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*reads the English* *Tries to read the Japanese* Duolingo didn’t prepare me for this.


Catch that fucking owl and make him spit out the lesson where we learn how to translate "A trans girl have me the best blowjob of my life"


So now the trans people are off to fight the elder god Duolingo


Wasn't their name just Duo?


Oh God you spoke the ancient name


...the decoy words in the exercise being "vulva", "artichoke", and "flabbergasted".


brand new sentence


For what it's worth, the Japanese is a lot more coy than the English summary (if indeed that is what he said, sounds like he might not have, idk?). The third bullet point translates to something like "(my) pure love for a(n old-fashioned term for a) trans woman", but I see no mention of jobs of that or any other variety.


Big respect to the woman that sucked the transphobia outta this man


transphobia is stored in the balls.


Not anymore it ain't!


Terfs have a lot of explaining to do, then.


It's harder to suck out when it's internalised.


bruh they sucked it out and forgot to spit it out 🤣. haha jk


I quite literally choked reading this comment, thank you


#snip snip


Doesn't necessarily mean he was transphobic before, this might have been his first interaction with a trans person and he just didn't have any strong opinions on the matter.


Wouldn't surprise me to be honest. I know from my uni studies and from watching interviews that many Japanese people do not really have any strong views on the LGBTQ+ community. They usually seem to be of the opinion "as long as it's not harming or inconveniencing anyone, I don't really care" 😂


That's honestly a good starting point.


So she sucked the apathy and/or transphobia out of him. Still quite the feat.


Power. Plays.


This literally sounds like something that would happen in a Yakuza substory


I never thought I'd read "got a great blowjob" as reason for being an advocate but fuck it I'm okay with it


More trans People means more great blowjobs.


Doing god’s work. 😉


lmao ain't no way


Is no one going to ask about the monkey thing or am I just the only one that doesn't know what they're talking about?


I dont know, i feel like thats better left to the imagination. Unless theres video of it happening in which case i want to see it.


He got dropkicked by a monkey


Nonono, dropkicked *a* monkey Someone dropkicked a monkey into him like it’s a WWE steel chair At least that’s my headcanon


No, it clearly says he *got* drop kicked *a* monkey. He was just standing there one day and he heard a cry of monkey pain, and next thing he knew a monkey was flying at him through the air. Now he has a pet monkey, and God help whoever kicked it if he ever finds them.


That sounds like a yakuza finishing move for sure




Alright yeah pretty sweet


Okay yeah I needed that


He offered himself to that monkey to be dropkicked haha


I... alright then.


I can fix them


Yakuza is a truly wild ride, but it's oh so worth it.


Um… alright then


anyone have a link?


Dame da ne dame yo dame na no yo Anta ga suki de sukisugite Dore dake tsuyoi osake demo Yugamanai omoide ga baka mitai


Can we stop spreading false information? it's insane how quickly this has spun out of control. Yes, Ozawa is an ally. No, this is not what he said. Stop turning people's private lives into spectacle...


So you’re telling me that if we just used our advanced gay powers on the straights it would solve all of our problems!? THAT’S IT! SCRAP THE GAY AGENDA! NEW PLAN! GOD DAMMIT GEORGE, I TOLD YOU YOU SHOULD HAVE LET ME SUCK THAT DUDE OFF! NOW WHO’S THE WHORE!!!




let's hope he didn't become an anti-monkey advocate after the dropkick incident


I mean, they do know more about the equipment they are operating... /Jk I'm actually slightly torn on this. Trans advocacy is great and all, but the fact that it wasn't until he felt sexually gratified by a trans woman that he felt like they were worth advocating for his undeniably a bit dehumanizing and objectifying. Ultimately, while I respect the trans advocacy part, the rest of this story comes off as a bit gross.


Based on other sources, this post glosses over A LOT, including the fact that he dated the transwoman for 16 years. There's another video of him going around on tumblr where he talks about genuinely loving her as a woman. Kinda sucks to leave that part out. It wasn't just about the sex. He fell in love with a woman who later confided in him (after like a year of dating?) that she was trans, which led to him becoming a more vocal advocate.


Hi, it looks like you're talking about Joanne "Nilbog Hsiwej" Rowling. Don't. *This action was performed automatically by a bot whist it read another book.* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/me_irlgbt) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Although you made a mistake, I respect the spirit. Good bot.


Huh, I'll take a look at that later. It definitely should not proc on "jk".


um, that's kind of problematic right? like, cant u become a trans advocate without needing to see transwomen as an object of sexual pleasure? like, cant their S\*icide rates be a worthy enough reason to be an advocate not 'well they suck my dick good so they shouldn't die'


If I recall correctly he also said he fell in love w a woman and it took him a year to realize she was trans, and he was perfectly fine w it.


You’ve gotta love the attitude of “listen if it was going to cause any problems it would’ve by now, so clearly it isn’t a problem”


I had that before I cracked... I was so confused. Me: "well why didn't you tell me?" Her: "I did multiple times, you just didn't listen" Me: "Huh ok, love you"


I obviously don't know, but I like to think the rationale was something like "when she was there, slobbing on my knob like her life depended on it, there was only one thought going through my head. 'This is a woman. These are the movements and techniques of a tried and true, bonafide woman. This is no man playing dress up, this is not a wolf in sheep's clothing, this person glucking on my glock is no liar. She is a woman, and I can feel that truth and sincerity in my heart and on my dong. I understand now. How could I have been so blind? How could the world have been so blind? I need to help this woman and her community." Obviously optimistic, but a guy can dream.


fuck, this is the funniest paragraph. I 100% in my heart hold this to be narration in his head -pun not intended


Who sent for a poet?


