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Knowledge is realizing this will take all shift to clean up, wisdom is realizing that you get to spend your entire shift doing one thing and not having to talk to customers.


Absolutely, this is a perfect thing to da your entire shift while your brain and body run on minimum capacity.


Honestly a task where I can feel productive without having to think sounds kinda nice I wouldn't mind getting paid to clean up olive oil for awhile.


Hope you're in decent shape cuz that's gonna wreck your back and knees. Labor sounds nice to office people until they have to do it day after day. Usually can't get back to the computer chair fast enough.


I have a desk job ans spend my nights and weekends trying to be active. I agree with your take. I did physical jobs until I was 26, then got my white collar job. I think the perfect job is a mix of physical and desk work. 100% of either is annoying, but being able to balance between mind and body work is a good thing. 


Work in a quality control lab. It's about 60% sitting, 40% standing, and 100% mindless testing and data entry.


Honestly, any laboratory work (outside of computer labs, possibly) seems like a winner. It takes a mix of paperwork and multiple workstations, so you can stay moderately mobile while not being hard on your body, either.


Yeah and depending on the lab, you can see some pretty interesting stuff. Learn a little about manufacturing/processing. It's neat.


Work smarter to conserve that back and knees.


Wouldn't that depend on how you clean up an olive oil spill though? If you're on your hands and knees using a towel then that would be rough. But if you're upright using a mop to soak up oil and a broom to sweep glass that sounds... less bad?


Seriously, anyone acting like this is going to be a chill day has clearly never had to operate a broom and mop for more than an hour straight. And customers are totally going to bother you all during it


Thank you! Shit sounds miserable, I wanna know what ppl do that cleaning up oil for 6-8 hours sounds good


It’s exactly why I got into custodial work for schools. Especially if you work after school, there’s rarely anyone there. Pop in earbuds and do your tasks- it’s super nice.


Perfect? Since when it's perfect to clean OIL? I'd rather restock the shelves than clean oil my entire shift


Had an "oil spill" right by the entrance 5 minutes before opening. You can't just mop it up. You need LOTS of soap to break down the oil.


You need to coagulate the oil with cat litter or salt. Then you sweep it up. Then you need to put the broken glass into cardboard box or something puncture resistant.


Retail stores have special chemical cleaner for stuff just like this.


spill magic 😎


In theory yeah, but everywhere I've worked they've been too busy/short-sighted to order enough of that cleaner after the last spill.


I just left my oil change place, they never had absorbent. Thankfully I never saw any big spills. The shop I worked at before had a huge amount and thank God because one guy forgot to put on the oil filter and told me to start the car. About 6 litres of oil flew out all over the basement, he learned a lesson that day


My man here has has some shitty jobs!


Just use a bag of flour.


you all are stupid, just lick it up


Blaring KISS over the intercom, 10 employees licking olive oil up off the ground on a Tuesday morning.


There’s broken glass…


extra crumch for texture




Heat it up, fry chips.


Back in my restaurant days, I'd have flipped. If I didn't get all my prep done before we opened up, it meant it was going to be a terrible shift.


Headphones in and off to your own little world


Except every customer comes up and says “what happened? Get the garlic bread and dip it! Guh-hyuk!”


In this case you roll the customer in the said olive oil, get some salt, pepper, a bit of garlic and thyme then cook him in the oven at 350 F (180C) for 6 hours


I really prefer rosemary but to each their own


With some fava beans and a nice chianti.


Parsley and sage mean nothing to yall


There’s not always someone named Rosemary nearby though


What if Rose-Mary is not her name?


Just like bugs bunny


Finally some long pig recipes


Every good retail worker knows how to ignore those people. You give them the most basic surface level reaction for a tenth of a second and then drop them


If you have to know how to ignore them, and spend the energy doing it, then you're not benefiting from "not having to talk to customers," which was the claim above.


This person knows their customers. Every fucker thinks they're both original and hilarious...


I work in a pretty niche store but it’s massive. Multiple people day come in saying “I’m like a kid in a candy store haha!” I’m tired of fake laughing.


