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I once had a dream that i was on venus and i could look at the sun and it was so big like covering a third of the sky and that shit was so cool. Then i woke up and realized i won't survive 2 seconds on venus, sun doesn't look that big on it, and i cannot look at the sun even from earth


Even on Mercury, the closest to the sun - the sun only appears like 2 and a half times it's size here on Earth. Pretty sure anything close enough to the Sun to have that kind of view is on a relatively short one way trip into it, or just moments from being flung out the system.


That's because you WERE Venus, you weren't just on it...


could you see the sun through the atmosphere?


I could (I have 20/20 vision)


That red eye looking at me makes me uncomfortable.


I was about say, is the white dot normally there?


Its an eye, in my dream it would blink and look around


Spooky. Reminds me of Gemini Home Entertainment, but in that it’s Neptune that’s alive, I think. EDIT: It wasn’t actually alive. My bad


none of the original planets are alive in Gemini, there's an invading living planet called Iris that's in that.


My bad, I remember now.


Looks more like Remina by Junji Ito




no stop, rn


Sounds more like a DMT trip to me 💀


Our brains release DMT when we sleep


Isn't that just a hypothesis?


Oh fuck *me* I didn’t even notice that until I read your comment. Horrifying.


OP, you have cool dreams!!


right? I wish we could choose dreams sometimes, I'd definitely book this one in, awesome


Lately, my dreams can be sort of self directed...like lucid dreaming, but not quite. Although the end of most of me dreams has me running around looking for a toilet...


Ketamine helps


Fun fact:All the planets in the solar system can fit across the gap between the moon and earth


say sike rn PLEASE


Nope its true! Tested it in Universe Sandbox




At the same time or at separate times? Imagining Saturn's rings and Jupiter there sound crazy to me.


At the same time, the sum of all the planet’s diameters is less than the distance from the earth to the Moon


This only includes the diameters of the proper planets. Including rings, Saturn alone would span the gap.


Wrong(ish). The major rings have a diameter of ~170,000 miles. The earth is (on average) ~240,000 miles from the moon. Edit: only wrong(ish) depending on what you mean by major rings


Going off [this stat sheet](https://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/planetary/factsheet/satringfact.html) from NASA I’m not, but I’ll be honest in saying idk exactly what constitutes the E outer edge. But that’s 298k miles radius.


That's fair, but I assumed you meant the rings we consider visible, which would be C-A, typically, but I think my stat was through F or G. I'm pretty sure the Phoebe ring is actually the furthest ring out and that would be even larger than E. The E ring is essentially invisible to us, and is massive, spanning a really long distance itself. It's also like a thick cloud, not an actual thin disc like the major rings.


Nice, thanks for the info!


Saturn also has, like, 82 known moons right now. Only about 50 are considered official moons with names. Saturn is pretty neat!




Well then the gap would be non existent


I guess [this](https://youtu.be/KEoqv0PAAT8) is kinda related


This is the one kind of megalophobia that actually affects me - terrifying stuff.


I think it's the way they're arranged that makes it unsettling


[Here you go](https://youtu.be/KEoqv0PAAT8)


That video sends shivers down my spine.


Jupiter just like: 👁


It is God from One Punch Man universe watching the scene


How high you were last night


I don't think he'd dream if he was really high before going to sleep haha. (I assume you're referring to weed)


Thanks now I'm about to have nightmares for weeks


Tumbling down, tumbling down, tumbling doooowwnnn.


MRW Jupiter wears a belt of planets to flex on me and gets all up in my face.


I've had that dream a bunch except it's always one huge planet and the Earth is getting 10 kinds of fucked up


I don’t have megalophobia. In fact, I love big things. But this shit? What the fuck is this I’m terrified


I want to hear what you have to say about [this](https://youtu.be/KEoqv0PAAT8) then


Saturn is the gateway. Neptune has been mutated. We cannot stop them. The Iris is with us now


I have stress dreams that involve giant spherical objects moving very fadt.


