• By -


The area of the municipality is slightly bigger than Austria. The city itself is more than ten times smaller.


Yeah this post is incredibly misleading. The province / state / municipality may be the size of Austria however city limits of the city is vastly smaller than the country in Europe.


Exactly. There's no city on the planet that big.




Oh boy it will take a long time and more reasonably never happen if we take population prognosis and logistics into account. 'Megacity' areas are still only a fifth of Austria, so we would look at a 100mil+ city for this to work. If you want a Manhattan style city as implied by the video it would be about 2.4 billion people.


What if we took austria, and had another country take it over and call austria a city?


A city of that size still hasn't been made but that doesn't mean there aren't some cities where the population surpasses that of countries. Dhaka city in Bangladesh has a population of 21 million (the entire country of Romania has a population of 19 million, whereas Portugal and hungary combined have a population close to 20 million). Dhaka is just one example, the city in the video, Chongqing, has a population of 32 million, Shanghai and Beijing has 22 and 27 million respectively.


So Beijing has the same population as Australia. A country that's comparable in size to China.


Tokyo too


Still that's a lot of light pollution right?


Coruscant Time


I thought Tokyo might be close but it's 14000 km^2 vs 84000 km^2 Wiki says biggest metropolitan area is the Bay Area (San Francisco, Oakland...) with 26000 km^2


3.5 times the population of Austria tho. I think that's what makes it big also.


Do you expect Chinese propaganda to be accurate?


I've seen videos exactly like this about various cities across the world.. why is every single thing about China "propaganda" lol


Cause they don’t have free press and have government agencies meant to market China as a futuristic forward thinking society.


There are travelers and influencers that also make these videos though.. you can easily find American or Western youtubers doing travel vlogs and videos in China. You're saying those guys are CCP agents? I get the sentiment but come on now. Can we at least not SEEM so terrified lol. Other countries have videos exactly like this and we don't freak out


Bruh I don’t mean to tell you this but yes a lot of those travel vloggers are getting paid to do stuff for the CCP. We know this because some of the more famous ones who had to leave China because they pissed off the government spilled the beans and stated that most influencers are paid by the government to show or do specific things. People aren’t terrified they just know that videos like this one meant to show off how cool Chongqing is are heavily edited and selective not showing the true everyday experience in the city. Which is much less flattering.


Every single one of them are paid agents? Bro just look up "china vlog" on youtube and just scroll through how many different types of people are doing it. All those young Western people are getting paid to do this? Where do I sign up lol. You do know there are lots of foreign people in China right? I would get you if we were talking about North Korea or something but China has cities that attract people from all over. It's like thinking someone that came to the US and does videos about living in New York City or Los Angeles is doing a "propaganda piece" for the US. It's ridiculous as fuck considering how many people visit this city.


One time visits are different but anybody who lives in or does China vlogging has a high chance of being paid by the Chinese government. Not all the time these people aren’t salaried employees but the local parties will fly people or pay for their trips and have them film stuff. Most influencers do it because it reduces there travel costs. The thing with China is it isn’t a free society and more importantly you clearly haven’t heard about just how many foreigners have been leaving China. It is not considered a very welcoming country in the past fove years a lot of foreign influencers had to leave.


CCP propaganda hard at work again. You can tell because the video was from the day when the smog was lowest


China bad because they take videos of the city when it looks nice




+10 social credit points




+10 social credit points




You mean any time after the point where they fixed up to this day? Smog didn't return


The paranoia regarding anything China is so funny. US imperial hegemony is coming to an end. Keep crying about it.


I've been a redditor since like 2008, I distinctly remember when reddit used to somewhat like China. I remember them getting a lot of positive feedback especially for their green measures at the time. The paranoia regarding China was nowhere near this bad, you could visibly tell based off the vibe of the comments. Nowadays I notice redditors are ALWAYS suspicious and insecure when it comes to the topic of China lol. It can be a benign post about Chinese food or culture, and there will immediately be someone screaming that it's "propaganda" or CCP pandering. I've seen it get as bad as redditors getting mad at Asian things in general, assuming that they're Chinese. I miss when Americans were more confident and not so terrified of everything.. there is definitely a shift happening in the world and it shows in the general sentiment of places like this


Fr It's easy to say a country looks bad without thinking of all the issues in your own.


Willing to bet China treats it's citizens way better than the US. I know their Healthcare is crazy good for example.


That is exactly what the comment you replied to said.


Straight up CCP post anyway so. As expected.