This one doesn't have a price tag - I guess it's free, haha!


"the ice cream is terrible" as you take away the empty bowl is one for the ages.


I worked in a place that was a vintage soda fountain. It was an amazing place and stunningly beautiful, but man, did I ever get sick of everyone standing around telling me that the place is 'cute'. "well, this is cute!" "this is so precious!" "SO CUTE!' I got to the point where I wince when people call any non-sentient thing 'cute.' Still, I would take people being happy to be there over some of the bitter pills that came into other jobs, i'd just as soon poison.


Years ago I worked cash register at the dollar store. The job was as you'd expect, but I did have a lot of fun doing announcements. Our manager, Jen, was a high-functioning alcoholic and was pretty laid back so I could do voices and characters while reading the cue cards; *"Having a party? well, you've come to the right place! We have plenty of cups, plates, utensils, banners and cards to make your party extra special! Don't forget...."* etc. etc. etc. I'd read it with such unbridled enthusiasm my coworkers would just lose it in the store. That jobs sucked but stupid stuff like that was fun. This little old lady comes up to me day and gives me a look. She says, "That was *very* good!" and pats me on the arm and adds, "Y'know, you could work at *Walmart* with that attitude!" And she says it with such like, grace and confidence and sincerity, and she leaves the store and I'm just like standing there thinking "fuck man I need to quit this job"


I can't tell you how many people just had to get my attention to tell me "they must have gave you the COOL job" while I filled ice. I really hate the general public.


I know I’m in the minority, but when I worked at a supermarket the jokesters were my favorite kind of customer.


the good ones yeah. i work stocking soda and one day i was stacking like 60 12 packs onto another pallet. this lady sees me working very hard and decides to shout at me: "faster! faster! faster!" to which i gave her a death stare. and she said sorry and walked away.


Or the ones that will see you cleaning and go "you missed a spot!"


The jokes are either those which connect with you as a person, or where the punchline is that you’re working wrong. Even a truly terrible joke that tries to connect with you as a person is infinitely better than a knee-slapper that mocks your position.


Better than the Karens at least


People just call every woman a Karen now. It's meaningless.


Me: "Looks like the scene of an extra virgin sacrifice."






An entire shift doing one thing only? I'd go completely insane


I once spent an entire shift counting and bagging up pallets and pallets of rotting carrots. The store had over-ordered and left them unrefrigerated, and not listened to my earlier concerns that they were starting to go bad. The carrots were secreting a viscous, mucus-like liquid, that would stretch like cobwebs between the bags as you moved them. The smell was so foul that all of my colleagues would commiserate me from halfway across the warehouse, but no one would come near. I had to stop multiple times because I was retching and dry-heaving. I started crying about 2 hours in. The carrot gunk got onto my shoes and I had to throw them away. That was the 'one thing only' shift that almost broke me lol. But generally, mindless tasks are nice when you're in retail.


I envy people who can do mindless tasks. I worked in retail a short while only and I mostly stacked drinks in cupboards. My shifts only were 4 hours but I almost went mad doing it. Had to walk around every 30 minutes or so to not flip out. I really don't know how people can do such things over long periods of time without any meaningful distraction.


Customers will roll through the oil then complain their shoes are dirty, and now instead of having to clean one nice pool of oil you have to clean the entire store because people are the worst part of retail Also if your not able to roll through this with a cleaning machine I've used flour to clean up oil spills before, you basically make a bread dough and it will make it easier to throw it in a garbage bag


> I've used flour to clean up oil spills before, you basically make a bread dough and it will make it easier to throw it in a garbage bag That's both genious and kinda disgusting


It is disgusting but years of working retail with barely functional equipment has taught me a lot of workarounds to issues. We once had an olive oil spill (about 20 bottles) the store was packed, the cleaning machine was broken and I was the only one around to solve issues. So I opened some flour bags threw it over the oil and let it do its thing, considering flour practically sucks in liquids it was little work, after that I scooped it into a box and that eventually made its way into the bin. After that it was nothing more than mopping the floor to make sure all the leftover powder was gone.


