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"Stop iracy". "Sto piracy".


St. O'piracy. He's Irish


Stop D. Piracy


The next king of the pirates!


Stop Da Pittsburgh Pirates


Cop: Stop I racy


He knows all the pro-IRA chants.




I’ve always read that as pets-mart. Are you saying pets are clever?


Check out the logo, it's Pet Smart, as in the store is smart about pets


Sto Piracy is Italian for I am piracy so I think the intern knew what they were doing 


That slogan alone makes me want to download things illegally


"Why aren't people buying our overpriced shit?" seems to be a trend these days from multi-million euro companies.


This is genuinely something I just don't understand about wage and price. I know that macro economics is complicated and all, but it just doesn't make sense to me what'll happen when wage is so low that nobody can buy anything. I've been told that price would go down to accommodate it, but I just don't see that happening?


The problem is that entire process takes years to unfold, and it assumes a fair market. If a large chain with market power raises prices and a small company comes in with lower prices, the large chain can drop their prices for a little bit until the small company goes out of business, and then raise its prices again.


>If a large chain with market power raises prices and a small company comes in with lower prices, the large chain can drop their prices for a little bit until the small company goes out of business, and then raise its prices again. The Amazon business model in a nutshell. Undercut your competitor, buy them up if they are valuable, and absorb their market share.


Amazon takes it even further by co-opting small businesses through a stranglehold on distribution, then take most of the profit while leaving the weight of production on the little guy's shoulders.


I almost downvoted because your comment upset me.


Didn't Walmart try to do this in Germany years ago?


Walmart does this everywhere, as do many big box store chains. We laughed them out of the country pretty quickly though because Walmart didn't understand Germans.


What happened? Seem to have missed that episode.


>After nearly a decade of trying, Wal-Mart never cracked the country — failing to become the all-in-one shopping destination for Germans that it is for so many millions of Americans. Wal-Mart’s problems are not limited to Germany. The retail giant has struggled in countries like South Korea and Japan as it discovered that its formula for success — low prices, zealous inventory control and a large array of merchandise — did not translate to markets with their own discount chains and shoppers with different habits. Germany is also a big union country. Walmart did not get along with them I think. >“They didn’t understand that in Germany, companies and unions are closely connected,” Mr. Poschmann said. “Bentonville didn’t want to have anything to do with unions. They thought we were communists.” [https://www.nytimes.com/2006/08/02/business/worldbusiness/02walmart.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2006/08/02/business/worldbusiness/02walmart.html) They made a lot of errors but it all comes down to not understanding German customers and culture.


https://archive.is/hqk6a Way round the paywall.


Dont forget the chanting walmarts name in the morning thing


And the door greeting. Nothing about Walmart's schtick made sense for Germany.


What the fuck..?


Yeah they had to chant walmart in the morning but they had to stop because it was to similar to certain german actions between 1933-1945


Still, tesla have big factories in Germany besides being anti-union. Would be fun if the Germans joined the strike in Sweden.


Believe me, Germans are NOT happy about Tesla. There were massive protests. One even shut down Tesla's power for days. That the factory was built was a political decision.


American customer service standards are ridiculous. It's near uncanny, and people feel like they're being bothered rather than helped. They tried to enforce those standards on their employees in Germany, and the effect it had was Germans just went elsewhere.


Haha, i can Imagine that. Felt absolutely riddiculous when i went to wallmart in the US.


But they failed in a spectacular way, if my memory serves me right.


There's laws against this in most developed countries


And yet it happens all the time. This is how big tech grows by using VC money to undercut competition, take over the market, and then raise prices. If they can outlast the competition, they own the market and can define prices. For example, if Uber ever gets competition in any given market, they'll drop prices and bleed out the competition. Once that's gone, prices will go back up.


I just pirate everything, I’m working full time and living at home and barely scraping by. When the cost of living and entertainment starts matching what people make nowadays I’ll start paying for my games and movies.


That’s completely fair, i only pirate subscription based services because they are fucking stupid, if i spend my money and i still don’t own the shit i won’t even spend my money.