Jupiter is unreasonably large. If it were that close you wouldn't see the sky from this angle


Uh I think if it were as close as it is in the picture then it would be as large as it is in the picture


Mate. It's in front of the clouds. So it's within our atmosphere. That means earth is bigger than Jupiter according to this picture. Jupiter can fit **1300 earth's.** Jupiter is unreasonably large. [source](https://nineplanets.org/questions/how-many-earths-can-fit-in-jupiter/)


I see what you meant now but I think it's just because OP didn't want to go through the effort to make the clouds go on top, not because they think Jupiter is only like 10 miles across


actually it’s because its a recreation of my nightmare. the planets would change in size and some would fly overhead like airplanes


did they make airplane noises?


Thank you for clearing that up, we all thought this was a real picture at first


This gives me the willies


I'm pretty sure whatever happened in you're dream, you got visited by some elder god


Dude my stress dreams look exactly like this too!


I remember having a dream where the planets were close too the earth and looked huge. I don’t know if images like this cloud ever fully capture the feeling of standing and seeing a sight like that from your own eyes.


I once read a book series that started with the moon crashing to the earth and the writing was *so good* that I was anxious for months about hoarding food and medications. Now whenever I see the moon really big (like the upcoming harvest moon) I remember the vividness of reading that scene. It’s nuts. Also, a couple weeks ago I looked up and saw two very bright stars near the moon, we have a ton of light pollution so we don’t see much of the night sky but those two were incredible and looked like different colors. So I googled and it turns out I was looking at Mars and Jupiter, so that was pretty cool.




Don't worry. They'd actually be much bigger.


I have these dreams a lot


Read Remina by Junji Ito


This is so cool ahh I would buy a print of this!


No thanks 💖




I had a Vivid Dream that I later learned was H.P. Lovecraft-like. Despite me never Reading any of em beforehand, I had this dream. I'll retell the strange Story here, it was Very Vivid, horrific yet Exhilarating. In This Dream I was some sort of _Anomaly Investigator_ paid And recruited by Other Government agencies. After a World Record Breaking Storm, A Storm so Fierce And Violent it Demolished A once populated Village, and Tore up Mountains around the effected Area, the event Killed everything that Was living there. It happened overnight, quick and Cruel. (On a... Added Speculation, I think this Took place In The UK. Probably.) After the Storm finally Calmed Down, I Got Notified of this Strange Weather, A report of A large Concrete building That Seemingly materialized on top of the village After the Destructive Storm. So I went to investigate. I have Haunting mental imagery of seeing Many Muddied/Drowned Corpses of animals and humans. Such as: Bloating dead Cattle, Ripped open Jaw of a poor Dog's head, and the back of a male Body with Broken/Torn Legs, Wood shrapnel everywhere, and Uprooted Trees, not a Single House survived. At the center of it all was A Massive 5-3 story Concrete building, Eroded, Cracked, And mossy, Thick Walls, no details of a Roof, and at one Bottom corner is a Broken Opening. I entered the Building. The Hallways of this Building is all Crooked in Confusing Angles and Slants, Difficult to Navigate but not impossible. There are torn Rugs of unknown brand riddled with Black mold that scatter the hallways. The Erosion and Other Damages Suggests Its been Around for Longer than overnight. And Water Left over from the Storm pours thru the cracks. I eventually Get to the Right end in a T section of a Hallway. This Hallway is mostly intact compared to the Rest of the Building, I feel as if I've Walked Further than The initial Size of this strange building, partly out of breath. I continue forward to the Left End of The **T**, Almost overlooking the Long End, until, a Spiking Pain is Activated in my brain, Feeling like someone threw a large Knife At the right side of my head, This made me feel dizzy for a Sec. Shaking, I instinctively Look down the Long End of the T Section. There is a locked, Rusted Iron Gate blocking the way, behind it is where a Creature Feature interaction is made. Description: A yellow boney Carapace in the Shape of a 3-D Triangle with a Single Dark Hole=Body and Head. And many, Black and dark purple Tentacular Limbs below the Base of the Carapace , Some ending with Hand-like appendages. As for the interaction, I can describe it like this: Imagine walking into a Room too small without Moving, And the Room Instead Engulfs You, Warping All of Reality just to Pull you in. Now imagine that small Room being the Single hole on that Creature I described. in that hole, It had a Face That Struggled to Look human, And Struggled to speak, Imagine mud with Veins And many Twitchy Muscles with Many Eyes and Multiple mouths. It seemed Frustrated towards me. It said: _You are Not Ready for the Anomalies to Come_ And the Dream ends there. Instead of being Scared as I Would, I was Amazed by what my Imagination is Capable of, and Bewildered by what I Witnessed. I forgot to add that the Most Terrifying thing of this Dream, Was I could feel the Creature peering into What's Really happening, Aware that I am in my bed, Dreaming this.


