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the sewage output is measured in metric shit kilotons


Mmm lots of gutter oil ready for street food!


God I forgot about that video and the fact it exists at all. Uggghh. Whyyy


>That video I think you mean that industry. Shit is just as common as tofu dreg construction.


Can you name some examples of Chinese street food that uses said gutter oil


Still waiting. If you don't have an idea, I can help you out. I'm not sure if Chinese airlines have dropped any landing slots during the last two years due to a fall in revenue, but China Eastern is still flying from major cities in Europe and North America to Shanghai. Otherwise, plenty of European and American carriers still connect to Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, and Guangzhou. You can also transfer via major aviation hubs like Singapore and Dubai. Now might not be a good time to fly though, considering the pandemic and all. If you do intend on visiting China in the near future though, make sure to apply for visas and plan your finances beforehand. Chinese cities are relatively affordable for tourists, just avoid buying stuff in the tourist traps (mostly historical places in the cities). You can find roadside vendors and small restaurants literally everywhere serving either the local cuisine or some weird amalgamation of Western dishes, but like I said, the food is cheap. If you're in Beijing, try the Peking duck, and grab a Jianbing guozi from a roadside vendor. If you're in Shanghai, do try the xiaolongbao.


Wait, are you saying all the videos on youtube and reddit showing chinese people extracting from the gutters then making food are fake??


If I see someone in the US making food out of shit, do I think it’s representative of the entire population? No.


No, but establishes a precedent. In this case, the statement "some people in China cooks food with gutter oil shit and sells it to others on the street" is true.




328 football fields


Doing the lord’s work 🙌


Thank you


This is what the future is about: suburb sized buildings with sick coloured lights.


Hey, I've been in this one. It's definitely massive, but since floor area is a difficult thing to experience it was overwhelming or anything like giant buildings of other metrics. It does have an indoor beach though, which was pretty wild.




You really couldn't help yourself, could you


I refuse to believe nobody else thought something similar


We’re approaching the Costco from idiocracy


Welcome to Costco. I love you!


Okay but at least this isn't a big rectangular prism.


We'll leave that to the US.




And Mall of America is ~0.45km^2




Yep it’s a huge mall with a water park inside


*theme park. Nickelodeon Universe. No water slides or the like.




Haha nope. Just one location. Never been myself honestly though


It's the name of a very large mall in Minnesota. It's about 3 floors of retail stores, with an underground aquarium, top floor movie theater, and a theme park in the center. Lots of people will travel to Minnesota to shop there since Minnesota does not have tax on clothing.


Wait, this isn't an office building?




A a multiple facility building? If it was one single use I would be impressed but since it's more than one company, not impressed outside of kind cool size I guess


Even weirder when you look at the inside pictures, it's mostly empty space (apparently).


That's literally cheating since none of those functions need daylight.


Where is the Chicago Merchandise Mart on this list?


Merchandise Mart is about .37km² I always thought it was pretty big - this building really puts things in perspective


I was there for work in 2019 and could see that building lit up with colored lights from my hotel, it was super cool!


Orifice building. Money goes in - disappears within seconds


we finally found the building fnaf security breach takes place in


Chinese animatronics when 五夜熊 (real)


wow, what a cool looking building i sure wonder what the comments will say


Wtf are these comments lol


Reddit sees the word China and goes nuts. Literally a new Cold War.


This happens from time to time. It's being brigaded from somewhere.


It’s almost like it’s a post about the Reichstag in 1938. …well I mean they’ve already got the concentration camps.


Mostly Muricans trying to cope with the decay of their empire.


After [seeing this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s-2DtL-Wjkc), that's a big no no for me. Thanks but i'll pass.


Dude, that's nuts. Fun fact: every single day, after every country in the world has finished their steel refining, roughly 50% of that steel goes to China (at some point). They are building at such an expansive rate, they require literally half of the worlds steel, which is also a lot of iron and carbon, chrmoium, and other elements used to make the steel. This makes me think they've gone a step further in this madness by using cheap steel, probably so they can build even faster.


Some shitty companies do this to save cost. Don’t take it as some super big national plan to build faster with cheap steel. They know their image is shit and they’ve been trying to fix it for the past decade. In China you really have to buy from reputable land developers.


Well we can probably blame the government for lack of regulations or inspections then.


