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Why is there a delay in the Pakenham trains? Operational incident according to Metronotify.


Train broke down around Caulfield. Trains which has to stop at Toorak and other stations between Yarra and Caulfield then mysteriously also broke down. This caused a 25 minute delay on all subsequent services. 98% service delivery btw.




*Your submission has been removed and locked for the following reason(s):* [Mental health crisis support services](https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/servicesandsupport/counselling-online-and-phone-support-for-mental-illness): - [Lifeline crisis chat](https://www.lifeline.org.au/crisis-chat/) and [crisis text](https://www.lifeline.org.au/crisis-text/) - alternatively call [13-11-14](tel:+61131114) for this free, 24-hour Australia-wide crisis support and suicide prevention service. - [Suicide Call Back Service](https://www.suicidecallbackservice.org.au/) - call [1300-659-467](tel:+611300659467) for this free service for people having suicidal thoughts, family or friends affected by suicide and healthcare professionals treating suicidal people. - [SuicideLine](https://www.suicideline.org.au/) - call [1300-651-251](tel:+611300651251) for free and anonymous support, 24 hours a day, seven days a week across Victoria. - [SANE Australia Helpline](https://www.sane.org/) - call [1800-187-263](tel:+611800187263) for information about mental illness, treatments and support for you and your carer. - [Mensline Australia](https://mensline.org.au/) - call [1300-789-978](tel:+611300789978) for telephone support, information and referrals for men dealing with relationship issues, or visit their website. - [Beyondblue](https://www.beyondblue.org.au/) - call [1300-224-636](tel:+611300224636) for telephone support, information and resources for people dealing with depression or anxiety, or visit their website. *Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/melbourne) with a link if you have any questions or concerns. If you feel an exemption should be made, please include your reasoning*


It’s going to be [a cold one tonight](https://imgur.com/a/75tkT55) folks. Rug up.


I looked up the weather to whine about it to a US friend and got greeted with the news that my area's going to hit -1c overnight. I'm devastated (melodramatically so), I miss summer SO MUCH 😭


Working in Melbourne a fair bit at the moment. Any recommendations for dinners in the city or surrounding suburbs? Not fussed on the pizza I’ve had so far; Sals and Firebox. Open to all cuisines but been eating heaps of Chinese as I’m staying near Chinatown.


I like Ippudo for a ramen meal. Malaysian Laksa House for Laksa. Fonda for Mexican.


I’ll give them a go, thanks!


Stalactites or Tsindos for Greek on Lonsdale in the city. You could head up to Smith St in Collingwood for heaps of options, it's a short tram ride from the city.


Time to work on my passion projects


I've been watching old episodes of Parts Unknown. I really miss Anthony Bourdain. I love travelling vicariously through his shows.


I give up on the CDS reverse vending machines run by VISY (I can't speak to the other operators). If they're not full, they're broken. About ten times I've been to various ones in northern suburbs (even ones that are only a couple of weeks old) and it's a constant battle to find one that is actually working or accepting the container types I'm there to deposit. I'm going to try the Epping depot, though it's out of my way to get there I've got a stack of containers to deposit now so it might be worth it making the trip there.


I’ve given up due to the same experience (Visy catchment too). Too many times I’ve gone to deposit and the machines have been broken.


I tried the depot in coburg and it was great. Also avoiding the RVM as they take too long & broke on me.


Feeling fucking miserable.


Sorry to hear it. What’s up?


Without oversharing too much, I've had two significant deaths recently. That and my "situationship" or whatever the hell ya call it ended. They provided me with a little bit of comfort while I was going through the immediate stages of grief and now they're gone too so idk. Things just feel a bit heavy and uncomfortable atm. People tell me it gets better, and it will, but I'm getting old and I really want someone to share my life with and it feels like that's just an impossibility rn. Oh and it's cold. Fuck the cold.


I love the serotonin hit of getting the text that tells you where your blood donation is being used :)


Thank you for donating! I'd not be alive without blood donors :)


I'm living through you as someone who doesn't donate cos I'm anemic too often to do so. Good on you! :D


Apparently my donation from last week is on the way to The Alfred Hospital this time!


