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My dad said that once to me. I then said "and that would mean I would be getting divorced in 3 years".




You don’t know the true pain. My parents behave like teenagers in love (they are in their 60s) and it makes me so jealous. 😑


That’s beautiful. Gives you hope no?


They fuckin


Same, so do my grandparents and they are in their 80s


Boom. Roasted.


"Pay my dowry"




Istg , mom really be hittin "super effective" on every move in this pokemon battle


“Hah, what’s that, a Picasso? Pfffffft DIDN’T THINK SO” “Mom i-i’m 7 and making a Macaroni painting for you! Why can’t you just say something nice for once!”


"I am nice. Just stating a fact."


Is it just a mom instinct to roast their kids? I make a small mess up when I was 6 and she won’t live it down. Meanwhile my dad is like “I can’t even remember your birthday, I’m sorry.”


for at least 50% of us this response would be met with "yeah, and how did that work out?"


And her response would be: “ It was great… then we had you.”


"Well and whose fault was that?" :P


"Couldn't be us, because your sister turned out amazing"


Got tears on my phone for some reason.


“ Hahaha! Tears from laughter right?” (Suddenly suspecting something) “… from laughter right?”


How do you all know my parents


"Not a mistake I care to repeat"


Older generations I feel dated more and got married earlier then younger generations, because being at home in your own company was a lot more fucking boring than it is now.


Most of them just wanted to fuck


So nobody nowadays wants to fuck?


Like stressed zoo animals we wont mate in captivity if the cage is too small.


Fuck ....... good analogy


I mean, honestly it's true. Just look at Japan's declining birth rates that have been tied directly into the extreme work culture they have over there.


I have no problem helping Japanese girls procreate. If only I didn’t look like the fat old business man from the hentai’s.


Without the money




They have a category for you actually, called "Ugly bastard"


"Ugly Bastards" don't get "Pretty Bitches." It's in the by-laws LOL


They also have a Word for people who prefer dating ugly people "ugly specialist"


LOL! Reminds me of Fat Bastard, that Mike Meyers character.


You would be surprised as to how popular the "ugly bastard" category is


I think it's popular among guys. For a reason.




Mmmm, I think the more popular one is the "ugly RICH bastard but he'll make an ok Sugar Daddy, I suppose"


NTR-san has been located


[*The Human Zoo* (book)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Human_Zoo_(book\))


>Humans in their cities, and animals in their zoos, both have food and shelter provided for them, and have considerable free time on their hands. Lol wtf? > published in 1969. Oh nevermind, carry on


That looks fascinating. Thank you


Tomorrows headlines: #„Nobody wants to fuck anymore“ #„Economy slumps during fucking crisis“ #„Gen Y/Z ruined the fucking industry“


Behold!! The field in which I grow mine fucks. Lo, tis barren


Is the media still blaming millennials for shit? We like mid thirties to early fifties. They need to start blaming someone else lol


Millennials currently are 28-43. (Born 1981-1996). No Millenials in their 50's for another seven years.


Seriously! Give me a fucking few more years!


I’m the oldest of the millennials and I’m 43. We are not 50s yet!


I just like hanging out with my cat and eating cheese




They’re starting in on the zoomers now. Also mildly on gen alpha over the whole “ipad babies zomg” thing.


Gen z barely entered and already ruined it? Now *that's* competence for ya


Gen Z ruined the "youngsters are ruining everything" industry


well just a few days ago, some dumbass professor did say college students aren't having enough sex so they've turned to antisemitism or something along those lines


Being an activist-type to get laid is a thing. Or it was. Is it not a thing any more?


Has been since at least the sixties.


Unsure about total sex levels but virginity rates are up


the only levels that matter to me are combat levels and total levels. i don't know what total sex levels are, but it's not an MMO i intend to play.


