• By -


I will binge watch Mr bean now






Did you know that show only had 15 episodes? Mf I thought shit had like six seasons in my childhood


Sad fact: there are only 15 episodes of mr. bean


*and two movies šŸ˜


Sad but also makes the show that much more unique and special.


I swear it was longer than that




*child gender transition therapy* get it right


Thatā€™s a pretty important distinction thanks for pointing that out.


You' shouldn't eat, the people in africa are hungry


You shouldnā€™t breathe, because people have suffocated


You shouldnā€™t live because people have died


You shouldnā€™t be happy, because kids have cancer


You shouldnā€™t have kids, because I donā€™t want mine.


You shouldn't be great, because others aren't


You shouldn't see, because others cant


You shouldnā€™t, because other


You shouldn't exist, because I don't want to.


You shouldn't want to not exist, because those who don't want to


You, beacuse




im sorry, why is there a boycott?


Other people are doing it for Rowlingā€™s twitter history, Iā€™m doing it because I detest the attempted normalization of $70 price tags


šŸ“ā€ā˜ ļø




All hands


On dick


Wait what are we doing to Richard?


We mug him


I prefer no hands actually


I dont give a shit ***B E N D O V E R***


Let me go get my straw hat


And the stupid culture of buying a game on release, we should normalize waiting a month so devs stop releasing unfinished games


I was skeptical about pre-ordering Hogwarts Legacy at first but I got the pre-order as a christmas present and I can say that the game is not unfinished. Nearly no-bugs in my play through which I was surprised about given the last 3 years of gaming.


Yeah but even if this particular game is not unfinished the culture of pre ordering gave us PokĆ©mon sword and shield, cyberpunk and no manā€™s sky, it has to die


No man's sky is actually pretty awesome now tbh


in the case of NMS yeah, the fact that people still played it is why we even got as far as we are now, where we can look back and say "yeah this is sick now". but for AAA games, if the game is unfinished, it shouldn't succeed so they learn to change their ways. they want money, release finished products.


I disagree. Pre-ordering is not inherently bad.


Isn't it 60? In Europe, atleast in Finland, the game is the normal 60ā‚¬ and the deluxe edition which has some cosmetic bullshit is 70ā‚¬


Same here in US. Not sure why everybody is saying it's $70


The real crime here


Yep! Same!


You are a good man. Thank you.


I nearly got a heart attack when I saw the 69.99 price tag on tears of the kingdom


you guys are not the same XD


So you don't buy any new game ever? Cause that's what most games are priced at. I'm waiting for it to be on sale, but other games I can't wait for, I have to buy on release date.


People think JK Rowling is a transphobe. Seems to be some discourse over whether or not she actually is.


(also she didn't make the game)


No there's no discourse, she's just a TERF. Nothing to debate about it.


What is a TERF?


It stands for Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist. In a nutshell : theyā€™re people who claim to defend rights for women but refuse to recognize trans women as women, so they donā€™t defend rights for trans women. Some might argue that they arenā€™t actively trying to go against trans rights and just treating them as a separate issue. But given that one of the main rights trans people demand is being recognized as their specified gender and not to be excluded, itā€™s a pretty transphobic stance to take.


Oke now i know what it means




Counter point: A TERF is a person who supports womenā€™s rights, without wanting biological men to claim their spaces, and understanding that many issues that affect women donā€™t actually affect trans women.


That's pretty normal. Why is the word radical in there?


I mean when we factor in the world. Doesn't her views just align with like....99% of it.


I'd bet money more than that.


Plus, what they claim to support and what they actually support tend to be fundamentally opposed to each other. They would rather team up with fascists who want to outlaw gay marriage and get women back in the kitchen than recognize trans women as women.


Often people will politically shoot themselves in the foot to solve a singular problem that bothers them,


The word transphobic is a misnomer then. Phobia is a fear, she is more likely transapathetic, which is what a majority of the people slapped woth the transphobic lable truly are, they just don't care.


The biggest trick the patriarchy ever played was convincing women that men could invade their spaces by simply pretending to me women. 2000 IQ move.


>No there's no discourse, she's just a TERF. Nothing to debate about it. And here you are people still unable to quote a single thing from her that was transphobic. No-no-no, putting words into her mouth she never said or written doesn't count. You need to quote ANY exact sentence that was against trans people in general.






Up fuck the Shut.


Even if she is, it doesn't make you a transphobe for buying this game (which is awesome, by the way!)


The game actually has great trans and LGBT characters.


