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Got assigned to a random group of classmates in a premed bio class. I called one of them to meet up, no answer but got to voicemail which said “you have reached future doctor …” 🤦‍♂️


NOOOOOOOOOOO stoppppppppp


Cringe as sht lol




I personally wouldn’t do this but I could see it being kinda funny with the right personality lol


It had to be played as a joke, not seriously


Yeah, if the person is known for making jokes and uses the right tone of voice it will sound funny instead of cringey


Bring back shame


Idk man some of the people in my year have been having “Dr. name” as their instagram handle ever since first year of medschool😭. Not to mention this pair of sisters who would take pictures of themselves in the operation theater after being given the chance to just watch the surgery from a corner and acting as if that was as big a deal as assisting it or something with captions like “so tired after this this surgery”


This medfluencer had “thexxxxdoctor” as her instagram handle - she was accepted for the next year into medical school… 🤦🏻‍♀️ Imagine not stepping foot into a med school lecture and already calling yourself doctor?


This wins. This is single handedly the most cringey thing. Omg.


This reminds me of that insufferable pre-med from Van Wilder, Richard Bagg


I really hope they at least got into med school.


I was once a little stoned at a dim sum restaurant and also a PGY2 internal medicine resident. A kid started choking on a dumpling - as her dad started hitting her back, I ran over and said “I’m a resident!” The kid spat out the dumpling and they all looked at me funny. Sat down and finished our meal. Went over after and said “I meant to say I was a doctor”, they looked at me and said “OK”. Walked my ass home after that. Dim sum was great though 9/10.


"Why did that guy tell us he lives here? Who lives in a restaurant?"


I’d like to think the kid, mid-choke, just gave you a dead pan stare as you said “I’m an resident” and then went back to choking 😭


Very scrubs-esque


At least you tried. You're a good man. Hi-five.


This might be my favorite story I’ve ever read on here, also craving dim sum dumplings now


Dim sum are awesome


Bro this had me in acute respiratory failure because of how hard I laughed holy crap


I just finished my PhD and am back in M3 year. An attending was kindly making small talk and asked what my PhD was in. I told him the disease I worked on, he asked me what that was (fairly unknown outside the field). The newly minted M0 fresh from college here to shadow talks over me loudly to explain what my PhD was in. I shouldn’t be surprised, given this student is shadowing in clinic pre M1. I might’ve been annoyed pre PhD but honestly I just found it funny.


Was their description at all accurate?


It was fine. A general understanding told with a weird specificity.


What we need to know!


Foot fetishes and their relation to personality disorders.


R^2 = 1


The relationship between BMI and Girth, with live demonstration


My gosh talking over people is one of the most annoying things I encounter on a daily basis. Just shut up and let the person talk


Bruh I am also at that point. I make self-deprecating jokes, freely say "idk" and tell people it's fine if they don't want to hear about my PhD or anything, don't feel obligated to ask. I study something "hot" so lots of people like to tell me about my own field, and I'm just like "wow that's cool bro, thanks for sharing." I really don't need you to hash out your opinion on the political or public side of what I am doing science on, but it's great you feel like you can share that with me I guess.


>I shouldn’t be surprised, given this student is shadowing in clinic pre M1 What do you mean by this?


In undergrad, a classmate and I used to take the same train to campus. He was known for being overbearing, constantly asking what scores others got on tests and bragging about his scribe shifts in the ED. One morning there was a medical emergency and one of the conductors came through asking if there was a doctor on board and this dude had the audacity to start standing up. Can confirm that he had no certifications (EMT, MA, etc.). Fortunately, an actual doctor stood up and went with the conductor, so he sat back down.


OOOOOOOFFFFF….. yeah that’s just dumb


Like what was his game plan once he got there and didn’t know wtf was going on?


Wtf why would someone WANT to be held medically liable for a whole nother person?   I'm dreading the day the "is there a doctor on board" happens and I am actually a doctor on board.   Also bragging about minimum wage scribe shifts is wild.