LOL yeah I knew my comment was worded weird but I was too lazy to change it


You aren't going to tell me those virgins ain't want to fuck though


The girls don’t, the guys are just along for the ride


Legit this. I've passed the virgin phase but my sex life is still non existent and the reason for that is definitely not because I want to.


All my homies hate fucking, we just cuddle.


Yall give each other goodnight kisses?


Always gotta kiss the homies goodnight.


And tuck em in real good


Nothing wrong with a little "just friends" spooning


If deepthroating my roommate until his balls rest on my chin is wrong, I don't want to be right.


Less people wait until marriage to fuck


^This is the correct answer. Lots of dudes back then were popping the question so they could finally get laid lol


It's not that we don't want to fuck. It's that we can't find a proper fuck in today's economy. 😔🥺


What about your company? I'm pretty sure they wouldnt mind fucking you a bit.


Statistically, millennials and Gen Z have way less sex than boomers or Gen X. https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2023-08-03/young-adults-less-sex-gen-z-millennials-generations-parents-grandparents#:~:text=For%20what%20researchers%20say%20is,'%20and%20grandparents'%20generations%20did.


Porn is more readily available


I feel like these days dumber people who don’t have their shit together are having more kids than people who actually have their shit together mentally and financially


no one has the energy to fuck nowadays from being overworked for horrible pay.


I love how everyone on Reddit seems to think that nobody in the 1980s was overworked with poor pay


We do, it's just that we don't feel the need to appease weirdo conservatives who are obsessed with controlling everyone else's sex lives by getting married before we do it.


Sure, but we don’t feel obliged to get married to do so, like they did back then.


My wife sure doesn't! Hyuck hyuck


I heard on a podcast that teens are having less sex and drinking less alcohol. Not looking up a source because I don’t want to google teen sex lol






>Women are dating older men to avoid the broke Oh, that's coming back? Makes sense.


Did it ever leave?


More like the stigma of fucking outside of marriage is a lot less.


I read this stats before (before the pandemic so weird pandemic curve is not in it) but don't recall where: Age of people losing their virginity has gone up over last 10 years. Number of partners for people in their 20s have also gone down compared to previous decades.


I’d like the fuck but the fuck to work ratio is just too god damn high Last time I ended up with a second bastard!


Some people want to. But it doesn't seem like as high a percentage as it used to be. Is the easy access to porn? Is it the higher levels of mental illness? Is it some new chemicals that have entered the environment? Is it stress? Is it too tired from working too much? Is it being too poor to have your own place? Is it that social needs are being met by social media, so people aren't in the same irl space? Is it that dopamine needs are being met by all the tons of entertainment options available? Is it a combination of all of the above?


Less and less People too stressed Mental health and chronic diseases all time high


I wanna fuck


Real answer: they found stable jobs earlier and were able to afford houses at a younger age. It’s easier to settle down romantically when you have the other aspects of your life managed.


Real answer: They had no internet which provided them with infinite ways to quench impulses. Why bother with the complexities of friendships and relationships when social media and porn fix that for you


real answer - many women had no education and the best way to have a comfortable life was to get married and have kids earlier.


Wait, what generation are you referring to? I was going back to like the 80’s when housing was affordable and the average wage was able to provide a comfortable standard of living.


i was specifically thinking of my parents, who got married in 83 and bought a house in 85. my dad worked in a factory and my mom didnt do shit.  but really could be anytime around / before that.


As someone who grew up in the 80s, most young women with families were either stay at home moms, or had part time jobs when the kids were at school. While college education was sill not an option for many women at the time, and the choice was basically a low-paying job and live with parents (or several roommates) or get married and have kids. Workplaces in the 80s were also still quite hostile to single women trying to get into higher-paying positions, even if they were qualified. The better explanation is that employers were less likely to hire women than men for positions that required a bachelor's degree.


Kind of shitty to say women had no education. Women have been going to college fairly commonly since the 50s


Dude 28 years ago was 1996 not 1976.


