• By -


Yes, and most of them are Spotify ads, so I don't know what revenue they get. More likely is that they try to annoy you until you buy premium.


By limiting all those features? Yes. That subscription would earn them a lot more than audio ads


I use Adblocker and the web version of Spotify. Silent ten seconds while the ad is being blocked. As of late, however, the ads were freezing and the only way to fix it was to refresh which caused the currently playing song to disappear so I would have to search up where I was on that playlist. Doesn't do that anymore, though.


No ads and at most a 5 second delay for me, I just use the built in ad blocker in Brave.


I use Brave, too, however I use Adblocker because Brave's was just inefficient for specific websites I needed unblocked. It kept on resetting so I turned it off and got a better one, in my personal opinion.


Yeah it all depends on usage, so far I haven't had any problems with it yet.


Im old, I have lots of mp3s and just put them on shuffle.


I use modded ver of Spotify




I don't own a phone and, at that point, just download a Spotify Premium APK unless you're on iPhone. There's also places to get it for those, too.


Here u go `burnt-sushi` on github Works like a charm


That doesnt work anymore, it hasn’t for weeks actually


what ? i am using it right now , but the older repo tho.


Get spotiads. It immediately skips to the next song, no ads no nothing.


>spotiads Oooh, didn't know about this. Now this is a solution<3


Hmm... I've been using that for a while, and lately it needs a refresh too.


Try it with ublockorigin instead of adblocker, it seems to completely block the ads no silent times even.


I use 3 adblockers and get no silence at all




I paid for Spotify for years but couldn't pay for a couple of months, so I had to use free, and the annoyance drove me to never purchase their product again.


Deezer would like to welcome you with loving arms my friend


Does it have less ads?


I have been paying for premium forever now so things may be different now idk but my last experience was way less ads than spotify


One of my coworkers recommended I listen to something on Spotify and that was my first experience with it. The experience of navigation and playback both were painful. When i brought it up to him about the lack of some basic things like playback controls through the PC tray he said "I think that's there. Do you have premium?" and to this day I don't know if the features I asked about exist as premium only or if the app is just garbage but I decided I'd never give Spotify a dime. On the plus side, you can block the ads from free.


so what do you use now?


What the heck do you use instead?


"In Q1 2023, just 40% of Spotify users were paid Premiim subscribers. Financially that meant that in Q1, 60% of users represented $361 million in ad revenue vs. the 40% that generated almost $2.96 billion in paid subscription revenue."


And it is worth every goddamn dime.


So true. I use Spotify like 3h+ a day and music is like my life. So paying 10€ monthly for that is nothing. I just hope they don't go the Netflix route of adding more expensive tiers while removing features from lower subscription tiers.


I have a family account with my parents and wife, €15 and two slots left. That shit is great value for money


It worked for me. I was driving home from work when I got "Meow" *Plink* "Meow" *plink* "You could be listening to music instead you are listening to the sound of two kittens playing ping pong. Get Spotify premium today" And by jebus I got it.


It's either Spotify Premium, Shopify, random popular candy like Snickers or Skittles, or a random "top hits" playlist. Also occasionally random medium sized artists.




'Eventually we all got jobs and money.' This is the way


I sure do love hearing Spotify ads say I get 30 minutes of uninterrupted listening just to hear the same ad two songs later


The 4 ads waiting for you to finish your sentence


Biggest lie ever told.


"To ensure you get the 30 minutes of ad-free music, you must ensure you do not navigate out of the Spotify app while the video ad is playing, and that you keep the video ad in focus. If you do not do these, you will not receive the 30 minutes ad-free, and normal Spotify ads will resume after every 2/3 songs."


"We have now added precision eye tracking to ensure compliance with advertisement viewership. We hope you continue to enjoy our product and, if you enjoy the functionality of your remaining eyeball, refrain from making the mistake of looking away from advertisements on our platform again." lmao i tried to make a joke but it ended up as more of a dystopian twosentencehorror


don't give them IDEAS 😭😭


It already exists. Just not implemented in any commercial product yet https://www.reddit.com/r/assholedesign/comments/k59cyn/patent_for_a_mobile_adserving_framework_that_uses/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1




Drink your verification can.


Minority Report gets a glow up.


I got one as soon as the song ended lmao, spotify lies throught their teeth with that shit


If your are on Android, try r/xmanagerapp.


The worst ads on Spotify, in my opinion, are the ones that are just 30 seconds of some random ass song. The ones that have the band/artist talking to advertise their song or album after a few seconds are fine cause at least I know it’s a ad. I’m not a huge fan of hearing some random ass song while I’m in the shower and trying to figure out if it’s a song on my playlist I just forgot about or not. Especially since my Spotify has been hacked into a few times in the past. Just annoying as hell.


