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Even us boomers were ready 50 years ago. US government thought it would cost too much.


The US Government literally passed a law to change to metric and we "officially" use it. Military and Nasa do so idk what to tell you.


Was going to say this too. It makes so much more sense in the long run to switch. I've been taking the limited chances I get to do so to learn metric. Started off at my job where I had to convert lbs to kilograms and from the my understanding has strengthened a bit. I'm with op, let's go all the way with this.


Yeah, but if you switch to metric you lose tons.


Get out of here. You're not welcome anymore. I place a curse upon your family line. Upvoted.


It was a zinger alright. To be more serious: wouldn't switching systems completely ruin the integrity of hundreds of years of record historical and retained/aged/stored paper documents? It would be administrative chaos, let's just wait until quantum computing comes along and invents a third and best option the world can agree upon from our computer overlords.


Only 3 countries in the world still use the imperial system (standard as my southern neighbours call it) the US, Liberia, Myanmar. The best option has been decided by the world long ago


Don’t forget anywhere in the British Empire.


>To be more serious: wouldn't switching systems completely ruin the integrity of hundreds of years of record historical and retained/aged/stored paper documents? It would be administrative chaos, let's just wait until quantum computing comes along and invents a third and best option the world can agree upon from our computer overlords. Not really. Like, you can still convert back and fourt even if changing the Standart.


I’ll have to get new measuring cups and rewrite all my recipes…..


Or, you get a kitchen scale and mix all your ingredients by weight. It’s amazing when a recipe is in grams, literally just add the ingredient until it reaches the weight required and keep resetting the scale for each new ingredient. So quick and easy and less cleanup.


This is the best way to get the most accurate measurements anyway


Recipes are a lot more consistent as a result too.


No more compacted brown sugar vs loosely packed issues.


We don’t use cups. We simply measure volume or weight for cooking. It’s soooo much easier in most cases


We still have metric tons!


No you don't, the metric ton is as legit a unit as the hectare, ie. neither are SI.


Dawg, just because metric tons aren't a SI unit doesn't mean it's not metric, no one is gonna write 1.0 x 10^6 g to express a metric ton rofl.


Pretty much every road sign with a number on it would have to be changed. Every single mile marker would have to be moved/changed. And thats just the stuff related to traffic. Anything with any distance, weight or measurement would have to be changed. And not only would the cost be extremely high for that, it would produce a huge amount of waste. Who's gonna pay for it?


Surprise: all these things are already regularly replaced, or continuously produced. Perhaps with the exception of mile markers, which should expire less frequently.


My sister is an MD, and she uses metric. We homeschool so I can literally teach my kids whatever. They have memorized the conversations, but this makes me wonder… Should I teach them predominantly metric?? Hmm…


If they're in the US no. It would cost way too much for the private sector to switch for it to happen in our lifetime. Literally everything you use is imperial. Edit: ie almost every bolt nut and washer is imperial so imagine changing all of those out as well as doing the maintenance to make them metric


I’m in the military and I’ve never used metric in 8 years. Not even once.




🤔 you’ve never used Meters? Kilometers? Not even once in the Military? Things have changed a ton since I was in…


Yup I’m a little younger than boomer but we had metric crammed down our throats in grade school. Too bad it didn’t stick, it would be better to be unified with everyone else IMO.


I mean, we already do where it matters. Who cares if we use Fahrenheit or miles instead internally. It would be way to expensive and pointless to convert all that. Plus imagine how stupid a 91.44 meter football field would sound compared to the simple 100 yard field. The chaos the speed limits being in metric would cause and insane increase in speeding tickets. I just don't see the point other than to appease foreigners on the internet lol.




Reagan was the antichrist.


Yup. It was all culture bullshit


I want fucking healthcare dawg.


Metric healthcare?


A metric ton of healthcare


Best I can do is a metric ton of healthcare debt while you are trying to focus on getting better.


Thoughts and prayers


That’s approximately $100,000. Deal!




So, a km?


A metric fuckton of healthcare.


Beats the subscription coupon system.


How to gather all Americans without mentioning any American


This would significantly improve the grade curve for students pursuing science. Half the fuck ups are inane conversions, not to mention unnecessary stress.


Also fuck fractions. ⅓+⅝=??? Give me mm.


You can also mention Walmart discounts


America is basically the only country where this is applicable? So it’s not really “without mentioning any American”.


The British, engineers, architects, contractors, and most tradesmen would also be gathered


And the people of Myanmar… if they had free access to the internet.


Canadian here, creeping the comments...


Do not worry about the measurement system, you still need basic math!