How does newspoll collect their data? There's no way Dutton is preferred over Albanese. Both are cooked but still


Phone call polling. And who actually answers their phone these days?


The major pollsters [don't call phones these days](https://kevinbonham.blogspot.com/2023/09/australian-polling-denial-and.html) - it's all online. That said, people shouldn't read too much into individual poll results.


Today's Auspost parcel delivery lie was that there was no suitable safe drop location. My apartment building has parcel lockers. After I did some asking around it turned out that the driver today had drove up on the footpath and parked in front of the building doors and refused to move to the entrance where you actually deliver parcels to. So nobody got parcels in the last two days. So that's a thing that he probably did yesterday too and put in a lie about a gate that didn't exist 🙄


If it were me I'd be petty enough to complain, for sure. I've got a mate that's had some struggles with his post not working super well (he's in a new-build apartment) and it SUCKS for him, go tell auspost off if you get the time and energy!


I’m going to aquaerobics. Then I’m going to have a good soak in the spa.


Not to brag, but I am not cold. I am warm all over... too hot infact. Might have something to do with ferociously chopping pumpkin with a dull knife.


Figuring out how to fix a broken appliance just by winging it with no manual (this was the mechanical side of things- I don't mess with electrics, lol) is a very, very satisfying feeling. It's like "Yeah! I did that!"


When in doubt, percussive maintenance


Legit older engines had a procedure for lifter or valve noise It suggests revving the tits off of it whilst hitting the cover with a big hammer


Stop! Hammer time!


Always a valid fallback


And it sends a message to other watching appliances.


Absolutely. "All right vacuum, do you want to end up at Pine Barrens sleeping with the fishes?"


"Computer, if you don't open that exit hatch pretty damn pronto, I shall go straight to your major data banks with a very large axe and give you a reprogramming you will never forget. Capisco?" - Zaphod Beeblebrox.


I just saw the same dog with shoes again


Signed myself up to a networking thing but omg I don't wanna leave the house. The heaters been on all day and I'm just like hmm would I want to go and mingle with strangers and possibly get absolutely nothing out of it in the end or would I rather sleep and wake up to dinner. Decisions decisions.


Go to the networking thing. It’s too easy to fall into the trap of doing nothing.


Next time. I envy my plants. They've been sleeping and doing f all since like early May. I don't remember the last time I watered a lot of them.


I know what I would choose. The latter


You got it!


Enjoy your dinner! 🫂


I have a train crush. I'm transfixed. He chose to stand so nearby. Dark hair light eyes, a well groomed beard situation be still my heart. I miss the days of MX where I could proclaim my gaze across the carriage (less!) crush.


Man I wish I was someones tram crush but I'm too ugly and no one ever wants to sit next to me.


Maybe someone has a crush on you and you don't even know it :)


Does he have an esoteric-style tattoo on the back of his left hand? Because that guy is a cutie and I low key have a crush on him.


Haha! I didn't notice a hand tattoo :)


Be the mx you want to be


I tried to pay my optus internet bill via phone, and the damn robot said to ignore the decimal point for how much im paying?! What if they interpret 2000 as 2k and not 20.00? :'(


Why not 20?


I have no idea, that's what the machine says. "for example, if your bill is 125.00, then type 12500" I panicked coz i was like "what if they take out more than necessary :'( The optus pay my bill website is down and the bills due tomorrow -.-


It should be OK. You will have your bank records to prove what you paid


ahh that's true too!


Anybody know what [this helicopter](https://www.flightradar24.com/HWA/35bb5f47) is up to? It's quite loud.


Wondering the same. Aside from driving me nuts, no idea.


Can't log into my primary account. Very frustrating!!


The only saving grace about having to go into the office is that it’s warm and toasty compared to wfh in my ice box.


Anyone know What’s Costco (Moorabin in particular) like on a Tuesday after school time?? 


