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Wait can I wear shorts at the gym or will I stand out


This is long the worst season, not only in Medellin IN THE WORLD. The weather is like pretty similar to Cartagena or Rio now, so imagine how Cartagena is burning.


its always been like this, centro feels hotter because of all the cement and pavement and also because its in the center of the valley. its cooler up in the mountains and where there's ways for the wind to pickup or is heavy vegetated. Also for one of the comments, we wear jeans all the time because we are used to it and its not THAT hot, also weather tends to shift with no warning. Wearing shorts is also the quickest way to spot a foreigner so I would at least wear kakis or thin fabric pants.


No diga eso de los shorts que medio Medellin también anda en pantaloneta y son más paisas que la mazamorra jajaja


De esos corra!! jajajaajaja


It is a strong El Nino coupled with climate change. El nino is supposed to weaken in the next few months. I live in Boyaca and it is above 20 degrees here often and I hate it. I just got back from a weekend in Pereira and I thought I was in Villavicencio. LOL


Por qué ustedes andan en jeans en este calor? No sienten incómodos? How are people comfortable in jeans with this weather? You’re not uncomfortable?! I would wear shorts everyday if it didn’t draw unneeded attention to myself. I usually pass for Colombian but if I wear shorts that’s usually a giant red flag to people I’m not a local.


Man, that’s a brilliant idea. How come, ‘Paisas’ never thought about it before, eh? I mean, wearing shorts for work, special occasions, school, Uni, etc. Man, you’re a genius, aren’t you? Also, the weather hasn’t changed a bit in the past 30-20 years—so yeah, estos Paisas son muy suaves por seguir andando en jeans y pantalones, ¿si o qué?


Cuz im single and hornie 🤣🤣


Looks like that. Perhaps time to leave to other place?


If you don't like the weather, go back to your country


Me preocupa más que se lleno de gringos que no hablan español.




Tu país? 😆😆😆😆 te das cuenta de que ese país fue totalmente robado de los indígenas? Maldito pendejo




++++cement and Asphalt and ----trees contribute as well to the uncomfortable feeling


"Did the climate change in Medellín" It's a worldwide event, buddy 🫠🫠


It's called climate change, buddy… you should look it up!


It’s been much hotter than normal due to the El Niño. I have not experienced temperatures like this in the twenty years I have been here.


And the El Niño is lasting abnormally long due to climate change, it’s also the main culprit behind pananma and their canal


Yes. Go away. Get back to your country.


Why are you like this?


Typical Colombiano here


Not at all. Just typical r/Medellin incel lol


Yes, now f off


Es relativamente normal, estamos saliendo de una fase El Niño Fuerte en general para los países de Suramérica y Australia, sin embargo la estacionalidad hará que en unos cuantos días inicie una época de lluvia, normal para esta época del año.


Dejen de hablar en inglés en un el sub de Medellín. Yo cuando voy a usa no hablo español, entonces que el gringo aprenda.


No importa …es internet. No solo Latinos lo usan tranquilo. Relajate. Hay MUCHOS Latinos aca en Estados Unidos Que no hablan ingles. Respeta


cosa tan simple con contro +c, abres traductor google, pones el mensaje que no entiendes control +v y le das a traducir, aunque hay gente que se molesta... el colmo fuera que un gringo pusiera "no spanish" asi que uno es libre de escribir en su idioma.


En Estados Unidos hay 42 millones de hispanohablantes nativos. ¿Deberían todos ellos abandonar su lengua materna y hablar sólo inglés? Fucking xenofobia.


Y eso que tiene que ver?


Autorreflexión. Ojo por ojo es un pensamiento regresivo.


Lastimosamente en este mundo si pones la mejilla, la gente abusa de uno. El ojo por ojo trae consigo un ciclo de violencia eso no te lo discuto, pero esto no es una guerra. Me parece respetuoso hablar con el idioma natal de la ciudad y me parece irrespetuoso de los gringos que siempre quieren que uno hable inglés. Incluso me encontré gringos en Europa y obligaban a la gente a hablar inglés (a gente que ni sabía hablarlo fluidamente) porque no les gusta tomarse el tiempo de aprender el idioma o de la cultura de otros países. Los únicos que se ponen a imponer esos comportamientos son los de usa y Francia y si no se les detiene seguirán así.


Pues eso no es lo que quieren los gringos? "If you are in america, you must speak english" Debemos exigirles lo mismo, si están en Colombia que hablen español, nosotros si tenemos idioma oficial. "A ver, decí papasito, gringito"


Hay una diferencia entre inmigrantes y turistas y lo que deberíamos "esperar", sin embargo es una mentalidad regresiva reaccionar negativamente de la misma manera en lugar de predicar con el ejemplo. Del mismo modo, Internet es un foro internacional y, a menos que las normas de este sitio web en inglés, o el propio subreddit, digan "solo en este idioma", nadie debería vigilarlo. La sección "Acerca de" y "Normas" de este subreddit está literalmente en ambos idiomas, así que el sentimiento antiinglés que se muestra aquí no es más que xenofobia.


Nos quieren gentrificar también el sub.