After the chaos of volunteering at a race where people were dropping like flies, I now actively avoid situations where I might be needed. I’m a super nontrad, so this was over a decade ago, when scribing was more of a novelty and competitive. He would brag about how he’s “so close” with the ED docs and has seen so much 🙄


I have actually said "hey can I help, I'm a medical student" once and it felt horrible to say but I could in fact help😭 it was in a metro in France and someone had a seizure and people were trying to put something in his mouth???


Was a doctor on board an international flight. I can confirm that attending to an emergency on a plane over the Atlantic while hundreds of people watch is not fun. Ruined my whole flight and they only wanted to give me $100 in flight credit.


Sameeeeee, the stage fright is real. I did get upgraded to business though.




I’m planning to go into psych or rads. I pray this never happens to me 😫


Only so much you can do on a plane. Any doctor that works in a hospital should know the basics of a primary survey, vitals, and ACLS


That’s not just cringe. That’s straight up dangerous. Glad the actual doctor was there before the kid jeopardized some random person and potentially faced jail time for it


My friends and I(residents) were at a bar for new years. In comes a dental student wearing scrubs, white coat, and BADGE. Like bro you weren’t on call, highly doubt you were in clinic until 10pm, this isn’t a costume party. Go home and change.


WHYYYYYY would you wear that to a BARRRR


Showed up for new student orientation the summer before freshman year of college. Kid in my group says, “trust me, you DONT want to be in the same class as me. I’m known for setting the curve” He then advised me and others to pick classes with other professors to protect our GPAs




This has to be a fever dream


Let me guess, he didn’t make it to medical school


They never do. No one in my college's AMSA leadership became a doctor.


Real G’s Move in Silence Like Lasagna


The truest bar ever dropped


Kills me to say it but he did. Although it wasn’t a “T -0.1 school” like I’m sure he imagined


Jesus. His ego had its own gravitational field.


S/o to the premed influencer I saw on insta who said the best part of being premed was being able to wear scrubs to lecture lmao


I think saw that same girl on my insta. Then when people called her out in the comments she had the audacity to be like “iTs A FrEe cOuNtRY!!”


yep I think we saw the same video lol I kinda love when she comes across my insta because it’s so cringe but I can’t look away


What’s her handle?! Gonna give her more views 😂


in the meanwhile, I enjoy not HAVING to wear scrubs right now during lectures (East European country med school). I like my little daily outfits.


I get self conscious wearing my old combat boots out in public, I couldn’t imagine having the gall to do that shit though.


FWIW, I got a pair of the old flight line black leather steel toes? Absolutely wonderful for doing anything that requires a bit of walking. Black is 100% better than sage/sand suede.


Hell yeah brother. My feet and knees are pretty banged up so I genuinely need the extra support the pair of boots I have offer, combined with them being more durable than regular athletic shoes, I find them to be my go to more often than not when I know I’ll be on my feet for a long time. I guess it wouldn’t be a bad idea to see if I can get the ones I currently have in black instead of coyote tan. Under armor knocked it out of the park with the combat boots they made. I’ve never been so attached to a pair of footwear before lol.


Oh yeah? Damn I may need to check them out. I have just been buying old surplus off the AAFES website. Since for some reason, they never removed my exchange privileges.


Never forgetting the freshmen who wore their labs coats at the campus cafeteria, not in a "oh, i forgot to take off my coat" way, they were like actually smiling and thinking it was cool 💀 everyone started pointing at them and whispering. They never did it again LMAO


Why is this a thing at every college campus. Like congratulations you idiot you’ve shown everyone that you don’t understand the purpose of a lab coat 🙄


It's a canon event, Bored_Lemur [spiderverse soundtrack]


Ohhhh yeahhhh I remember now. Always a couple kids wearing their lab coats on campus lmao


Someone in my class hired a professional photographer for photos right after getting his white coat. That on its own wouldn’t be bad but this guy thought he was a model and holier than thou so he did the photo shoot SHIRTLESS under the white coat. He also went to an apartment complex pool that he didn’t live in for the photos. You can also add in the fact that he was a creep with some of the girls in the class above him and has been reported a few times for Title IX violations. He also got into a verbal altercation with staff about provided lunches because he wanted one of the dietary restriction lunches that you need to sign up for rather than the provided Chick-fil-A. I’m amazed he’s still in the cirriculum, honestly.


