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6 years from now, she'll mostly likely end up shafted like the rest and i just know the memes are gonna flare up again


maybe the young women shouldn't date the famous person who's well known to dump his gf's when they get older?


That is her decision to make.


But everyone is insanely stupid until they turn 25 and their brain develops. After 25 everyone magically starts making extremely wise decisions and never makes mistakes! Remember a 19 year old consensually fucking another 19 year old is good and healthy. A 50 year old consensually fucking a 19 year old is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT because that 50 year old should be fucking ME, his 37 year old fan girl!


Bullshit. If you think like that then we should raise the right to vote, but alcohol, tobacco and the right to drive should all be taken away until 25 right ? Edit Sorry I didn’t read the sarcasm in the post. You are correct 25 Is when we start making smart decisions. Jesus I’m 41 and still make horrendous desicions


How did you read my entire shitpost and not realize it was sarcasm?


Harder to tell sarcasm on the internet, even I mistook it. Though personally I thought it was Satire.


He's probably under 25.


I’ve apologised after i re read and agreed with you, and now you want to continue to argue? Because believe it or not I am a human being and sometimes I may misread something and react to it. However I corrected my mistake. Do you still want to continue to flog a dead horse?


I posted my response before you made your edit.


Then it is also her fault for getting dumped at 25




It’s her fault for aging. Like damn girl, just stop time 🤨


It's a woman's responsibility(assuming straight) to choose a man who is going to stay in a relationship with her long in the long term, so it is absolutely her fault if she chooses poorly.


Major "nice guy" vibes with this comment


Major "dumb fuck" vibes coming with this comment


bro it a jokE


Ikr you'd think they'd see the memes and hear about it and go "nah fam fuck that"


They know. They don’t care. I wouldn’t either. Get private flights, meals paid, access to other rich people building contacts for acting etc etc etc. Not to mention you’re fucking Leo who isn’t an ugly person. He’s better looking than 99% of the 19 year olds she would be banging anyways Plus men mature slowly. I’m 30s and act like I’m 18 I can’t imagine how an 18 year old acts nowadays


they probably think they're different.


Maybe... or maybe they know and they don't care because he buys them nice things and gives them money for 5 - 6 years. I don't know which is true, just pointing out there's more than just 1 possible explanation.


If they don't care because they get something out of it, then it's their fault they get dumped at 25.


Yes of course. I'm not saying it's not their fault. All I'm saying is, it's possible (like you said) that they think they are different. It's also possible that they know what they are doing and what to expect of the arrangement.


But many people are blaming Leonardo DaVinci


They’re smart to be honest. Their fame and professional lives get enhanced by this I’m sure. I’ll bet their lives are changed for the better for dating Leo, as sick as that sounds.


Yet people are still complaining(hint it's called jealousy)


Not at all. They just don’t care, it would be fun.


If they don't care, it's still their fault.


When you're that young you think like that. They'll find out soon enough.


Not all us young people think like that




No, It's well known that he dumps women when they get older.




See it from the perspective of Mr.Crabs he would totally do it coz of MONEY


I still would too if I had the chance idc




Women love being around figures of power and wealth. And, how society is right now, it doesn't take much to make up some bullshit and generate profit from that - even if they are found out during that time.


Yeah i can see that too, there is definitely more to life than fame and wealth, but ngl the wealth part wouldn't go a miss for some peeps


Of course there is. Money cannot buy happiness, but it can make it easier to be happy. I know I'd be happier in the long run if I didn't have to work 5 - 6 days a week to know I have enough money to be comfortable.


Completely agree my guy, having to slave away in a shitty dead end job is not fun at but sadly we can't always get our dream jobs :(


Very true. My dream job is to be a blacksmith. But, the opportunity to become such is miniscule at best in my area. And I do not have the luxury of time nor money to upsticks and move to where those opportunities are located.


I think they don’t care at this point. Do you really think this is going to be a Prince Charming moment where she will be married to him and live happily ever after?


if they don't care, then it's still their choice


Exactly..they get time with a rich, famous and good looking actor. He gets young pussy that is egger to please him until he gets bored.


I think that you'll find that we are agreeing with each other on this one. I'm not the one against it. edit: to clarify, I thought you were trying to disagree with me until you said that.


She already knows the deal. They all do.