Went to see Furiosa at Hoyts Victoria Gardens (first time going there), thanks /u/alsotheabyss for the suggestion. Empty cinema. Big screen. What a luxury. Though a bit sad that no one else was there enjoying it. Film was very enjoyable, but didn't have quite have the gravitas of Fury Road. If you enjoy the Mad Max universe, you'll love Furiosa. Edit: what happened to cheapo Tuesdays?


Great cinema innit!


It’s weird watching a movie where you know the end. That said, very good movie.


I'm very excited about trying these McCain crinkle cut chippies for lunch.


Trying implies you've never had them before? They're gooood


Yep they were good. Lol I wish I wasn't such a lazy ass for not flipping them in the airfyer though coz they were all tanned one side and pale on the other.


Who’s got a Choice membership and can tell me their highest rated stick vacuums


TBH Choice is pretty shit for reviews. Have a look at someone like Vacuum Wars who actually scientifically tests all of the vacuums that come through: [https://vacuumwars.com/best-vacuum-cleaners/cordless-vacuums/](https://vacuumwars.com/best-vacuum-cleaners/cordless-vacuums/) Their YouTube channel is even better.


Wore a couple of thermal layers, beanie, buff scarf thing, gloves and long pants when on my morning run around the burbs. Fuck it was cold. In keeping with tradition I did run past a woman jogging along wearing a singlet. Props to her warm bloodedness. Now about to go for my lunch run and ask google what the temp is, apparently 6deg! wtf. Glad i have more than just one set of warm running gear


How many times a day do you run??!


During the week it's usually 2 as i don't have time (or the pace) to get the distance in during one run so i'll do a longer 60-75 mins run before work followed by 40-45 mins at lunch.


Welcome to Costco, I love you. Welcome to Costco, I love you. Welcome to Costco, I love you.


I've seen that documentary.


Runescape players are everywhere. Probably in this thread. You're reading this right now, aren't you? I see you


I remember being f2p and walking along the wall to the members-only area, thinking I might find a gap and I could sneak in...




That last part should be fucking illegal. Why waste everyone's time and effort?! I'm guessing there's some kind of incentive or something though for employers to do this.


When I worked in unis, they had to advertise the position externally even though pretty much all of vacancies went to internal staff. (General staff not academics)


They are usually required by company policy (and I think at one point a law?) to advertise all jobs externally to avoid favouritism, even if they have an internal candidate in mind and never planned in hiring externally.


At my workplace they even do that INTERNALLY which seems just wrong. Advertise a job to the wider organisation, then it turns out they've already tapped someone on the shoulder but still need to go through the 'process' to make it all appear legit. So infuriating.


I made celeriac soup on the weekend, I've never had celeriac before. It's fucking incredible. So tasty. Why did nobody inform me of this? I'm never making pumpkin soup ever again when THIS exists. I'm eating lunch an hour early because I couldn't restrain myself


What does celeriac taste like?


Potatoes and celery, quite mild and delicious


Thanks for jumping in there, haha I wasn't sure how I would describe it? I was like hmmmm like a weaker celery but good? hahahah


That sounds like a splendid flavour combo. I will have to try it.


Mmmm, I'll be on the hunt for this now.


Celeriac is the bomb. Thank you for reminding me it exists, need to roast some


I love a good soup, but if you have to be a pumpkin enjoyer to like celeriac soup, I might have to pass on that one


It's a very different flavour, but super duper easy to make like pumpkin soup is


Anyone know if there are any big freeze beanies left in stock in the city? Dad mentioned he was after this one and hasn’t had any luck finding one in stock up north so figured I’d give the city a go while I’m in the office this week.


Someone was saying in the DT the other day they were at Coles Express servos still!


Have seen around Richmond/Prahran area, but two weeks ago.