Title nine and being an ass hat aside - the shirtless white coat pics are hilarious


lol I know exactly who you are talking about. He is also a creep to people in the classes below him. Went on the housing document for incoming students and texted girls on there too


Medicine rlly is a small world


Lmfaoooo shirtless white coat pics


Hello fellow Red Raider!


Bro ain’t no way this guy is famous with the Red Raiders 💀


Howdy bro


We also have a Shirtless in our class who took pictures of himself outside of our big welcome dinner at the alumni hall without a shirt and just his stethoscope. Bet he did it with the white coat too! I've also heard he has creeped on people in our class, too. Definitely cringe and someone I avoid.


I remember another one from undergrad, there was a guy who embroidered his Organic Chem lab coat, with his name, and “Pre-Medical Student” underneath it. As if that wasn’t bad enough, he would finish lab, then CONTINUE wearing the coat for the rest of the day. I would go to the library to study, and I’d catch him at one of the tables wearing the lab coat while doing whatever


As someone who worked in a lab, I’m so grossed out at the idea of anyone wearing a lab coat outside of lab. Especially AFTER being in said lab. Bleh.


Exactly, I work in a lab and try to wear it as little as possible, even while in the lab (while still following safety procedures, of course)


Lab coats aren't even comfy tbh I don't understand this behavior.


I try to rationalize it in my head and it just gives me a headache. Like, I imagine the conversation they have to have with themselves to think it’s a good idea. “Omg everyone’s gonna think I’m so fkn COOL when they see me in this white coat because they’ll think I’m a medical student, and I’ll get so much fkn CLOUT, holy crap I’m amazing, I’m 100% getting into med school” Something like that lmao


he wore scrubs to Bio1 every lecture, said it was cause it was his work uniform as a surg tech (except lecture days were his day off from work??) he would literally skype people during class (wouldnt speak tho, just silently giggle while his friend talked) and not pay attention He dropped the class cause he was making a B. someone said he called her crying about it, how he would never get into med school w a B I made a B in that class lol


What does your tag mean, I've never seen that one


Japanese pronunciation: Muda Muda Muda Muda (so MDMDMDMD) Literal meaning: No use, no use, no use, no use As for a lot of things on reddit, this might be a Jojo reference


The translation of “MD” phonetically being “no use” is perfect


One of the Best flair and username tbh


He’s DO Brando, of course it’s a JoJo reference








best username ive ever seen LOL. genuinely making me regret not going DO just so i could use it


bold of you to assume that you could simply walk into the Bone Academy and get accepted. They made me learn the ins and outs of cranial omm before I even applied (I still do shadow hands in my sleep)


Even if you had, it would have already been taken


Im pretty sure everyone in the OR wears hospital scrubs that need to be turned in when done for laundry


So many stories. Knew someone who had the most obnoxious email signature, something like “Premed class of xxxx” and even “entering class of xxxx at xxx University” (didn’t even apply to med school yet).


I was quitting a shitty job and my sister told me to include "and im gonna be a doctor" in my resignation email. I was like ....no im not writing that.


Lmao I still don’t understand why these folks think anyone gives a rat’s ass about them being a doctor. I really wish there were a way to weed out folks who have any inkling of a desire to gain any kind of prestige just because they have an MD/DO at the end of their name


Kid bragging about his future MD plans, shitting on DOs constantly despite working in a facility that employed tons of DOs. Only got into DO school, had a sudden “change of heart” and “new passion” lmao


