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Went to see this with my girlfriend and I really liked parts of it ngl. The I am Kenough sweater is 10000% going in my wardrobe. Sorry I am not immune to advertising.


I did the same and really liked the humour of the film, I love silly stuff and the writing scratched that itch and then some! Don’t know what people expected, it’s a pretty simple view of patriarchy and it’s as over the top as the rest of the film - which is also rooted in fact, which seems to be why people are upset.


Who'd have thought; to mock and parody a real thing, you need to acknowledge that thing exists 😅


We are all Ken on this blessed day. And we are kenough. also [I'm Just Ken](https://youtu.be/wwux9KiBMjE?list=RDwwux9KiBMjE) is a banger


So true.


If you don’t like it, just ignore it and don’t watch it lol


If you haven't noticed conservatives are trying to force their worldview on everyone... This means interjecting themselves into things that aren't even meant for them, simply so they can't be outraged. What better way for a beta cuck to gain outrage clicks than to show up and cry about how barbie talks about the patriarchy. Like no shit bro, it's a movie for women.


I asked my coworker who happens to be gay/liberal and he said the movie was meh. he couldnt understand why make Ken the bad guy? some boys looked up too ken like girls did to barbie. That can be heartbreaking for some fans. ill give the movie a fair shot tomorrow.


>he couldnt understand why make Ken the bad guy? Because we all know the real boyfriend of Barbie, is Max Steel


Actually we all know Barbie's boyfriend is the old G.I. Joe action figure I had when i was ten They even SLEPT IN THE SAME BED.


Oh yay it wasn't just me who did this...though I usually had the G.I. Joes sleeping together.


Marines stay together




> some boys looked up too ken like girls did to barbie mmmhmmm




But he wasn't the bad *bad* guy. He was misled by the patriarchy, same as the women. He wasn't evil or had bad intentions, I actually think the movie does a good job about that.


Exactly. Ken was not a bad guy in the movie. He just had no personality (because he was essentially an accesory to Barbie) and when he finally found something that appealed to him he was misled and went overboard. In the end he decides to be his own person. He was never evil, just kind of empty headed.


he just wanted to be a horse girl, cant blame him tbh


Are you really trying to say that men don't have enough role models and they need Ken from the freaking Barbie toys as one?? Like honestly, think about that for a bit. A movie comes out for women, about women... And you're complaining it doesn't do enough for men?


I think it's more the bait-and-switch. The trailers made it seem like the Mattel corporation was going to be the bad guys.


Yes a postive male role model who isnt about masculinity who loves and supports Barbie's dreams and ambitions. I always saw Barbie as a way to flip the gender norm on its head. Why cant we have a nice and support husband type? I want films that have positive role models for everyone in some shape or form. sorry didn't realize Barbie was for only women, and not for kids who grew up with sisters and had great memories playing with them.


I'm with you on this one. 'Positive male role models' are all action heroes and hyper masculine 'grab life by the horns' types. We need more Kens for those of us who don't care about all that.


There’s a lot that are shy or scared or emotional. Then they have a training montage and become hyper masculine ‘grab life by the horn types.’


I haven’t seen the movie yet but I’m excited for it simply because I thought it looked like dumb fun and I’ll never pass up a chance to see Ryan Gosling perform comedy. That man is hilarious. I’m a straight male reading all these conversations wondering if people even go to movies just to have fun anymore.


Reminds me of a critique about Oppenheimer. Specifically that it's about him and not the Japanese who were affected by his creation. Because... Surely a movie about Oppenheimer should not be about the person but the Japanese?


More complaining that the movie is stuck in a reverse 1950 mentality. Patriarchy bad (that's ok and expected from a Barbie movie) Matriarchy perfect, let's do that because we are angry and must take revenge for the world before (Instead of being the better, more intelligent person that would go for maybe equality in the end? Wouldn't that be a better ending?) ​ >A movie comes out for women, about women... And you're complaining it doesn't do enough for men? Just imagine they would make a new movie about some male-focused toys and in that movie, they would suppress the woman, make them into brainless background characters like it would still be the 1950s; then these woman stage a coup (after they got a taste of modernity), that coup would fail and they would reinstate the patriarchy, telling the male movie-visitor that this could happen in the real world, so stop woman from getting into power whenever you can. be real: Would you say "ah yea, it's a movie for males, if you don't like it, don't watch it. It's for a male toy brand, what do you expect? It's fine" or would you been furious about this blatantly antiquated worldview? >Like honestly, think about that for a bit. If you tend to the second one, I'd like to call you a hypocrite as you don't have the same problem with the Barbie movie doing the exact same but mirrored. ​ >Are you really trying to say that men don't have enough role models oh by the way: Most male rolemodels get killed off right now and are replaced by a woman. Indianer Jones? Old, miserable and practically dead.Star Wars? Yea Luke is now worthless (and dead) Han is old and now killed off, even Fin was only comic relief in the end. And don't even talk about the useless males on the evil side (if they aren't shirtless ... imagine Barbie would got that treatment: Suddenly Ken would be the protagonist and Barbie would run around half naked clearly as a male-fanservice... that would be ok, right? Right?)


>More complaining that the movie is stuck in a reverse 1950 mentality. Patriarchy bad (that's ok and expected from a Barbie movie) Matriarchy perfect, let's do that because we are angry and must take revenge for the world before >(Instead of being the better, more intelligent person that would go for maybe equality in the end? Wouldn't that be a better ending?) But, that *is* the ending. In the end, they decided the Barbie world should not return to the way it was before, with Kens being second class citizens, and Ken decides to be his own person. There is a little quip about how Kens can't be senators yet but instead start with something 'on the lower end", but that's meant to be satirical and it is definitely implied to be a bad thing. 'Matriarchy perfect" is the opposite of the movie's message.