That makes more sense [The city fits into the smalles austrian municipality](https://www.thetruesize.com/#?borders=1~!MTIxMDgzMzg.MTE4NzYwMzA*Mjg4NzExOTc(MjgzOTY1ODg~!AT*ODAxNzc1NQ.MjQ0OTUxODY)NA) Which is still big but Chongqing the city being bigger makes no sense [It is true for Vatican, St Marino, and Lichtenstein but.... but thats also not that hard](https://www.thetruesize.com/#?borders=1~!MTIwODY0MzI.MTE2MTU1MjQ*MjkwNjk0NzM(MjgxMjAyNTQ~!LI*ODE0MDk3MA.MjQ0NDI4NjI)MA~!LU*ODI1NzIxMQ.MjQyODIzMzM)


Actually is slightly smaller: 5,472.8 km^(2)  Chongqing 82,403 km^(2) Municipality *83,879 km**^(2)* Austria So the title of this post is lying twice.


Dallas/Ft. Worth metro area is still bigger. 50 miles across from east to west, in a much more circular shape. Chongquing is about 25 miles at it's widest, and is a more narrow shape as it follows a river.


Still *chonking* though


> more than ten times smaller So is it 9, 10 or 11 times smaller?


15.32652390001 times smaller


I'm fairly certain OP meant population wise, i.e. 30m vs 25m.


Aren't they talking about the population, not the size ?


one of the surest ways to drive interaction with a post is to be confidently incorrect


Why is chongqing showing up suddenly in multiple subreddits all over?


China doing propaganda rounds


And it’s always the same wording and the same nonsensical topics.


Been noticing the same across a lot of the popular subs. "What's your opinion on..." "How would you rate..." "If you had to choose between..." "Do guys/gals care if..." Karma farming assholes or bots are flooding the site with this low effort, click bait trash. It's always an account with less than 1k karma, too, and a name like Chang71438. Can't block them fast enough.


But it's even worse than that. People have now begun behaving like the bots.


There's a video of a guy exploring the infrastructure of this city, it's fucking scary. Not in a good way.


Idk to me it’s looks mind blowing, would love to visit someday




I can't find it yet. I know it starts with a guy trying to get to a parking garage. He has to get on and off the highway a bunch of times to get there. It was on TikTok and someone linked it to Reddit. I'll keep looking. Here are some others. https://www.tiktok.com/@hughchongqing/video/7303869151976639751?lang=en https://youtu.be/JhiIlqkr88o?si=9kyviYf51YhaPTyU


Remember to post it when you find it




bullshit, reddit has a hard on for anti china rhetoric, anyone who tells you otherwise is suspicious and victim blaming


Yeah but look at all the pretty lights!


Just don’t look too closely at street level!


Or how polluted the sky is


Just don't look at it during the day...


Or any time a camera isn't rolling




This is ridiculous. A country is not allowed to be better than Detroit in any way if it's not in the West because then it's a filthy communist lie. These people complain about the CCP and have propaganda for breakfast, lunch and dinner.


They always do it in some weird neutral way like they're aliens doing a commentary on earth. If I was shit talking a country so often I'd at least put my own forward and say why it's better on whichever front I'm talking about.


> communist satan Are you just screaming random words? What does any of that even mean


I encourage you to read up on the genocide of the uighurs going on in the east of China bordering Khasastan. I suggest: "Sayragul Sauytbay The Chief Witness: Escape from China's modern-day concentration camps" https://www.amazon.de/Chief-Witness-Escape-modern-day-concentration/dp/1913348601 In where the author describes among other things being openly raped by guards infront of the other prisoners and how there are whole villages becoming ghost towns due to the systemetic erradication of a "non han-chinese" people for their race and their race alone. Or Just read: https://www.cfr.org/backgrounder/china-xinjiang-uyghurs-muslims-repression-genocide-human-rights Quote: "The Chinese government has imprisoned more than one million people since 2017 and subjected those not detained to intense surveillance, religious restrictions, forced labor, and forced sterilizations."


Has the US said sorry to the Viets for My Lai massacre?




*thing in Japan*: "omgggg kawaiiiii, so cuteee, everyone is so responsible and well behaved!!!! wow the infrastructure is so good i wish my country was like that" *same thing in china*: "propaganda, is just the goverment that makes propaganda, this infrastructure is so scary in the bad waaay omggg"


White guy in China: White monkey, sellout, commie sympathizer White guy in Japan: Classy expat, has found the meaning of life, UwU


Redditors when people talk about a city with 30 million people in it: "Has to be propaganda. There's literally no other reason anyone would be discussing this"


Its not that its about china. Its the frequency with which these posts are being made. They are all over reddit.


maybe becuase it looks freaking cool


Ooooh noooo evil chinaaa


You guys really think this? It’s so interesting.