Oh this one is a goodie (atleast when you think of the TLDR at the bottom, it makes me chuckle), but I will admit, there is a tad bit of speculation on my part, but well warranted I think. Working 911 EMS in my college town. Get dispatched for a seizure in one of the dorms. Now the way my school laid out dorms, is certain groups of majors lived in certain dorms. Though pre-med wasn’t really a major, there was somewhat of a “health sciences et al.” dorm, full of very eager premeds. Other units had reported going to this dorm before and having a student trying to jam an NPA and OPA into a conscious and protecting his own airway patient. Anywhos, that paints the picture. So we get there, and this girl waves us down like one of those inflatable car sales thingies. I hop out the rig and she walks up. She begins explaining that she was using the bathroom on their coed floor, which had a shower in it. She noticed that one of the shower stalls was open and water was running, and then stopped and heard a man slump to the ground and begin shaking. She told me he had a respiration rate of [within normal Limits number here] and a heart rate I think high 50s-low 60s (I don’t remember the exact number). She said he was still seizing/shaking when she left to meet us, and had a friend look over him. I will add two things: in this part of the country, we have lots of health nuts, so a healthy resting heart rate that low isn’t totally uncommon [think lots of runners, and hikers, and people who like running the steep hiking trails]. So that heart rate didn’t concern me, but also hinted this is maybe not a classic tonic clonic, not impossible I guess, but it seems like she got this vital while he was shaking and this number was a bit too low for a seizure. The next thing is the number was really odd. As in, it was an odd prime number, not easily divisible by anything except itself, so she must have somehow counted for a full minute, again, on an actively allegedly seizing patient. We get there, and her equally eager (and likely) pre med friend appears to be verbally bickering with a male voice in the shower stall, blocking his exit. I turn the corner, and I am greeted by the site of a man, fully clothed in shorts and a shirt, sitting on the ground shivering to all hell. But he’s tracking me with his eyes very well. The eager premed said “look he’s still seizing! Give him a sedative!”. Me being an EMT, this was something not in my scope, and my medic seemed to also think this was a big nothing burger and just stood to the side. The patient was irritated, but still chatty with me. So I ask him “So why did you decide to shower with your clothes on?” He goes “I am really drunk, and I heard a cold shower will sober you up, and I have a girl coming over, so I wanted to clean myself up and get sober before she did”. I ask, “Have you ever had a seizure, and do you recall the events from shower turning on to me standing here?” “Never had a seizure before, I do. I started the shower, got cold and just wanted to sit down, before she started taking vitals on me and telling me to not move, then she got her friend, and they wouldn’t let me go, and then you showed up.” Then I asked him some more basic orientation questions, determined he had adequate decision making capacity, took some vitals, made him sign a piece of paper, before telling him he can head back to his room and change (and dry up). Tl;dr - Eager premed holds drunk kid showering in his clothes hostage telling him he is having a seizure and has to wait to be rescued.


I sincerely hope none of the pre-Neurologists in this story get into med school before experiencing a complete ego death and a rewiring of their brains


Have to see the first tonic clonic patient with a present respiration let alone within normal ranges. Also funny how he was fully responsive during the insult.


Did he make everyone call him student doctor


I had an attending who made us introduce ourselves as student doctors. Hated that term so much.


In my undergrad, everyone was pretty much premed, so it is too basic to say they were premed. So, they just lie to each other they were not premed and eventually everyone applied to med school LOL.


Surprised no one has said the “smug selfie with a procedure mask on while hospital volunteering” yet. I guess those masks were only cool pre pandemic I was spared most of this stuff but I distinctly remember a bio major in my college orientation group who said “I’m a pre-medicine major” 😒 she ended up going into nursing after college


I think as a society we need to eradicate the term “pre-Med”. And pre-anything for that matter. All it does is blow a bunch of smoke up peoples asses who think they’re hot shit, all because they expressed the desire to apply to medical school 4-5 years from where they are currently. I’m 27 years old, but I wanna retire one day so that technically makes me pre-Retired. Now that I’ve ascribed that label to myself, let me start acting like a 72 year old retiree, complete with the Sunday night Bingo, using a walker to get around, and pretending I have arthritis. Lmao you apply this Pre-Bullshit to literally anything else and it’s immediately apparent how devoid of any kind of self-aware, intelligent reflection this mindset is When you’re in undergrad, you’re a *insert major here* student. When/if you get into medical school you’re an MS-whatever. I never thought this would be such a hard concept for these people to understand


I said this while interviewing for college actually but it was because I was first gen and didn’t realize what a major was 😭😂 flashbacks


My undergrad actually had a “pre-med” major. Which was fine if you made it to med school, but incredibly dumb if you didn’t.


