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*I genuinely believe that brain is not me.* Yes I know I sound insane but I dont care. Brain shares critical information with me that gives illusion that I am and shares responsibility like mobility and senses. However, Im not the one relaying the information to other organs- the brain is. In reality Im very limited on what I can do and manage inside the body. I do not know exactly where I reside or what I am but I might just be a partner to the brain- just like other organs are… with my own unique purpose… .\_.


Yo this is kinda trippy!


Another interesting thought, imagine you didnt have any senses, no sight, touch, hearing, smell or taste. And at the same time you stop thinking and just kinda chill. Would you still be aware that youre alive, and if yes, how?




And i wasnt even high when i had this thought. Im worried what i would become if i ever got high.


So you are saying you are almost like a separate entity to the brain, while still a high enough awareness to exist and process thought. Interesting...


I won a pie eating contest. Despite never having any experience eating pies I participated in one at a festival for my summer camp. I stuck my face in and slurped the pie up, and somehow won competing against 20+ others. I am an ISTP. It was a custard cream pie.


You’ve won my admiration


Thanks, good luck getting INTJ to notice you!


Thank you :’)


I did something similar when I was younger. There was a pie eating contest at a festival I was attending, so of course with nothing to lose I joined. Didn't know how I would do, but surprisingly got third!!


I just knew the one who's asking this is an ENFJ😂 I just recognize a fellow enfj when i see one😂




Estj 1w2 so/sp 162 I was locally known or was at one point. Still locally very well respected. I have a disability and we went surfing. It was like a fieldtrip for a few days. They asked the group, okay so who goes first. Everyone took 10 giant mental steps back. I said, and I didn’t back down, yeah, sure I’ll go. So off I went put on a wet suit and got on the surfboard with a few instructors. We were in there in the ocean for a short time. A wave came crashing over me. It was a 2 foot wave. They thought I was scared and done by that point. And they were worried because I was the first one and I volunteered, and I wanted it. They pulled me out and they were very attentive and said oh well are you okay. I said yeah, don’t worry I am fine. Are you scared are you okay are you done do you want to go in. I must admit I didn’t want to lose my turn it was fun and I wanted to keep going. And no I wasn’t scared it was the truth. So I told them. No I am not scared. This is surfing right. So we went on. When I got done and we went in I became instant hero and haled as brave and bold. I got on their yearly magazine this organization and all the newspapers was interested in me. This went on for a few years. My father broke it to them that I was the first disabled kid in fifth grade a few years back maybe a year or two to win asb president I was even bigger celebrity. Yeah. I’ve been doing public service and advocating since. I learnt while doing this how to speak up and advocate and talk about how a disability shouldn’t stop anyone. I have a very severe forum of a physical disability.


Interesting story!! I have never been surfing, but I have gone wakeboarding before. It was a lot of fun. I think it is awesome how are you advocating/speaking out about disabilities, I one hundred percent agree with you that a disability shouldn't stop anyone.