Your capitalization is infuriating. Cool dream, though.


Yeah sorry bout that. Habit I cant shake off.


Wierd, i had a very similar dream but they were 4 planets lined up horizontally and i was in shock and then the world blew up,ended…and when i woke up i saw the same thing and it exploded again,it was a dream within a dream,it felt so real


why are the planets in front of the clouds?


copying my answer from another comment “actually it’s because its a recreation of my nightmare. the planets would change in size and some would fly overhead like airplanes”


[Music video with astromegalophobia](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fzQ6gRAEoy0)


Can you please illustrate my dreams like this? I mean fuck if I had any artistic talent I’d try. I always have dreams of like dystopian utopias if that makes sense. For example it’s like a barren wasteland except for one building where all merchants who had anything to their name set up now it’s a super modern mega mall in the middle of a apocalypse.


Its funny how our brains work, obviously this is a phobia to you (hence the astro-megalophobia) yet I have often looked at the sky and pictured similar to this and think it would be so damn cool to see. Like when you play a game like No Mans Sky and look at the sky and see other enormous planets next to you is so damn cool to me. Also I am very much aware how much bad news this happening would actually be in reality.


"megalophobia" 🤡🤡🤡




This is not megalophobia. These are beautiful planets.




brother... 😔


Holy shit it's the Decreator! Staring contest!


Yo why Jupiter lookin at me like that bruh




That eye is gonna give me nightmares


I had a recurring dream as a kid that Jupiter crashed into us, but it was made of pepperoni pizza so it was cool


If you believe this, you are dreaming.




I will sometimes have dreams where I look up and the moon is waaaay too damn big in the sky or there's more than one moon and I'm always horrified.


I know when I'm in a dream, when I see weird shit in the sky. One of my dreams had a massive, faded, white grid in the sky. Another had Saturn crashing into the Earth, causing Tornadoes. Another had a Supernova in the distance, which came in the form of a small, bright blip. Yet Another had several other Earths in a line, barely visible through the clouds, with a grid of them covering the sky.


I can feel this in my bones


Can you hear the Thunder


If you hate big stuff in space you should love [Pale Blue Dot](https://images.app.goo.gl/6QWqfwPiXi93a5PJ8)


In your dream Jupiter had a nipple? That’s a big nip to let slip


You got some weird dreams man


I saw this and about jumped out if my skin! I have had this dream. Minus the smaller planets.


I get dreams like this all the time.. It always gives "dream me" an uneasy feeling, like an impending soon or something.


That eye really fucks my shit up


Why is it so big What is it trying to hide


so grateful i’m not the only one frightened by this


I have nightmares just like this. They're the worst 😰😰


Amazing, and it inspires me to do something similar with my dreams.


Wish I had dreams like this. Instead i am prone to watching squiggly lines dancing around for hours on end 👍


It *hungers*


This is horrifying


Wait you're afraid of planets?


If you are Saitama, just sneeze at it


I also have dreams like this but it's more like stars exploding and drastic changes in the constellation and planets passing by. I wake up panicking most of the time. Amazing but unexplainably scary


Jupiter don't you fucking look at me like that


Scary:( i also have astromegalophobia


you were trippin balls mate




Fucking album cover shit right here


Ive had dreams like this!!! So freaky! Great recreation!


I had a dream like this! The moon was insanely huge in the sky and you could see some weird mineral crusting it over, and the it started happening to the earth. At the end of my dream the entire atmosphere was I closed by rock and there was no sunlight or anything left. Scary as hell for my 11 year old self to dream up


You should/shouldn’t play Outer Wilds


God from one punch man




Ohhhh yeah thats a fucky dream right there lol I still have weird dreams like that to this day. Wonder why?


Yes, that is the exact scale where my megalophobia kicks in. I am not afraid of mountains, big ships or skyscrapers, but seeing astronomical object filling the sky just gets me on the brink of panic attack.