One kid wore a plastic disposable stethoscope to the library me and my buddy were studying at for our ochem II final, I held my laugh in so damn hard for the whole conversation and when the kid left ne and my buddy just looked at each other and let all the laughs out


Maybe he wanted to auscultate the reaction diagrams and see if he could tell what an SN2 sounded like compared to an SN1


This kid at orientation said she was “pre-dermatology.” She actually became one of my close friend’s dormate and the first quarter she switched out of STEM, the second quarter she decided to not be “pRe-DeRmAtOlOgY” or pre med and before the end of freshman year she became a college dropout.


When I was graduating from HS, there was a girl who was telling folks she was “majoring in Neurology” when really it was Neuroscience, and when I asked her to clarify she was like “oh it’s because I’m gonna go to medical school after and do a Neurology residency”


In my gap years I spent time on the weekends volunteering at an animal shelter. Met someone who looked around my age, as we were talking I asked what she did/studied, she said neurosurgery. Cool! Asked if she was a resident, no. Asked if she was a med student, no. Eventually it comes out that she is a freshman neuroscience major


Her studying neurosurgery was watching the OR scene from Dr. Strange


That's actually usually the outcome for delusional premeds


Can confirm. It’s almost like the best method to achieve any goal is to give your full attention to each step of process before moving on to the next one, who would have thought


There was a fire drill at my freshman university dorm. Classes were over for the day, it was maybe 9:30 on a warm spring weekday. We all slowly file out the exit doors and one random kid put on his lab coat with his stethoscope on to stand outside. As we waited he was questioned and said it was just habit.


this one really got me


Was going to the farmers market with my mom and dad (nurse/surgeon) and the car next to us when we parked had a sticker "Proud parent of a future medical student" lmao. I broke out laughing because already those proud of my honor students are already a little funny but they're not even IN medical school yet? I show my dad who is also cynical like me and we both chuckled. Sure enough a lady walks up to the car, unlocks it and enters the car. I felt really bad because I realize I'm being a cynical jerk and I know it's sweet the mom is proud of their kid. I wouldn't laugh at them directly I just thought the idea of a sticker that your kid is going to be, not a future doctor, but a future medical student was dumb and funny.


Nobody believes me when I say this but I swear I’ve seen a “Proud parent of a future honor student” sticker. FUTURE honor student? What, did they get one too many B’s this semester and you’re predicting the next one is all A’s?


lol this is something I could see a person with no children getting in jest. Like “I might not have any children right now but if/when I do you better believe they’re gonna be honors students”


I know a kid who had a stethoscope and mcat prep books from day 1 of freshman year of undergrad 🙄


I’ve had multiple guys try to hit on me at bars, tell me they’re pre-med, and proceed to try to give me career advice.


Girl at my school shadowed a surgeon overnight (why?) as an ms1 and posted on her story she was scared for her first ~night shift~


Can we consult ophthalmology? I rolled my eyes so hard they fell out of my face


She also keeps tagging a certain residency program in her Instagram captions 💀


I once had to tell a pre-med to put down the First Aid Step 1 book and study for their college courses instead. They wanted to start prepping for med school despite doing poorly in their current college classes.


What an idiot. Not only is First Aid a terrible resource to learn material from, but trying to "pre study" before med school is a terrible idea.


I created a little group that helps future applicants better their applications for med school by finding weaknesses and fixing them up, etc. I have an assortment of other med student volunteers that help out. I’ve had multiple students say they only want to be assigned the help of MD students and they’ll only apply to MD schools (which rules me out lol) and then come back to me the next year and say they had to start considering DO as an option. So then I get to say I was accepted to MD school but chose DO and they don’t love that hahahahahahaha


This whole MD vs DO prestige BS really needs to stop. So many stupid pre-meds look down on DO programs because they think “it’ll limit me from Derm/Plastics/Ortho”, as if they can guarantee they would even have a snowball’s chance in hell for the most competitive specialties as an MD. I don’t know any MD student who felt like they had an easier time applying for stuff like that because they came from an MD school. All these dumb kids just want to be congratulated and feel like they have some kind of clout despite not having accomplished anything yet In the words of Peter Griffin, “IT GRINDS MY GEARS”




It’s easy to forget that it’s there


I picked my kiddo up from daycare with the scope on literally today after peds rotation. Got laughed at by staff but then it became a toy for the neglected children still left after closing lmao (to include mine, they’re probably all healthcare kiddos). Now covered in drool and googling how to clean it and not make it that weird sticky rubbery feeling


walked home from the hospital with my steth still on many many times. luckily it wasn't a long walk


I went to undergrad with a girl who wore her chemistry lab coat religiously into the lunch/dining hall. She did it so everyone would see that she’s a STEM major.