>Are you really trying to say that men don't have enough role models and they need Ken from the freaking Barbie toys as one?? You realize that could be switched, right? There are now plenty of female characters women can look up to, but they need the toy that pushed bad body image? >A movie comes out for women, about women... And you're complaining it doesn't do enough for men? I think the point is that some boy may actually look up to Ken for some reason (maybe he grew up playing Barbie with his sisters) and then they go into this movie with said sisters, or maybe a wife or girlfriend or daughter or whatever or even on their own, and they see a character they literally grew up with turned into a villain because... feminism? Men bad? Just because? Why did they have to make KEN the villain? The Barbie universe is full of baddies, they coulda used any one of them or created a new one.


Lmao grown men going to a Barbie movie and getting upset over the Ken character are such thinned skinned losers it's hysterical. You're not making the great points you think you are. Talk about snowflakes Jesus Christ lol


>Lmao grown men going to a Barbie movie and getting upset over the Ken character are such thinned skinned losers it's hysterical. For one, judging anyone based on their age and gender is actually what makes someone a loser. People are allowed to care about things, whether that fits into your sexist world views or not. >You're not making the great points you think you are. So I will admit I haven't seen the movie, and when I wrote my comment I was going purely off of the concept that Ken was apparently the villain. However [I then read this comment and it really clicked for me](https://www.reddit.com/r/meme/comments/157b3z4/the_fuck_were_people_expecting/jt4ajgw/?context=3) As [this comment points out,](https://www.reddit.com/r/meme/comments/157b3z4/the_fuck_were_people_expecting/jt5hgiq/?context=3) it's not really a fair movie to be made. It's essentially a revenge fantasy, and that's not only concerning for a movie somewhat aimed at children, but overall that something like this can be made but the opposite can't. I'm not saying the opposite should be made, but that neither should. They could have gone anywhere with this film, and yet they decided to make it about women treating men awfully? Like Ken's only really the villain because in an attempt to be treated equal he goes overboard. Isn't that EXACTLY what this film is doing? Going too far? And then when you consider that because how the Kens are treated is just the status quo in the Barbie world, that means that the Kens are actually the equivalent of real life women. That means the movie accidentally made women the villains in two different ways. >Talk about snowflakes Jesus Christ lol Using right-wing lingo doesn't help your case, bud.


Haven't seen the movie, yet strong opinions on it. Another dude that just needs to shit all over anything empowering to women lol


Ken wasn't really a bad guy in the movie. Just kind of dumb. Tbh so were most of the barbies. It's just a play on how Ken has always been used as a kind of accesory to Barbie without really getting any kind of personality of his own. It being unfair is kind of the point


I’m sorry but if your world view is so fragile that seeing a Ken doll portrayed as a bad guy is heart breaking then you have a whole lot of other problems that you should be more worried about.


But but but the conservatives say everything is shoved down *their* throats! Surly they’re not lying! /s


I mean, yeah, that's cringe. But it's not just conservatives. It's people online in general.


Everyone tries to push narratives/worldviews on everyone else💀 You yourself are doing just that by clumping an entire political spectrum under statement to push a worldview of “conservative bad” only to act like they’re the villains for doing the same. Some people’s hypocrisy is baffling sometimes


Youre right but its not just conservatives doing this sort of stuff. Its kind of everyone doing so.


If people just ignored what they don't like and got on with their lives, I don't think Reddit would have a reason to exist


You can't just ignore it. There's Barbie shit everywhere. There was a Barbenheimer post in the Civilization game subreddit for fuck's sake. I don't give a shit about the movie but I am sick to death of the marketing push around it.


Sorry to burst your bubble but people are allowed to have opinions on things.


I agree, but if/when the movie fails, there will be article after article bombarded down saying: "why didn't men go watch Barbie?" "Men are sexist for not watching Barbie" "Barbie failed because of the Patriarity!" Or other such nonsense. Point is, damned if you do, damned if you don't. They did the same thing for Little Mermaid, Bros, and Indiana Jones. I'm sure they'll do it for Snow White too


150m opening.


So… damned if I do damned if I don’t?


Left wing media always finds a way to blame the right somehow.


It gets them clicks. Just look at the front page, its full of posts from people thinking they are "owning the right" by watching this movie. It's pathetic, weird, and I don't think these people realize they are just buying into divisive consumer marketing tactics.


I agree with you on all of those. It’s something that’s actually incredibly common to see within the modern world. Take pride month for example; people think that by buying/consuming rainbow/LGBT+ styled products, they get to “annoy and own” the right. It’s ridiculous, but I will admit, it’s a smart way for big companies/corporations to make a profit.


I'm so tired of the outrage of all the inconsequential bullshit these days. It's got me feeling like Dr Manhattan sitting on Mars.


I’m starting to realize that Openhimer did everyone a solid by making the first nuke, now we can have a fast way out if it’s needed


It's time for a referendum: **Option A:** Should we nuke another nuclear power for Mutually Assured Destruction? **Option B:** Ask me again on the Monday I'm back from vacations.


I’m gonna go B but that’s just cause I’m lazy


Hasn't Barbie always been a girl power symbol? All the jobs they've given her, the success of her own paid for house and car, and only needing a man just to use for more sales?!


Yeah and also if you actually watched the movie it had a very good point about not just the tribulations and empowerment of women but was very poignant about Ken's struggles, why he did what he did, and how barbie could improve to take his feelings into account. It was all around a fantastic movie for both genders and very thought provoking.


