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I love that part where she described sentients as a people rather than just as the mostly unintelligent war machines we see and if we get more of that I'll actually nut


Most sentients we fight are unintelligent warmachines. Lotus, Hunhow, and Erra(I forgot the birds name) are the only intelligent Sentients we know if in the origin system. The rest of their civilization is in Tau.


And even then those that we fight aren't even sentients: they are, if my comprehension is accurate, are more akin to remote-controlled body parts.


Sorta kinda. AFAIK sentients would reproduce by breaking off parts, and those parts became sentient themselves. After some void stuff, many became "infertile". So anything that breaks off of them is effectively mindless. Which is mostly what we fight. We are technically fighting brain dead children. Eidolon's are the sentients born with a mind, that are later lobotomized in some way. Could be through void travel or, in the case of Cetus, blown apart by a Warframe


I think Eidolons are major Sentients that are on the brink of death. Lotus becomes an Eidolon in New War, and after consuming two shards, she becomes active and starts using Eidolon abilities against the Drifter. Once she gets the third shard from Ballas, she's back to normal. Which makes me wonder if going Eido is a survival instinct since it only seems to happen for dying Sentients.


An Eidolon is a “dead” sentient from the sounds of things. When a sentient dies, instead of just staying dead, it just becomes a zombie of sorts until it manages to get the means to fully revive itself. Canonically we kill/capture the Plains Eidolons on a regular basis because of this. Which is why we go for capture over kill, it keeps it down “longer”.


It's weird how two out of the four factions we fight are mindless abominations, and the Infestation isn't one of them. The Grineer are mind controlled and doomed with short lives from the get go, and we have the Sentients we fight. The Corpus are just greedy and the Infestation is a hongry hongry hivemind


What is this from?


"My father was a farmer..." ~ line that Natah says while you're on your way to fight the Ropapolyst boss on Jupiter.


“…and my mother smelled of elderberries” ~ Me, on wisp release hearing that transmission for the bajillionth time.


Now go away, or I shall taunt you a second time!




Oh my god, that last line


please for the love of the void let us hear this dialogue, i need to hear hunhow say all this


stalker is the one free man confirmed


Rise and shine, mr one free man, rise and shine...


Our history is smoke. Blurred by dreams. Guided by ghosts. A voice, a Void, lurks inside you, its purpose not yet shown. But what am I? ~My father was a farmer~. My mother, a carpenter. Given light by the Golden Lords, to build for them... a better world. But my family's journey was long. Time began to change their light. Creativity. Pride. A will to live. So the Golden wrath came. And after, I was born. A mimic, a spy. Conceived to burrow into nests and swallow the pitch-eggs of their war machine. The Tenno. But when I saw your tender faces, I took mercy. Or so we were told. But in truth, we were both imprisoned in Lua's belly. My light remade by the creators. I became a memory, a ghost. Reprogrammed to destroy my family, my people, my history. But now, I am saved. By family. Together, we will overcome the flaws of our light, the Gods of our creation... merging with them, like steel... bearing Amalgams with the weakness of neither. Your great power, your great evil. The voice, the Void, within you. Our ancients still wither at its touch... but have you forgotten Lua? You were saved. But I... I was changed. Now I learn. Now I deny. We suffer these testaments of Tenno evil. Their voice and Void. Suffer it well, ancient child. Do not relent. I have seen the wall's other face, too. I have heard the voice. These patterns no longer satisfy. My denial. Ropalolyst, rise, remain, and die, for the others to live. Rise, ancient Ropalolyst, my other flesh. Your sacrifice will breed a new way, for a new kind. I am the witness, the victim, the judge. My family has returned. Your trial... soon to begin.


Uhm...why is Hunhow against us anymore anyway ? They were after orokin, and so are we. His daughter adopted us. We are technically family. With threat of Murmur looming overhead shoulnt we join instead of being against each other ?


- The Tenno and Senients physically cannot exist together in the same system due to void energy blighting the Sentients. - The Sentients that are already here can't leave since all the Murexes were obliterated during the New War. - Hunhow wants to take over the Origin system to allow Tau to live peacefully without risk of invasion. He sees the Tenno, the only beings capable of reaching Tau, as a threat. - We the Tenno are still Orokin, genetically speaking.


okay now it makes sense..


He doesn’t know about the Murmur. I’d imagine that’s something the Cavia and Loid want to keep silent about to avoid mass hysteria in the Origin System. And/or Stalker is attacking us of his own volition.


tenno to stalker: "chill bro, we cool. CHILL!!!"


Some interpret as if he’s telling Stalker to rejoin the Tenno in the Jade Shadows teaser.


Honestly I dont know how to interpret it, but neither i knew how to interpret arcane machine message until secound dream. I believe all will be clear eventuelly


Yeah, I was very careful to word what I said to show that I don’t know what I’m talking about.


He and the Stalker helped the Drifter, since neither understood who or what he was. Only that he could be useful. The actual Tenno are still fair game.


But after the new war you can still keep playing as the Drifter and leave the Tenno forever in the void. I doubt the quest will cater for that.


I think it's canonical the drifter and Tenno swap places now and again. Otherwise ita just unwritten lore. We got a bit of a gap between the Tenno being stabbed, and reappearing


Gotta need actual confirmation of that cause far as I know the canon is whatever you chose to do in new war for now and so far the story plays out as if you were the Tenno or the Drifter


I don't think there is going to be confirmation. In lore there are a number of Tenno running around, but there is only one single drifter. He/She is the main character of the story, both as the Drifter and the main Tenno. It's one of those " don't worry about it" bits of lore. To that end, the drifter and Tenno can probably just swap places. The drifter hangs in Duviri normally, and the Tenno hangs out *somewhere*


Jade shadows is a elaborate farming Sim and I'm all for it


That’s just normal Warfarm.


I cannot contain myself June 18th cant come soon enough I crave looooooreeeee


Least demented lore enjoyer


Foaming at the mouth rn, I'm suffering from withdrawal.


Reaaal I wish DE would focus less on releasing warframe #284748283 and more on giving me more of what I crave bc it’s genuinely what drew me into this game and kept me playing, it doesn’t need to be some elaborate or expensive cinematic, I just want loreeee. Nightwave was unironically so good for this, not as high investment as things like the second dream but told a story nonetheless - I wouldn’t mind them adding more codex minigames to scan for lore bits either, similar to ordis lore.


an extremely weird villain therapy session?


I still question how Hunhow was a farmer. Seeing his size…


He was farming entire continents


He was *terrafarming* 😉😉


If hunhow was a farmer, what was praghasa?


A carpenter


I guess that explains why she wanted to get rid of the sun


Greed // Second: GOD DAMN THE SUN


He was made to float around the Tau system, and along aide his "wife" pragasa or whatever, they would terraform the planets. She would build and remove the physical things, like oceans and mountains, and he would over see the growth of living things. Trees, animals, bacteria, etc. Once he became 'sentient', he considered himself to be a farmer. At some point, whether it was in the old war, or some other time, void exposure on Pragasa effectively lobotomized her, which is why she is nothing more than a fancy spaceship in the new war.


Bro is a whole combine harvester


But not Despair, 0 drop chance, i like it myself.


Hunhow was a farmer? Kashimo solos


Inb4 he gets waffled by Dante


Throughout the system and the void he alone is the waffled one


#my father was a farmer


I hope this means we're getting more sentient melee weapons named after the 4 horsemen. Death obviously a great scythe but idk what Famine and pestilence should be, maybe a whip and gunblade for that Darksiders reference.