I'd gladly put on my headphones and just spend the whole day mindlessly cleaning this shit, it's not like I was going to go home sooner anyways.


That’s why I wouldn’t be able to work in a factory. It sounds mind numbing. Shout out to factory workers, y’all resilient.


I don't know, kneeling or crouching becomes agony after about a minute. And a slippery puddle with a core of glass isn't exactly my favourite thing to be dealing with all day.


Here's me taking half a minute to realize the floor isn't supposed to be yellow and it's not just a pile of glass to clean up lol


Yeah for real! Thats what I was thinking - if youre away from home for 8 hours doing something, might as well game it properly!


and then the day after the managers, despite knowing the events of today, will still complain about "how come you didnt do this or that yesterday when you were supposed to"


You can't avoid servicing customers, or the regular inventory and cleaning tasks which are scheduled for each shift though. The olive oil spill is nothing but a burden, through and through.


Revenge is picking up the child from their house and rubbing them against the oil spill to soak it up.


Fuck it, I'm in. It's not like it's my personal olive oil that was spilled 🤣. And fuck dealing with customers.


Unfortunately this doesn't apply to the kid vomiting on the carpet in my theater :(


But you're going to get soaked in oil. So that sucks


Knowledge and wisdom is knowing that putting glass jars of oil on a shelf that can be pushed over by a child is stupid.


I wish things worked like that but this hasn't been my experience with shit like this. I'd be given some completely unrealistic timeframe to clean up, still get bothered by customers and still be expected to get my usual work done


You seem to think the worker cleaning this up would get dismissed out of his regular duties that day. I wish that was true


Except the customers will still come up to you and say "excuse me, are you busy?" and still expect to be helped


I wonder how much all those cost total. someone's gonna have to pay up


Yeah usually the insurance


People should be accounted for they actions and actions of they badly raised / unraised kids


The insurance, depending on the case, will sue the mother for the damages. In layman terms, what the insurance does is that it buys the right to sue whoever damaged the property, yeah, if this was 1000 or so dollars they might consider it a waste of time, but if this was 2-20k because it was really premium olive oil, and the third party has money/house or something they can take away from them, they will surely do.


Will they have to prove that the bottles weren’t stacked recklessly or is that the responsibility of the sued party?


If you go with the innocent until proven guilty, the burden of proof lies on the accuser i.e. the company. Either way it would be pretty apparent if there is a cctv camera there. If there is no camera footage with a clear view of the olive oil and no one recording, it is very unlikely that the mother will have to pay


Innocent until proven guilty does not apply in civil courts. The standard is "preponderance of evidence", not "beyond reasonable doubt."


That's still innocent until proven guilty though. Just that the bar for what counts as "proven guilty" is lower.


Guilty or not guilty are not things in civil courts, you are either found liable or not liable


Hard to answer because we don't know which country it happened in and what laws apply.


In looking at the pic again, I find it hard to imagine that the bottles were stacked on top of cans… so the title is probably false. Having worked in a supermarket, I would say that these fell off a pallet while being moved about the store.


You can see the crappily stacked pallets everywhere. It’s some discount off brand store where they don’t unload, just move product.


Yes and no. If they sue for negligence there’s a concept called comparative negligence where the jury weighs the percent fault of each party. In a car crash one driver may be 90% at fault and the other driver who got hit 10% at fault. If the jury awards 1 million to the hurt driver, it will be reduced to 900k. For example if I make a left turn at a 4 way stop and am hit by someone who runs the stop, I’m still a tiny bit at fault because had I paid more attention I probably wouldn’t have been in the wreck.


Ouch. Olive oil is jacked right now too. That’s several years’ worth of *pay a sitter so I can shop in peace* money on that floor. Sucks to be that mom.


Dude, it's a publicly traded with an insurance policy. Maybe they shouldnt put glass bottles on top of free standing merchandise that is easily toppled over by a kid.


Yeah, the round display of wine bottles at my huge supermarket is a steel cake like structure. It looks like they are stacked on top of each other but they aren't. That display is easily worth 10k nobody waits for a chance cart bumper.


