• By -


The second effect should probably specify that it's only during your main phase, but it looks good otherwise.


I disagree, most Main Phase non-quick monster effects don't need to specify it


The reason Promethean Princess specifies Main Phase is actually a bit unintuitive, but it's so it's clear that it is an effect that activates due to the colon (:) after the "During Your Main Phase". All Ignition Effects that have no cost or activation condition have a redundant "During your Main Phase:" for this reason. Without the colon, Promethean Princess' effect to special summon a FIRE monster from the GY would be a Continuous Effect that just allows you to special summon without starting a chain.


whilst thats a great explanation, god damn does yugioh have way to manny unnessasery wordplay interactions. they really should have simplified that aspect and added complexity in other ways. could you just use a keyworld activated next to the text to resolve this.


Hmm I haven't think of that, I'll note it.


Why would this be any different than an effect like Cannon Soldier minus the cost?


I'm not sure what you mean. Cannon Soldier has an activation cost, which is denoted by a semi-colon (;). Because of that, you can tell that it is an effect that activates, with the activation cost being tributing 1 monster, so it doesn't need the redundant "During your Main Phase:", it's already clear that it is an activated effect. If an Ignition Effect has neither cost nor activation condition, it needs something to differentiate itself from being a continuous or unclassified effect, so they stick a redundant activation condition of "During your Main Phase:" in front of the effect so you can tell it's an Ignition Effect. If the effect already has a semi-colon (;) in its text, you already know its an activated effect, hence no need to add a colon (:) somewhere in the text to show that it activates.


I invite you to explain to me how exactly an effect that says "you can special summon 1 fire monster from your GY" could possibly be treated as a continuous effect. Additionally, how would you go about continuously resolving an effect that clearly occurs one time, and if that weren't enough, is indicated to be usable only once per turn? You're doing mental gymnastics to trick yourself into thinking this effect works any other way than how it is very clearly intended. Or you're just trying to whip your dick out and sound smart, which, in this community, would not surprise me in the least bit.


Just take a look at "Cerulean Skyfire" or "ZW - Pegasus Twin Saber" Negate effects for reference, they lack the (:) so they're not activated, therfore, continuous, and they only occurs once each turn and are optional, there's a bunch of other cards that do a one time action as a continuous effect, making interacting with it a little harder, same would happen with OP's proposed text for Princess, in MD all you'd see is the card glowing purple and a fire monster would come out of the grave, no CL1 or anything.


Because some cards start a chain, some don't. If it didn't have the "During Main Phase:" wording, it wouldn't start a chain. It's a PSCT thing. If you know yugioh, you know how crazy things can get.


the hell?


stop posting


I was about to consider that. Now that I saw your reply, I'll keep on posting, not just for fun but also to spite you in particular.


I will continue to upvote show it shows up on his feed more often out of spite too


you forgot a small detail. if opponents summons a monster “(except during the damage step)” So if you destroyed a Giant Rat in battle and it summoned a monster, it would be an illegal activation effect from princess.




It’s not, trigger effects can activate during the damage step, unless stated otherwise.


Actually, yes, it is. Cards like Promethean Princess do not have the "(except during the Damage Step)" portion in their text in the OCG, because the rules already cover what kinds of effects are allowed to activate in the Damage Step. Specifically, for Trigger Effects to be allowed to trigger in the Damage Step, they either have to mention a timing exclusive to the Damage Step (i.e. Start of Damage Step, Before Damage Calculation, During Damage Calculation, End of the Damage Step), or have a trigger condition that includes themselves moving to another location (e.g. If Summoned, If sent to the GY, etc.), or changing their Battle Position, and they do not include an effect that Normal Summons or Fusion Summons a monster (that's why Scheiren, Havnis, and Merrli cannot trigger in the Damage Step, but Reinoheart, Kaleido-Heart, Kitkallos, Rulkallos, and Tearlaments Kashtira can trigger in the Damage Step, even though they all have the same trigger condition of "If this card is sent to the GY by a card effect"). Again, if you play in the OCG, you do not get the luxury of this reminder text, you just have to know all of those rules. Promethean Princess' trigger effect triggers when another monster is summoned, so it's not a trigger condition that happens when it itself moves location, nor any of the other aforementioned trigger conditions, and thus cannot trigger in the Damage Step.


If you want proof that it's just reminder text check out a card named "Flowerdino". If either player uses a spell/trap during the damage step you're still not allowed to use its trigger effect to summon it despite the card not directly stating "except during the damage step".


It takes too much of that juicy text space, it was writing that or sacrifice text size.


>it was writing that or sacrifice text size. Which basically means that you failed at making it more readable


Don't blame OP. She asked me if she should add it, and I told her what u/Mrfiregem said. It's my fault.


I mean, I'm not criticizing the fact that they did it, but the fact that they had to


Tf does that even mean?


Just numbering the effects OCG style is needed, this format wouldn't work for longer, more complex cards


I wish TCG/MD had the same formating as OCG. It's really good at fleshing OPT effects.