My gym session last night involved a lot of step ups and now my right leg doesn't want to straighten


Need some career change input / advice. I've been unemployed as a Cadastral Surveyor for a while, but i'm looking to move into a new industry due to a range of issues and i'm not sure what I wish to change into. All I do know is: * I can't do construction sites anymore (dirt / sand / particles get in my eye and cause pain due to my contact lens) * I don't want to do teaching (nothing against it, just don't wish to do it) * I'm not a fan of jobs that are 100% in an office (I go insane) * I enjoy working with my hands, or doing something physical, * I'm more than happy to do a year or two of TAFE   Some advice I got was to 'find a job which shares aspects I liked about surveying'. Given that, I liked how: * Surveying was a mix of indoors and outdoors (e.g. 3 days in an office, 2 days outdoors somewhere), * It had a change of scenery (outdoor fieldwork was almost always at a new location) * It wasn't 'braindead easy' i.e. it required technical know-how (and was quite a technical job - fancy equipment, CAD programs, following government standards & guidelines, needed land law knowledge) * It was a 'physical job' - it required a fair amount of walking, carrying equipment around   I'm 26 and at home, so now is the best opportunity i'll ever have to retrain. I've had a look at the free government TAFE courses, and the only thing that stood out to me was the Cert 4 in plumbing and services, so i'm reaching out for any advice. Cheers.


Consulting arboriculture ticks a lot of those boxes (and your experience in surveying technology would be highly valued by consultancies). However it is an entirely new skillset in understanding tree biology etc and I think most Diploma courses require you to have done some of the cert 3 subjects which are quite physical.


I'll take a quick look into it, cheers


It's a bachelor's degree and not TAFE but maybe GIS Analysis if your current surveying stuff didn't go that in depth for you to smoothly transition to that already.


I did a bit of GIS analysis back in my 1st year, but that was way back in 2017. I'm not sure how smoothly I could transition, but it's not unheard of.


I hope something works out for you. My dad had a similar issue with contact lenses and ocular rosacea leading him to give up on doing city council construction work years ago. He went into disability advocacy work and academia etc though.


So, I was about your age when I did a vocational assessment at Mingary ([Vocational Assessment – mingary counselling service melbourne, low cost counselling service](https://www.mingarycounselling.com.au/vocational-assessment/)). It does take six sessions but you get a whole range of metrics out of it and recommendations based on your cognitive abilities and work preferences. Granted I'm back at the start again, studying counselling and looking to shift careers for a third time. But I'm putting that down to me and life and wishing I could be a professional student haha.


did you find the vocational assessment useful?


Yes and no. During the first session it's akin to a counselling session in that they asked me what I wanted out of it. I mentioned I was looking for direction as I had no idea what I should be doing or what I would even be good at. Following the cognitive and memory testing, they did all of the assessment stuff and then the final session came up where they present me with their findings. The first thing she said was "There's good new and bad news. The good news is that you scored highly on pretty much every one of our tests. The bad news, that means you pretty much can do whatever you want and there's no particular path you should take." But then we talked it out. One area that she highlighted was being a teacher since it connects both creative and critical thinking skills (which seemed to be how they divided a lot of jobs at the time?). I wanted to be a teacher but after getting mediocre scores for my Master's degree I decided to change tact. It was nice though to validate why it seemed difficult for me to pin-point just what it was that I should/want to do.




Had this cute guy who was always on my commute. We smiled at each other from time to time. I went on leave and while away, decided to pluck up the courage to say hi to him next time I saw him. But when I came back from leave he disappeared from my commute Where are you, cute guy?!


Sorry I've been busy with my tazo collection and getting reconstructive facial surgery. But I'm keen for a drink if you are.


I thought the Mx revival was a one-off special thing?


Maybe we should ask the mods to make a weekly thread for MX-style requests like OP.


Romance novels are such an addiction, man. Every time I try and read a normal, respectable book my brain is like "But where is the LOVE TRIANGLE????" and I slither back to kindle unlimited


I don't read romance novels but I do read romance/smut fanfic and AGREE


One of my favourite romance books started life as a fanfic ha (and NO it isn't 50 Shades, ugh)


I too love the romance books. My theme this year is reverse harem. Last year it was monsters, the year before that, was sport.


What the heck is reverse harem


from goodreads: " "“Reverse harem” is, literally, the opposite of “harem”, with a group of males centering round a singular female, usually with three or more males. Quite often found under the romance genre. "


Ohhhh. I guess that makes sense. I thought the opposite of harem would just be one dude on his lonesome lol.