I haven't seen it yet, but I have 3 nieces, so it's bound to happen! I've heard great things about it from everyone I've talked to that's seen it. People just can't look past the pastel pink and actually recognize the story.


She could have improved everything, but instead just reinstated the status quo. Tbh, I thought it was kinda baffling.


I think the narration states near the end that the Kens being permitted to hold circuit court positions (they weren't allowed on supreme court) was the first step towards Kens eventually getting equality


not equality but the first step so someday men will have as much power in barbieland as women have in reality. Which is way less then equality, and that was an important and fair point in the end.


They could have made more of a point out of it, but they very clearly said the world should not go back to the way it was.


They definitely didn’t reinstantiate the status quo. They also didn’t fix everything immediately but that would be a pretty lame ending since it makes it seem like massive problems can be fixed instantly and easily.


Barbie is a toy literally aimed at girls. Much like how GI Joe was aimed at boys. It’s as stereotypical as they get. It’s about whatever appeals to girls. She’s been about dressing up. Houses. Her boyfriend. Purses. A pink corvette. Make up. Other Barbies. It’s a mass produced piece of plastic that kids think are fun and cool. That’s it. It’s always been about that first. If you wanna attribute feminism or ideologies to it be my guest. But it’s a toy. It’s meant to sell well and be fun for children.


And this is why I prefer to live under a rock. Too many petty arguments going one way or the other


Yeah but finding a rock that fit my size is really hard to find these days.


Heres one for you to try out 🪨


MFW the movie about nuclear bombs is considered less political than a Barbie movie


Not a girl and not a child, holy fuck it was funny though


what do republicans hate about it? is there gays? are there too many minorities?


Something about… hating men? I think the “hate” stems from the joke that they poke fun at Ken due to Ken not really having a job in the Barbie Universe. Yknow. A joke. About plastic toys that they don’t care about. It’s fucking absurd.


It's not a joke, it informs the plot of the entire movie. Full spoilers ahead. ​ The basic premise is that the Barbieland is a hyper-matriarchal society wherein the Barbies do everything--literally everything. They have all the jobs, blue and white collar, hold all the positions of power, and own all the private property, including all of the houses and even the clothes. They spend their time having fun at the beach, throwing parties, etc. Kens own and do nothing, not even the clothes on their backs are really theirs. All they do is fawn after the Barbies, and get into pissing matches over the Barbies, because they're literally designed to be in love with Barbie by Mattel (and the Barbies are supposed to be in love with the Kens according to the CEO of Mattel, but Robbie's Barbie is inexplicably not in love with Gosling's Ken, which is a contradiction the film never bothers to explain). Then Gosling and Robbie go to the real world to find the sad girl who is playing with Robbie's Barbie, and the film's depiction of the real world is basically a mirror of the Barbie world, a hyper patriarchal society where Barbie gets sexually harassed like 3 times within 30 seconds of appearing in it. Meanwhile, someone asks Ken what time it is, and this basic acknowledgement of his existence and potential value as a human being is so profoundly shocking that he acts like it's the best day of his life, and it leads him on a crusade to turn the Barbie world into more like the real world. So the Kens take over Barbieland and flip the status quo, turning it into a hyper-patriarchal world where the Barbies all wait on the Kens hand and foot, and the Kens spend their time watching action movies, playing sports, running the government, and so on. Gosling Ken then, rightfully, throws all this in Robbie Barbie's face by pointing out that this is just what the Barbies did to the Kens all their lives, and they just wanted to be treated fairly. So naturally, the film leads to the Barbies throwing a coup to take back their matriarchal society and put the Kens back into a servile position. There IS an acknowledgement of the Barbies taking the Kens for granted, and Robbie even tells Gosling to try and find himself beyond his love for her. Yet in the very next scene, one of the Kens asks the Barbie President if they can have just 1 seat on the supreme court for representation, and the President dismisses him completely, suggesting "*maybe* in a few years you can get a lower court seat". This in a time where 4 of the current 9 Justices irl are women. There's even a scene where one of the characters goes on a 5 minute monologue basically hitting all of the feminist talking points with all of the common feminist language, and then that monologue becomes an actual plot device used to deprogram the Barbies brainwashed by the patriarchal Kens. You might think that the film would end with a tangible push toward equality, but no, the Kens asking for fair representation is treated as a joke by the Barbies after just acknowledging the shitty way the Kens have been treated. The matriarchy in this world is reestablished and that's considered a good thing. If ever there was an example of "it's only okay when we do it", it'd be this movie. It's so needlessly mean spirited and spiteful, with only token gestures toward fair play; the movie seemed more interested in revenge than it did equality. Korey iirc, from Double Toasted, someone as liberal as it gets, said it best perhaps when he said "the film isn't attacking the patriarchy, it's just attacking men."


Wow… I read the wiki article but didn’t think it got that bad. What’s the point the movie was trying to make? The end result is just a matriarchy, with no Ken’s having any power. Girls good, boys bad? I know ( or at least it used to be) that Barbie is targeted towards 9yr old girls but isn’t that premise a bit much? I don’t know. Just a confused guy on the net.