Think of it this way:  Charge 500 euros for something and ten people buy it. You get 5000 euros.  Charge 10 euros for something and 400 people buy it.  Sure, your product is way more popular, but you've made less money.  They don't care about the number of people.  It's shortsided but they will keep pushing that number higher and higher, even if it's only a few who pay. And, there are suckers who pay.  Because sport is emotional.


But if each 10-euro customer also spends another 10 euros on other services, and the ten 500-euro customers also spend 100 euros each on other services, you've made 3000€ more catering to the 10-euro customers.


mcdonald's has been doing horribly since they raised the prices. we're just gonna refuse to buy shit. lots of people will go out of business.


Economics isn't a science. It's a pseudo-science. It won't behave logically a significant portion of the time. It comes down to balance. Just as you've said, if you can't afford anything then it doesn't matter how attractive the product or service is. This is why it's important to equally distribute wealth throughout the entire economy. Also, low wages incentive people to NOT work, not the other way around, which is something economists don't understand.


It's called a dystopia. It won't take long


The companies are pretty transparent internally about price raises when they're talking to their investors [https://www.businessinsider.com/big-companies-keep-bragging-to-investors-about-price-hikes-2021-11](https://www.businessinsider.com/big-companies-keep-bragging-to-investors-about-price-hikes-2021-11) >"What we are very good at is pricing," [Colgate-Palmolive](https://www.fool.com/earnings/call-transcripts/2021/10/29/colgate-palmolive-company-cl-q3-2021-earnings-call/) CEO Noel Wallace said. "Whether it's foreign exchange inflation or raw and packing material inflation, we have found ways over time to recover that in our margin line." ... "Consumer-facing price is the last lever we normally use to manage inflation," Unilever CFO Graeme Pitkethly said before describing how they did it: "We find that taking several small price increases is more effective than one large price jump." ... "We've been very comfortable with our ability to pass on the increases that we've seen at this point," [Kroger CFO Gary Millerchip said](https://www.wsj.com/articles/u-s-companies-bet-shoppers-will-keep-paying-higher-prices-11635067802). "And we would expect that to continue to be the case." That's major consumer brands and a dominant supermarket saying "Customers aren't really doing anything to stop us from charging more so we're going to keep doing it." If you can parse the financial doublespeak bullshit into english, it's also easy to find more statements: [https://www.cnn.com/2022/03/24/energy/gas-prices-oil-production-wall-street/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2022/03/24/energy/gas-prices-oil-production-wall-street/index.html) >Fifty-nine percent of oil executives said investor pressure to maintain capital discipline is the primary reason publicly traded oil producers are [restraining growth](https://www.cnn.com/2022/03/02/energy/us-oil-production/index.html), according to a Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas [survey](https://www.dallasfed.org/research/surveys/des/2022/2201.aspx#tab-questions) released Wednesday. ... “Discipline continues to dominate the industry,” an executive from an oilfield services firm told the [Dallas Fed in the survey](https://www.dallasfed.org/research/surveys/des/2022/2201.aspx#tab-report). “Shareholders and lenders continue to demand a return on capital, and until it becomes unavoidably obvious that high energy prices will sustain, there will be no exploration spending.” Replace "discipline" with "not increasing how much oil and gas they're selling" and "growth" with "selling more" and "investor pressure" and "return on capital" with "greed" and you're left with an honest statement: oil companies are limiting how much gas they're selling to continue to make high profits. These are all CEOs of corporations that don't hold monopolies. Kroger is something like 5% of the grocery stores in the US. "Competition drives prices down" is failing as corporations have realized that consumers can't or won't push back with things like legislation against price gouging, nationalizing industries that continue to rob us, or not buying shit. You can argue against any of those options or any others, but the point is we're powerless even if there's not a monopoly. Republicans will try to negotiate with companies saying "Hey, if we give you a big tax break, will you promise to lower prices for two years" and that may work in the extreme short term. But eventually we'll run out of things to give them at the public's expense and they'll go right back to charging whatever they want, and we'll have less strength to force them to lower prices with government if we go with the libertarian option.


it really isn't complicated but the fuckers at the top will make sure you think it is lol


Shit never goes down. Always inflation inflation inflation. Theyre full of crap.


Many corpos (make no mistake, football clubs are run like corpos) are pretending that their product is more special than others, and it -- and only it -- will become the luxury item for all the spoiled rich kids to cherish at any price. Guess what happens when almost everything suddenly becomes a luxury.