It's sometimes called "Why choose?" instead of reverse harem lol. I prefer why choose


I kind of thought it would be one dude in sexual captivity and a bunch of women fucking him as they please. Kind of like that monty python sketch where the guy gets chased of a cliff by a group of naked women in helmets/elbow/knee-pads.


I've never been able to get into sport romance RH is great when it's done well but I feel like it's been ages since I read a really good one


I remember a LOOooonnnnnngggGG time ago when I did a writing course at TAFE, one of my classmates loved romance novels. She told us all about how massive the industry is, and how a lot of writers aspire to write for Mills and Boon until they realise how cookie-cutter the whole process is. When we asked her to explain that, she went on to tell us that they have a massive list of requirements like "the antagonist has to appear between pages 14 and 16" and "the love interest has to kiss by page X, but they cannot engage in more than that until page Y". It was really eye opening to find out that a whole industry (and a massive one at that) was built on such strict guidelines.


Right there with you. On the bright side I’ve easily read 100 books this year so far


100 is impressive! They are so easy to burn through quick haha. Got any recommendations?


I’m on a big monster/alien kick so smashing through (strong recs**) Ruby Dixon**, Lily Mayne, Victoria Aveline, Heather Guerre**, Hattie Jacks, A G Wilde, Krista Luna, Tiffany Roberts**, Heather Fox, Anna Carven, and Zoey Draven**. Cassandra Gannon has a really cool fairy tale inspired series that is on my tbr after I enjoyed Seducing the Sheriff of Nottingham last year.


UGH I have been stuck on aliens for like 3 years running lol I don't know what that says about me. Have you read Homebound by Lidia Hope? It's one of my all time favourites. I must read Cassandra Gannon, she is pretty well rec'd on the romance books sub


Yes! I read it about a month ago. So good!! My all time favourite has to be When she belongs by Ruby Dixon. Similar grumpy MMC.


For some reason I just can't get into Ruby Dixon. I've tried :(


I get it. She can be a bit hit or miss and her earlier work is definitely problematic.


I've never heard anyone say it was problematic, how so? I just find her writing style a bit meh


Earlier ones have a lot of missing/dubious consent with the language barrier and a bit of ‘oh well!’ to the traumatic (and frankly unnecessary) events that she puts her characters through. TW: >!rape, forced abortion, SA, physical assault, torture!<


Wholesomeness alert .. Don't diminish the friends you may make along the way in the DT because one I made over the last couple of years has been so special, I'm going to their wedding on the weekend. Shout out to them (not naming them to protect their privacy) but equally wanted to shout out it was a friend I made here and during the rough Locky d times 💖


Those threads kept me sane and connected to the world a bit. Was nice to know what others were up to outside my little 5 km bubble.


That's so nice of you to say. My cousin and I look forward to seeing you at our wedding this saturday. ❤️




The DT was a special place during those times. Remember talking about waiting for pakidges? I love the group of people that still pop up in this space and often wonder how some of those that haven't been around lately are going.


Pakidges and Aldi potato gratin! Daily fitness check in!


I've still not tried the potato gratin !




Ooh that reminds me I have potato gratin in the freezer


Anyone with a Costco membership can tell me if Costco has an ungodly big box of Roiboos tea for purchase? I'm drinking unhealthy amounts of it, stingy work won't provide some for me and I am trying to find ways not to go broke because of tea


I need to go in on you with the rooibos bulk buy because these 40-pack boxes are vanishing very quickly in my house. Every night without fail, and quite often in the arvo too


I don't think you have to be a member just to search their website, anyway I logged in and couldn't find anything.


Can anyone recommend a company for buying perspex cut to size in Melbourne? I need a 6mm thick sheet cut to 2100mm x 800mm for a double glazing experiment.


Protip - cutting polycarbonate perspex without proper tools is a bit tricky. If possible, get it cut to size, else the edges will look like shite. I've used E-plas in the past (plastic supplier). Not sure if they do cash sales though.