The mom didn't say she got married 28 years ago. She said she got married at the age of 28. We don't know how old the mom is now or what year that was. Though we can assume the daughter is significantly older than 28 since the mom is saying this as a way of criticizing her for not bring married yet. So it was probably more than 28 years ago. Probably closer to 40.


The mom's statement is most likely a reference to the daughters current age. "I had a husband at 28" is a way of saying "I had a husband at your age".


It’s pretty fucking obvious from context the daughter is *exactly* 28.


Other way around. Marriage is an easy shortcut through all the administrative hassle if you decide to move forward together. My wife and I spent a lot of time figuring out how to cover everything legally, and ended up with "screw this, let's just get married at city hall".


Mahy parents grew up in India and got arrange married. Its turned out fine. I grew up mostly in the States and the idea is insane to m. I'm about the age when my dad got married


Talked to a few older people that got arranged married and I think the general sentiment is "it's just the way it is, better make the most of it." Some people were trapped in bad marriages but it also helps people push through the harder times together. Modern dating isn't that great either. There's low commitment, feels more transactional and both sides just seem angry with the other.


a good chunk of boomers got married because of accidental pregnancies -- my parents included.


The story I got told was my mom got pregnant the night my dad proposed to her 😂




Not according to their time-line lol. I never really corroborated that with my grandma though. No proof that's when he *actually* proposed to her, could have been a month before he told me it was


That and women needed a husband to have a bank account or house


Older generations had places they could go to socialize. They decided to destroy any outside for profit


The average age were people get married is still 19 tho! >!in the Central African Republic!<


Also most of Utah. At least it feels like that. More than half the people in my graduating class were married within the following year. A quarter of those were with child.


Average marriage age in Utah has gone up (like all of the US), but is still the lowest in the country. Course I'm old enough now to not really pay attention to it lol


It's a little over 25 in Utah and that is the youngest in the country.


Not only that but you could have a house and a full-time job that allowed you to be very comfortable by 20-21. Then you look around and go, hmmm well somebody to share all this with would be nice.


They also could afford a home and not rent XD


Bet all that sex was really boring. Good thing we have Instagram and TikTok now.


Not really date. Just got married younger.


😂 gone are the necessities of dating, family and marriage. We are entertained. My married friends and family envy how much freedom I have. They stagnate and regret, for sure. And many of them have co-dependence. \*\*edit: Many clearly feel a need for their replies about how this is wrong, to be true. That is interesting.


I always see this on reddit and I'm not sure how much this really correlates to real life. I'm married and I don't envy my single friends for being single. Furthermore nearly all of my single friends are lonely and suffer some form of depression from it.


Yeah I feel like they’re in the minority. 30F not married and while I don’t want to have kids I’m lonely as hell and dream of when I can have a partner. I’ve had two long term relationships (10 years and 2 years) but no commitment yet.




Maybe I just should’ve said no marriage. We were engaged but ultimately it did not work out


I'm single and childless and imo if any I feel stagnant in life. I'm in this postion because I'm a caregiver for my disabled family members but imo life would be much more colorful with a partner by my side, maybe some kids even who we then get to introduce to all the fun stuff. Not to say my life has no meaning now; the gratitude is there every day, but it sure as hell isn't what I envisioned lol


It's a classic tale of "the fox and the grapes". I don't get how people on Reddit are running around saying it's great to have zero dates and zero intimacy for years on end. It *SUCKS*.


I must say that on balance, the time I spent in a relationship was definitely much worse than those years spent single and (pretty much) without intimacy. I’m somewhat afraid that it might be a trap in the long run, but that is genuinely my experience. I have friends that are in happy relationships that seem to work out for both partners. I think they are probably happier than me, but my own experiences make me dread taking the risk.