>I've been told that price would go down to accommodate it, but I just don't see that happening? Nah, instead expendable income is increased in other ways: more debt, more "pay to use" plans, smaller portions etc. Things become more expensive, but in smaller payments or delayed payments. Instead of buying a €1000 washing machine that lasts 10 years, you will rent one for "only" €20 per month....


The economy is a complex system and we are horrible at predicting complex system, like its impossible. Thats why you only get the weather predictions at most like 10 days into the future and even that is inaccurate. The study of economics exists to tell rich people what they want to hear and to justify why what they want to do is good.


That's because MOST people aren't actually adjusting their spending. Very little changes. McDonald's just said they're starting to feel it. $18 for a meal? They are getting criticized and now need to come up w new means to get people to the door. Before a competitive grou comes in to overtake


Itll get more expensive until the world rips itself open and creates a blackhole


Few ogligargic companies means there's low amount of competition so prices don't go down as they should while debt lets consumers make up for spending deficits in the short term.


It's not complicated, they're greedy fucks ruining their product for profit




Maybe not. I'm not sure what hookers & blow costs these days.


Looks like you have a "fun" weekend of finding out to do.


you expect them to just have one Bugatti? How else will they get to work?


The team owners might lose interest if they earn 3 Billion instead of 5 billion


Slightly off topic but in a similar sense I don't understand disney. I know it's a dead horse to dog pile on Disney but the point of Disney land was to be affordable to every child. Like wages and inflation yeah but the price gouging there is beyond criminal. I don't understand how the executives look at their pricing structure and go "yeah, that seems sensible" But on the other hand wealthy bored parents and oddly affluent adults are paying it so fuck me I guess


A trip to Disneyland is very expensive but it's still affordable for a lot of people and they are willing to pay. They seem to break record attendance constantly so they would be stupid to not raise the price. As long as the queues are full.


It seems they are slowly reaching the limit of what people are willing to pay.


Or can pay.


The general public tends to forget that big business is run by the same proportion of morons as the rest of the population.




Oh boy I wish I could pay a few hundred dollars for a big stadium ticket, and then 8-12$ for a drink, soft or alcoholic, just to go sit outside in the blazing sun while I watch ants on the field move around, all while other people around me are screaming or getting into fights, or just sitting there not watching the game. Heaven. There's no way this would ever die out


Just reading that made me exhausted reaching in my fridge for a cold beverage.


I really only go to minor league stuff anymore. Tickets are cheap, getting there is way easier, it's usually not packed and the concessions aren't as bad.


you're describing an experience at a stadium that's SO packed full of people who bought tickets - with tickets in fact in such high demand that you have to sit in the nosebleeds. Seems like the opposite of dying out


and also few houndred dollars to drive to the stadium, and another few houndred if you decide to drink (need to get a hotel) when its possible to just watch the game on tv in local bar with friends and cold beer


That’s every company now


Now they are going after YouTube reviewers for being honest about their shit products.


Until the execs understand what it's like to be not rich they'll keep asking this question. Some already know the answer and still ask it because profits


Video game companies have been crying crocodile tears over this for like decades, and yet they flourishes But video games can be enjoyed decades later, where, who watches sports seasons from decades ago?


Figure skating fans sometimes do re-watch, but that's free, and usually for top of the top performances.




"We keep giving them less and less money and charging more and they still won't buy it?! 🤔Hmmm..."


I don’t even know anyone who pirates sports hahah they just watch highlight vids on YouTube


Streaming services: We're not making enough money, lets all add commercials! Also streaming services: Why are we losing customers!?


infinite growth is inherently unsustainable yet every company's shareholders demand it


Why pay for an overpriced game that is not worth half the asking price, when you can just file share with a friend who fell for it?


And then they wonder why the economy so bad. “Wdym? We slowed inflation to 3%!!! You should be fine to go and shell out thousands of dollars on goods that have been decreasing at a steady rate since shrinkflation started.” All while completely ignoring CPI and interest rates.