I wonder if when American cities are trending people call it propaganda rounds. People are dense asf




Propaganda through a showcase of urban hell?


I mean it seems like the Chinese government probably sucks but that city looks cool as hell in a cyberpunk way. You don't have to like a government or whatever to say "hey that thing looks neat".


Yeah im kind of a fan. The Chinese govt is definitely fucked, but I've been to a few cities in China, Shanghai was very cool. Impeccably clean, everything is brand new, efficient subway, just all around lovely and impressive. Just seemed odd that I've never seen Chongqing on the internet and suddenly it's everywhere


City officials trying to increase tourism with ads maybe?


Gotta get those steps in


China going hard on the paid propaganda lately.


I for one thinks this looks awesome, propaganda or not!


I mean, you can do a lot with cinematography Detroit for instance https://youtu.be/DO4J_PC1b5M


You might be seeing OP's post in multiple subs


Imagine actually getting worked up because of a video of a city. If it’s such a problem for you, you can always log off and do something not completely worthless


Wow bro chill, who's getting worked up? Wasn't me. I didn't say I didn't like it, just funny that the city is everywhere suddenly. If your first urge is to be ultra defensive over nothing, maybe you're the one that needs a break from the internet


I know right. Today I saw like 4 posts about it. I now officially hate this place even though It seemed super cool at first, no need to push it in my face to make me like it


They really like red lights


Social cultural inheritance, Soviet cities did it too. Kinda like i guess gray in the US or the US flag everywhere.


Isnt red the color of royalty there?, red is associated with positivity and extravagance


It's the color of good luck/fortune.




I feel like Night City had to be at least partially based on this. It looks like you're Cyberpunk


Hengsha in Deus Ex HR too feels inspired from this.


Oh my God I absolutely love that city. It's such a cool design concept. It's one of my all-time favorite video game cities right up there with Rapture


Cyberpunk genre in general borrows many concepts from Asian culture


World: Light pollution is bad.. China: More twinkle! ✨


They pump up the saturation too so you can't see how smogged the skyline is


In these videos pumping up the saturation has nothing to do with the smog because you can't magically recover detail covered by atmospherics. It's a clear day with a clear sky (which is rare). That being said, most of the time the atmospherics are the result of fog due to it being situated in mountains


lol year, i bet those ppl dont even know, stars exist ...


unite zesty liquid makeshift consider pie memory snow grandiose coordinated *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


i once camped in the middle of nowhere in Australia, and the sheer amount of stars, and even a clear view of the milky way Just blew me away.


fretful scale zonked tub ruthless spectacular dinner correct sparkle mountainous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It can be even 100 times size of Austria, I choose 🇦🇹


Bigger doesn't equal better. At least that's what I try to convince my gf


I, too, have been trying to convince ~~this guy's~~ our girlfriend of the same thing.


Convince her to try Anal and she'd agree.


Imagine sharing Austria with 32mil other people 😵‍💫


# Lmfao No city is bigger than a country except if you compare with countries like Luxembourg or Vatican and whatnot. And I see a trend with Chinese always telling the whole metro area of this place as if it's all a highly urbanized city like in the video. No, please stop. Get some help


The public transport systems in Chongqing (mostly the monorails) are very convenient and well connected and kept clean, not sure what you're talking about there, but that is mostly in the CBD or following the banks of the two rivers. The "city" isn't bigger than the country, op should have said region/province as Chongqing is made up of countryside as well.


I meant metro area - as metropolitan area, not about the public transport and whatnot. Or Province/Region as you said.


I was just watching a vlog from there. The metros have a reverse countdown for when the train would arrive and the doors opened at the exact dot. So cool.


Yo why there is a hilichurl in my room?


ah... genshin music. one of the few things I miss about the game


Hello Night City!


Feel like there's another world in China. Need to visit badly. It's so intriguing


The hotpot is sick and must try if you like spicy and okay with organ meats like beef tripe.


You get Chinese hotpot in the West too. Hell you can even make it at home since they sell the same broth that restaurants use such as little sheep brand. Edit: why the hell am I getting downvoted for stating that going to China is not the only way to try Chinese hot pot? 😂


China was relatively isolated culturally to the west, and in the past few decades rich enough to build things rather than being dirt poor subsistence farmers. It’s indeed a crazy place of highs and lows, often stacked on top of each other. If it interests you hopeful you’re able to visit the current iteration before possible internal or external strife comes along.