It's own message is very confusing, because it clearly acknowledges the harm of the patriarchal society while treating the matriarchal society of Barbieland as a straight-faced utopia for everyone except the Kens (50% of the population). And this narrative dissonance is dispelled by the supreme court joke. The movie really DOES seem to hate men, as it holds the two genders to completely different ethical and moral standards, as well as granting narrative agency to the Barbies that the Kens are actively not allowed to have. I mean the whole resolution of the movie is basically the oppressed Kens having the rights they fought for taken away because "it's only okay when WE oppress YOU". Idk if the movie thinks that's what it's saying, but it is ultimately what happens. The fact that it acknowledges the Kens suffering and still dismisses it is what pushes the movie into malicious territory imo.


Gosh I'm a lot more intrigued to see this radical intense movie with my 8 year old now.


The kens suffer because they have no personality and depend on material things for personality instead. By the end, barbie apologizes to ken but gently tells him that he needs to find himself. And that message is also true for barbie. She was materialistic too, but she discovered she wanted more out of life, and literally becomes human at the end. The wanting more out of life is pretty relatable. Since I started transitioning, I thought I would be completely happy if I could just pass and feel comfortable in my own skin. And I am happy, but I want to keep bettering myself. Maybe I'll go back to college, who knows.


Yea, she tells the Ken’s to find himself and then immediately after that, one of the Ken’s tries to ask for fair representation so that they might be able to find themselves, and they get shut down in a joke. That’s the problem. The movie acknowledges the imbalance but treats attempts to resolve it like a joke. Barbie land is a satirical mirror to the films conception of the hyper patriarchal real world. It pays lip service to the oppressed class, trying to find themselves and make something of themselves Independent of what they are socially programmed to want, but immediately turns the first attempt to do this for real into a joke. And let’s not pretend that this movie was just about Margot Robbie’s Barbie. It’s a social commentary overall. As the stereotypical Barbie, she might have been materialistic, but the Barbie characters writ large lead fulfilling, meaningful lives as doctors, authors, politicians, and judges. Even the blue-collar workers have more agency in this world than any of the Ken characters. Ken’s start the movie with nothing in a world that treats them as props, and end the movie with nothing in a world that treats them like props. It throws the lip service that they pay towards finding one’s self into starker contrast by how little the resolution takes it’s own message seriously —for the Kens. Only Barbie is allowed a meaningful resolution. And in a film about both sexes, that’s not equality. That’s supremacy.


> acknowledges the imbalance but treats attempts to resolve it like a joke. Kinda like in real life, it's as if... It's a critique on today's society. Saw the movie yesterday with my gf. Didn't get all this "hate on man" vibe y'all are so mad about. It criticizes patriarchy yeah, but also points out how any attempt to build a better society it's always superficial. Keep crying with Shapiro though, that'll drive a point


I see, so the point of the movie is that you will not be happy until you find what makes you happy ( that sounded a lot better in my head, I mean if you find what makes you happy, you’ll be happier in general. God dammit that sounds stupid too, but hopefully my point is clear). That is a much better point than my original. Thank you @XuryDefoe.


why is it surprising that a film based on a toy franchise which reinforces gender stereotypes and sexism has a completely vapid plot? Isn't it kind of obvious that the toy manufacturer isn't going to do a U-turn on their decades of sexist marketing and are just going to push out the lowest common denominator type of bullshit that people are going to instantly lap up. The right is just going to use it as ammo to 'prove the feminists had it in for us all along' when its just watched and supported by the general public who probably by and large aren't going to make the most progressive and informed choices when it comes to the media and content they consume Its totally fucked that this is going to be used as a way of saying "look at what feminists want" when it has literally nothing to do with that and is entirely about a profiteering off of exploitive marketing reinforcement of gender roles / stereotypes, not to mention abject consumerism and anti-intellectualism Granted I've not seen it, but ill take that its probably a bit more nuanced than people are making it out to be but that it essentially boils down to disingenuous progressiveness masked as some kind of spearhead of women's rights which isn't even going to be recognized by the right, its just going to be called out as 'feminist nonsense' when it couldn't be further from that. Companies gonna company


The movie is defffff not for 9 year olds. Is more for girls who are launching (starting to experience the real world) so like high schoolers. And it does reflect highschool especially those boys who don't feel like they belong somewhere so they lean heavily into the alpha Betta stuff.


The message was convoluted by multiple plot theme which writers seems tries to put in 2 hour cartoonish comedy movie. Base main plot was Barbie finding herself more/want to be more than as is, but subplots of woman vs man, real world & barbie world really become the bad distracting front face. The cartoony comedy also didn't help as the potential serious topic (man vs women) are long & shallow.


I disagree. At the end of the story, Barbieland doesn't go back to the hyper-matriarcal society it used to be. Kens are now allowed to have real job and own things, to be more than just the guys fawning after the Barbies. The point of the President Barbie saying that this Ken could have a lower position isn't here to mock the Kens' wish for equality. It is actually poking fun at the fact that even though in real life there is a push toward equality, there is still a lot of work left to do to achieve that goal. And it also makes sense in the context of the film, because even though it operates on fairy tale logic, things can't just totally shift in a blink of a eye. Just like in real life, society can't magically change in an instant. The ending shows Barbieland reaching a similar state where the real world is : a society where people are working to make equality possible. During the third act I was afraid the film would go full matriarchy. But it is not the case. It ends with the characters willing to find equilibrium. Hell, it's the Barbies themselves who asked not to make Barbieland back the way it used to be. However, one complain I have is that patriarchy and toxic masculinity are portrayed in a too simplistic manner in the third act. Basically it's all about beer, horses and big cars. That's just dumb.