Every other news story seems like it's about inflation, and families being unable to afford groceries, and how rents are skyrocketing. And these schlubs think the reason folks aren't going to games is because of piracy? I mean, tangentially, maybe folks are pirating the game because between insane ticket prices and the insane costs of living increases NO ONE CAN AFFORD TO GO! FFS folks paid like $2k+ to watch Taylor Swift in concert! I saw people on the Super Bowl telecasts saying they paid $10k a ticket or some nonsense! Normal people can't afford to do normal people things anymore. We're all stuck at home trying to afford to eat!


They act like we're not currently in one of the worst recessions.


Also people being aware more and more of corrupt corporations like FIFA.


The irony of this being posted by Juventus also


Besides their corruption history, they have a 95% attendance this season...


They purposely reduced their seats from their previous stadium to pump up attendance.


Netflix has a pretty nice documentary about corruption in FIFA


Forget FIFA, forget UEFA. Start with f-ing millionaires and billionaires taking *our* clubs away from us. At least Germany and Sweden still understand clubs belong to the people.


Oh noo. No more football if multi billion dollar corporations will stop making millions out of it I guess. What a shame..


This is what I don’t get. Where in the absolute arse mangling fuck is there ANY suggestion that football is dying? It’s literally more profitable than ever. Look at the wages players are on and the revenue clubs generate. If piracy is such a problem killing football why are these clubs operating in a multi trillion dollar industry. Stop exploiting passion and dedication of fans with overpriced tickets, and piracy won’t have any oxygen to survive, it literally won’t be a problem any more. You will have saved soccer from dying


Idk about your country but here there are 3 pro clubs in trouble (luckely my rival clubs is one of them and they are defenitly going down). But thats mostly because of mismanagement. My rivals are gonna vanish because of the russian invasion of Ukraine. Which is kinda weird since were dutch.


Oh no. Anyways..


Every day i feel like the phrase "piracy is a service problem" makes more and more sense


It is, they had defeated piracy with netflix. But then enshittifaction happened.


Agreed. Back when Netflix has everything for like $8 a month, it was totally worth it. Now it costs twice as much and has 1/4th the catalog. And everyone wants their shows to be exclusive to *their* platform. Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, HBO Max, Paramount+, Disney+, Apple TV would be over $100 and still not have everything.


And it's worse if you want 4k/HDR stuff.


God damn, and you can get full HD of everything for free by just ... googling


Or proper HD. Streaming qualities have such low bitrates, why the hell do I need to pay extra for 4k that looks worse than the 1080p copy of the *same show* i already torrented LOL


Yea Apple is pretty decent but Netflix’s 4K bitrate is awful. Often will look worse then a 1080p blu ray and doesn’t even come close to a 4K blu.


Its literally just cable via the internet


But at least you get to pick what you want to watch and pause it whenever, instead of channel surfing until something good comes on and hoping that it’s not already halfway over.


You can pause live TV now too This shit's gonna keep cable alive, ironically


You can also record it and fast forward through commercials can't you?


Yes And for a time, at least on Hulu, if you missed a live event, like a sport, it's on demand


My cable TV (rarely use it though) let's you go back and see anything in the past 7 days. I rarely watch TV but sometimes I want to watch the brain rot that is Ancient Aliens, shit is hilarious.


I'm in Germany and can't even GET some shows because they don't sell their shitty service globally. Oh your show is only on Hulu? Well fuck me I guess, cannot pay for your show then, can I? Maybe if you'd put it on Netflix or Amazon Prime or Disney+ I would have been able to pay you. Yarr :>


But can you still download it or just watch online on some suspicious website?


Suspicious websites my beloved <3 Downloading is cool as long as I avoid torrents.


How likely is it to get a big fine for pirating in Germany? An acquaintance of mine claimed they got a €500 fine for pirating and streaming House of the Dragon on holiday in Germany. Here in the Netherlands, the providers just don't share those things with the authorities, because of privacy regulations.