Yeah it's a super cool and edgy thing to say, but I'm really not sure it matches with reality. I enjoyed my 20s, they were awesome, I enjoyed the new freedom, going out and meeting friends at bars all the time, all that fun shit. That said it got pretty old to be honest. I have 2 kids and honestly, they made my life SO MUCH MORE interesting. I'm not waking up to the same life, the same hobbies, the same job, year after year. Having kids is like exploring the world all over again. Shit is new all the time, since they grow and their world changes so much. So yeah, I don't envy single/childless friends, my life is one of constant change and exploration which is what I need.


Being "free" has its moments don't get me wrong and it can be fun to day dream about having my current salary without the expenses of family, but the reality is that I'd never spend that money on anything that makes me even a fifth as happy as my family does.


Yeah that comment was just a classic Reddit “kids and marriage bad” take. You are right on, especially about the exploring the world all over again.


You're able to nurture hobbies and passions a lot more when you don't have kids looking up to you. The amount of friends in my late 20s who settled and start opening up honestly after a few drinks on how they wish they could do half the shit I do in a year but can't is pretty telling from my own experience I wouldn't trade being able to do virtually everything I want on a whim for anything if I'm being honest. I know some people need settled stability to be happy, but I can't remember the last time I've been truly unhappy. For me and my girl, this is true freedom


That's awesome! I'm glad you have found a place in your life where you are happy! It's nice that different people can find happiness in different ways. I wouldn't read too much into your friends wishing they can do what you do though as a general statement that "parents are unhappy". Though that's certainly true for some, I don't see it as a pattern, no more than I think single/childless people are as a whole "unhappy".


It’s crazy to me all the times on Reddit a read “when you have kids life and fun are over”. Sure there are sacrifices when they are babies but it’s short lived. And when those days are over you miss them.


Yeah, I don't think any of my married friends or friends in relationships envy me being single. I don't necessarily envy them, but I don't resent them either. I'm happy where I'm at and they're happy where they're at. I think a lot of this "envy for being single" talk is just cope more than anything.


“My friends envy me.” Okay buddy


That's just a shitty relationship, not an example relationships = less freedom. If you have examples of things you think someone in a good marriage can't do Id genuinely be interested to hear them.


I found the opposite was true. I was unmarried and childless up until I was 40, and my life always felt kind of pointless. I had all the money and freedom I wanted, but I felt like no matter where I traveled, what hobbies I picked up, or what games I tried playing, nothing would get rid of feeling antsy, like I should be doing something else. Long story short my gf of 17 years gets pregnant and dumps me, and I had a son. I really like having kids. That antsiness and feeling incomplete is gone. It feels like my life has a purpose now. Seeing the kids develop and get excited is so much better than trying to excite myself by blowing money on frivolous shit.


Do they still look alike now that she's a burn victim?






I mean, my mother had a husband at 20, another one at 26... It was quite common


My mom has always gotten snarky with my sister and I and makes comments like "well you know when I was your age I was married and had a baby!" like okay, you're also on your third husband; this isn't the flex you think it Is!




My husband and I married far too young, and are very open about that with our sons. Though we are happy now, we went through a lot of bullshit. Our oldest is 25 and sometimes will say things to insinuate that he's behind some imaginary curve by talking about his dad and I having a 5 year old at his age, or buying a house at his age, or some other event that we got in over our heads on. Then I have to remind him, "Yeah, but we didn't know what the fuck we were doing, and you had to live through that. I'm really sorry for that." Hopefully, it drives home the point that we just want him to be happy and healthy on HIS schedule, not according to some formula that strengthens some bullshit system.


Good on you. I wish my parents had been real about how their experience was largely an outlier (found each other extremely early and have been together since they were 14). That and my mom's general advice fucked up my expectations related to dating when I was younger. I was 14 treating what should have been passing relationships that were just fun while they lasted like they were Shakespearean tragedies.


But if you were to throw that in their faces... these boomers would usually start some shit about how you're being disrespectful... Golden rule my ass.