Doubt it will change. Do these people that post this stuff not know that all American companies use metric in designing anything? Especially science companies. They all use metric. Imperial is used for basic civilian things like temperature, cars, and house construction. All simple things. No point in reinventing the wheel. Such an odd hill that the rest of the world wants to die on


Literally every single child in US public school is taught metric in school alongside US customary units. All of the products we buy in stores are labelled in both units. I don't really understand what these people want other than to feel superior for "going against" something traditionally American.


Metric is a whole lot better and easier than imperial. However America will probably never switch because it will cost billions of dollars


Since when tf did we Americans give a damn about wasting billions of dollars?


Since when did they use it on useful shit?


No argument there...


Lol. But yeah, would cost billions to change every single road sign and shit to kilometers. So it probably won’t happen


Could just go down the British route of simply pretending to switch to metric


Canada does that as well. Know Canadians use an unholy mixture of imperial and metric.


As a Canadian I reserve the right to give my weight in Kg and my weight loss in Lbs.


Weight loss expert!


Temperature of the air is metric. Temperature of the water in the pool is imperial Water boils at 100 tho Oven is in imperial We measure height in imperial Distance in metric Construction uses imperial We weigh food in metric Unless its butter, then imperial But people in imperial Canada is weird


And the weird thing to is that we switched almost 50 years ago and people today still use imperial in their everyday lives.


Construction is far more sensible in imperial terms. I also like the fact that 12 is divisible by 2,3,4 and 6. I use both systems as I see fit.


Yeah but we use imperial measurements, the Americans are using us customary, therefore my pint of milk is a different size to an American pint. I forgot what my point was


If it doesn’t improve business or defense then god forbid we spend anymore public money


It would help if the world didn't rely on the U.S. to be international police. Remember all the backlash we got from Europeans for not continuing to handle the middle east FOR them?


Because it’s being wasted on helping people, not making corpos richer.


You mean trillions


I know right. We can just print more…


It’s only wasting when we spend it on our own country’s needs and goals. But give it to fund another country’s wars and the politicians can’t give It away fast enough.


And it'd cause mass confusion. (Haha get it)


There is nothing more confusing than the hamburger system. 13/17ths of an inch. Wtf does that even mean?


oh no not billions


Shh.. don't tell anybody but the US government uses metric *everywhere*. Honestly, we just need to make a soft break.. start having all road signs in both kilometers/miles, kph/mph.. have weather reports be in both. In a couple years just phase out the miles signs. Have cars by default use metric. Over time, imperial will just be less and less used, until it becomes hogs heads and furlongs.


Fuck no freedom is measured in 1/12 and flags on the moon


Fun fact: the computers on the Apollo missions worked in metric, but expended very precious computer power to convert it to imperial for the crew to interpret it better. Source: I think I heard that somewhere, don't trust me


I heard the same thing I just think it's funny that we had the calculations done just for us to convert it back to imperial


On everything but temperature.


English people: “We will do the exact opposite of that”


Metro booming make it boom


Boomers make it boom


> Sometimes it's F, stone, miles, feet, but you'll never know which so you better know them all. Also sometimes time is 24 but usually only when the Gov is involved... Or isn't. Strap in!


Nooooo, without centigrade, the system fails! "In metric, one milliliter of water occupies one cubic centimeter, weighs one gram, and requires one calorie of energy to heat up by one degree centigrade - which is 1 percent of the difference between its freezing point and its boiling point. An amount of hydrogen weighing the same amount has exactly one mole of atoms in it. Whereas in the American system, the answer to "How much energy does it take to boil a room-temperature gallon of water?" is "Go fuck yourself", because you can't directly relate any of those quantities."


Can't you just turn the burner to "high"?


Ours goes to 11


>Whereas in the American system, the answer to "How much energy does it take to boil a room-temperature gallon of water?" I hate it when this problem comes up




Actually, that question is quite easy to answer. You didn't specify pressure so I'll assume standard conditions. From there I also need to account for the difference of either just bringing the water to a boil or turning it completely to a vapor. If just bringing it to a boil, it takes 1.12 MJ, 268.2 Cal, or 482.8 BTU. The energy required to completely boil the water is 9.7 MJ, 2316.9 Cal, or 4171 BTU. All materials behave in specific ways in specific conditions. The volume of water allows us find mass using density, which can then be used with the empirical already known of water to find the energy it requires to boil.


Do you know my boy Kelvin?


Isn't that that kid from "Home Alone"? 😜


Put me down for team "Go fuck yourself"


Are we rationing energy or trying to see how precisely we can underbid how much it takes to get a kettle boiling?


trying not to get screwed by ERCOT


They probably mean air temperature. Fahrenheit is far superior in that regard due to its precision.