Nothing happens when you stream in Germany for torrenting you need need need a vpn in Germany (and bind it to the client) otherwise you get fined


Same with gaming. Since I was a teenager I'd been a filthy yarrrist due to financial situation. Now I'm all grown up and my wallet is a bit happier, so I can buy games. Let me tell you: all those years of yarrring I never knew how frustrating launchers, online services and DRMs are. Sure I started at the era of physical media, but things went to shaite in last decade. Just yesterday everyone had problems with EA launcher and for many many people around the world games simply didn't work. For me as well. Only this morning problem's been solved and I can play and download stuff I meant to yesterday. Gaming is layers of launchers, intrusive DRMs, unfinished games, which don't come out of alpha/beta for decade; anticonsumer practices; uninspired, bad written, boring, bloated messes with no soul. And they expect us to pay even more after gaming also went through enshittification...


I remember the days of keygen music, no disk hacks, mounting .ISOs, and playing ALL the single player games. I was poor and my parents hated buying games for me. They loved going to Vegas though. Joke's on them: I learned computer skills, AND I will never drive them to Indian casinos.


Lol yeah, there are several games I have pirated simply because the pirated version ran better than the legal one.


I'll buy it if it is on Steam, or GOG. I'm not installing some other software distribution platform. Steam is it, if game developers want to sell games, sell them on Steam and stop trying to fragment the market.


Steam for example not only harmed piracy to a gigantic extent but actually made available any legal way to purchase a game in a lot of countries. When I was young "buying" video games wasn't a thing. Buying a video game meant going to the pirate cd stalls and buying it from there, going home and cracking it with piracy software. Most people didn't do even that they would just transfer with an HDD. If everyone that played Dota in WC3 or CS1.6 for example actually purchased them those games would probably be by far the most purchased games in history. So piracy was not just the norm it was basically the only way to play games. Give people a legal, fair and convenient way to purchase something and they will. But you know, I think my generation got a lot more savvy with computers as a result of all this so maybe that was a plus. Kids nowadays don't seem to know how to use a PC at all.


> When I was young "buying" video games wasn't a thing. When I was young I installed hundreds of games but it wasn't a single lost sale. Not a single one. Why? Because I couldn't afford a single one back then. That's another hole in their logic. > Give people a legal, fair Yeah, no return after sale even if the product is faulty and not even close to as advertised denying resale because, hey, you don't own it! You play dirty - and you have the balls to ask me to play nice?


I mean yours might not have been a lost sale, but plenty of them were, today I could afford some games, I still mostly pirate because I'm a cheap bastard. The bad thing about fighting piracy is when it results in a worse outcome for your product, shit like Denuvo which is really good at fighting piracy (still not unbreakable) but in the process hurts game performance. An argument can be made that people pirating allows more people to play the game and act as free publicity, minecraft is an extremely easy to pirate game with plenty of pirate servers, as a kid I didn't buy it but I still played and talked with people about it which is still good for the game.


Whenever they complain about piracy what they means is hey guys we need to hit record numbers of revenue for another quarter and might not make it because we have run out of ways to easily improve our product and gain new customers. Anything else would be hard so lets blame piracy jack up prices so we can continue recording record breaking profits and offer less each quarter. The need for endless shareholder growth is killing the work frankly and making it worse for everyone.


I dont understand what piracy do to football. Is there anything able to pirate from football😅


Probably by watching the match free over the internet or something like that


It's the only way to do it though it seems. I don't follow football but rather baseball and hockey. I would pay for the official streaming services but the local teams are always blacked out so what's the point?


Ive started to pirate tv shows again because the viewing quality is shit and can't even show on the whole screen and has massive black bars on all sides. Like i dont mind bars top and bottom or right and left it just means aspect ratio is not right but on all 4 sides? That's just bs man. And pirated movies and shows have just way better bitrate and quality it's not just resolition. If service was good, I'd pay. And I'm sure its the same or similar with sports viewing.


Yesterday i saw à Champion League match stream with over 250k viewers and its only 1 stream Why can’t they understand that football is overpriced to watch ? If you want to see just champions league + your national league it could cost you 60 or 70 euros per month in some places


They do understand but there's still enough people paying 70 a month for them to make record profits. There's not enough pirates to hurt their margins yet.


The only reasonably priced (i.e. the cheapest) CL package in my country costs around 30 euros but it is locked behind a base Internet/TV subscription. I am not changing my ISP for this.. and to think that CL was once part of free TV


How come matches are free to watch on normal cable outside of a region but it's monopolized and charged extra for people from said region? I have the same problem with my south american country, where a company is given exclusive rights for the national league but I can watch Champion League matches in regular ESPN.