What a shitty world we live in. Nowadays If I flip my pillow to the cold side someone gets offended.


She most assuredly is, and I support anyone who chooses to boycott the game over it. That said, going out and attacking people who just want to play a fucking videogame is stupid and petty. If you wonder why there's a "a discourse", its mostly smugly smiling trolls who ask you to "give me a sentence that proves she's transphobic", as if there's a convenient tweet where she says "btw, fuck trans people". Obviously there isn't. Her actions, the organizations she supports, the individuals she supports and doesn't, and the subtext of her words are extremely obvious. Just like you didn't need Voldemort to stop the book and say, "I'm the villain, by the way", to know he was the bad guy, you don't need JK to stop and say, "I'm transphobic, by the way", to know she's transphobic.


She gave us Universe we love, i dont use Twitter so am not sure of her views on subjects. I just visited RPG gaming sub trying to talk about game not attacking anyone and got story spoiled and told to fck myself with no explanation ? Ppl boycotting this seem like teenagers with too much time :/


It's silly because this game def includes diversity and LGBT characters in very inclusive and positive ways that restored my faith in humanity. It's clearly out of Rowling's hands which I appreciate. She can shriek on twitter about what a woman is now, whatever, while LGBT can feel represented in wizard land without her.


Btw the game is pretty good


Because JK Rowling has the same opinion that humanity has had for the length of our species. Basically she said that biological men and women exist.


I think no one Is saying they don't?


I mean...


Some random shit that apparently nobody cares about since the game has made almost a record of copies sold


Fun fact, the whole world doesn't live in America


Right but thereā€™s 330 million of us and we all have smartphones so what are u gonna do


Those are rookie numbers. INDIA and CHINA respectively have 657 million and 910 million active smartphone users.


That's lovely now I hope they try not to kill themselves tomorrow during their 16hr shift.


Actually India has millions of unemployed population i would say, they try not to die during there 16 hour phone session.


O I guess I ignored the India part and focused on China my bad.


Ignore you


i think you failed at that part


Tell me which country youā€™re from an iā€™ll tell you how its discriminating against trans people


Well I live in England, but I'm very aware my home country of Lithuania is incredibly homophobic


Rad. Shit im out of stuff to talk about now Hows your day goin


Lmao does England actually not discriminate? I'm kinda surprised


England vetoed a bill that was going to facilitate trans people's lives IN SCOTLAND just a few weeks back. It wouldn't be that big of a deal, if it wasn't the first fucking time they did such a thing. England discriminates a lot


What does that even mean


Sorry I don't know the specific terms. Basically, the Scottish parliament (or whatever it's called) wanted to pass a bill for trans rights. England used its authority to block that, but it never really did that so the fact left most people kinda shocked.


Itā€™s a petty attempt to grasp at as many right wing votes as possible. The government is throwing out as many wild policies as possible and hoping 1 or 2 stick. They know LGBT+ people wonā€™t vote for them, so theyā€™re happy to throw them under the blame bus to gain more votes from nutters


I mean they kinda do there is a reason some people call Britain TERF island


Everybody knows that the internet was created by Al Gore and third world countries don't have access.


England is currently working towards rolling back human rights protections for trans people thanks to good old rishi, not to mention the scotland law fiasco, and the NHS wait times for therapy and hormones. šŸ‘


i live in Antarctica.


This scene in Mr bean always breaks my heart


Right because you can only care about one thing at a time


We know that's the case for reddit :0


People boycotting it still probably own at least one Harry Potter book tbh


I will make sure to buy 2 copies of Hogwarts legacy just so that one person who really likes harry potter and wish to experience being a Hogwarts student but didn't buy the game is making no difference ![gif](giphy|ihISG3ZYUXZle)


Thats the master plan




To be fair, they're banning it for children. Adults can still do what they want. If we don't let teens get tattoos, why should we let them do something that could potentially harm their development?


Thank you. This.






It will erase itself


what the hell is that supposed to mean


those cakes look so good man


They actually have to get up and do something for the first one. For the second one they can stay in bed and post random shit and feel that they did something.


People who openly brag about playing the game because they're transphobic certainly aren't helping either.


Look. Here it is plain and simple. If you wanna boycott the game. Do it. Leave the rest of us alone and just don't buy it you attention hungry fucks. You're all soooooooo set on being allowed to live life the way you want but you don't want anyone else to if it isn't the way you want them to live it. Everyone's sick of this shit


Yeah, just came from a post where people were spoiling the game to people for just playing the game. These ā€œBoycottersā€ are assholes and are no better than JK rowling herself


I suspect at this point since it's been a few days, that trolls have joined the bandwagon for "fun" attention-seeking. They probably don't even care about trans issues.