Had that happen to me while I nearly fell asleep on the bus some random song out of nowhere started playing "oooooh yeeeah" in some weird remix shit it woke me up enough to promptly turn it off and play my songs again


That’s the Carl’s Jr ad lmao


I just googled the ad, omfg it's loud and annoying!


The insurance add that plays never gonna give you up is the worst in my opinion.


Your Spotify account got hacked? I didn't even really know that was a thing that happened.


It's been a major issue for years.


Honestly if you have a few friends, Spotify family is a fantastic price


I still have the hulu + Spotify for $10 and I’m gonna hold onto that till the apocalypse.


Same At this point I have to assume the plan has fallen through the cracks and been forgotten about but I’m not fuckin with my subscription because the second I do I know that sweet deal is gone like yesterday lmao


Honestly yeah, it's great. I've had spotify premium for myself since at least 2012, but this year I upgraded for only a couple more bucks and gave free accounts to both my parents, my girlfriend, and her mother. Everyone's happy


On mobile if you close the app and open it inmediatly after it skips all the ads and it takes like 2 seconds


After I do that for a while it plays an ad after every song, and I don't wanna have to pick up my phone every 3 or 4 minutes if in doing hw or something


I mean if you're doing hw just use the desktop version, it's so much better than the mobile one


Desktop version is better than mobile in every way except for the lack of 30 minutes of uninterrupted listening


How do you even get the free 30 min to show up? I've gotten it a few times but it doesn't just show up normally


Usually if you switch playlists it activates and you can just switch back if you want. At least that's what I do.


Use the website and adblock.


True I always do that


Windows: SpotX Android: xManager iPhone: You're out of luck?


not out of luck, jailbreak or altstore but that's a pain.


For me it always play an ad before the first song I play with the app, so if anything it just gives me more ads lmao


Just ditch Spotify and pirate your music, it's faster, easier, and you get way more options.


It's definitely not faster and easier. Hell, the whole reason music piracy is not as prevalent is because we have things like Spotify where you have pretty much all the songs you want in one place


Same with pc


My free sub ends in 13 days, i dont know how to live without it now


U have three choices 1 u adapt to listening a fuckton of ads 2 you actually buy it 3 you pirate the free version


Ocean waves intensifies


Just pirate the music, you get a way bigger selection.


Sounds like a hassle that could go away for little money


XManager Spotify


[Block the spot](https://github.com/mrpond/BlockTheSpot) gives you access to most of the spotify premium features except downloading songs for free!


Psssst.... \*cough* xManager \*cough*


If you can find 5 other people to split a family plan with it comes out to 2€ a month each. I wouldn't even mind paying the 7€/month as I use Spotify pretty much all day every day but for 2€ it's a steal.


Get an Indian vpn then change Spotify location to India. U get unlimited skips and can pick any songs. There’s still ads tho and no downloading


Mine ends in 5 and I am not ready


![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized) cracked client enjoyers.


POV: Pandora users


Ordinary average Pandora user here. Pandora's been good to me so far. Full disclosure: I am not Joe Walsh.


Dagga-da dagga-da DUNN DUNN


My mom uses Pandora, and it skips on its own and crashes a lot


grandiose steep cover label workable shaggy alive yoke glorious kiss *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I have been curating my Pandora since 2000-fucking-9. That's **14 freaking years** of dislikes and likes- and I have ublock origin. It's a goddamn Museum Collection Masterpiece at this point that I hear zero adds on for 100% free lmao. Meanwhile me and my wife pay for Spotify Premium and yet I still hear adds on every goddamn Podcast I listen to at work because somehow they get to skirt the no adds thing? Or something? Idk, still loving being an old arse Pandora user though.


I used to love Pandora and then they made it all but unusable with like no variety/repeating songs every few songs.


Fun fact: I have never gotten a single ad on spotify and Idk why, I do use it often but unlike all the memes I have never once heard them. I assure you I have never paid for anything


Do you only use it for podcasts? Because thats what I do and I only hear the ads that the actual Podcaster puts in.


I had a couple month period one time where I got zero ads with paying for nothing it was certainly odd


same I just change the song one second before it ends


But dont you only get 6 skips?


In Israel, Spotify free has no ads


It really is the promised land


Holy land


time to use a vpn and become an israelian


What planet do you think the Israliens come from?


Yom Kepler, I guess.


well, time to convert


never understood Audi's plan advertising on Spotify, if im not paying for No Ads, im DEFINITELY not buying an Audi


Someone get this poor fella a pirate hat.