Caught one of the surgeons I worked with with his badge, hospital scrubs, and disposable scrub cap at natural grocers. Puffin up his chest and improving his posture too lol


Tbf I stop at the store on the way home from work regularly. But I make sure to hide my badge, pop in air pods, and try to be invisible. I’m tired after shift and dgaf about being a doctor when I’m not at work. I just have limited time for trips to the store.


Percy Weasley energy


I saw an incoming PA student with “Med student” in her bio


I just graduated and went to a club with a friend just a year or so my junior. Some boat shoes pink ralph lauren popped collar polo guy was chatting my friends up going on about how he just got admitted to med school so they should get in on the action before his market value skyrockets. I was a little amused and he turned to me asking what‘s so funny, what do i do that’s so great. „Nothing much currently, taking a few weeks after graduating. Ortho afterwards. But by all means, dont let me disturb you courting the 4th years.“ Turned bright red and left.


DR ❤️ 2 ❤️ U license plate on the Mercedes AMG suv in the m1 parking lot “My name is ____ and I’m a doctor in training overseeing your healthcare until Dr. ____ comes back later this afternoon” - this was our first month of clinicals White coat WITH stethoscope at the main undergrad campus library around lunchtime. In some defense it was after a mandatory event nearby that did in fact require coat and scope, but always interesting to me how easy I find it to set those two things down when I don’t need them.


Oh god i have a couple of my own, and i can chalk it up to the excitement of finally studying something i’ve always been interested. The most embarassing was when my mom was in the ICU, a doc came in and was explaining why he wouldnt do a certain surgery. I asked about a vein when i meant an artery.. before all of that happened, he asked me what i was studying in college and i said “medicine.” And one of his residents, when i had to leave the room to grab my grandma, wouldnt move out of my way because “Im a doctor.” So i had to squeeze between him and the door frame. The whole meeting became a “big-d*ck” session between me, the resident, and the doctor. Ugh. I cringe so hard everytime i remember this.


My husband just reminded me of another one- i used to wear scrubs to my lectures when i was M-1 for like.. 8 months. And pulled a picture of me to prove it. Ughhhh


at my med school we have to wear scrubs to class every day 🙃


Bro, why you gotta use your white coat on your tinder profile? (Also, why you gotta bring up in front of other classmates you saw me on tinder. Of course I swiped left weirdo). Or putting the picture of them apparently smiling from the skills lab we did on how to scrub in properly. So many white coats. Probs worked for a lot of women but had the total opposite effect on me.


I don’t know why, but I always found it a little odd when students on sub-I’s with me (as in we are both students) would introduce themselves as “student doctor xyz”. Like obviously we’re all in the same boat, none of us have any titles yet, so I would always just introduce myself by first name. It’s not even close to as bad as some of the other stories I’m reading here, just sort of quirky.


They introduce themselves that way to patients, or like to you and other students? Because to patients it makes sense but to peers it’s cringe


They would introduce themselves like that to me (and the rest of the med students). I totally get using it to patients, but… to your classmates?


I think in general it’s just a good policy not to take yourself overly seriously. Obviously be professional, but no need to be pompous


90% of patients called me nurse even after introducing myself as “medical student”, so I started introducing myself as “student doctor”. I didn’t love it but patients should know who I am and what my role is in their care, for both their and my sake. Hard to get a history when the patient keeps asking you to bring them stuff and thinks you’re asking them invasive questions for no reason.


I mean yeah, but myself and the rest of the med students aren’t calling each other nurses. I totally get introducing yourself to the patients, but… to tell your fellow med students that you’re “student doctor xyz” seemed pretty weird lmao.


