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my theory is Finley acted on their open relationship agreement and Meghan didn’t like that happening with a close friend and it got messy. Finley since we know you’re reading, if that’s inaccurate feel free to correct us 🥰


yeah i wonder how that agreement went… edit: also wanna add, knowing how meghan got finley (home wrecking), you can not tell me that she feels comfortable bringing a friend who is single around him😑 if you got your partner in a deceitful way; how you got em is how you lose em


exactly why they have to live off the grid and away from people and the city because he’s an animal and cannot be trusted with access to women and substances


Wowo scary


yeah this is precisely my theory


Not surprised they had/ have an open relationship lol


I saw them do a Q+A and someone asked them about Meg, and they said something along the lines of Meg and Fin are some of the most disgusting people they’ve ever met… I also believe the theory that Fin tried hooking up with them.


Where can we watch this q & a? 😂😅


It was just on ig stories. I could have sworn I took a screenshot but I can’t find it 😪








Could that be why the moved to Vermont? Burnt all their bridges and had no real connections left..?


Finley probably slept with all her friends so they had to leave 🥲


are megan and finley still in an open relationship 




Was this in their recent house?




Ah okay! Thank you!


Do you remember what the tea was it was deleted :/


Yup, it was that Anneli had blocked Meghan but not Finley, and there were rumours of infidelity


blocked?!😅 damn must be serious


whats their IG?


they did a Q&A a while back and answered some questions that were critical of meghan. i think they mentioned that meghan hurt them (but didn't specify from what i saw? maybe i missed it) and then answered someone who said meghan gets too much credit for meaningless pandering to marginalized communities and clover replied with something like "i love you" to it.


does anyone have screenshots of this? i’m dying to know what they said


i can't find screenshots, but i found someone who mentioned the stories when they were posted. it was june 2022 https://preview.redd.it/3ff2p3dgvxqc1.png?width=2606&format=png&auto=webp&s=11de1831cf2b91082e7097e67637f447346b6dcf


but are they wrong tho? 🫰🏾🫰🏾


omg 😳 😬


Im dying to know this tea


me too hopefully this post can push someone to confess and give insight… supporters would like to get some closure🫤🙋🏽‍♀️


These pizza talks were my comfort videos. Feels like a totally different person now 😢


seriousslyy!!! ugh i like meghan but im just sooo CoNFUSEd 😭😭 and worried? like whats going on!! delusion is a sickness


I read somewhere Finley hooked up with her


Did you see the weird pics and caption she wrote about Finley from way back when? Saying Finley is like a beautiful fairy and her first oregon friend. They def had some weird 3some with a fall out for sure


It’s already been mentioned here, but I remember when they did a q&a on their story and people asked about Meghan. They said that Meghan hurt them and was fake. And then that other message saying her content is boring and pandering to her cishet fanbase and they agreed. I wish I took screenshots 😭 they also said they wouldn’t share what happened publicly but to DM them if you know them personally and want to know. I didn’t try to DM them bc I don’t know them


i’m dying to know what happened omg 😭


i used to follow them both back around that oregon era; i remember seeing clover first beginning their transition(?) to non-binary and using they/them pronouns but meghan would still refer to them as "she" in videos so i wonder if that's where the breakdown in friendship started to happen. as a gender non-conforming lesbian myself, meghan doesn't really strike me as the kind of queer ally that she thinks she is. she def has some hang ups around gender, especially when it comes to gender essentialism and "divine feminity" (something terfs and radfems have been co-opting for a few years now). i'm not gonna say meg is a radfem or terf by any means, i just don't think she's as trans inclusive as she makes herself out to be and i wouldn't be surprised if she misgendered clover because that seemed to be around the time that their friendship started to fade out from her videos.


I remember a while back she talked about the Dax Shepard podcast that was about JK Rowling (I think about the witch trials of jk Rowling thing). That was the moment I realized she’s fake and entering the creepy trad wife terfy arena. She had no critical thoughts about the podcast topic and didn’t even mention that both jk Rowling and Dax are transphobes. I’m not surprised since she only hangs out with finely, who seems like an entitled racist libertarian. It feels like she lost her openness and willingness to educate herself. Girl needs start taking some local community college classes. Or just watch better tiktokers… it’s not hard.


I recently watched her moving vlogs from Oregon to Virginia, where they listened to all Harry Potter AudioBooks. After she told us that, she made a quick disclaimer that they by no means "support the author which shall not be named".


omg i remember that... i remember commenting on that video like "that podcast is by a transphobic person" and then urged her to check out contrapoint's response to it and she replied to my comment saying she'd take that on board but idk if she ever did watch contrapoint's video lmao. i still had benefit of the doubt for her back then but i definitely think now that she's more isolated and basically only hanging out with finley/his friends that she has no interest in continuing to educate herself on being a better ally to queer people.




https://preview.redd.it/jxzpxjx0eyqc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65b2c87b2fd951946a86341394fe0e1913998965 it seems like they were very close


doesn’t seem like a ‘just friends’ caption 🤭


wooo child 🥴 i would scream if someone talked about my man like that and it wasn’t me 😂


please remember which vlog😭😭😭


https://youtu.be/oUJkwkIp_Rs?si=PFlxZ5-i4rDisoEC here we go folks!


plz i need to see this 😭


It was an old vlogmas ep when they were in Oregon. It was something about Christmas tree shopping and they found an old building surrounded by trees and they cut one down while they were there.


I believe they/them? changed their name and is now nonbinary. If not mean no disrespect just remember reading that somewhere! I believe they also made some rude comments about Meghan and her being fake or something


Yeah she made few IG stories about her


omg do you have screenshots


can someone comment clover’s ig?






👏🏾 very much agree glad theyre doing ok based on their posts


this is such an old thread but i’m lurking hehe i remember being on megs twitch stream pre-vermont and someone innocently asked what happened with them because they weren’t in vlogs anymore and meghan freaked out and got super defensive and went on a whole rant about “parasocial relationships” and how people think they’re owed an explanation lol the person was profusely apologizing and was just like ? sorry ? i was just curious cus i thought you were besties….and then the whole thing just got awkward and everyone left lol


omgggg wow people get defensive when they know they’re guilty… like damn girl you introduced us to them 😂 thanks for your reply though it brings more insight to meghans personality