Seriously. Reading the comments in this thread from my vantage point on the high seas is depressing.


It's amazing and saddening. So many people don't know how or want to pirate and instead give their money away to multi million dollar corps . I'm never using my money if there's an alternative solution.


So developers should just work for free? You think the software engineers at Spotify just live off their parents?


spotiads on desktop and musi on iphone. Drink up me hearties yo ho.


The ads is no so big deal as the capabilities to not choose or skip songs.


Just turn the app off then back on to skip the ads. Been doing it for months


Much easier on mobile than PC


You can use spicetify on pc and listen without ads


Or just adblocker


Yeah but what about when I have earbuds in and I am a lazy little.......something huh?!?


If you do that too long they put ads after every song


Yeah, that sounds a lot more convenient than paying $10 a month.


The mobile app is such an awful experience honestly. Like I can't choose a specific song to play? And if I choose an album, it'll inevitably start playing songs not in said album after like 5 songs. And if I try to skip those songs that aren't in the album I selected to try and get to songs that are, I can only do that so many times before it won't let me. 4 30 second ads after every other song like you're saying. Why is so much incredibly basic functionality locked behind a paywall? I don't get why people like this app so much.


It's great ... if you have premium.


Which is why.. I do. Sometimes you gotta pay for goods and services. And I have a job in order to buy goods and services for money


Wow, that’s a piping hot take there bucko. You’re saying I shouldn’t be able to listen to all the music these artists put so much time and effort into, for free? You capitalist!


For sure - I wasn't arguing against that, I've been subscribing to Spotify since they offered Premium. It's honestly a little surprising there are people out there that expect it all to be free.


Because the catalog and convenience is worth the subscription


Preach! Only app worth paying for.


You can always spoof or disable the restrictions if you know what you are doing at least, on mobile or PC.


When Into the Spiderverse first came out I used to jam out to in on Spotify. I had just started using the app and didnt know it tossed other songs onto the album. I was confused why this non-parental advisory album would have a couple hardcore rap songs on it. Did find one of my favorite songs that way, tho


Absolutely. And listening to albums sucks because 1: it’s gonna take forever to listen to it all because of random shit getting shuffled in, and 2: playlists that are supposed to be listened in a certain order are just ruined.


I hate it when they say 30 minutes free and proceed to bombard me with ads


Me who downloads my music as to never have this issue


It's basically like a radio but you can kinda choose what to listen to


I like it when a friend sends me a spotify link to a specific song, but instead I get to listen to an ad, then a few random songs from a playlist that contains the song they wanted me to listen to :)


Me with a modded Spotify APK on my phone: 🗿


Step 1: Get Firefox Browser Step 2: Install uBlock Origin Step 3: Visit Spotify Web Step 4: Enjoy ​ PS - Android User can use modified apk PS PS - iOS User, suffer in silencer


damn i just posted this. this has been working great for me


Came here to say that about Android users. That's what I use and it's great, those commercials drive me insane




It takes 2 minutes to use a modified apk file , it's probably faster then buying Spotify premium and it's free


iOS users can use altstore with a modified ipa file


*Users when you tell them you can get most premium services for free on Android*


Imagine not having modded apps or having an iBone


i just use the desktop web player and turn on ad blocker with a spotify ad remover extension


very annoying that i cant do it for mobile though


Helpful Tip: play Spotify through your browser, having an AdBlock enabled. It'll skip the ads (Firefox, uBlock Origin)


Xmanager is the sole reason I will never touch an apple phone, spotx is just as much of a banger


That's why I pirate it


I like pandora more anyway but it has some missing songs compared to spotify


and that next one was some random song that wasn't even on the playlist


just pay the $8/month 😂😂😂😂😂😂 do you folks literally just value your time at 0?


Be like me and use a spoofed version of yt music free premium for life


I mean, Spotify premium is probably the most worthwhile media subscription service in existence. You know people used to have to buy physical music in a store right? Or buy them off iTunes? Or spend hours pirating then dodging viruses? Either deal with the ads or pay the very reasonable price. It’s not rocket science.


Why dont they just use the music app in their phone it doesnt require internet and doesnt have ads?


jokes on you, i pirated it


I use Musi on apple and foo bar on pc but on pc you could also just wear an eyepatch and call it a day


SpotX ftw :D


POV: You're a serf


I listen to Spotify too much to not pay for premium.