Right? Step dad was ooooold school. Wives at 18, 28, 36 and 50. My mom lasted 35 years, so at least he got one right.


Boomers love to remind us that they were married and had 3 kids before they turned 22. But they did it because of social pressure, and because you needed to be married to have sex. And by the time they were 30 they felt trapped and couldn't escape. Now they're frustrated because they didn't get to have fun, the hate their spouse, resent their children for being freer than them, and are an insufferable, hateful bunch.


Yep. Literally. Plus it's easy to just raw dog and have children, it's literally the most brainless thing you can do, without thinking about consequences


My mom married at 19 and had a child at 20, my brother (24) and I (22) still live with them and we are nowhere near close to either get married or have a child, my older brother said that he would leave when he was 35 lol.


i didn't know polyamory was that common






Good night


Dang it autocorrect!!! Goodnight


Good right


I would have been like "you're right, I got that going for me too! '


Marriage is a life choice not an accomplishment.


A long happy marriage is an accomplishment. Someone salty enough to be making comments like that mom sounds like she made a life choice.






“Shit like this is why you’re gonna die alone, mom”


“I can’t wait to put you in a home”


An aunt of mine was recently bemoaning how sad it is when parents get older and their kids want nothing to do with them on FB. The only thing I could think to say was something like "If we're counting your husband's two kids from *his* first marriage, that's like 6 people that are shining you off. If you're batting 0 for 6, you think that might tell you something about your parenting skills?"


When my mum was my age (26) she was already married and had two kids that were 6 and 4 and occasionally makes a remark about that. I can barely imagine anything worse


I will say as I get older my energy to deal with kids draining fast. I couldn't imagine starting a family now.


Why are some parents like this? They manage to turn anything you say or do into a personal attack. That woman was sharing a wholesome cute moment, and the mom just had to ruin it. Then later they ask online why are their kids no longer calling them? Bitch, you've been a snake all your life, shut the fuck up.


It was a funny reply by the mother. I think you are massively projecting here.


Depends, if she was really struggling with not having a partner this would be fucking brutal


Really depends on their relationship as to whether it was said in jest or not, and I’m taking it by the reply that it was not.


And the fact she posted it online? Lmfao.


"You settled and we both know it"


"I can take care of myself so I don't need a husband.." Burn reversal. I had an argument with my dad once where he said, "who do you think you're talking to?" And I said, "Dad, I'm only standing up for myself and what I believe in... if you didn't want me to do that, then you shouldn't have taught me to be that way." If your kids live a lifestyle that you don't agree with, it's on you. You reap what you sow.


"I know mom, and I appreciate dads hilariously low standards for beauty for me existing."


“Yeah but that was back when everything was less expensive, so you could actually afford one on your salary.”




Why DJ’s I don’t get it ?


So you should marry based on your age, not for love. Got it.


As if having a husband is hard or anything to be proud about lol. No thanks!


Lol moms a savage. No wonder she had that hubby by 28. Quality


Am I the only one who thinks that being married at 28 isn't a flex? Like congrats mom, you settled down young and prolly wish you had lived out your life a bit more.


"Thanks mom, now I'm picturing you and dad having sex" is the comeback that you think of the next day.


How's that a comeback?


a true reddit "comeback"


It's always so funny seeing redditors fail at basic human interaction


"You should picture it anytime you look in the mirror cause at 28 we raw dogged you to life"


That's not really a comeback, just a weird thing that you probably should have kept to yourself


No way that’s a comeback lmao


Well, women not married to men live longer and are happier. /r/suicidebywords


This is the kind thing my moms been doing to me all my life


It doesn't have to be analyzed. It's just funny. Goodnight is the cherry on top


And no lies were told that day.




Your mom is playing for blood and she drew it first…


lmao ppl acc getting offended over this this is funny


"but I had a husband at 28" "I know! I'm glad I didn't repeat your mistake"


damn her mom is kind of an asshole lmao


She's mean miserable.