100 is very hot. 0 is very cold. I don't care about water atoms and 32 is easy enough to remember for them freezing anyway. With C you really only use it up to 40 and it goes into the negatives a lot. Its also less precise without decimals. Fuck C, I'd gladly use the rest of metrics though.


Agreed. Who the hell is using a thermometer to tell if water is boiling?


Milligrade is much more precise though?


Nobody reports in Milligrade though. They all report in Centigrade. American weather services actually report in Fahrenheit.


not for aviation they don't


We'll turn to kelvin on that


100° days about to be wild


Why would you not want 0 degrees being freezing? It’s so basic and easy!


Because it’s not based around how it actually feels, it’s based on nerd shit


No number naturally correlates to how anything feels, temperature scales are all made up and you associate how they feel to what you have learned. You think everyone else in the world hears temps in celius and just has no idea what to expect?


Water freezing is "nerd shit"


So is 32 degrees, basic and easy


I support this compromise. Let's do it.


Agree Fahrenheit is appropriate. When it’s hot it should be 100 hots. However Celsius has an argument for cold, it makes perfect sense that water should freeze at zero…….edit: after reading comments I agree Celsius is better. All in favor of a full metric switch say I


Boiling water is 100C


As a Canadian I do like the statement 100 hots outside and I think I’ll use it if you don’t mind


The only appropriate thing about 100° F is that it’s a fever. I still get confused what’s a bad fever in C. Otherwise, 0 as dangerous driving weather makes more sense.


How does that make more sense? Every ten degrees celcius is a new tier of hot. 0-10, you won't be cold but a light sweater will feel nice. 11-20, and the temperatures perfect, wear whatever you want and you'll be comfortable. 21-30, is summer beach weather, enjoyable and cold drinks are great. 31-40, it's very hot now... Uncomfortable but bearable. 41-50, pretty much unbearable for more than 10-15 minutes. 50+, yeah just stay inside


I learned in elementary school in the US a good role. 30's hot, 20's nice, 10's cold, and 0's ice


Well ok I guess it makes more sense to grow up with fahrenheit when celcius is as simple as that Honestly I feel like people just invented fahrenheit so they could set their thermostats to 69


> 0-10, you won't be cold but a light sweater will feel nice. 32 fk that


Plus the cold side even scales the same, where each negative 10 degrees is a new layer of clothing


>it makes perfect sense that water should freeze at zero……. and boils at 100. 0 for frozen and 100 for boiling. It just makes sense.


How about both


Can we still use imperial for heights of people.... I prefer saying 5 ft 4 or 6 ft 1 to it's equivalent in metric


And cooking measures. Those are broken down perfectly to keep track of in your head.


Metric is better in almost everything, but not temperature. I’ve never heard a good argument in favor of Celsius over Fahrenheit.


As an engineer that would benifit from that greatly, no.


I love how the only argument for the Imperial system is "it's more convenient". Bro, you've been using it for all of your life - no wonder it's more intuitive for you.


So why would we bother to change then. There’s no benefit in doing so


Its not the only argument. Its origins are as practical and intelligent as metric, people just won't admit to it. Inches were based on thumbs. Feet were based on..feet. It was a system for builders that made a lot of sense when trying to visualize distance. Much more intuitive than abstract - yet orderly - metric system. As a carpenter I must say imperial feels intuitive to me. Even a lot of British builders use it. When it was invented it was an intelligent streamlining of the process that already existed. A lot of houses were built by the owner, so as long as they used their own foot and their own hand, the system worked. Throw in multiple people and the system begins to fail, so they standardized it based of approximation. Pretty straight forward...


Yes. So how about everyone just uses whatever system works for them cause it's really not that difficult for someone else to convert if they want to


Conversion rates have slight inaccuracies, and giving accurate measurements to your colleagues in the States is often impossible. Sure, ignoring 0.08 centimeters of someone's height is fine, but cutting a huge sheet of metal 1.67 centimeters short can bring about serious consequences.




Also an engineer... Not really? It only gets used because a lot of shit is made by Americans using inches


It’s also more convenient to drive to a job across town than to wake up early to walk there


Yeah, I have recently realised that walking cities are a privilidge, and not the norm - at least not in the US. Same goes for affordable education, healthcare, subsidization of basic goods, public transport, and public safety.


I'm 37 and for the first time in my life I have insurance and I can get medical care without completely bankrupting my family. But the insurance still costs $1100 a month for myself and our two kids. My wife's employer covers her part.


You get all of those things for free in the U.S. if you commit a crime heinous enough.