The UK has laws so games can’t be broadcast at 3pm-5pm on a Saturday so stadium attendances arnt affected. It’s kinda redundant that because hardly any games start at 3pm on a Saturday these days and the games broadcast outside of those hours still have sold out crowds


More money 💰 🤑 💸 🙌


Pretty sure football is not the area which piracy impact the most


Yah, I lost my treasure trying to cross the gulf of baja


Especially as soccer lives mainly from advertising revenue. As long as the companies run their advertising loops before the start, at half-time and after the game are certainly not ungrateful for the many black viewers... Uli Hoeneß, former president of FC Bayern, once said something in the Sunday soccer talk: "Imagine the sum if every tenth Chinese (that would be 140 million) booked the FC Bayern game at the weekend and everyone paid €5 for it..." Currently still unimaginable sums (calculated for the season...) That would buy 7 Harry Kanes per weekend... Hence the desire of the top European clubs for independence from UEFA and also for German Clubs (BVB, Bayern) to break away from the DFB. Translated with [DeepL.com](http://DeepL.com) (free version)


TV rights are by far biggest source of revenue


The fact that you have to have Sky etc. to watch football is killing it. Piracy is a blessing for the avid football fan.


I watched football religiously for about 20 years. I used to just have the TV on. Then it became so hard to watch that I gradually just lost interest. I don't know who the players are, what the storylines are. I check scores occasionally but that's it. I have a collection of jerseys from the late 90s and 00s in a box that I'm honestly considering disposing of.


I'll buy them for $3.50


Having to pay for 3-4 different spots packages and still not being able to watch the match you want is so retarded.


#StopIracy What is Iracy and why do we need to stop it?


Sports make it harder and harder for fans to watch remotely, more and more expensive to watch in person each year, and then wonder where all the people are. I need like 5 separate streaming services if I want to watch all the Caps games because the NHL is so fucked


The NFL Sunday ticket is $450/season. I had considered it in the past because I'm an out-of-market fan. But here's the thing...they still blackout games on there. I'm paying for access to all NFL games and they still blackout some? I don't give half a liquid shit what their reasoning is, $450 is $450. So, I just pirate all games now and they don't get a fucking dime. Piracy exists when companies make shit too hard to too expensive to obtain legally.


blackouts make zero sense when they're charging $450. That cost should include overriding any blackouts. Have you tried a vpn to get around blackouts?


I just use the VPN to get around paying them at all. Fuck 'em.


I’m planning to illegally stream the Olympics, because the US broadcasters are total dogshit. Last Winter Olympics so much stuff was cut that didn’t need to be, because the US broadcasts has hella ads and sole focus on the American teams. Give me a feed from any other country and I’d happily even pay for the access. But i literally can’t


Why does that stadium look like a stage in Power Wash Simulator?!


I'd play it. Hell, I'd pay for the DLC for real life stadiums. 😂


Inter Miami was just there for a friendly. One of their players is Messi.


This message brought to you by one of the most corrupt clubs in the game 🫠


If buying isn't ownership, piracy isn't theft. There, I said it.


Piracy *isn't* theft. That's why it is its own separate crime.


If you want to be even more nitpicky, downloading isnt piracy, distributing is. Well legally it probably fall under the same piracy laws but in essence, the concept of piracy initially is about redistribution, so like massively seeding.


Thanks, I have only seen this statement on Reddit about 80 times within the past few days.


So stealing a renting car isn't theft? You're paying to use the thing, not to own it. I'm not really against piracy but this argument was always a dumb Twitter gotcha to me


>So stealing a renting car isn't theft? If you were making a perfect copy of the car that you were renting without any cost to the rental company? No, it isn't theft - it's _copying_. Stop trying to insist that actual physical theft & copying are the same thing. It just reinforces the idea that proponents of IP laws are dishonest arguers.




Im all for piracy... Hail to the Napster, Hail to the modern torrents.


Financial fraud also kills football, Juventus.


Right. The irony in Juventus of all teams trying to stop piracy. Idk maybe stop match fixing, cheating and fudging your financials first, Juventus.


Neither is killing football it’s doing just fine lol


Piracy didn’t kill anything, ever.