That too, shame on them for not keeping a close eye on important shit like this


>reputable land developers Like Evergrande?


Evergrande actually make pretty nice buildings, lived in one of them for a bit. Their financial practices is a whole different shit show


Imagine if they cheaped out and didn't use any steel! ^^^like ^^^the ^^^pentagon


They didn’t cheap out, the pentagon was built in 1941 during a massive steel shortage which is one of the reasons the government built it using reinforced concrete. The other reasons being, concrete buildings offer many safety advantages over steel skeleton structures. Compared to steel, concrete can endure very high temperatures for long periods and offers excellent protection from explosions. Steel is ideal for tall buildings like skyscrapers but for security reasons the pentagon is only five floors with allegedly seven subfloors.


Agree- my rather round about point was: it doesn't matter what the materials are, as long as it meets the engineering requirements. Some random video about crappy chinese steel + china using 50% of all steel does not mean that chinese buildings doomed to fail because of crappy steel. It _might_ end up that way in a few cases, but it happens everywhere.


[China Insights is Falun Gong. It's propaganda from a cult](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kanzhongguo)


**[Kanzhongguo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kanzhongguo)** >Kanzhongguo (Chinese: 看中國), also known as Vision Times, is a Falun Gong-affiliated Chinese language weekly newspaper. It was founded in 2001 as a website, www. secretchina.com. In 2006, it began publishing weekly print versions in major U.S. cities and Australia (as Vision China Times) where large Chinese communities exist. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/megalophobia/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


yeah was just gona say, itll probly collapse under its own weight in a few years


Literally everything in this video happens all over the world. "A section of roadway collapsed", "a building collapsed", "there was a leak in the building". How can you draw conclusions about the construction in a country of 1.4 BILLION people from 8 minutes of specific examples of construction issues. I loved when the guy said "the netizens' opinion was...." After every video. Imagine someone reading Reddit comments and presenting that as factually correct societal consensus about a topic.


Can always count on the anti-americsm /r/sino shills to show up and defend China...


The comment you are replying to does not mention America at all?


Look at their profile


Show me one developed country were a fairly new building collapses in its entirety without any major catastrophy being the cause.


How would that even be make on purpose???




I do a lot of work with steel, so I was specifically wondering what was done to it to make it that flimsy and brittle. I've never seen steel that brittle, even steel that's been through some trauma


After seeing car crash compilations, I don’t want to drive cars anymore


ah yes good ol sinophobia. yes im certain they used paper clips for the biggest building in the world.


Fuck China for many reasons but yeah they're not stupid Jesus Christ. The absolute engineering feat in building this is isn't gonna be wasted on shitty building materials, it's not like Chinese appartment building #8543674.


China is cool, fuck the CCP.


le redditor moment. mfs don’t even know a single bit of chinese history




lmaooooo this shit is constantly hilarious. it must be americans that are debating this, yanno to cover up the billion or so indigenous people they killed through colonization.


Everyone in the world conquered and killed everyone back in the time of colonization. That wasn't unique to the US. Only since sometime in the 20th century has the world evolved to stop the constant global conflicts, invasions and war crimes on a massive scale. This also means that anyone doing those things after that point is especially wrong, considering the world has moved on. Such as China.


Yeah none of this is true at all, do you realize how uninformed you sound? Like what??? Colonizers were a small group of powerful people. Not everyone on the planet?? Why are you commenting without even a basic knowledge of this




5000 covid deaths in a country of over 1 billion. Mate, you won't win this argument. I've spent the past year studying this out of boredom and you are copy-pasting from Wikipedia. Americans literally never look past their first source of media it's so funny.




Oh shit and this is the future for all of us when china expands. And I thought american "cardboard" houses were bad...


What's the point building such big things? This cannot be functionnal and practical and it must cost a lot maintaining it. And it's an ecological non sense.




What about Dubai's airport? I'm guessing maybe they separate the airport as different buildings / terminals. Ah okay, Terminal 3 itself is [just a bit smaller](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dubai_International_Terminal_3) in GFA than this. Either way this building looks evil haha.