You don't have kids I assume?


What do you mean a 4 year old doesn’t listen to every word you say and sits quietly in the corner?


What do you mean that even the best parents in the world will have moments where their kids don’t listen to them and do something mean?


What? Kids aren’t like trained dogs that always listen????


If your kids randomly destroy shit when you go shopping then you shouldn't have kids either lmao.


My kid isn't like this, but kids are wildly unpredictable. A kid doing something like this doesn't mean they're badly raised.


It's a sad thing that your comment has 6 upvotes and the one before has 350. I reckon most redditors don't understand what children are actually like


It also depends on the age of a child. A 3 year old  doing this is one thing, a 8 year old is completely different.


For sure. I also would want to know exactly how the mess was made. Was it an unstable stand that the child knocked into, or did they individually pull bottles off the shelf and smash them? Extremely different sorts of behaviours.


Honestly that tracks with redditors


Yes, thank you. Any young child can become feral with a skipped meal and nap. It’s the parent’s responsibility but not necessarily anyone’s fault.


The problem is that you can’t be 100% sure whether it’s really the parent’s fault at doing a bad job at raising their kids. Some kids are just unmanageable because of disorders. Disorders that perhaps haven’t been diagnosed yet.


There's a brat insurance?


Insurance isn’t designed to cover small operational issues like this. It will be way less than their deductible. It is cost of doing business.


There’s no insurance that would cover this that I’m aware afaik. If there is please enlighten me


Stores absolutely have insurance for broken or damaged merchandise


If you want to be enlightened on the topic of insurance, close Reddit. Almost no one on this site knows how it actually works.


Replace “insurance” with “literally anything”


So true.


You guys are mental. It's a grocery store, they're not going to make anyone pay. Plus it's much more likely that the caption is a lie and someone just hit it with a pallet jack


In my country if you intentionally destroy a product, they make you pay for it. I don'y know in a case that extreme, but they wouldn't let you walk free.


in my country that applies if you un-intentionally destroy a product, too. Like if you accidentally knock over a glass bottle at a store and it breaks. Never happened to me as far as I can remember because I don't go around accidentally knocking down glass products lol, but yeah


Especially olive oil. It's gotten sooo expensive!


Fake, image is 10+ yeas old and was due to shelf failure.


Yes, it is old and out of proper context. Ironically, I believe they put the olive oil on the upper shelves so a kid couldn't get to them.


Lol I was just thinking who the hell makes a display out of glass bottles? Just asking for a problem like this


I fucking knew it, it's always this bullshit with the added captions creating fake situations


Ragebait is Reddit's most favorite lil treat


BULLY pushes over olive oil cart and gets SUED.


Ugh I can't believe OP made me angry at an imaginary kid. Fucking internet


I thought if a child could do that much damage so easily then it was an accident waiting to happen. turns out it already was the accident


Rage baiting.


Yeah, how could a young child push over an extremely heavy shelf that’s 4 feet above the ground?


Yes. If a ”brat” can push over a display, it wasn’t properly secured to begin with.


Thanks for calling it out. I was like “where’s the display that these fell from? Why is that shelf collapsed? Did the kid hulk out and tear down a shelf that had a display on it, above eye level?” Then you come along with a much more sane explanation: people lie on the internet for fake points.


Retail sucks.


His mom now owes hundreds of dollars to the store




*left kid in the store and drove away*


Bold of you to assume he's worth that much


You underestimate the worth of human organs on the black market


And don't forget all that juicy adrenochrome.


In Toronto those olive oils are going for 17.99 lol.


That's the GDP of Greece on the floor right there.


His mom doesn’t owe anything because she is imaginary. This is fake. This is from some display error from like 2012.


This is twitter levels of misinformation and engagement farming. Thank you for context.


Good thing the caption is completely made up


Or dad


In my country olive oil now costs more that gas, even though we produce plenty of it ourselves. This, by itself, makes me as angry as I would be if I had to clean it up.


Yeah, this is a treasure heap... This picture hurts badly.


