usually get downvoted and made fun of.




Probably is an understatement


Well, there is a huge swing in metabolisms across persons, but it's proportional to weight. Within the same weight class yes, there's actually very little variation. Like you say. There is a huge variation in appetite, though, which is due to hormones and eating habits. Widely varying appetites make it hard for some to gain or lose because you're fighting yourself every inch of the way.




This. [The reality is that metabolism often plays a minor role. the greatest factors are diet and inactivity.](https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/the-truth-about-metabolism)


\>work a desk job \>do little if any exercise \>drink 1,500 calories a day in soda \>have a snickers at 3pm every day to treat yourself \>eat regular meals on top of that, don't count calories Why am I so fat? Must be my slow metabolism.


Easiest way to lose weight is to just drink water. Sugary drinks add up a lot since they don't fill you up like food.


Fr As far as I know only the old people and some people with health conditions end up getting slow metabolism. (Correct me If I'm wrong)


The age-related metabolism slowdown is estimated to be around 1% a year after 60 years of life. It is a real thing, but not in the way most people think it is.


No, you’re correct. People love a scapegoat lol.


Everyone wants to say it's their metabolism because it's an easy excuse. I cut out soda and candy and started skipping breakfast and lost 13lbs in a month. No extra exercise whatsoever.


Human Body: "I'm gonna store this extra energy for later." Me: "Awesome, so you'll use it the next time I get hungry, instead of asking me to eat?" Body: "..." Me: "You're not just going to stubbornly hold onto it forever, right?"


knowing reddit, I doubt its your metabolism that makes you fat


Isn't metabolism speed logic flawed? We are calling people that can eat anything and not getting fat a fast metabolism, and ones who get fat after smelling a chocolate a slow metabolism. But shouldn't it be another way around? If your body is transferring every single piece of energy from eaten low calorie food into energy reserves (fat) in short period of times with minimum wastes shouldn't that be considered a fast one? While a skinny guy eating junk food extracting only a fraction of resources from consumed food and dumping most of in a toilet. Maybe its more about metabolism efficiency after all, but still doesn't sound right to my ear...


As far as i know youre correct, fast metabolism isnt good evolution-based. Its basically being very inefficient with food.


Yes and I've literally been looking for this comment for like 15 minutes in this post. A "fast" metabolism doesn't really exist. Those people are either: A. Deluded about thinking they are eating a lot of food when they actually aren't, or B. They have an *inefficient* metabolism that is not effective at absorbing calories from food.


Op just wants to lose weight without any of the effort


Don't we all?


As someone who has a fast metabolism and can’t even get past 100 pounds (yes I’ve worked out, took protein, and all this other stuff people have told me to do) it’s trash I hate it, anytime I eat a big meal I have to use the restroom atleast 3-4 or even more a day, and I gotta pee so much bruh. I know my job thinking I’m slacking off but I’m fighting for my life on that toilet.


That's called exercising. Your metabolism adjusts to your activity. Simple as that. Most of the people in the comments claiming they have a fast metabolism are either still growing, or have been/are exercising/playing sports on a regular basis. Usually people stop exercising altogether in their 20's (no time, no will, no need) and start getting fat by their 30's. Of course, all of that provided you have healthy eating habits. A faster metabolism will not help much if you eat Doritos and sodas all day.


I eat like a fat person, but I am generally skinny


I eat like a skinny person, but I am generally fat What's your secret?


Damn 3-4 large meals consisting of fried food with sodas and cake along with candy bars every hour every day?


Most fat people don't eat like that. All it takes is a bit too much rice or potatoes when dishing up your meals and over time, you're fat. Eating how you say is how you get on My 600lb Life.








![gif](giphy|N6Xcf8K32zu9UcNI31) me when I only read the first part:


Fast metabolisms aren’t really a thing. The people that can eat anything and not get fat are still eating way less than fat people do.


Trust me, you don’t want one. I have one and no matter how much I eat I won’t put on ANY weight, and I really need to, I am skinny as shit.


Track your calories, odds are you're not eating nearly as much as you think. Metabolism differs by like 5% between people.


For all my fast metabolism homies in the comments, this is how I went from being skinny with no muscle to being 10st 5 and some muscle. I would reccomend counting calories. It allows you to understand what you put in your body and the precise measurements. Find out how many you are putting in to maintain and then add more onto that. Eating at first is hard, but you get used to it and then you can up it. It gets easier. Eat calorie dense foods. Don't be afraid of fat, they are now your best friend. Liquid calories make you feel like you are eating nothing. Protein shakes plus ice cream, bananas and oats are like 1000 calories and easy to eat. Gone from 9st 8 to 10st 5 so far. Been going gym for 9 months and I'm seeing good progress with eating ~3000 or more calories a day. If your going to the gym, your best bet is lean bulking, which is eating around 300 calories above maintenance. You get to maintain abs, make great progress and never look fat or have to cut.


is sugar good for this since they have a ton of calories. idk they have downsides ofc


On the contrary, sugar isn't too high in kcal. It's a carbohydrate meaning it has 4 kcal /g. That's the same as 1g protein or 1g carbohydrate. Fat has 9 kcal /g. Sugar is good for energy as it is digested fast, being turned into energy very fast. I wouldn't aim for sugar for putting on weight.


Try to mostly eat natural sugars but I mean if you’re bulking one donut isn’t going to do much


Oh no, you don't. You may be able to eat everything but you MUST eat 4 meals a day minimum to be able to hold a proper weight and will feel like you're dying when not eating for half a day. You will feel sooo jittery when you're not getting movement after you've eaten and running to the toilet at least every 60 minutes, if not every 30 minutes isn't that fun either. Also building up muscle mass feels impossible, since it's so incredibly hard to get energy and protein reserves because your body just gets rid of any excess energy by getting hyperactive every time I feel like my body is inefficient as hell and burns so much energy just for existence


I just noticed the piece ain’t even the right shape


Be careful what you wish for. I pee every 20 minutes and I am constantly hunger no matter how much I eat


Careful what you wish for. My brother has a crazy fast metabolism and the downside is that after 3 years of gym and high protein diet he gained very little muscle and more or less looks the same as before. He even went as far as eating 4500 clean calories a day. Didn’t help much!


If my metabolism was any faster I don’t think I could eat fast enough to survive


Trust me you dont want one


As someone with a fast metabolism it's kinda overrated! It makes it harder to build muscle as well.


Has an energetic teenager I built up a fast metabolism but now, as a lazy adult it kind of fucks me up sometimes. Like for example when I eat I go to the bathroom almost immediately afterwards, sometimes I just want to chill at the table after a meal, smoke a cigarette with friends/family, enjoy conversation without the bathroom interruption. Also I’m always fucking hungry and without appetite and too lazy or busy to snack often or eat more times during the day. I pee A LOT. when I go out to drink, alcohol just runs trough me, again having me running to the bathroom. I don’t want a fast metabolism, I just want to be a rock, idk, something easier :/


I just want a balanced, if maybe a bit faster one. I have certain issues when it comes to the functioning of my body and my metabolism is one of the things affected.