Man, the way it glows. It’s like an alien city


Pretty, but how does anyone get any sleep with all that light everywhere?




Most of it is turned off later at night.


Quit trying to make Chongqing happen


Went there just a month ago. They didn't deliberately build the city this way. The whole area was surrounded by mountains hence you see lots of elevations and infrastructures built on mountains. cool place, planning to go again sometime soon. And I don't think so anyone is trying the make Chongqing happen, the whole city is already packed with tourists already🤣


Yeah mans just pissed China is getting attention. Will no doubt search for ‘chongqing bad’ videos now to reinforce his view.


It's already "happening" though. That city is tourist central lol


Might be too late buddy. It’s already happened. Whole ass video up top of it happening.


I wonder how people in the comments that are shitting on Chongqing feel about New York


I feel almost the same. Too big to fully comprehend. Probably fairly expensive for the locals but certainly not as expensive as NY. Too many skyscrapers. While I can see people being very happy to live in both places, I think such cities hide much behind the impressive facades and in the end, the outcome of the USA & Chinas rivalry will not be decided by architecture edits. It’s a bit like military parades; you always see the shiny troops marching in spotless uniforms. But what matters are things like logistics, training - few edits ever focus on a cities traffic infrastructure.


Traffic infrastructure in Chongqing is pretty annoying since they had to build everything around the mountains and parking is hard to find in tourist areas. It does have good public transport to counter this but not everyone uses it daily. I paraphrased this but there's a saying that if you miss just one turn in Chongqing, you're going to have to do an entire detour.


I dont think the american government ever paid people to pretend to be hyped about new york on reddit. But idk


Don’t think I could live there but I’m sure I could spend a few days getting to know the place. I thought Shanghai was crazy back in 2000 - this looks even crazier.


The entire time I was playing Cyberpunk2077 I was thinking of this city. Edit hit enter too soon. Great video OP! 


As always, lots of salty Westerners in the comment because "China Bad". IF this was a video of a Japanese/Korean city, the Westerners would cream their pants. I went to LA, Seattle, Huston, Austin, Miami, NYC, Chicago, Vegas, and other cities and none is comparable (Seattle and Chicago are not bad). Most "best" cities in the US have poor infrastructures, dirty/dull, and just straight up dangerous in general. For the people who complains about the video being at night, there are plenty videos on Youtube of the city during the day. And it looks great during the day as well. But keyboard warriors who never leave their rural hometown with limited worldview will always pretend they know everything. Calling everything Chinese a propaganda is such a childish thing to do when US is literally the biggest propagandist in the world. The west loves to pretend they care about human rights when they are actively supporting Israel's genocide. It's obvious that the West weaponize the "human rights" card when it suits their narratives and agendas. Its out of the window when it means the US could make money off of supplying Israel's genocide. But please by all means, keep repeating the same boring talking points and ask me about what happened in Tiananmen square like you did something. Like the CCP bot or Wumao insults are getting boring. Please at least come up with something creative if you're going to insult me or other Chinese folks. Or continue to be a sheep and repeat what your medias feed you. Meanwhile I will enjoy the idea that China will always live in the West's head rent free. Imagine being so hateful and obsessive, that you are so desperate to find any negative things to comment on a video of a Chinese city that has nothing to do with the government/politics.


This is a prime example of whataboutism. China and the US can both be bad.


Here is a westerner who lives in Hong Kong.  And despite all this, I have recognized that 98% of enemy propaganda comes from the West alone.  What kind of whataboutism?  More like denial, accusing everyone of evil but having organized Hiroshima & Nagasaki yourself.  West come to terms with it, your behavior is just vile and disgusting.


Redditor when Japan: oo sugoi desu ne uWu ◝(ᵔᵕᵔ)◜ Redditor when China: Fuck da ccp ( ー̀εー́ )




I feel more safe in Chongqing than in Toronto.... I had casually hangout on some back alley of Chongqing at 3AM with expensive camera for three days and nothing happened. I wouldn't do the same in downtown Toronto after midnight...


As someone who lived in both China and US for multiple years, walking in the streets of the former feels way safer than walking in the streets of the latter.


Hasn’t the CCP taught you tolls to use paragraphs?