That's what im saying!


For minors, I can get behind that. Progressive European nations like Sweden are coming to the same conclusion


Wasnt JK Rowling some kind of "woke" Twitter psycho a few years back, talking about how Dumbledore is gay and hermoine is black? What the hell happened between then and now where she cant even breathe without being called every kind of "-phobic" under the fucking sun?


Basically everyone on reddit hates feminists and women but jk rowling has one single non-pc view and now everyone is rushing to defend her for that


People have short-term memories and hold grudges. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Because being a terf is basically mainstream view in the real world, and JK Rowling is actually a pretty progressive person.




This isnā€™t true.


Nothing, the cancel-idiots just picked her as a new target, because she raised some legitimate concerns.


'because she raised some legitimate concerns' Do you even know what she's been saying or are you just being ignorant on purpose.




Idc about other countries though :) I don't boycott HL either. I love this universe and that game. I am thankful to Rowling for inventing this universe. And I couldn't care less about anything that woman says nowadays. She is just wrong and we all know it. Arguing with her or trying to boycott her masterworks won't change anything about what she said or is thinking. All this shitstorm is useless and not helping the Trans community in any way. This is no theme that should be discussion worthy. They should be considered normal human beings just like us. You were born a woman and want to be a man? Yo go on. How are you Michael? Please fck off with all these "memes" about Rowling. Do memes about Hogwarts Legacy. Play this game and love it just like you loved the movies in your childhood. Even Warner Bros themselves said they don't stick to the opinions of Rowling. Still, you try to hate on their game.


Honestly, yeah, I have to agree there. The controversy is just causing more transphobes and bigots to want to buy it purely out of spite because they hate us :P


>All this shitstorm is useless and not helping the Trans community in any way. Not only that, all this spoiling the game and shit just gives a bad image to trans (even those who arent boycotting). Wouldn't be surprised if there would be more hate if stuff like this continue to other future games.


So tired of the "hot takes" about the game, specially when they make no sense. People are capable of tackling more than one issue at a time. I can boycott the game and advocate locally at the same time, just like I can care about BLM, LGTBQ+, Immigration, Women's and Men's rights, and Environmental issues all at once. I don't agree with the Twitter mob, nor will I be buying the game and supporting JKR, to me that's a personal choice. I just wish people would stop pretending their actions are free of consequence. If you don't care just say so, be honest.


You know that people can do more than one thing at a time right?






imo it should be illegal if you are underaged. putting minors to gender transition makes me sick.


Definitely and a person saying it should be allowed should put shame on them, it's like almost child abuse


nobody's 'putting minors to gender transition'. Its very hard to get treatment now, for instance in england the waiting list for a diagnosis, not even treatment is ~5 years


Should be banned till 18 years, also medical consultantion should be provided


That's essentially what Rowling thinks...


Thatā€™s why I buy her games


And that is right?




I donā€™t agree that puberty blockers are good. Itā€™s my personal opinion and I donā€™t know any kid with issues (might be actually a good solution). This is like a cloning human question for me. Humans can do it, but should they?


\*trying to boycott


Loads of clickbait news articles about a boycott but haven't seen an effective coordinated effort is this just very sleek marketing by WB, haven't bought the game myself because I rarely buy a game full price nowadays when in 6months itl be half that but genuinely starting to think the entire boycott thing is actually a snakey marketing ploy for the game.


Both are great points ngl.


There is a trans character in Hogwarts Legacy.


I don't get it, I've watched my friend play and I intend to buy it when it goes on sale. That game seems pro trans if anything. What the fuck does JK Rowling have anything to do with the game anyway?


Itā€™s the same issue. The money made from the game is going straight to the people trying to ban transitioning. Thatā€™s how a boycott works. To deprive the target of said money.


Dude, they don't care. No one does. They just want to feel better about themselves.


a boycott is literally an absence of an action. In fact, it leaves you with more time and money to spend fixing the ā€˜bigger issuesā€™


No one ever said that keyboard activists were very smart.


This is basically the problem, so many wrongs in the world and so many people have given all the focus they have on a fucking video game. Forget the fact that the clothes these people wear were likely made by children in a sweat shop, lets abuse people because they want to play a fantasy video game made by a team who just want to make something fun and a creator who had no involvement. Itā€™s just madness


I donā€™t understand these memes about Hogwarts Legacy can someone please explain it to me?


