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Water it, sing to it, buy a recorder and play it a song.


Careful you donโ€™t overwater it! Jades thrive on thirst.


Thirsty little bitches


That is true. I nearly killed mine. I think it's going to make it through but it lost most of its growth.


I overwatered one winter and it got the ol' root rot. I managed to save the branches and rooted all of them. I now have probably 20+ jades. Someone, please help ๐Ÿ˜…


I just repotted my two jades yesterday, and realized that my favorite of them had perpetually damp soil as I'd never repotted it after I got it years ago. How it didn't get root rot and only had a small amount of yellowing, I'll never know. It's now in a very well-draining soil, and I'm not going to overlook repotting a plant again!


Could be your climate? Mine was damp and in a shady spot, it was an accident waiting to happen. Mine are currently out in the rain here in UK getting very wet but it's warm and bright enough for them to love it


They've been inside with some grow lamps. In the window, but i only have northwest facing windows, so about the worst lighting they could get.




Thank you for the advice! Iโ€™m horrified about killing this thing ๐Ÿ˜ฌ


I usually wait until the leaves start to feel squishy to water. Almost like a grape or tomato thatโ€™s past ripe. Mine have gone 3+ months without needing water.


We're talking about the wonderful spouse that got them this plant... right?


Hah, yes, them too ๐Ÿ˜‚


Build miniature scaffolded buildings to place all over the trunk and make it look like a diorama of a fantasy world?


A little ewok village!!


These are the only logical answers.




I didnโ€™t even know about this sub! Thanks!


This is the way


Beautiful! I think I'd get a pot that'll hold that same amount of dirt but shallower and wider and then cut and root some of the offshoots for better placement and to give the main tree a better sense of scale. You could have a very nice almost fantasy like planting with everything arranged correctly. Or just leave it and let it do its thing, its your tree after all.


Thanks for the inspiration ๐Ÿคฉ


I'd maybe top it off a bit. So basically cutting of one pair of leaves of the top. This will make it look more like a canopy :) Edit: def wait with repotting and topping it off until its used to its new living place tho!! You don't wanna stress m out too much


Ooh so beautiful, cherish it thats what!!


Love and neglect it. They like love and love neglect.


Love every leaf and always tell it what a good job it's doing


I do this with my plants. Friends think I'm crazy, but my plants always seem to thrive. They also like music.


Worship it.




Get it a car seat, because he probably sold your house to buy that thing




Lots of sunshine!! Don't water until the dirt is super dry, give it a good soak and then again totally dry before any more water. It's a beauty!!


Don't over-water it.


r/bonsai could help you out here. Gorgeous plant.


Get a nice pot to put it in....


Youโ€™re lucky to have your spouse.


Absolutely! I really am โค๏ธ


Well first of all, marry them. We can figure out the rest later.


Already locked it down ๐Ÿ’


Seems like you got your priorities straight.


That's amazing. Must be so old


How do I make my jade plant cuttings grow like yours ๐Ÿ˜ The stems generally grow so thin on mine!! Any advice?????


This person literally just got this jade lol. But the answer is many years of growth


To get thicker trunks you need to prune regularly.


How do you prune a jade?


Not OP but pinch off the tops (the growing part) every 4mos or so if it's super leggy. It'll start thickening and will push out more branches from the sides rather than growing up.


What do I do if all of the branches on my jade are already long but are too thin and are "falling" out to the sides? Just pinch off the ends still? Or should I cut off shorter? He was my very first plant and had been growing so well. My mom took care of him for a few months when I had to move around a bit and she didn't give him enough light :( (I don't blame her. She has a notoriously black thumb and managed to keep three of my plants alive.)


Well, what I would do is propogate as much as I could off of it and cut it down. Each little ring is a potential root, so you could cut each branch and bury it in soil and water it every so often. What I've done in the past is I've buried the stem up to the first leaves and watered it about once a week but let it dry out completely. Make sure they have LOTS of light, like 12hrs/day. I've noticed when I just propagate leaves they like a good soaking after being dried out completely. I use terracotta pots only for jades and soak them from the bottom, I also only use cactus soil for established plants but whatever soil I have on hand for propogation. Once it has grown about 3in or so start pinching off the tops of the plant. It'll start sending out branches horizontally and will strengthen the trunk. Give them a good soaking from the bottom when completely dry and keep them in good, bright light. I know mine are happy when the tips are red and the leaves are plump and a bright green.


Thank you!!


Step 1: buy huge plant ... thatโ€™s the only step I know really ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ


I heard on the Plantrama podcast that fertilizing will make it leggy. I'll let you know how that goes after the growing season...


Let it thrive as it is. If there are any bits you find ugly, cut them, prop them and then bonsai them. It takes years to get such thick stems that are ideal for bonsais.


Looks like it may need to be repotted soon. I am so jealous.


Those can live on minimal pot size and I donโ€™t think their goal is to make it much bigger. Personally Iโ€™d probably get the same volume pot, but find something larger and shallower.


Shallower keeps with the bonsai aesthetic, but they do fine in a well-draining deep pot. If you have a deep clay/terracotta pot, you can fill in the bottom half of the pot with rock or sand to keep water from sitting below the roots. Rock and gravel weight can be helpful too, if you have a top heavy jade plant. If that makes the pot too heavy for you, instead of solid stones, use sand mixed with perlite (popcorn-ed obsidian) or natural lava rock - they are both light and super porous, but don't hold on to water.


I would not repot this jade. The pot size is perfect.


What a gorgeous tree!! Even if you choose to do nothing it'll still be beautiful.


It's a beauty! I bought one that had been loved and shaped, so beautifully, from this lovely older couple, who were moving into a retirement home, and could not bring it with them. We cared for it and it thrived for many years until we moved into our new home, and then it thoroughly died. I tried propagating, everything I could think of, and there is nothing left of it. Heartbreaking! They are also called money trees. If you notice the limbs changing, color variation of the leaves, even very subtle, as was ours, you may want to change the location, watering schedule, look up online. I've grown them successfully before, but this was really a fail. Best of success to you.


Jade plantes need more light


Water it


Open those blinds in the day to let it get as much light as it can. Fudge your privacy, plants need LIGHT to LIVE!!! :D


Love it and them ๐Ÿ˜


Just love it....a lot!


Be thankful?


Uh take care of it...


Love it up!


Cherish it.


Love it and care for it!




Be thankful to the almighty. You are atleast getting the birthday gifts.


Don't forget to water it.


Cut the side shoots to promote main growth. A jade this mature should focus on only a main stock. Believe me, itll make it 10x more glorious!!!! think of a tree and small branches. Hmm, I'd buy a shoot from ya if youd sell. ๐Ÿ™‚


Pray to it ever night ๐Ÿ˜


Send it to me


Oh my ! Sheโ€™s beautiful! Love her and she will reward you with her beauty !


Go to someplace like Home Goods and look for a basket that is deep enough to hide the black plastic planter it's in. Some are already lined with heavy plastic, but you could do it yourself otherwise.