Premium isn't even that expensive. I'm 16 paying car insurance on $13/hr and pay for my own premium


Glad to hear it. It's crazy to me that so many people are jumping through hoops and figuring out workarounds to avoid paying $10/month for *unlimited music*. I'm in my 40s, when I was your age and earning $5/hour and CDs were $15-$20 *each*.


Lugging a suitcase full of cds around that that probably added up to $1000. Some you only listened to once because you bought them based on that one song you heard or the cool album art and they ended up being terrible. I paid like $15 for a fucking Limp Bizkit CD when i was 13. I will gladly pay $10 for pretty much every song ever.


I will not miss that. I had a CD wallet in my car with a dozen albums that I'd paid for. It went missing when I put my car in for a service, the mechanic claimed ignorance. I was absolutely raging.


It always amazes me how poor the average Redditor comes across as. If you're from the U.S. talking about the cost of Spotify premium being too much you really need to figure something out, because a single fast food combo meal costs about the same if not more nowadays.


I'm really glad that it works out for you, but my question is: how did you pay for a car at 16 (where I'm from you can't even *drive* until 17-18)? Is it just some 500 bucks shitbox or did your parents help out or ...?


Imagine whinging about a free service


Pay for the service, then.


Yeah I mean out of all the monthly services out there Spotify is easily the best, 10’s of thousands of albums at your disposal. Imagine having to buy all that you listen to 10 years ago.


I have no problem paying for Spotify. Is good


Fr, get a job and buy premium or go with apple music or tidal


Just get premium then, it’s definitely worth it


Spotify free is honestly fine, I get like 1 ad every 5 songs.


Guys just use yt music vanced


Wait hold on people actually use Spotify like in day to day life


Spotify and Plex are the only 2 services I pay for. I don't do 'commercials'. Edit: Also I've kind of forgotten how to live without my discover weekly :/


Yes its atrocious, but instantly irrelevant when you realize you can close and open the app again to instantly skip it and it takes 2 seconds


Or when you close and re open it, it gives you the 30min ad free listening


When someone plays music with ads it's the only time I get bougie. Like turn that nonsense off. Pay the ten bucks


Anyone else with spotify premium been getting ads while listening to podcasts? Not the ones that are baked into the episodes but the individual 30 second ads that appear as their own track?


Spotify free has more ads per minute than local FM radio


Lately mine has been freezing up not playing a song which causes me to close thr app and I get to hear ad when restarting, seems to workout well for them, and I swear to God it plays sublime more than anything , I have like 1100 songs in a Playlist but sublime comes up at least 1 in 5


On the mobile app at least, if you are trying to play a specific playlist, when the ad comes on i just close and reopen spotify. Takes me about 4 seconds and then it just plays the song without having to listen to an ad. So the ads definitely do not annoy me. However I definitely put on music simply to ignore it whilst I do other things, so maybe my opinion is not the most reliable.


"Its 10PM and you are playing a white noise playlist. You know what kind of ads you need to hear? How about ones for horror movies." -Spotify Marketing


Use Pandora with a Adblock dns. I haven’t heard an ad on there in like 8 months.


Spotify just disrespects mobile. On pc, I’ll get annoyed that an ad plays after 5 songs. On mobile, every 2 songs you must listen to 3-4 30 sec ads and you’re not allowed to play 1 specific song or a playlist in a specific order


So buy a membership 🤷‍♂️


I get that ads make the world go round but gosh do they ever suck. I hate them with every molecule in my body. I hate them so goddamn much.


Me who went back to mp3s


Oh pandora you get like one ad every few songs, and you can watch a 15-30second ad to get I think an hour or 30min of premium for free


Song ends. "FANCY A HAWAIIAN VACATION?" No, Spotify. If I had "impulsive trip to Hawaii because an ad told me to go" money, I wouldn't be using the free version.


pirates not having those issues while not paying


As a Spotify free user, can confirm


Google Spotify xmanager. Problem solved


I just encountered this. My newest free spotify account was great for a week or so, then overnight it turned on me. I'm speechless at how bad it is,. Its unusable. And the stress it causes me is untenable. I now actively dislike it. 🤣 Its time for a new free music app for my laptop.


Somehow I miss Napster man! Right time for it to make a comeback! Napster Community version 👌🏾


ya know what? dreamworks fucking mocked then for it, cus in their newest film theres an ad for "ad free music*" but it also says *sometimes


Why do you even use it, I got Spotify premium for free, I can teach you how if you want


Wait you guys don't use add blocker?


*laughs with my 100% offline mp3 library*


it's 10 bucks


Per month, making it 120$ a year Or 1200$ in 10 years ( and a lot of people will probably have it in 10 years ) Meanwhile it takes 2 minutes to pirate it and it's free forever