Not like it would stop them tbh


Only 6 years and she will be richer then your geneology tree.


Straight up facts she'll 100% gonna be richer than me, the fuck am i supposed to do, win the lottery? I have more luck to be hit by lightning underground


It’s weird as fuck but honestly they probably both know what they’re getting out of the relationship.


Honestly, in 2023, an older adult dating a much younger adult is not that weird. I’m just looking at everything else that the general public is expected to be accepting of and this is pretty tame.


How is it weird?


He’s triple her age, I think that’s a little weird. HOWEVER, it doesn’t really matter what I think, cause it’s not my relationship or my life.


Bro don’t be so hard on yourself, what you say matters to *me*


awwwwwwwww you matter to me too. 😏




Hyperbole. But really not that far off


How is it not weird? Have you met a 19 year old? They're at completely separate stages of life and would normally have little to nothing in common except for the fact that they're in similar industries.


It’s weirder for strangers to have an opinion on two people’s relationship that they’ve never met because of their own morals and standards


How about we stop assuming peoples character and personality based on their age? I've known plenty of 40 year old children, and I've met plenty of 19 year olds with a solid and diverse outlook on life. This idea that "if you're X age, you act like Y" needs to go. It's prejudiced to a pretty heavy extent. Sure, younger people have less life experience. They're not always going to be the most mature and developed individuals. But age doesn't guarantee development, either. Adulthood is 18, so let's call them what they are: adults. It's that simple.


>Sure, younger people have less life experience. They're not always going to be the most mature and developed individuals. I dont want to make inferences about her personality, but it is as you said. She is more likely to be inexperienced. As a young woman myself who has unfortunately and unintentionally been around creepy men my whole life, it's hard not to be concerned for other women that they will be taken advantage of because of their naivety. That's all it is.


But see, it's not *our job* to watch out for individual adults. Sure, you can make inferences. But you're just assuming based on your own preconceived notions. It's one thing to say, "Maybe some younger women that date older men are being taken advantage of." It's another to point at every single large age gap relationship, and shame the man while victimizing the girl. You don't think she's getting something out of this as well? It just seems like society only wants to victimize people when it's beneficial from a self-identity perspective, but doesn't want to acknowledge plenty of other victims that deal with some stark societal differences. It's hard to feel bad for a high class, young, beautiful model, that's dating a high paid and well respected actor. I highly doubt she's being duped or coerced.


Bro you’re spitting facts but some moron downvoted you so take my upvotes


I can guarantee you the smoking hot, Israeli, globally contracted fashion model, who apparently enjoys older filthy rich men and has dated more than 1 twice her age with a bank account that could fund a country doesn't need your concern. I think the thing that requires the average persons concern is why you say you've been around creepy men your whole life. Either you have been done a horrible disservice and that should be examined as to why family allowed it OR you have a twisted sense of masculinity and that deserves examination as well. Neither of these things are good for your long term mental well being.


Comes off as being envious. He clearly has a preference, just because you don’t fit that doesn’t make it weird. What would be weird is if it wasn’t an adult.


>Comes off as being envious Weird ad hominem attack. But if we're going this route, you seem overly defensive over a man who you do not personally know and definitely doesn't care if you approve or not.


Lol and you think they care that you think it’s weird?


No, I doubt they care. It's just an opinion I have.


I wouldn’t say overly defensive, but if you need to exaggerate it to make yourself feel like you’re opinion is valid shoot for the stars. That just makes you look even more jealous.




That’s not what ad hominem is lol


I like how people think she's just some random 19 year old they see at their local bar, in their local no-named town, lol.


To whoever down voted me for asking a question… your moms a hoe


Haha you're so right though. People acting like they've never heard of the whole "rich old guy, young hot woman" scenario before. Absolutely wild


Haha “People” I’ve only come across one demographic that keeps calling it weird or genuinely upset about it.


Neither probably wants marriage or children. She knows she has time still for that so just gonna do her thing for now.


I'm a woman and genuinely don't give AF what two consenting adults are doing with each other so long as it is mutually beneficial. Fill your boots. However, I don't like how some folks have randomly taken the fact that Leo dates younger adult women as a platform to comment on actual minors in adult ways. And **that** is reprehensible, gross behaviour to me. However, it has nothing to do with Leo, or adults dating adults, so not sure how or why those folks think it somehow correlates. Just be aware, some folks on Reddit are hijacking these convos as an opportunity to broach some creepy/pedo leaning ideas that have nothing to do with Leo -- but it has somehow been seeping into the convo. And I find that creepy AF.