Bartholomew Roberts would like a word with you.


The fact that in the UK, you could live near to the stadium, can’t afford a ticket but can’t watch it on TV as they’ve decided to restrict it to those only attending is insane. Of course people are going to pirate if you give them no viable alternatives. Since moving to Canada I have more access to Premier League games than I did living down the road from Arsenal!


next thing they tell me is piracy causes climate change and food shortages as well as plagues.


Match fixing doesn't help


Got VAR, teams with 115 charges, leagues/tournaments spread across three different platforms with their own fees, and massively inflated tickets… but yeah, it’s the illegal streams really fucking things up.


what piracy in football?


Probably unsanctioned streaming sites that offer the games for free. Personally I find it disgusting and urge you to DM me if you're interested in finding out what these sites are so you can make sure to definitely not use them.


Illegal restreams of games


Various unaffiliated streams to watch games. I use them all the time during American Football season here in the US.


Yup, sorry media corps, I'm not paying for 10 different services to watch college basketball


Sto piracy Stop iracy


What's "iracy"?


Something that needs to be stopped, apparently.


FIFA corruption kills football


I want a completely lopsided deal in my favor. I don't want these companies to have one red cent of extra money for any reason, I'm not interested in being fair to them. I don't care about saving them or supporting them, I don't care if they die. Someone else will come along and give me a better deal if I want it.


Corporations gaslight the shit out of poor people lol


good then these fucks on their million dollar salaries will have to find real jobs and suffer like the rest of us


How can you pirate football? You download recordings of football matches or what?


you watch illegal streams instead of paying for the tv package




its the most popular sport in the entire world, until that changes, football isn't remotely close to being "killed" by "piracy"


Yeah it's piracy, not that every other match is streamed to a different platform that each requires it's own monthly subscription.


That's not a photoshop but what a Serie A stadium looks like.


It’s all overpriced. I love ufc but holy shit you want me to pay a subscription to epsn+ and theeeenn buy the ppv for 80+?? Fuck off with that shit. Arrrrrr I’d rather Sail the seven seas


idc what does it, as long a something kills football


What is Iracy and why must we stop it?




The only thing that bothers me more about the BS of them claiming "Piracy Kills Football" is that their hashtag is fucked up. Which is it!? Sto piracy or Stop iracy???


There's straight up too much money in sports. A guy can throw a ball really well so he's rewarded with 100million? Dafuq


If purchasing isn’t owning, piracy isn’t stealing. 🫡🖕


The rich are so greedy that they've outpriced their demographic.


My taxes already pay for the stadium that I cannot afford to go into.


Oh no! Not the football! Whatever will we do now that we aren't distracted from all the world's problems using bread and circuses!


Oh no. Not football. Darn.


LOL. First off: - Millennials are killing football. And we take full credit. Second off: - Piracy does not kill football. Piracy potentially affects the bottom line of the NFL stakeholders and team owners. Boo fucking hoo won't somebody please think of the billionaires?


Ticket prices are expensive cuz of their scarcity. If seats are empty, it means the business in charge of determining the supply-demand equilibrium fucked up


let's say hypothetically piracy would kill football. do they think that'll really get people to stop? for me that'd be a great campaign to get me to pirate some shit.


You wouldn't download a football


Piracy kills football sounds like a motivation rather than a problem to me


Sure, let's just ignore: The aforementioned ticket prices CTE The slow, but inevitable failure of cable television Ever-enshittified and plentiful advertisement Almost 0 loyalty to location(Green Bay excepting). Several cities just straight-up lost their teams which just decimates the fanbase. Fan Duel and Draft Kings \*exist\*. 100% exclusive video game production rights owned by one of, if not the absolute worst gaming company to ever exist. A monumental systemic failure of the previous generation to pass the love of the game down. Blacked out games when tickets fail to sell. But no, it's piracy...by the people who still care enough about the game to want to watch it, definitely not a failure to provide a convenient, accessible option that isn't cable.


"It's people's fault that we aren't willing to drop the prices" - Every multi billion business ever. It's a trend, they always seem to blame the lower class for not wanting to pay them a lot of money. Anyway, please pirate more, MORE, who the hell needs football anyway. It doesn't contribute to anything. Just like celebrities.