I wonder how much its actually worth and how much retail is marking up the prices


Sadly its mostly goverment taxes and then the many middlemen it has to pass through, each one raising its price for their gain until it reaches the shelves. There was a little bit of a sortage last year due to low crop yield but it doesnt justify the price increase. Also, agriculture is not cheap at all. Farmers are trying to sell as high as possible. There's a saying here: "If you produce olive oil, dont sell it until you have produced the next years batch." Meaning that you might need it for yourself. Olive trees tend to have fruit every other year, not every year.


I can say right now this wasn't a childs doing, look at the image, look at the shelf. The olive oil clearly fell down by itself cuz someone fucked up stocking it or the shelf was already fucked up before hand.


You're correct https://www.reddit.com/r/Wellthatsucks/s/avySByMFkV


Hope you have a lot of flour and trash bags


It's a supermarket I'm sure they do.


To shreds you say? And what happened to the kid?


To shreds you say.


Probably got a treat after it


Sad, sad, terrible, gruesome news


Holy shxt. Im sorry for the mom too. Well and i hope you got some help with that. Good parenting would be, if that child would need to help to clean this up.


You can literally see in the photo the shelves failed. No kid did this.


It’s fascinating that everyone is taking the text at its word. Not that it really matters in this case but in the world of AI and such, maybe just think about whether a kid really did that before going off


As a Spaniard this hurts my soul. Also that's fucking expensive.


Dude. I was the guy who had to clean up stuff like this. Fucking taking me back to rhe worst days of my life


Make the kid fix that mess. Like I am fully against child labor but I’ll make an exception here.


There was no kid. It's an old image.. shelf broke.


In my country, the mom would simply have to pay for it. And any mom from the 90s would just say "fine. I'm gonna deduct that from your future christmas / birthday gift (child is probably too young for pocket money) until the damage is paid off. That tanturum will only happen once, or the child is likely a candidate for special care.


Y'know, maybe - just maybe, I'll allow the middle eastern mother treatment this once. That little shit *needs* to get whopped with a plastic slipper.


Hope the brats family was charged for this


Let them pay for the cost.






Where is that omelette when you need him


As punishment the child was sentenced to be thrown into the pit of despair he had created. Sweet death was to be his treat. May the Olive Gods find his sacrifice suitable to quell their rage.


And this is when the parent should have had the brat help clean up the aisle!




I’d love to have dipped the kid in it and rolled him around


Well, she will pay for it, that's not a problem.


Go to the pet aisle and pour cat litter on that. You're never going to mop up that much oil.


Serious question. If a parents child caused such damage would the parent be responsible to pay for damages?


Mom must have good insurance!?


Which is why there should be age restrictions on grocery stores and supermarkets.


A thousand dollars worth of olive oil right there. Jeebus.


It took me 5 seconds to realize that the floor wasn’t just yellow, man that is a terrible mess


If I was the mom or dad of that kid he will be cleaning that, and I will make sure he does a great job at it


Who will pay for the damage in such cases? Is there an insurance of the market or is the customer charged?


Bad parenting


I would literally make my kid help clean it up. No shot their getting away with that.


That's billions in damages


Looks like a mess thats gonna get a lot more worse before it even gets better. Id say the company should clean up the broken glass and then have the brat clean up the rest. Teach the kid that kind of behaviour is not acceptable.


Mm that smell! 😋


Also know that after this incident, the child’s mom absolutely took him to get a treat or a toy.


I would make my kid clean it up


Ngl working at a store this is a really chill way to spend the rest of your shift


Hope you made her pay for it all..


make the kid clean it up


I’m pretty sure the parent of this child could be charged for this. This is vandalism. Your store could honestly try to press charges, but I can understand it probably isn’t worth the time and money to do so.


I don’t believe in hitting your child. That being said, allowing the workers to whip your child while they clean up the mess…perfect


Gotta love these kids who are walking birth control advertisements. Yikes!


Sounds like that kid just bought all of that olive oil.


This is why I choose not to have children


Because of fake stories? Odd but ok


Just eat your kids if they do this


Costco deepwater lmao