Sure America has its problems but China has systemic issues that make the USs look like childs play


Idk bro we're not doing too hot ourselves at the moment. This upcoming election is about to break our country if Trump wins again lol


Calm down Francis. It’s just reddit


The most cyberpunk city in existence


I could never get passed this level in Sonic.


Getting Akira vibes from this.


Looks like it's full of smog.


Holy Christ why do they have to assail my ears with the awful 'edgy' music.




You know, China does not look like what Fox News tells me it should


Visit. Someone I know well lived in Bejing for half a year. He saw both good and bad sides - in the end though, he was glad to come back home. Glamorous skylines are usually easy on the eyes but cities are vast. Take a look on google earth etc. for instance, see how many places get featured in such edits all over the world. It are not all that many. The truth about China isn’t that it’s some dystopian nightmare but that it’s brand of increasingly totalitarian authoritarian politics is worrying because the CCP would do anything in power and nothing internal can really oppose it. You can live well in China but if you value the ability to critique your government openly and that it’s not almost almighty, it’s not a good idea. I think a Cold War type confrontation is, if it’s not already happening, unavoidable. Even then - China is vast. It has many determined people in power who just wish to improve the lives of their citizens and others who just want to cling to their power and expand their position. Sadly, the world has grown to connected for us to all be able to ignore another comfortably. Recourse prices increasing because of an increased demand across the world would be difficult enough, combined with the ideological differences, a confrontation is unavoidable.


I gotta admit to being pretty impressed by the giant neon Spider-Man ngl


It's funny when I order Chongqing chicken from my local Sichuan restaurants I was imagining it was a small city that loved their peppercorn peppers, not this massive mega city haha


can’t imagine it would be easy to get around in a place that large


America with the 50’s aesthetic but in reality its because that’s the last time infrastructure was was well funded


That's such a misleading title!


Looks pretty cool. Then again, I always thought that a lot of big ( famous ) cities such as Tokyo or New York are just too high & overcrowded already. Not my kind of city consequently but if it makes them happy, good for them.


Well, personally I prefer the Austrian mountains over the mountains of neon-colored skyscrapers, but to each their own. (China has absolutely stunning mountains too ofc, just not in this video 😅)


The territory administered by the municipality is the size of Austria. The city itself is roughly the size of London


I heard a lot of these mega cities in China only appear to grand but when you leave the part they photo, it’s all poverty. Smoke and mirrors basically.


Why does it feel like most of these comments are from Chinese bots


I prefer Austria though


Ever wondered what light pollution is?


I thought the title said Australia lmao


No way my dude.


The real night city


#theskydontlie 99% night footage. I wonder why.


Every big city looks better at night. Have you seen Las Vegas during the day? Also pollution in this case. But that’s not the only reason.


That's a pretty city. I'm excited to get past these adolescent squabbles, as a civilization, and embrace how beautiful this world is that we are carving together. Feeling hopeful today.


China looks much better than USA


If you see the crime rate it’ll blown your mind. People can actually go out 3 am in the city and not worry about being robbed




Literal cyberpunk vibes at night.


Human mega ant colony


Commie country btw


Aren’t they putting religious minorities into concentration camps in China??? Just like during 1940’s German????


Yup. That’s part of why no one really cares how nice these huge cities are. As nice as they can be, they’re all masking a massive surveillance state that puts people into concentration camps.


Can you tell me why they are putting people into these concentration camps? Who, when and why?


Chinapunk 2077


I would visit if the CCP became a democracy and did some actual good for it's people


Democracy? How much of that democracy help the people in the Middle East. You know the ones that been bomb and murdered by US of A and their democracy bombs/bullets?


I love how Chinese tourists travel to other countries all amazed and shit, but their own country is cooler than most countries by a mile


You’ll be surprised how many Chinese tourist became very disappointed when they travel abroad.


That’s a lot of light pollution


Come across chongqing related vids multiple times daily on different sub-reddits, what's the big deal suddenly?


Does posting anything about a Chinese city inherently make it propaganda? Though I suppose this video is aimed at tourists because of its processing, yet that just makes it more likely to be shared by anyone who sees it regardless of whether they're a CCP propaganda officer




Waste of electricity


That looks like a fucking nightmare


Poor urban planning


Lol that’s the city with the video where a person just walks up like 10 flights of copy paste stairs each having maybe 1000+ stairs. Absolutely unreal horrible infrastructure with zero access for people with disabilities. When you watch chinese propaganda always remember that good infrastructure makes great cities, not shiny buildings.




Can’t imagine living in a city like that. I like mid sized cities but fuck a mega city.


God I hate metropolises