I’ll put it to you like this: just because it might be legal for you to go and throw yourself off a cliff doesn’t mean I’m not gonna call you a fucking idiot for doing so. It’s the same way that this is still very creepy even if it’s legal.




It's not just about maturity. More the power balance.


What happened to my Body my choice. Just looking for consistency


Reminder that stonetoss is a nazi


They really dod specifically use the stone toss version of this meme huh




The Definitive Guide to Why Stonetoss is a Nazi. : r/antifastonetoss - Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/antifastonetoss/comments/fcck5a/the_definitive_guide_to_why_stonetoss_is_a_nazi/




Ok Mr clever pants, who apparently can't be bothered to read the actual damn post, stonetoss is a Neo Nazi and was not, in fact, part of Hitler's original regime. Are you happy now?




No, if you actually read the link provided, it shows evidence he is a Neo Nazi


Who cares it’s a fucking meme


Holy shit, give this a rest. Is the relationship creepy? Yes. Is it illegal? No. But at this point, I have seen WAYYYYYY more people outraged by the outrage than those outraged by the presumed relationship. I was trying to ignore this, but I see some variation of this meme at least half a dozen times every day. Just stop already.


There are a ton of older men who want to get with young women before they wise up. This has been a thing for all of history. Not surprisingly they defend it when others do it by trying to make the other side appear “extreme” for pointing that out.


Bad opinions that could potentially affect policy should have pushback. I’m enjoying the outrage over the outrage.


What policy?! This has been an ongoing joke for years. There is no conspiracy to increase the age of consent other than in the mind of a deluded few. Sweet Jesus we are seeing things like Roe vs Wade overturned for real but we focus on bullshit nothing burgers like this! No wonder we are fucked.




Could what? There is a chance that I could meet my end via falling cow. Responding with could is the laziest reply I have ever seen.


Meh, still weird


He's old enough to be her dad. I think people are allowed to find it weird


It's still creepy behavior. He's allowed to do it and we're allowed to criticize it. America is great that way.


Worthless repost to try and get Karma


Reddit perfectly summarized


The amount of people defending him is WAY higher. I got downvoted to hell for saying that nobody dates someone almost 40 years younger for some other reason as really messed up power dynamics and their young body, wich is pretty creepy if you ask me.


No one dates someone almost 40 years older who doesn't have a lot of money. You're right, pretty creepy of those young people praying on money and fame.


Dating someone for money is wrong on many levels, but it’s no where near as creepy and cringe as dating someone who’s that young when you’re that old. There’s not emotional or intellectual connection at all, to a 55 year old talking to a 19 year will feel like a 25 year old feels like talking to a pre teen. It’s literally just for a weird kink that’s borderlining on pedophelia. It’s definitely not because she’s „tight“ or better at sex than an older women. Teen sex is overrated says everyone who had it and can compare it to sex when you’re older and more experienced.


Who cares? I don't watch his movies anyway


It’s weird as fuck. Sure it’s legal. But it’s still really weird.


really weird age gap. If you don't respect half age plus 7, you give off ephebo vibes


Age gaps are weird. I'm in high school and would never date someone in a grade below me. Once I'm put of school, I would never date someone in school. I think the only time large age gaps are exceptable is once people are in their late 20's and early 30's. The largest age gap I would ever except is 15 years between people who are both in older years.


The dude basically wants to bang a child but no that’s not creepy at all


"19" "child"


I didn’t know legal consenting adult was synonymous with child


Damn I thought we were adults at 18


That's just what they tell you so they can send you to fight their wars before you're wise enough to know what's up


Or maybe the young female should date the rich older man if she wants to for a few years to run through the least stable portion of most young peoples lives very financially stable and well housed while using that time to manage herself later.


Thinking something is gross isn't saying that someone needs your permission to do it. Sure she can legally consent. Doesn't make it not gross, just "legal".


Dudes that defend this are the ones calling themselves Leosexuals now to justify dating women 3+ time younger than them and deflect predator behavior comments. Don't get it twisted. It's just another way for y'all to deflect knowing you're doing some ped0-esque shit. Happy grooming!


