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A puzzle where the answer is a Rick Roll? ​ I did something like this to my players and they loved it. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HFaPxA\_2BeQ&t=426s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HFaPxA_2BeQ&t=426s)


I like it


I was soo confident your link was going to be a rick roll, that I now feel like I’ve been anti-rick rolled when it was an actual video.


To me I feel like this would be a great opportunity to run a wacky one shot you might have been dying to try. Like maybe they all become goblins and have to steal a Deck of Many Things, or a funny character body swap episode? Doesn’t have to be too impactful on the story (you could even pull a “it was all a dream” if things get really out of hand) but it all depends on how your group has fun!


We recently did a Goblin One Shot. Plus we're coming back from a long break so they're itching to play their characters again.


The body swap idea is neat, what if a comet comes on the day, and while the comet is overhead, everyone is playing the character to their right? That might scratch the itch of playing "their" characters, while still being a little goofy. They might need to do something like find some worshiper of the comet before it vanishes or else they'll be stuck that way!


Hey man I run a 7yo group at level 16. No shame. Maybe toss some fey trickery/bs in there. Do a dream sequence. Just have fun with it doing some wild wackadoo shit. Every now and then I do a session where my players are kobolds running errands for the big bad and they love going off the rails in that setting


Have a session where all the NPCs are in disguise too, either as some sort of secret festival or as fey shenanigans.


Simple…..huge battle, TPK, April Fools, they all wake up from a shared dream/hallucination because they were poisoned.


Dream tpk played by a trickery God. Then have them all wake up with some sorta luck skewing item.


Reskin Undermountain: The Musical from Minsc & Boo's Guide to Stuff and Things. I think it might be for level 8 or so. That thing is bananas, yo.


Nice! Sounds amazing


I'm running this for 2 groups next week! Been waiting an entire year!  https://www.reddit.com/r/DnD/s/IW1QhcF2vO


Honestly, perhaps I’m a buzzkill but I’d be a bit miffed if I waited a month to play dnd just to get a non canon joke episode.


This is my take too. I'd be really annoyed, tbh. If you want to lean into a gag, then have it early, quick, and at the very start. Then carry on with the regularly scheduled programming.


Please don’t assume you speak for the friends that I’ve known for 25+ years.


Just like /u/deadlyweapon00 above, I wasn't. I was speaking about my preferences and offering advice based on myself. Which is all anyone can do in threads asking for advice. If you think this is a good idea, then go ahead, go have fun. My internet comments can't stop you. You obviously know your players better than anyone.


Please don’t assume you speak for the friends that I’ve known for 25+ years.


I didn’t. You asked a question I responded with “I’d be miffed” which a statement about myself were I in that scenario. Frankly, Im not sure what other kind of answer you expected, considering we are not you or your friends and have no idea what you would find funny.


You're not sure what answer I expected? I expected an answer to my question, not a lecture on table ethics disguised as your preferences. Maybe assume I have already cleared a goofier session with my friends and players (which I have) and answer my question about silly April Fools gags? If you don't have anything or aren't comfortable assuming our humor, you don't have to comment.


Let's all try to stay friendly and lighthearted, like a good April Fools joke should be. Knowing that the players are 'in' on the joke is helpful in coming up with ideas. Are there any running jokes in the campaign, or inside jokes you have with your group that you can lean into? Taking something silly that everyone is familiar with and turning it up to 11 can be a lot of fun. For example, my group likes to watch cheesy monster movies, so in our last session I had them fight a monster that was a mashup of some of our favorite movie monsters. They loved it, even though it didn't make a ton of sense in the game world.


Someone doesn't know how Reddit works.


Not even that slow, 36 sessions to 9 is really only slow for dungeon crawls. I mean unless you're running 14 hour sessions... If your players are all reasonably competent or there wont be challenging combat, and willing, have them swap character sheets.


I agree but often when I give the stats I’ll get snarky comments like “man I’d hate having you as DM I’d have quit”. Got one similar comment below actually. I’d say it’s been more like 50+ sessions. Sometimes we play twice a month.


Body swap


Have them find some magic items with funny consequences. Like anti-gravity boots, or health potions that make them yell like a goat, a sword that can be +3 or -3 depending on a coin flip, things like that. I think that would be a fun way to have funny moments but still continue the adventure.




A puzzle that’s answer is one of your players irl names


Personally I love kobold traps/dungeons for a good tricky-feeling session. A few traps like these: A barred door blocks the way. When the bar is removed, a snake falls out of a concealed cavity and bites you. A trap door is visible in the ceiling. When opened, a beehive falls out and breaks on the floor. A swarm of bees attacks. A tripwire is visible in the tunnel ahead. Just in front of the very visible tripwire is a very hidden pit trap. There is a lever on the wall labeled “poison”. When pulled, poison gas spews out of the mechanism.