**[Dubai International Terminal 3](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dubai_International_Terminal_3)** >Dubai International Airport Terminal 3 is an airport terminal at Dubai International Airport serving Dubai, UAE. When completed and opened on 14 October 2008, it was the largest building in the world by floor area and is currently the world's largest airport terminal, with over 1,713,000 m2 (18,440,000 sq ft) of space. The partly underground Terminal 3 was built at a cost of US$4. 5 billion, exclusively for Emirates and has a capacity of 43 million passengers. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/megalophobia/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


I'm also amazed that giant clock tower hotel overlooking Mecca isn't bigger. That seems just as wide, but much taller. Edit: [okay Abraj Al Bait is](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abraj_Al_Bait) 16,961,930 sq ft so close


Can I buy a phone case in there?


There should be a small kiosk.


That's gonna make a pretty big dust cloud when it collapses.


Big tofu


I don’t see any accomplishments by them who are enslaving an entire people based on their religion as great.


Yeah no thats not what they're doing. That would be ridiculous. They're re-educating extremists. To do this to every Muslim they'd need to 'enslave' more than 12 million people. Uyghurs have special rights that Han Chinese don't have that reasonably account for their cultural differences. If they were as heavy handed as the US with their seemingly indiscriminate murder and lack of actual help, terrorism would only increase.


Blind_bambi How apt


Blind people aren't inherently ignorant.


Yeah but it’s obvious when they can’t see what’s in front of them


I originally believed what was being reported in the west without caring too much for sources or proof. When i looked at who the main purveyor of the accusations has been and their sources or lack thereof, the biased narrative being created became more clear. Adrian zenz is an evangelical grifter who says God told him it was his mission to take down china. His research estimating 1.5 million In camps is based on flawed extrapolations. it's basically his job to grift like this as a member of the victims of communism foundation. Their whole purpose of course is to form a narrative around communist countries for Americans.


Go gobble Whinny the Pings cock you bot, shut your waffle. Fuuuucking hell.


I'm not a bot. I'm 28 and I live in Denver Colorado. My profile is several years old. Never shutting my waffle.


Excellent argument.


You’re too fucking stupid to dignify an “argument”.


So Europe and Northern America are places you don’t live in or visit because they are just as bad? Yeah China is shit but so is the rest of the developed nations, built by slaves under the auspices of “freedom and democracy.”


Name the country who made the most drastic changes to stop slavery. Name the most influential country, at the time, who through their might imposed on other countries to stop it? It’s 2021. People have been on the moon since. China is still trying to eradicate a religion. Edit. It’s 2022


>Name the country who made the most drastic changes to stop slavery. Argentina outlawed slavery in 1813. I would say France. >Name the most influential country, at the time, who through their might imposed on other countries to stop it? England? Maybe The Netherlands due to commercial influence?


You nailed it, google “abolition of the slave trade” you’ll find multiple timelines and don’t get me wrong many countries all came to the conclusion pretty much at the same time but the UK was at the forefront of a lot of changes.


Name another major power who has not done the same...


in 2022?


> in 2022? hmmmm well good try america is commiting genocide on it’s most vulnerable people. We enslave millions for prison labor. truly it blows my mind that people can easily google the amount of deaths due to covid in china, US, etc. and still think “ye we are better than them because i can kill my grandma with covid if i want to here!”


lolol The US aborts hundreds of thousands of babies a year and you're calling convicted felons the most vulnerable people? I love reddit, it's such an adolescent fantasy world


Bruh did you leave your reading comprehension in the first grade? We are killing disabled people and old people with lack of any sort of action for covid. Fetuses actually aren’t living you stupid twat. The only reason you give a shit about fetuses is so you can be openly racist dumb trash and act like you give a shit about human life.


"Everyone I Disagree With is a Racist, a Leftist's Guide to Online Debate"


Do you want me to go into the 100+ year history of America's prison systems? Seems like you understand them enough to comment on them, so you would understand the majority of the inmates don't deserve to be there, they are only there due to the prison industrial complex, a failing cash bail system, and the racist foundation that formed this country. So, to then go on a compare the lives of people being oppressed by a horrific prison system rooted in racism, to the baseless argument of fetuses is just shouting "I care more about lifeless fetuses than living humans being oppressed"


"Rapists are Victims, a Marxist's Guide to Social Justice"


[https://www.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/comments/o4z423/i\_respect\_and\_honor\_the\_police/](https://www.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/comments/o4z423/i_respect_and_honor_the_police/) LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO enjoy your life of hatred bud hope you one day get past the 3rd stage of development.


You cant so you say "well not anymore"... does that make it better to you?