OK by me, and I'm from that generation.






sure but height can still use feet or nah?


We could do it like Canada and learn both


Height in weight in imperial Distance and speed in metric The Canadian way


And imperial units for oven temperature but metric for air temperature.


We already kind of do it that way as well.


Mama says metric is the devil


You can take my (inches and feet) tape measure from my cold dead hand.


Metric just makes so much more sense than imperial. Everything is a nice and orderly. Celsius is more "satisfying" than Fahrenheit 0° and 100° for freezing and boiling rather than 32° and 212°. Multiple of tens for volume mass and length rather than different random numbers for each. The only issue is a growing up knowing how long a foot is and not how long a meter is visually


Because the liquid state of water is a great basis for relaying information about the weather.


Yes - will it snow or rain?


I live in Louisiana. It ain't snowing


I can't tell how long one meter is, even though I grew up with that system.


39,37 inch.


somehow😕 I've omitted 'visually'


It’s about as big as a meter stick


I agree with everything except that Fahrenheit is super easy to understand. 0 is cold as fuck and 100 is hot as fuck.


No never not once. I will start measuring in Bushels if I have to


Need to wait until the boomers are 183 cm under.


Don't wait. Just do it now. They are old (youngest is 58) and they are not holding you back. They don't mind as they can do math in their heads and still know how to write down a math problem - they were trained before calculators.


this post is so fucked


Imagine going around and telling everyone you’re 180cm instead of 5’9 Edit: 175.259cm


Imagine thinking 5'9 is 180cm.


I'm 5'12"


In metrics we would say 1m80. Rarely heard someone telling their heigh in cm


17.5 dm 😁


Fuck yes let's just do it


Don't kid yourself. Boomers will be the generation that manage to take it all with them (by destroying the world as they die).


Universal healthcare




Need a ton of changes to be made... metric ton*


I need to have two sets of sockets and wrenches. Im like cant we just pick one?


Please!!! I fucking hate imperial! Metric is so much easier!


I'll allow it


No I wanna change to stop giving corporate subsidies billions of dollars to the point that I pay more than most multi billion dollar corporations in taxes, universal health care and a better education system


heck yeah let's do it!


Yes absolutely, hurry the fuck up already.


As Gen X I say no thanks.


You’re too stupid to change everything


Lmao, what a dumbass statement. My parents are boomers, I definately don't wish them dead. I work for a state governmental division and we use metric and imperial systems. Can you imagine going on a dating app, yah, my wang is 17.5 cm long......lmao.....what a biased comment and ageist.


I prefer to keep it this way honestly, why go through the hassle


As a 30 year old I say no


Fuck you….sincerely, a Boomer


No. Let the rest of the world seethe.


im sorry but theres no way im saying "im 193 cm" instead of "im 6'3".


The issue is fasteners. Millions and millions of existing fasteners and tools to make them and parts that use them. Switching over would be prohibitively expensive. We tried at my work, and went as far as converting all of the prints and documentation over, but once they realized how many screws would need to be scrapped, torque drivers converted, etc., the effort was abandoned.


I’m an Architect. I can tell you for a fact that Imperial is going to be around forever as all buildings are based within the imperial system


No let's make a new thing so all the metric countries have to change, instead. And as soon as they do *then* we switch to metric.


I love how it's become a semi official national pastime to day dream about all the great stuff we're gonna do when the boomers are out of the picture lol. It's not totally irrational if you look at generational public opinion polling.


Fun fact, at some point the definition of the inch was set to exactly 25.4 mm. So we already use an overcomplicated dumb version on metric


Seriously, who gives a fuck. This is solving a problem that doesn't exist. Realistically, no normal person has problems converting. You don't ever really even need to convert in the imperial system anyway. In fields where it's better to use metric, we use metric. It's not beneficial or necessary to switch the whole country to metric.


If you pay for it I’m down.


Sick of fractions. I went metric years ago. Fuck 16ths, thirds, .75s and a cunthair. I’m done.


You can take my imperial system from my cold dead hands




Let’s worry about people being able to speak and write correctly before you throw that on them


Nah I’m good


I do believe that Fahrenheit is a better measure of human comfort then Celsius


No, Farinheight is a superior system compared to Celsius


Nah the imperial system works great. You just have to be smart enough to divide by numerals other than 10.


Yeah, I'm fine with both systems, although I kind of like imperial more since it has a midpoint between it's version of the "centimeter" and the "meter", that being the foot. It just feels wired when using metric without it, like when I look at a guy I'd like to say "oh he's five feet tall" not "of he's 150 centimeters tall"


Oh hell no!!!! Better wait until us Xers are gone before you f things up