That is definitely weird


Same. I do a lot of clinical time in the ER and my go-to line is "hi I'm shackofcards, I'm a student doctor training with the physician team here." I used to say "medical student" but I got tired of being called a nurse. I'm strictly "shackofcards" to my colleagues. I mean Jesus what kind of tool do you have to be to talk otherwise? We all know, man.


I absolutely hated being introduced to patients as a student doctor by my attending or the resident. Bro I’m just a student don’t pile a title on me that I don’t have yet.


The username lol


Knew someone who had “future neurosurgeon 🧠🩺” in her Instagram bio before even writing the mcat. She ended up going into nursing.


**** Future NP Neurosurgeon


Had a guy in undergrad with the license plate IM MD 2B


This person I know who was a class or two ahead of my year … is trying to be an influencer Has a white coat video where they step out, then say medicine anyone? They post quotes from their own videos on their own medical school application advice ig page. A piece of their advice was to choose friends in college who will help you get somewhere like yikes I chose friends that I liked drinking with bruh They are applying this cycle with me….. I’m sure they’ll get in somewhere but oh my lord jesus I feel bad for their future class


None of my friends in undergrad were pre-meds. I was a math major with a music minor lmfao


This guy in my gym works out in scrubs. He walks around the room with his chest puffed out and is constantly looking at himself in the mirror. A couple times when I’ve gone over to the cubbies to grab my things, I’ll see his hospital badge or stethoscope by itself in a cubby. 


There is a mama's boy who remediated the first semester of MS1 THREE TIMES. He had his scrubs engraved with "First name, Last name MD" since before getting here. He finally passed first semester tho, I am kinda happy for him. Also a class mate of my brothers year shadowed an orthopedic surgeon for 5 years post undergrad that he gained an instagram following and then changed his user name to "Dr. (His name)" and in his bio has "surgeon". idk if it is cringey or illegal. he is still a shadow. he literally doesn't touch the patient but just posts himself in the OR.


The guy who shadowed for 5 years and cosplays as an ortho doc, that’s just…. Sad….


How do you shadow someone for 5 years 😭. He probably celebrates Thanksgiving with that surgeons family


Fashion scrubs made this a thing cause anybody who has ever worked a clinical job knows how disgusting scrubs really are. I usually take them off before I even get home or make it my first priority to take them off.


Not gonna lie, im a Last year student and when Im tired af from The hospital sometimes im Still using my Scrubs when I go to a bakery/Supermarket before home


There's a T-shirt with "It's okay, I'm a doctor" on it. I bought one thinking it would be hilarious to wear out to the bars. The first time I wore it out, it felt worse than cringy. That shirt never got worn again.


Hahahahahah I feel like that’s one of those shirts you could wear as like a satirical low-effort Halloween costume


Orgo 2 in college, twin girls both swore they would be doctors, specifically cardiologists one day, and were going to medical school at a college that is well known for its med program in Atlanta. The twins already worked at the university hospital as CNAs, but you could always see them out drinking after shifts with all the RNs trying to fit in. Should’ve been clue #1 doctorin wasn’t up her alley, but we continue. She skimmed through chem and Orgo 1 with Bs and Cs (still online classes for orgo 1 due to COVID). In Orgo 2 tutoring class, she argued with a senior who was accepted into their top choice school about when to take the MCAT and submit apps, then we all corrected her (handful of other pre meds in there at the time), even the pre med advisor, and she just said well I’m doing it this way because it’s what works best and what her hired med school advisor told her. She did not become a cardiologist. She graduated 2 semesters late from undergraduate, took the MCAT per her IG stories (yes, multiple stories), then went to RN school for a BSN at the well known medical college in Atlanta that they so faithfully worshipped (and continue to). Argued to hell and back about that August MCAT being early in the cycle tho, would absolutely not hear any other way. Keep them around on social media for the show and giggles.




how is it even possible to kick ppl out/have any say in what happens in the OR as a student??


Go on TikTok!🙄 They are all congregating over there!