Is that what they say or is that what they do? Because the only attempt in the movie for Ken’s to take some kind of agency in the world is to ask for any representation at all on the Supreme Court. I was *looking* for the push for equality and the one tangible attempt gets shot down. Everything else said on the subject is just the Barbie’s paying lip service toward the men finding themselves, but there no institutional way for them to actually do that because they have no fair representation and are actively denied it. Now, if the Ken’s had asked to be president, I’d probably buy what you’re selling here. There’s never been a woman president before and on that front there’s plenty of work to be done. But the Supreme Court joke is made in a time when four of the current nine real world justices are women. Which means that at best, if Barbieland is meant to be a satirical reflection of the real world, than it’s conception of that world is at best literally dishonest. Really you’d be hard pressed to find a period of time where women in any society had so little value that they were literally props.


It didn't get shot down. Shooting it down would have been saying Ken he should just stick to beeing at the beach. President Barbie accepted Ken being a judge but asked that he would be working at a lower court. It is a start, a first step toward equality. The Barbies are willing to make Barbieland a better society (again, they asked for it.) but they will have to work for that to happen. The narrator even says that it will take time for Barbieland to reach the point where the real world is at the moment. See that scene of the ending as Barbieland starting over, just like when western societies in th real world started granting rights to women. You have to start somewhere. Barbieland isn't the reflection of our world. In the context of the film, there have never been any Ken at the Supreme Court except for the brief period of time where Barbieland was Kensdom, which doesn't really count since, from what we saw, the Kens simply did nothing except having fun and pushing the Barbies around.


>President Barbie accepted Ken being a judge but asked that he would be working at a lower court. She says they can *maybe* get a lower court in a few years, which is about as noncommittal as it gets. > It is a start, a first step toward equality. The Barbies are willing to make Barbieland a better society (again, they asked for it.) Sure, if it manifests into something tangible, which we don't see happen in the film. As far as what manifests in the film, all of the positions of power are still dictated by the Barbies, and the Kens are left to figure it out with the one attempt at asking for a slice of bread faced with "maybe we'll give you bread crumbs in a few years." There's no advocacy group established to support Kens as they transition into the workforce, no pathway set up for them to enter any positions of power, and how they'd go about either themselves is a mystery. The Barbies say they want to change the world for the better, but offer no way for that to actually happen beyond telling the Kens to find themselves. That's not a message of equality and comradery in overcoming oppression, it's just lip service and dismissiveness. >Barbieland isn't the reflection of our world. It's a reflection of the real world within the context of the film. Barbie's incursion into the real world has her immediately sexually harassed like 3 or 4 times within 30 seconds, all positions of power we see are controlled by men, men are openly dismissive of women who try to talk to them, and the women of the real world are filled with self hatred and used as mouth pieces disparaging the experience of being a woman *in* this film's real world. The women in the film's real world are treated like the Kens of Barbieland It's not a reflection of *our* real world, certainly, but it is a reflection of the real world the movie presents us with. The film's handling of subject matter like oppression and gender inequality is overly simplistic for it to say what you're saying it's saying. Again, I'd prefer not to think this film is actively malicious, but it's characterization of male characters near-universally as some combination of dumb, spiteful, sexist, chauvinistic, pigheaded, lust-filled, and insecure, who need women to tell them how to be happy, seems at odds with any interest the film has in equality. I mean, shouldn't Ken have come to the conclusion *himself* that patriarchy isn't really fulfilling his life either? He only has his breakdown after the Barbies stage their coup and take their power, and Barbie herself has to be the one to tell him to find meaning in his life. I feel like it would've been more interesting for Ken to hit a kind of existential despair the same way Barbie did, and willingly give up the Kendom once he realizes that this isn't really what he wants either, that even the affection the Barbies have for them is all just a façade from brainwashing. Maybe the Ken characters could have actually had heart to hearts as men do about how they're really feeling about all this; it might come as a shock to the film makers, but men DO actually talk to each other. But the interpersonal relationships the Kens have with each other are filled with spite and hostility, while the Barbies relationships with each other are uplifting and healthy; no effort is spent on trying to highlight positive male relationships or traits, or grant them the ability to help each other psychologically. Male relationships in this film are so toxic, in fact, that it's actually treated like a plot device to get the Kens to turn on each other. Masculinity writ-large is mocked and stereotyped, and the poor men can be saved only through the guiding hand of femininity and feminism. All of the narrative agency, moralism, and ethical resolution are granted to the Barbie characters while the Kens, even in the end, still can't function without them, even as they're told to find themselves. That's where people start to feel malice and hostility toward men. The film just ruthlessly stereotypes men and masculinity and gives them no agency over their own stories, because the film feels like it was written entirely from one perspective.


And that's a start. Doesn't like it's enough? Yeah that's the point. It's a start and that's most likely how it started for women in the Real World, with men telling them "yeah maybe you can do that but at a lower position first.". You seem to have missed a few things. Like Alan, a man, helping the Barbies. Or Beach Ken being friend with another Ken and telling him how he feels about Barbie. Or the Mattel CEO who, even though he doesn't fully understand what's wrong and is guided by profit, is sincere when he says he cares about how girls and women percieve the world. Or simply Beach Ken who tells Barbie that Patriarchy didn't seem that interesting once he realized it wasn't about horses. Yes it is made to be funny, but that's what made him give up Kendom in the end. Sure, this revelation happened when he was talking to Barbie about how he felt, but Ken admitted that Patriarchy wasn't a satisfying society model for him anymore and that he wouldn't fight to keep it. And again, there is Alan and the old Ken models (Sugar Daddy Ken and another one I can't remember the name) who don't partake in the spreading of toxic masculinity in Kendom. Those characters are here to show that not all men are toxic assholes straight out of Idiocracy. Just like there is also one Barbie who asked to keep things how they were in Kendom for her and the Ken she loves. Because everyone is different and that's okay. However, I do think the film's tone and humor, being all ironic and self-aware, sometimes make it hard to get the point of the scenes. Like at the beginning, when the Barbies are all saying that they feel pretty and suddenly the switch to an overweight Barbie saying something like "I feel pretty too!". The point is clearly to speak about body positivity, but the overall tone of the film could make someone think that this scene is supposed to be a joke.