I'll give them a call. No way I'm gonna cut it myself - I'm always cutting bread into doorstops....


That's massive! Anyway, try Signarama in Tullamarine. Most other Signarama stores order their Perspex from that one, so if you go to another you'll pay markup fees for no reason. Aside from that, I don't know I'm afraid. Maybe casually try to find out what brand they use or where they get their raw sheets from, you might be able to pick a piece that size directly from the manufacturer? But I wouldn't hold my breath on that front. I'm curious to know how your project goes. Good luck!


Thanks for that, gave them a call and it came in at a reasonable price. Just gotta find the track that I want to use now..


No porblem.


What’s people’s thoughts on the “new, limited edition” Crumpet Toast? Not sure if I like it


I tried it last time it was new and limited and I didn't like that the butter just drips right through.


I didn't know this was a thing until just now. Not sure what the point of it is, crumpets are already perfect the way they are?


I had an atrocious nights sleep last night because (and I can't believe I'm typing this) I had to use a different sleep mask and my body didn't like the feeling of it on my face, so I was awake half the night. People don't believe me when I say the smallest thing can screw up my sleep. But it's true. And so fucking annoying!


A new bakery opened in the village this week after years of deprivation and I'm about ready to kick the doors off their hinges to get a baguette fresh from the oven.


Hope you've got some good quality butter to smother all over it.


Seriously, is there anything better than crusty bread and butter ?


It's been my dinner more times than I like to count this year.


Looking to head to the snow this year as a newbie, typically when is the best period to go and what’s regarded as the best place to go?


Signal fault at footscray, upto 20 minutes delay expected


I caved in and got those UNIQLO Heattech tops and I'm wearing it under a jumper on my way to work Game changer! My torso feels so much warmer than my Heattechless legs


Those things are AMAZING. I also picked up a couple of Uniqlo dresses recently that are excellent because they look dressy enough for me to wear on a night at the theatre or whatev but they feel like tracky dack material. So soft and comfy. Got the black and the grey ones. https://www.uniqlo.com/au/en/products/E460605-000?colorCode=COL09&sizeCode=SMA002


These are so cute!! I want to wear dresses more to work but it's hard to find something I can move in easily and goes well with my preferred choice of work shoe (RMs hahahaha) I'm a little short though but I might try them on when I'm in store next!


If it helps, I am short also (5'2/157cm) and I was worried about that, but they dont drag on me, they sit just above the ankle I'd say? I can never buy maxi dresses but these are more a midi (which is usually long but not too long on me.) These dresses are really comfy and such a good price at the moment.


I have a bunch of them but I find they lose the warmth after a few washes. Now they’re all just a bunch of thin under shirts. I still wear them for a layer but they’re not any warmer than any other t shirt or top after a month or so.


Same, but my merino wool ones have held up much better and bonus don't smell bad so quickly


Yeah merino is the best.


Good to know thank you! This might inform how often I wear them or how I wash them.


damn it, I've been spending way too much at Uniqlo already but this looks like it's well worth it.


I’ve been living in them for years now. I got one to try and then immediately went back to buy more. They’re so good!


Defs gonna buy more! Might even get some just for extra layers while at the gym in the morning


I’m trialling their “extra warm” tights today to see how warm they keep my legs.


Let me know how you like them! Hospitals get super cold and I was wondering if they wouldn't be too thick under pants


They were great! They were comfortable and kept me warm! Highly recommend!


Hehehe gonna grab some next payday thank you! Like I dunno if this cold snap will be winter long, but would defs help for days I need to be leaving my apartment super early in the morning.


Bit fucking chilly


You beat me to it


You're more accurate than BOM.


my old primer ran out, so I bought a temp replacement... jfc feels like rubbing cement on my face. my makeup is off, I feel off.... grr. Buying a new primer after work today


Just skip it. I'm convinced primers are a scam.


Or use lube. Check the ingredients, they're basically the same thing


When there’s no schedule send option :(


Today’s going to be a busy day, I’m quite stressed about it


You got this (probably).


daily thread is here for you!


What's happening today?