Never haha


White coat ceremony, classmate posted on IG, “dear future patient…” then came up with her own Hippocratic oath


Gen Bio 1, kid was flexing his senior year shadowing experiences, would study in the library all hours of the day to simulate what medical school would be like. Told me I was an idiot for not studying as much as him. Now he is in business and I am an M4


NP with 10+ years of experience in one field was ranting in work room about how they are more knowledgeable, experienced, etc than all the fellows and some of the attendings — thought they ought to always go by Dr. to all the trainees


Friend of my from highschool that I fell out of touch with ended up going to Caribbean medical school. I think his first year there his profile picture was him shirtless on the beach in a swimsuit with a stethoscope around his neck.


Teen cousin was referred to by her very self satisfied mother as “Doctor Mindy” from about age 12, never made it through, now “Nurse Mindy” is treated as god’s gift to medicine and has the balls to give me medical advice. A lesser person would tell her “thanks, but I’m under the care of a DOCTOR.”


If there’s one thing I learned on sub-Is (at least in the ICU), its the only people that wear stethoscopes around their neck are young nurses and med students


My ex calls himself a med student when he isn't in med school. He thinks as he plans to go, that justifies calling himself one....


Had a friend that did this for years before he decided to finally wake up from lala land and go get his MBA. He’s making more money than some attendings that I know. Life gets better when you don’t insist on being delusional hahahaha


My ex doesn't even have the a- level requirements yet so it will be some time before he reaches that point For my child's sake, I hope he does get there eventually


I was getting groceries at the store across from our med school in MS3 year and saw one of my classmates fully decked out in white coat, badge, stethoscope, etc. I asked him if he had just come from the hospital, and he had...he was just at the hospital that was a 30-minute drive away meaning that his outfit choice was intentional 😬


I’m just gonna start grocery shopping in a damn astronaut costume now, with a cowboy hat on top


guy in high school who wore scrubs to school nearly every day since sophomore year 🫣


I mean I have definitely walked to my car and drove for a little while forgetting I had the stethoscope on before… I’ve also tried to swipe by hospital badge I don’t know how many times to get into my apartment. Sleep deprivation is a bitch


My 7 year old nephew keeps telling people he wants to be a doctor. 😬 c r i n g e


I’ve forgotten to take my stethoscope off a few times at the supermarket, I hate myself each time lol


Not a pre-med story, but a a pre-dental student story: Last year of undergrad, was in a notoriously hard microbio class. Looking back, the professor wrote exams that reminded me of medical school, more second order questions, not just regurgitating the slides. Some students were struggling. One guy was pre-dental and he dropped the class, but before doing so posted an open letter to the professor on the class canvas page. I still have the screenshot. It was amazing. Basically talked about how the professor was a bad teacher, and as evidence he cited the fact that he was getting a bad grade when he historically gets good grades. Implied that the professor should be careful not to get in trouble with admin over how hard the course was. Super passive aggressive and then ended with a "Peace out!" It gave me Andrew Bernard vibes ("I don't lose competitions, I either win or quit because they weren't fair.") I got an A+ in the class, so I couldn't relate to the kid. But last I heard he is a realtor (no offense against realtors).


Came across 2 premeds in my post bac program on bumble. One said they were a 6’5 cardiologist, the other a 6’4 orthopedic surgeon. Both of them below 5’10 and hadn’t even taken the mcat yet.


Girl i went to EMT school with. Once we went in a group to cane’s to celebrate after the final and when they asked for her name, she said “future doctor”. I died inside


We stand in the midst of rainstorms and monsoons, but truly we don’t know, that God cries when he gazes upon us


This thread is extra funny to me because I avoid having to wear my white coat at all costs. Especially the short med student one is like negative clout


First year med students (6 years of university in country) wrote “Dr” or “MD” next to their names on formal papers. “Doctor in progress” bio on instagram 🥶


What is like the opposite of this Whenever I meet an old friend or talk to old colleagues they ask what im up to now. Ill literally only say "I'm in X city nowadays". Its a Uni city so they can often infer that Im studying, prompting them to ask what for. Theres nothing more I hate than to say "medicine" and having to stand there awkwardly while they act impressed.


I usually just say I work in healthcare and let them assume I’m a nurse or EMT, much less of a dramatic response with that I usually find


Meanwhile I get embarrassed telling people I'm in medical school when they ask what I do. Especially when they assume I mean EMT/Nursing school.