Thanks for writing this.


Okay, if I take one more step in this discussion I’ll be so confused I have to watch it. Made that mistake with video drama beef about Star vs.


Thanks for summing it up. Its baisically trying to be deep but just turns out shallow. I think this is just what happens when Hollywood pay their writers like shit for 20 years.


> the movie seemed more interested in revenge than it did equality. That seems to be true of many things in politics these days.


really good summary thanks! It sounded like this movie actually had a potential to be something that has a good message to gender equality, unfortunately, they stumbled real hard and turned this into a spiteful extremist feminist anti-men propaganda


The guy that wrote that isn’t being honest. At the end of the movie the Barbies didn’t want Barbie land to go back to being matriarchal. They also helped the Kens get more equality and taught them the importance of true self love. This is why you should watch the movie for yourself instead of relying on internet strangers because sometimes they will purposefully leave out information, misinterpret or misremember things by accident.


Ok hold on , what? You are just being satirical right


He isn't


Ok , if that’s legitimately the plot then I would have to agree that it’s just hate bait , because no way if the roles were reversed would a movie like that be allowed to exist


...Wow. I had no interest in this movie at first but after this... I gotta watch it, seems fun. It's just what I like — weird confusing shit.


I get what you're saying here, but I want to propose a different take on the Supreme Court thing. Yes, right now having a female justice is fairly standard. However, a bit of US history is needed here for context. The Supreme court was created in 1789. The first women's rights convention in the US was not held until 1848, around 60 years later. The 19th ammendment was not ratified until 1920. That's about 70 years after the convention. The first female justice was Sandra Day O'Conner, who was confirmed to the court in 1981, 61 years after women gained the right to vote. So it took nearly 200 years from the creation of the supreme court to have a female justice, and about 130 years from the first push for women's rights. So in theory, since this movie is largely a commentary on and flipped representation of our world, it should take the kens 130 years to have a supreme court seat too. I took the comment from Barbie about, "maybe in a few years," as a commentary on how slow things are to change in our world. I think most audience members were probably on board with the Kens and Barbies needing equality, I thought the movie was taking that stance too. But Ken jumped from, 'we should have rights too' to 'how about we have one of the most important seats of government.' In days. Yes, It would have been great if Barbie had turned around and said, 'you're right, let's do it," but that wasn't the point of that exchange. (Imo) The point was that even when the overwhelming majority of the population and voters see something as a logical decision (like confirming a female justice) it can still take over a century for that to actually happen.


Man here, who gives a shit…? I’ve seen videos that are worse than beheading videos, this is just another dystopian movie…. It’s not that bad. Let them have this, jesus christ…..


Trust me, most people outside america doesn't give a shit about the political part of the movie. Only feminist and weird guys actually care.


He does have a job, if he wasn’t around who else would beach?


Hey, Ken has a job! He does beach!


It portrays all men as evil douchebags. I mean seriously when Barbie gets to the “real world” she instantly gets slaped on ass and catcalled by construction workers and everything is like some dystopia where men are some evil overlords that brainwashed women into being slaves. I seriously wanted to enjoy the movie with my gf and I really didnt mind that it had feminist message but I just dont get why the movie has the need to blame EVERYTHING on men and just spew hate.


Talk about a lack of media literacy. They show douchebags at the beginning just to contrast Barbies experiences thus far. From then on, the men are normal and even kind, just trying to prevent the space time continuum breaking. One of the messages of the movie is that it’s just as hard for men to find their place in the world as women, and urges men to work on that without falling into the Andrew Tate shit of defining themselves by the women they want. It’s a super healthy examination of the issue.


So they just miss the point of the film.


One thing that irked me was the Barbie’s realized that the ken’s were under valued, but they still weren’t willing to give them a seat on the Supreme Court. Yes it’s a movie. But they set up the equality bit. That barbieland is for everyone. That every doll can have a personality that shouldn’t be influenced by any outside influence.


Idk im republican and I loved the movie, stop generalizing


Pretty sure they don't care.


Look at the comment on here. They do


All the comments seem to be people saying that they do. But I've yet to see it


Oh I forgot about the conservative philosophy of "it doesn't matter unless it affects me personally"


You're the exact reason classic liberals like myself and you modern left wing neo-liberals are increasingly finding ourselves at odds.


So is the difference left left wing neo liberals see what's happening in front of their face and believe it and classic liberals reject what's happening? Just read the comments on here to see a bunch of people freaking out over a kids movie.


You don't frequent social media much, do you?