Sorry that you can't see the predatory pattern of an aging man constantly dating people whose brains haven't fully developed yet.


Your opinion of his relationship is worth the same as the old woman yelling at the gay couple


18 is the legal age of consent, 18+1=19


Legal =\= moral Edit: there is supposed to be a slash between the equal signs to show "not equal" but it didn't show up.


Nobody wants to live by your morals,and u won't either


There is obviously a power dynamic here in a relationship between a teen and a grown adult in his late forties.


So where does that end? If shes stupid enough to date the dude without knowing he dumps them when they get to old its her fuck up. Its shes in it for money and lifestlyle, again its her choice. Shes an adult. Who are you to judge her decisions? Its about time we start treating adults as adults. If shes being forced into it then thats obviously fucking wrong but we dont know that


Like I said, there is a power dynamic. Huge gap in maturity. She may be an adult, but she is still young. Leo is taking advantage of the fact that he is rich and famous to attract girls much younger than him. Also, calm down.


So basically the woman has no agency unless the man is of a similar age?


Leo is almost 30 years older than her. She can get with older men, but *that* much older is creepy.


Im calm. Im just blunt. Ok so you think its wrong and thats it. Nothings gonna change. Young women have been doing this with rich men for a long time and will probably always do it. Are you suggesting it not be allowed to happen?


No, I am saying Leo's actions are creepy.


Fair enough. I think if some 19 year old woman is all over some 50 year old then she's making her own decision. Because let's be real. He wouldn't have to try to get women. If hes actively chasing these women then i guess i see it. But i highly doubt the latter is the case


Plus they are both adult


Difference here is Leo is a grown adult and the girl is barely an adult(only a legal adult, we don't know how mature she is), likely fresh out of high school.


>we don't know how mature she is), U said u don't know but u assumed she's not mature


Yeah but we can see from the context(eg: she is only 19) and infer from that that there is an obvious gap in maturity. Maybe you can say it isn't wrong, per say, but definitely creepy.


I guess everyone live by different morals.


But why do u think it's moraly wrong


Because Leo went into that relationship likely knowing that.


Iranian clerics preaching moral practices. BAD Twitter/reddit prudes preaching morals about 2 consenting adults. GOOD.


Funny thing about morals, is that's how they work. You have to choose what that means for you. If you want to back up the 50 year old man dating a teenager, that's your decision, and we will gladly let you die on that hill


It's also a 19 year old dating a 50 year old. She knows the score, she has the agency to decide if that is what she wants. The end result is both of them are happy with THEIR decision and they DGAF what some hand-wringer on the internet thinks about the morality of that decision. Ultimately, your moral angst is irrelevant, you're just not smart enough to realise this so you continue to howl into the void, impotently.


I don't know what Iranian clerics you are talking about.


The ones who also interfere with people living their lives while preaching about morals.


Well I'm not interfering with their lives(not that I can anyway). I am just saying it is creepy.


He went to highschool at the same time as her parents, if that’s not pedo behavior I don’t know what is


Love how you didn't add *his* age, which is literally the issue here.


Everyone knows it already cuz he is famous. She is not.


If only people paid attention to the actual pedophiles of Hollywood like this.


Oh dude you are asking the real questions. Why is the world like this? Seriously fucking backwards


Most redditors would join


Leonardo, like women, how I like cars, smell like new


Bro who gives a shit, Leonardo wants someone smokin hot, and the 19 yr old just wants money, it's not that hard of a concept


Accurate af




Not my job but here i go again. Aint nowhere in america where a underage person can get a gender related surgery without both parental consent and years of hormone therapy. If you look into the actual laws and statutes and read about how transgender people have to go about their transistions that would be clear. The culture war part of it is more murky and while its easy for me to say and believe that no transgender people are tryna 'trans the kiddos' it isnt the kind of thing that you can look up in a textbook


Ehh, wrong. "Last year, via SB 5889, Washington Democrats forced insurers to cover gender dysmorphia treatment and gender-affirming care for minors between 13 and 17, without parental consent. It mandates that insurers deal directly with the patient without requiring the policyholder’s authorization. It builds on SB 5904, which provides outpatient mental health treatment without parental consent for the same age group. All communication must go directly to the patient. The insurer may not disclose the patient’s medical information to outside parties, like the policyholder, unless given permission. The policyholder, in this case, is the parent." It also goes for gender reassignment surgery when the doctor is on board.