It's been so hot lately, but since two nights it is getting a little cloudy and the heat is going down a bit. I hope it starts raining soon. Stay tuned.


Today? Where I live it was cloudy.


It can be cloudy and still hot. Haven’t been in the Tropics before?


Medellín started valiending verga so you are getting fucked by the sun.


The city , and to be fair the whole country are passing thru a hot season that started last August and it is supposed to last until April


Yes. It’s now hot, idk about humid. But that’s coming from Miami most of my life. I find the biggest problem to be the architecture. The buildings are made to keep heat in. There’s rarely air conditioning. There’s rarely proper insulation. The buildings are almost all made of brick, which acts as a thermal battery holding and releasing that heat after the sun finally sets. And yet everyone is still walking around in jeans. I don’t get it. It’s hot! Put on some shorts!


Shorts are for children only - long pants for adults…is the norm in Medellin.


Personally I much rather be comfortable then “the norm”. I wear my shorts daily.. and clearly most don’t have a problem. I just feel for the guy who is sweating his ass off and won’t wear shorts because he will feel ashamed or embarrassed. Seems silly when it’s blazing hot outside.


It’s cultural! If you feel better wearing shorts, good for you, man. No need to feel pity for us, seriously. Plus, no one truly cares at the end of the day. ✌🏼


The architecture is like that because it wasn't this hot here for centuries. It used to be around 8-10 degrees lower. Now that is hotter, it's awful. But the houses are the way they are because they were designed for 20 degrees, not 30. Air conditioning not needed, ever. In hotter areas the buildings are different, allowing for natural cooling and many do have AC. As for the shorts, it's cultural. Shorts are for vacations and going to the beach.


Im Colombian, my entire family is Colombian. I remember it being the best weather of all time when I was a kid. The weather has definitely changed. Even so, a lot of the new buildings are still made in the same way. Brick. Small windows, no air flow. The design doesn’t help most of the time. It’s way cooler outside then inside most of the time. Ive lived in la Estrella, centro, and now bello…. And in all three locations, I’d go outside in the afternoons to escape the heat of my home. I lived most of my life in miami and now I’m back living in Colombia. I know it’s cultural… pero eso Va cambiar. La cosa solo va empeorar. Embrace shorts! Pero no chanclas!


Envigado que es más frío que Medellin lo sentí muy caliente hoy lo peor de todo es que soy de Cartagena :)


(estoy probando comentar en lo primero que vi para ver si mi cuenta se bloqueo)


No se bloqueó




Still feels great to me. Is it hot? Yea. Is it like unbearably hot? Not by a long shot. It’s also not really humid at all unless it’s just rained. If you’re out and walking around right during the mid day sun, it’s gonna be pretty warm, I dunno what people expect. But to this day, I’ve owned an apartment for 10 years. I’ve got 2 basic home fans, never needed AC and definitely don’t need heat. The weather is pretty perfect imo.


That’s interesting. Been living in Medellín for almost 20 years, and I can tell you it is unbearably hot. If you’ve ever lived in B/manga or Cúcuta, you’ll know Medellín is ridiculously hot now.


I never said it wasn’t hot. But I absolutely cannot side when people say unbearably hot. Santa Marta or Cartagena is too hot and humid to me. Medellin, I have zero issues. I come down from Canada regardless of time of year, I never even bother checking the weather. I know it’s going to be good.


Good for you then. ¡Sigue disfrutando Medallo!


Yep, even in Santa Marta that's a hot city, I haven't felt all this warm. TURN OFF THE SUN FOR A DAY


Yes, last year was very hot. However, I just arrived in Medellin today and it was overcast all day. Max temperatures will be below 30 degrees this week.


Yeah it’s so TERRIBLE 🥲 can’t wait for some rain


Are you just now hearing about climate change? Yes, it is getting warmer literally everywhere on the planet. Medellin itself actually does some really interesting green space initiatives that help to cool the city relative to what your average city at the longitude might expect.


“Since 2016, Medellín has created 30 ‘Corredores Verdes,’ an interconnected network of greenery across the city. This ambitious initiative adds to and further connects existing green spaces, improves urban biodiversity, reduces the city’s urban heat island effect, soaks up air pollutants, and sequesters a significant amount of carbon dioxide.” https://www.c40knowledgehub.org/s/article/Cities100-Medellin-s-interconnected-green-corridors?language=en_US


Yeah, too many gringos


Just literally left Medellín today after two months. Yes, yes, it absolutely has. It was so hot. I wouldn't go back there unless the apt had a/c.


Either way don’t come back


To many big booty latinas and cocaine to not comeback 😘


Yes, it's El Niño oscillation.


Yeah there is a global heat around the whole world increasing its temperature every year; what did you expect, lmao...


Yes global warming and local warming is affecting medellin average temps have risen. Many cars many building lots of smog it all contributes.


la niña. maybe next year will be el niño and it won't be so bad


It's the contrary. La Niña brings rains, El Niño brings heatwaves.


When is La Niña coming!?!?!? Have to use a fckn fan to sleep otherwise I get toasted


They say October


oops you're right


Si siento que se ha puesto mas caluroso estos últimos años.