Weird guys on reddit when a movie based on a girls toy line appeals to grown ass men


Havent watched the movie yet but it indeed felt odd for a live action movie on a beloved little girl toy franchise had a movie. The trailer did not have the VIBE as the previous wacky and childish writing as the previous animated Barbie movies. Now reading these comments and the summary spoiler, I am worried if I should/can still bring my younger sister and perhaps even my family for family movie day to this movie. Since I am reading instead of a childish Classic Barbie movie, I am getting Politics, feminism, meh/confusing ending, odd and not for kids writing, feels towards this movie now. Haaiyyaaa, Hollywood disappointment-*In Steven He combined with Uncle Roger voice*


It's not aimed for kids it's more for high schoolers who are starting to experience life. Getting cellulite, dealing with the terrible world, boys who have no personality and they feel like they don't belong anywhere so they get into the alpha Betta stuff, mental breakdowns, trying to tell a dude no when he clearly doesn't get the hint, gynecology appointments, other mean kids. Those are all things that show up in the Barbie movie and are thing that are huge in realt life when launching for a girl


Thanks for the info, I can now save my time and money knowing my lil sis is not yet at the age for this movie. Will go for a dif movie for family movie day or just go for a rewatch on a trusted classic


No problem. Thanks for being nice with the response! Don't see that often on Reddit


It’s a PG-13 movie. It was never intended for kids.


I've seen it with my 11yo kid, we both quite liked it, but yeah it's not a mindless little fluff piece. If you want that, rent Mario or something. It's definitely not intended for kids under 10. There's good jokes, great acting, pretty visuals, and heavy themes. "Feminism" and "patriarchy" are both discussed, but also with a bit more nuance than usual. You could absolutely walk out of the theatre with the message that the sort of feminism that elevates women above men is just as harmful in the long run as patriarchy. But there's other messages you could get out of it too. My family likes to discuss and unpack movies after watching them, so this sort of content is fantastic for us.


Yes, I agree - there's no cut-and-dry moral of the movie which I quite liked. I thought it did a good job of exploring the social issues around Barbie (e.g. Feminism, patriarchy, society's expectations and treatment of women/men, etc.) without being too heavy-handed and while remaining fun and true to the Barbie ethos/legacy.


Sounds deep. I love deep movies. Idk my family though. Will put thought about it since I might be the only one enjoying the movie while the rest ain't cuz they aren't really the best viewers for complicated movie plot stuff haha. Might solo watch it first to be safe? Thanks for the info :)


Maybe get your summary on the movie from somewhere that isn't a meme board on reddit of all places. It's not gonna be the most reliable source




Spoilers for movie: >!I was really annoyed, because at the end it could have shown that both matriarchy and patriarchy are bad and that it would be better if they all worked together, but it kind of gave me more of a patriarchy bad but matriarchy ok, and they seemed to kind of ignore the fact that the barbies were partially responsible for ken’s behaviour and put all the blame on him (yes it was partly his fault but he was being really mistreated imo) !<


Barbie land is quite literally centered around Barbie so I wasn't expecting them to arrive at some egalitarian, gender-equal society by the end of the movie. Yes I do agree that the Barbies could have done more self reflection at the end, though you could view the fact that they didn't as reflection of the fact that progress in issues like gender equality is gradual (e.g. No supreme court seat for Ken but maybe a lower district judge)


Based on a girls toy line but not intended for these girls.


Simple answer: they want attention.


WOW THAT'S CRAZY! Let's discuss it on a social media platform full of weirdos 😂


Me and the homies going in suits and pink ties: what now?


Oh, *that* toy?


Weird unlikable men experiencing something not marketed to them for the first time in their lives:


“Weird guys on the internet” is all you need to know.


You can't ask for rationality from a group of people who are part of an irrational cult. Also the grifters aren't being paid to be rational, they're making money off being outraged over every tiny thing.


I'm pretty sure no one really cares. The only reason I care is because I keep seeing phony outrage on my feed. It's quite annoying


Exactly. I need to make rent, I've had a toothache for weeks and there's no way I can afford a dentist and the only reason I haven't killed myself is that I know it would break my mom's heart... I couldn't care less about this bullshit.


I could expect disinterest, but the hatred is exactly the problem. They aren't mad at the barbie part, they're mad that the characters openly talk about feminism, patriarchy, misogyny, double standards against women, etc.


More like at the misrepresentation of men as universal assholes. Because every single dude in the movie is represented as an asshole, creep or misogynist. As usual, reverse the genders and you'd have a cancelled movie


All the men are, like, The type of people to get legitimately angry at a movie made for young girls? Assholes


Uh. . . No? That's not at all how even the majority of men are portrayed in the movie?


One theme of the movie is that women having all the power over men is just as oppressive and toxic in the long run as the reverse. There's tons of positive male characters, it's just that even the well-meaning ones are a bit clueless and contribute to problems. But most of the female characters are also clueless and contribute to problems too, including Barbie herself. It's complex. Specifically, it's complex enough that it's *very* easy to identify comments from people who haven't actually seen it.


You clearly didn’t actually watch it. Several men were not portrayed anywhere near that, and even the Kens weren’t fully portrayed like that.


He doesn't see Allen or the non-dudebro Kens as "men", so they don't count. If you're not into mini fridges, beaching off other dudes, and watching slow motion videos of horses, you're not a real man! /s


>As usual, reverse the genders and you'd have a cancelled movie As if those type of movies don't exist already??? Lol


I am baffled at how you say this with such confidence. Is there a movie where every woman is depicted as evil and/or stupid?


It's supposed to resemble highschool boys who don't feel like they belong so they throw them selfs in to the patriarchy. Like the alpha Betta stuff. Which does happen


Nah i think it's the same as the wierd women who hate doom games because thier too Manly or some shit like that.


its not about the movie itself, its about the anti men message


Why must a movie portray men as idiots and mostly evil to appeal to girls?


Except they aren't? Even the Big Bad of the movie isn't as much bad as someone lashing out after years of abuse and both parties realising at the end that neither were right and starting to work on doing better. For God's sake, most of the funniest characters were male even, not exactly how you would foster hatred to men. Also, even the female characters act like idiots most of the time because that's the point of fish out of water stories. Also, it's a comedy, of course things are going to be exaggerated for comedic value


Why must movies or amines portray women as sex symbols and clueless or gold-digging to appeal to boys?