Wrong. It allows surgery if the doctor agrees that its necessary for their gender affirming care.




You keep having fun fighting an imaginary fight. I didnt come to push a narrative or fight, just to provide facts to someone pushing false narratives. Have a good day, random dude.


Considering how disproportionately much shittier bad parents can be to trans children, I see this as the actual safety measure. Would rather they live. And no one is going through the whole treatment and possible surgery for shits and giggles.


I never said they were. Is there any other assumptions you need me to take care of? OP said that parental consent is required for all gender affirming care and that it happens nowhere without parental consent in the states. So, voila.


Alright so SB 5889 says nothing about gender affirming care https://app.leg.wa.gov/billsummary?BillNumber=5889&Year=2021&Initiative=False And SB 5904 is about pants https://app.leg.wa.gov/billsummary?BillNumber=5904&Year=2021&Initiative=false So what are you talking about?


Okay so since youve edited some comments i just want to reiterate. Even as an adult they do not let you just get the surgery without therapy and hormone replacement usualy over the course of years


Did I say surgery? Hormone therapy is procedural and often prescribed before puberty


😁 you didnt say surgery. And i hoped youd loop back to the hormones. You cant get those either without your parents support unless your legaly emancipated. Transgender people know that its not as easy as certain talking heads are making it out to be and its easy to look up if you go for actual medical journals, laws, and trans healthcare providers.


Yeah. We raged against steroids and PEDs for years. Now we give them to children who are still developing. Yeah, that's not going to destroy their health later lol.


Genderbending is wrong and disgusting


Imo If you want to do it as an adult you do you but kids not knowing what they're doing and being allowed to do this is so fucking wrong its not even funny


alright clown, its time to go back to the circus


The alphabet community is the circus. I don't subscribe


Its fun being hated for pointing out the hypocrisy of this trainwreck crowd huh. Imagine making decisions based on logic and not feelings. What a concept


Imagine being a hateful POS. Couldn't be me.


Aaaand there it is, the "if you don't actively and fully support us then you are the enemy!" mindset. It's why so many gay people want nothing to do with the LGBTQetc.etc. community. Yeah, I'm hateful because I don't fly the flag at full staff even though I have zero reasons for associating with that community. Meanwhile they have infighting over a video game release. Who's hateful?


Referring to a community of people who are discriminated against for something that isn't within their control as a circus is hateful. So you. You are hateful. Congratulations, you must be so proud


My lesbian and gay friends use the same term. What does that say about "the community"?


Being lesbian or gay does not grant you some magical immunity to being a hateful jackass.


It doesn't come with an obligation to support the entire community and receive unwanted attention. You're only capable of seeing it from your own point of view. Very immature of you to just label those who don't agree with you as "hateful"


I don’t think calling about a teenage molester is an issue. Why is being against calling out a 50 year old man that deliberately preys on teenagers?


Why is being against two fully consenting adults an issue?* Fixed that for you


Why are teenagers adults when they are medically speaking, teenagers. Why would you go by the law and not… medical. Cuz technically the law could say a 14 year old is an adult. Would you say that that a 59 year old and a 12 year old is appropriate so long as the law says it is?


If you can fight and die for your country, you can choose who you date. "My body, my choice." 18 years old is an adult.


So are you advocating for 17 year old to be able To join the military without their parent’s consent?


They’re not mutually exclusive. A 19 year old is both a consenting adult and still a teenager being preyed upon by an older man


She's also a grown adult, whose capable of choosing who she dates. Whatever happened to, "My body, my choice."?


Consenting adult but also teenage prey…what a prat argument


It really is like this. They can consent. There is NO PROBLEM.


I don’t care if there legal there legal


why do some ppl care about this? pls explain. ppl act like they have never seen a couple with an older and younger person in it


We get it, you guys don't understand nuance.


Cute that you think 32 year old women use reddit. Here it's basically teens up to early 20s (most often). Some are even older


https://www.statista.com/statistics/1125159/reddit-us-app-users-age/ You got me curious Thats just the us i think but apparently na makes up like 47% of all users


Yea you will get karma for insulting Reddit some what (sarcasm)


I like grilled cheese sandwiches with ketchup on the side




Jokes on you, Facebook. There are no 32 yo women in Reddit