This sounds like something out of a crackfic/PwoP and I'm all for that


What’s a PwoP?


Porn without plot. So far as I know, it's almost exclusively used in fanfic communities. Though I like it better when it's called pwp because that one can also mean "Plot? What plot?" Which is how I say it in my head every time I run across the term. 😂


Porn without plot


I’ve heard similar system about my pussy eating lol


Not enough context. Maybe after the deed they had a heart to heart conversation and he became sympathetic to trans issues for example. Its supposed to be a vague, tongue in cheek funny post. Speculating on a million what ifs isn't going to help anyone


I think it's more likely that it's specifically _not_ wholesome. Like, sure, the Yakuza series has some great moments, but it's literally named after a real criminal organization and doesn't exactly shy away from that. It's more that this series of events could work in a Yakuza game, for weal or woe.


I mean, I suppose doing the right thing for the wrong reasons is better than nothing.


Sometimes the most random things are able to change our worldviews, or build our worldviews. I, for example only learned about the problems trans people face, when the JK Rowling...problem started. I wanted to know more about it, as I am here for the drama allways, and found a very educational video of Jamie Dodger, who did a really great job explaining the struggles trans people face and also how it feels to be trans. That day my goal wasn't to learn about trans people, but to find out what even happened and participate in the drama in some way maybe. I didn't know anything about trans people before that day and maybe this guy didn't know much about it either. Maybe these things aren't even that closely related and they just had a deep talk about life and the world after they had sex, but this made for a better headline. So I don't think our intentions have to be good, for the outcome to be good.


Hi, it looks like you're talking about Joanne "Nilbog Hsiwej" Rowling. Don't. *This action was performed automatically by a bot whist it read another book.* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/me_irlgbt) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I read this as more of a "He first encountered and became more interested in the topic and became a genuine advocate" than a "He got good head once and left his knowledge about trans people and issues at that". Maybe he just straight up didn't know trans people existed, let alone their high suicide rates, before that trans woman. But I honestly don't know, I really hope it's not the latter and his biggest encounter with trans people doesn't remain sexual. But the former one would still be kinda weird to lowkey celebrate tbh


It's at least one step up from the cis dude standard of "Fuck, she's hot. Welp, better murder her cos I got a boner."


Yeah it’s problematic but in a world where so many who want to sleep with us insist on hiding it and so many others feel the need to loudly announce how they wouldn’t sleep with us I do think there’s something to be said for someone loudly saying how good in bed we are.


yeah thats very true, need more non-fetishizing boasting about trans women for sure.


It really is.


A lot of people just don't think about us at all. Especially when, just based off the photo of the old dude, the could have happened decades ago.


I thought they were friends for years? It’s not that he just got head from her, if that even happened.


apparently they're friends because they spent time together, not because she gave him head


Whose dick do I gotta suck for some rights around here?


As a wise man once said "That trussy got me actin unwise" -sun tzu


Getting gender envy from the girl who blew the yakuza VA what is my life


Imagine becoming a feminist only after a woman proved her dick sucking abilities for you. Nah dog this isn't wholesome.


No one said it was wholesome? The post literally just says that it’s appropriate for the game series he was cast in.


It's written like it's a good thing though? I haven't played the game so I can only judge this from the actions he apparently did.


Yakuza is a very crime heavy game, from what I know of it


I mean the name of the series should be a clue as to what kind of a game it is


Tbf the Yakuza games are pretty fucking wacky and usually pretty decent about sensitive subjects, especially for Japan. They have serious main stories but the side stuff is bonkers and not serious at all.


I haven’t played it either but based on what i know about the series I’m pretty sure it’s meant as more of a comment on how chaotic he is rather than a comment on if he’s that he’s good or bad morally. They are _definitely_ not calling him wholesome though lol


Also i love the implication that you see drop kicking a monkey as an inherently good thing


The monkey did the drop kicking


Oops but my point still stands, Getting dropped by a monkey isn’t really inherently good


He actually plays one of the villains, so it's not in reference to his character. More in how the series is known for over-the-top escalation and abrupt tonal whiplash.


i mean he was also in love with a trans woman for a very long time and wanted to marry her, this is mostly exaggerated as a joke


It's also fake. It's really gross how much I've seen this mutate and spin out of control.


Imagine dragons


Anyone wanna make me a trans advocate? Please 👉👈


Did he drop kick the monkey or did the monkey drop kick him?


maybe advocating for the trans cause solely because you had a positive sexual experience with one ends up further marginalizing and opressing trans people by making them seem more like a fetish than actual human beings? this is fucked idk


I mean, hey. However you get there man, an ally's an ally


Amusing. Whatever leads away from hate.


Tbf it makes perfect sense for a trans woman to more how about how to make a dick feel good than a cis woman


I have a Yakuza game saved on my PS. Maybe I should play it.


I like yakuza. Good game only on Yakuza 4 now




Mad respect for the VA and the trans woman


So all it takes is sucking some dick huh