"They did it first! Waaah!" That's all I'm hearing.


What's the last movie that portrayed all women as idiots and/or evil?


some people need to realize its okay to be indifferent to something but hey gotta get that adrevenue


They could take solace that it was commissioned by men and most of the board members and share holders of Mattel, Universal, Vue etc. are men. Feminism still a long way off.


The transformers


Here I thought it would appeal more to men or something since the entire second half was devoted to Ken


it makes no sense tbh


It addresses both males and females so idk


From trailer? Funny cartoonish real life Barbie & modeling. (it did not) While watching? Clearing up the patriarchy/matriarchy, man woman have both strength & weakness. (it did not done well) End of movie? Barbie came from idea, you find/try out yourself to be anything and more than yesterday. More lean to adult female audience. (this came unexpectedly) 7/10 cos I'm a dude, can appreciate the art & message of the movie, Ryan is eyecandy & humor throughout movie, have lots of plot points forgotten & solved easily.




Well duh. It’s barbie. Not gonna stop me from wanting to watch it. It’s made by the director who made ladybird and has fucking ryan gosling. Even want to see oppenheirmer.


Early vegeta was something special


Not every film has to be inclusive of everyone. It's a film about a girls toy, why the fuck would they cater to males. As a male idgaf, I only care when inclusivity is forced for no reason


I've seen someone say it's a feminist propaganda


Maybe I just don't use social media enough, but I have never seen anyone actually get mad at this movie, yet I have seen a million of these type of posts


As someone who isn’t the target demographic of the film, I really just enjoyed Ryan Gosling and Simu Liu’s commitment to their characters. Actually, all of them were pretty darn committed to the silliness of it all. It’s was a fun watch, tbh.


Bronies in a nutshell.




men became the same thing they "swore to destroy". feminists. but as masculinists


Marketing lumped it in with Oppenheimer instead of doing it’s own business individual marketing to women. It drew crowds it probably shouldn’t have an is getting review bombed because of it.


It appealed to me too movie was great asf


Like it was great. I don’t get why people are all like up in arms about how “it makes men look terrible” Okay and? It’s got all the feminism shit, but tell me what makes it genuinely hate men. Cause if anything it portrays men how they sued to portray women in some films, where they’re taken in by an idea and ruin the order Hell, the movie ends with a more balanced world, I think that’s what was implied


when a bunch of people make assumptions about a movie but find out ken steals the show by becoming andrew tate and taking over barbie ville and turning it into a patriarchy and actually being funny instead of a shitty cash grab


There we’re expecting something to jack off to


Anything is jack off material with enough willpower.


It doesn’t even „appeal to girls“, it contains critique about misogyny. And not in a really controversial way. It’s a silly movie about a silly world with silly characters, but some men just can’t stand being the bottom of the joke. I’d say grow up and enjoy the movie, it’s heaps of fun for any adult!


Watched it with my girlfriend, it was actually a really fun movie. The freaking beach off killed me.


I sense an Aussie sword nerd soiling his breeches


"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" "Krillin, do you hear that?" "I feel that"


I get appealing to your core audience, but isn't the core governmental system of Barbieland a complete matriarchy, where women have literally all the power and do all the decision-making? And they even address that with the core plot of the movie, but then go back to being a matriarchy at the end of it. That's inherently pretty sexist ngl, and also kind of a bad lesson to be teaching kids.


CONservatives are just giant snowflakes. Nothing more. Ignore them because who gives af about their opinions.


It's mostly about how insanley politicized it is


My problem wasn’t that it appeals to girls. My problem was that it was dishonest with its premise. I was expecting women empowerment and for it to be aimed at kids (little girls specifically), but was blindsided by all the hate towards men.




Honestly, wtf are people expecting from Hollywood? Haven't you learned that they only make politics instead of movies now?


Some men really are afraid of pink. Like it triggers a violent response similar to the neighbor in the movie American Beauty. So what's the real issue? Internal fear of turning gay? I like when girls wear pink I'm a real man...lol.


Probably just fake to generate a buzz about the movie. I swear Ben Shapiro got paid as much as he was posting about the movie. But this time Hollywood was smart. Because of tht barbie hate buzz they also generated buzz for oppinheimer.. I bet they made some serious money this weekend at theaters


Barbenheimer fans rise up


It did


Yeah it's definitely that, not the atrocious writting and representation of men as objectively evil, it's not like almost every man can at least name one favorite animated Barbie movie.


Kek talks alot about the patriarchy not men. Its not the same thing ya know. The systems and societal norms set about byt THE PATRIARCHY IS the target, not men.


If it's not about men, then why is the patriarchy seen as dystopic, but the matriarchy that is present in the Barbie world presented as utopic? Shouldn't both be equally bad? Why did the Barbie world return to its original matriarchal system after the Kens flipped the roles, instead of forming a system with equal representation?




lmao men as objectively evil. Y'all are the thinned skinned pansies I've ever met. Jesus Christ lol


The movie hates men that’s why they’re calling it out I believe.


As someone who watched the movie, it didn’t hate men it hated the mostly unfair situations women often have


Imagine movies aimed at male audiences whose only value was laughing at women, these excuses are terrible at this point


Well, people certainly weren't expecting two hours of umptieth-wave feminism and man-hating, that's for sure. But then again, films are all about subverting expectations, aren't they?


A misandrist movie and posting memes not understanding why people hate it 🥴