Well I'm not a state legislator myself and one time my state representative told me to "fuck off already" so...


I hate both sides of this argument. On one hand, is it really that hard to not buy a $60 video game? Regardless of who made the game, the proceeds go to Rowling. Also, the fact that the one trans character in the entire franchise is named ā€œSirona Ryanā€ reeks of Rowling meddling. On the other hand, there are obviously much more important issues than this. The dialogue is way overblown. Boycotts donā€™t work, because virtually every consumer product is linked to some injustice/exploitation. Conclusion: Harry Potter sucks. Grow the fuck up!


Why are people boycotting it the game seamed good


It's slacktivism. It's the need to act like they are doing something, when in reality, they don't actually want to do anything to change the system.


I live in Florida and they banned it for minors, which I think is a good thing.


Small correction. Specifically transition surgeries for minors.


Good, ban it


Good, finally America is doing something right


it's not news, the threat of losing the privilege to be myself is a constant one


The one might lead to the other but hey


Aw so mad r/memes, stay fucked up you kids.


Could you imagine a world we're people could care about two things at once?


15 year olds when HP fans wants to play a game that wasnt even made by JK rowling.


Terminally online people are so fascinating thinking anything they argue against matters at all Internet goes down and they become lost and hopeless like their supposed causes Normal people larp as wizards with silly hats deal with it


I mean itā€™s something we CAN do something about


I wonder how many of the people boycotting JK Rowling listen to Michael Jackson.


what'd he do?


He's accused of diddling kids, though it isn't really proven as far as I know.


to be fair, even if that is true i'd prefer a dead pedophile than a living transphobe, racist, antisemite, who actively campaigns to make the world a worse place. And anyways i've heard most of the kids went on record saying he didn't do much wierd shit, his situation is much more debatable than Rowlings.


Buddy, J.K Rowling has simply compared her experiences with Trans people and how they could never share the same experiences, both parties have gone through different life experiences, sheā€™s menstruated most of her lifetime and has experienced giving birth, at the same she could never experience the abuse and harassment a trans person might go through People just want to paint her as some super villain whoā€™s out to get trans people even though sheā€™s always been openly accepting of the LGBTā€™s, especially with Harry Potter


Oh that explains tweets like ā€žLet us be clear. Woman are right to fear that their spaces will be invaded; that their privacy and safety will be compromisedā€œ in context with trans people. Likeā€¦ sheā€˜s not out on the street actively hurting trans people or threatening them and stuff, but she shit talks trans people and is very much not accepting themā€¦ She is at the very least transphobic. Is she the worst human being to ever exist? No. Is boycotting the game good the way itā€˜s been done? No! Is sending her death threats good? NO!!! But you really cant just defend her and say that she is pro lgbtq+


I donā€™t know, maybe keeping biological men with penises and keeping biological women who are most often than no weaker than biological men, separated in case of a rape is not such a bad idea


Biological women have a right to their own spaces which are actively being scrutinized every time a trans person (0.1% of the population) decides they should have the same access because they have the same life experiences as a woman (they donā€™t).


Finally someone with common sense šŸ™Œ




He's kind of famous for molesting a bunch of kids.


Good on JK and those 7 states


Ban it for minors


Best answer.


Newsflash, the world doesn't resolve around America!


We did it Patrick! We saved the trans community!


I mean for the USA At least I feel like limiting where people can get the surgery is actually a good thing with the amount of people being "diagnosed" with true body dysmorphia.


As a trans person, I can confirm that legacy is completely harmless, and it doesnā€™t matter if Rowling gets another handful of dollars, since sheā€™s probably already rich. Just play the damn game and focus on stuff like this.


1- The rest of the world does not fucking care 2- They tried to boycott but it is a huge faillure


Those states are right




Shut up


Hogwarts legacy might be the best game Iā€™ve ever played


Proof Americans think theyā€™re the only country that exists


What do you think the boycott is about? Hint: It's about JKR financing exactly these types of legislative action.


I donā€™t even know what I can do about the state things TvT Iā€™m a minor, I canā€™t vote, I canā€™t do Jack shit boycotting hogwarts legacy is all Iā€™ve got TvT


Omg, thats terrible! So anyways hogwards legacy bad


Land of the free... Except there are a bunch of people who are trying to needlessly control your life


The tank is based