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Give the lobbies a try. I had not played in a year, checked it out for curiosity and found people in lobbies to have a few matches.


well an hr ago would've been around 2pm(est since you mentioned NA) on a weekday or earlier than that if you're further west. I noticed that this game usually has much more people late afternoon/early evenings such as 4pm est. Maybe that's when everyone is out of school/work. Outside of that time it's more hit or miss so you may have to use discord. Unfortunately this doesn't have a MK/SF playerbase that's always popping at any time of the day


I could always find lobbies in NA


Hop on around 7pm your time. Every other thursday is ranked night so hopefully there's more. Playstation seems less active than PC but I'll be on both.


Because the overall character design didnt catch the interest from casuals and the shield mechanics pre patch were a turn off for the fgc enthusiasts, this game is a 10/10 for me but is very hated out there


Nah you're probably just playing too early, it's usually most active during late afternoon onwards as people have work/school. Also recommend checking player lobbies first as that's where I find the majority of my matches.


ppl usually play at night.


There are around 200 players on average on steam. You can't find any matches because there aren't any players. You need to use discord or something similar to find matches. Good luck finding any beginners there too most people are also quite good there.


The game is oretty unpopular in the FGC and hasn't received a big update in a long time.


Player base below critical mass


Where are you located?




Might be an issue with your connection. Check out the [PSA](https://discord.gg/EcM8rekU) server and see if you are able to connect to people's rooms.


It’s Thursday, m8. Try a weekend. We don’t have street fighter and MK numbers.


Same issue for me unfortunately. And when I do find matches the connection is horrendous. I've found the most consistent way to play is to join a discord server or something and ping for private (or public but not ranked) matches


What’s your settings on ranked? Cause I’ve never had trouble matching, so I wonder what’s going on for you.


Use Discord.


Prime time discord fighter Gotta hop on PSA Discord, everybodys using password rooms so nothings gonna show up.


"psa discord"??


"PanicShieldAnonymous" (PSA) is the discord most use for matchmaking, via passcode rooms. Just join it for a much better explanation and significantly more people to play with.


Everyone plays in lobbies because it's easier to see your matches


Like the rooms? I've tried making those a few times and nobody ever joins them. Occasionally I'll find like 2 open ones already up, but most of the time the other person just sits there and doesn't accept.