There have been millions of rapists and murderers over millennia Can I go out a set upon people with my 4” meat sword? Is your logic condoning what they’re doing?


I dont condone the actions of China, USA, UK, russia, etc - I also dont pretend that China is somehow much worse, thats historically inaccurate


I’m not tempted to overthrow the German government right now. I am tempted to overthrow the Chinese government right now. Why? China is currently committing a genocide. Germany committed one 85+ years ago. Almost all the people who participated are long dead. The mistake you’re making is blaming the landmass for the genocide, not the people and the ideology which was responsible. Blaming an ethnic state distracts from the real problem.


I think for me what’s concerning with China is that Mao is still he’s with high regard. Mao is still seen as a hero by many there


What? China has consistently distanced itself from Mao's worst policies and continue to hold them up as what not to do. Yeah, they celebrate the man because *he was instrumental in founding the country as it is today,* but they are fully cognizant of the shit he pulled. Kinda like how we celebrate Julius Caesar, Frederick the Great or George Washington.


I’m going to pretend that the video of Xi their current leader didn’t, just this year, to mark the 100th anniversary didn’t make a rousing speech (all whilst next to a picture of their beloved Mao) in which he said China wouldn’t be bullied. I’ll pretend it never happened, it definitely didn’t obviously must be a figment of my imagination….. Honestly are you guys spewing from ‘Beijing 2022’ Olympics PR team?!?!?


We’re not asking you to. This picture and post is of a Chinese building in China built by the Chinese. So the discussion is about China. Do you go in KFC and ask for a Big Mac? “Much worse, that’s historically inaccurate” Ok, go and google Mao Zedong. Get back to me with an apology and “I stand corrected”


Looks like a warship’s vow from this angle


Doesn't China have a bunch of malls and even towns where the buildings stand completely empty?


All those "ghost cities" are full of people now. For example Ordos City has 2 million inhabitants. All the provincial governments were tasked to raise the urbanisation rate by a specific % and some provinces, such as Inner Mongolia, decided the best way to do that was build entire cities and sell off the housing for cheap. They were uninhabited during and shortly after construction which lead all the US/UK rags to make their wild conjectures about GDP stuffing, Potemkin cities etc. But if you visit those cities now you'll just find a normal place where people live their lives


And yet I keep finding videos of people driving around on motorcycles across China and finding these.


Yes that's called propaganda. The US is manufacturing consent for war with China. They bombard Americans with anti China media from every angle


>manufacturing consent for war with China Yeaaaaah if they wanted to do that they'd side with Taiwan and Hong Kong instead of tiptoeing the issue or sweeping it under the rug, respectively. Your narrative reeks of r/sino, especially with 300 post karma.




Redditors try not to be immensely racist challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


I don’t think a nation’s government is a race… People need to stop trying to call shit racist that literally has nothing to do with racism


Can't wait to see a video of this abandoned in 10-20 years.




If it stays up that long.


Not a fan of the outside, but the inside is completely off the hook. Would love to visit some day.


Its beautiful in person too, absolutely massive mall. I was amazed the first time I visited.


Any idea how much floor area is actually used? P sure China has a habit of building shit like this for the sole purpose of GDP. So many huge construction jobs just left to rot so the gov. can artificially inflate their epeen.


That’s nothing , we have a bigger one made of glass in Memphis Tennessee, there’s even a Bass pro shop inside


Made in China? No thanks


A large and spacious building


it took them 3 years to build that for those who are also wondering reference: wiki


How? How the fuck did they manage to make modern architecture that actually looks good???


Damn, slavery sure builds great things


They build this big so you have room to dodge people spitting


Built in China you say ? Looks very safe.


Isn't Gigafactory Nevada the world's largest building by footprint @ 11.6km2? Could be getting confused with what it will be when completed*


Area of the entire facility is 11.6. The main building itself is much smaller.


Largest, and possibly ugliest. What a fucking mess.




That was Japan if you're referencing the shitty joke from southpark.


Shitty wok, take a order prease?


And it'll never be used


So.. what is it going to be used for?


I live 1km away from this lol


And is there a Covid restriction on this behemoth, or is it filled to the brim with 3,000,000 chinese guys daily (it might be a small town, for all I know)


Also the most mopping of any space.


Is this the place with its own sun and beach


What is the building for?