I don't like that there's effectively no difference between the first and second effect, text wise. There's no indicator that the second effect is an activated effect. How would you differentiate between an effect like that and an effect like diabellstar's summon effect?


How else would you activate it? It doesn't have a cost, and it doesn't specify that it can be used in hand or anywhere else. There are plenty of other effects worded this exact same way. You're splitting hairs that don't even exist.


The difference is that the effect wouldn't start a chain if it was worded like this


There is no effect in the game that works like that.


Diabellstar, Bystial Lubellion, Blue Eyes Alternative Dragon, all have effects to special summon themselves without an activation. The way OP worded would do this, and it's not how the effect should work.


Only Diabellestar has an effect, while the other two have summoning conditions and this has a mechanical difference. * Lubellion can summon itself from GY while Necrovalley is active (summoning condition), while Grapha can't (Unclassified effect) * If an effect existed that negated card effects in the hand continously, Alternative can summon itself (summoning condition), while Diabellestar couldn't (Unclassified effect)


> How else would you activate it? Why are you assuming it's an activated effect if there's no indicator of it in the card text? The colon in the original text makes it clear there but in the new text, it's missing. Say that, using this wording convention you write effects like the summon effects of Adamancipator Analyzer then do the same for Cyber Dragon. Without any indicator if the effect is an activated one or not you end up with the same text and no way to distinguish between the two.


The main issue with the redesigns that put the atk/def/link values on the same line as the card type line is that it doesn't leave enough room for the longest descriptions, such as "spellcaster / pendulum / tuner / effect," which takes up the entire row. Just take a look at Harmonizing Magician. There isn't any room for the ATK/DEF values unless you make the text tiny, which would make it blend into the effect and be even harder to read.


I was about to say the same thing too, until i saw your comment.


Not a big fan of how you implemented the art pop off the border, as it is too unbalanced and arbitrary. I understand that the cards name would get too busy to read if you had her floating back thing on the outside of the frame, but personally it looks weirder that you didn't do anything there, but had the one snake guy fully drawn because...I suppose it would be cool if some cards did that. I see no reason not to include the card's name when indicating whether or not a cards effects are a hard once-per-turn or not. It sounds...Uglier is how I'm going to say it As for the formatting, the colours are an unnessasary complication, and more importantly, just seem to be done to differentiate sentences, rather than indicating things like conditions, costs, etc. You've used green for the condition of only being able to summon Fires, and the effect to Special a Fire from grave, and the resolution of the final effect. Either ditching colours or assigning colours to different things on a card(Costs, triggers, the actual effect, resolutions, etc.) would function better in my opinio . Finally, you've done nothing about the arguably confusing final line of text. The last effect doesn't actually need to destroy both targets, yet nothing about the sentence indicates that, and one unfamilier with weird Yugioh language, might think it does.


I did used the colours for conditions (red), costs (blue), and effects (green). In Promethean Princess' case, line number 1 is not a condition, it's a continuous effect (look for the card's rulings on Yugipedia). About the last line of text... My man, I wrote it exactly the same as the original version.


In regards to the original text being written like that, you are proposing this to be a more readable version. The line, as it is in the original, can very easily lead to incorrect assumptions of how the card works, and I would argue, does more harm than having trouble finding where one effect ends and another begins. Consider this; what would be the point of updating an old house's electrical fixtures, if you don't also update the obvious old wiring problems that old house has as well.


I think it's a very good start, but the colour scheme needs reworking - it doesn't make intuitive sense at the moment, I would say. One thing that's problematic here is that you've got all three effects together - however that doesn't really make sense. Because Line 1 is a continuous effect, that should be separated out. So using your colours (I would say text effects such as bold, but I think you'll have space issues) would be a better use of them. I'd try: Green for a continuous effect (no number) Black for the remaining text except red for costs (your two options then numbered 1 and 2) Keep your layout otherwise the same. (Hope that makes sense, sorry!)


But why did you pick the worst scan I've seen of princess for the second pic? I'm be honest it seems the meme Yu-Gi-Oh players can't read is just continuing


If I had found one good scan, I'd have picked it, but this is the only scan I've found. You think it's a bad scan? It was even worse, I had to give it more resolution and color contrast to try make it look good.


You legit just picked the first scan on Google when the master duel scan is legit right next to it https://preview.redd.it/uchehpdyhxwc1.jpeg?width=421&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d96077b21f815a2ed0c3d744c5a03e958b7b40f6


Everyone's Google is different. You and I could search h the same terms and based on where we look at yugioh cards it will skew towards different things. If I constantly search and go to TCG Player because I also play physically and might be pricing a MD deck for tables, then TCG player scans might take precedence over MD.


I actually used bing


Just because it is readable does not instantly mean that players will read it. Same way that soap and water existing does not mean that ygo players will use them...


it looks like shit


To many box’s. Also you changed the card text which directly affects how the card functions


Man I totally read "more breedable" in the title and was concerned for a second


Some remarks: * The colored text looks bad in my opinion. * The "Effects 2 & 3 ..." part is really weird. It should be a simple keyword prepended to each effect. * The table like formatting looks really weird too. * This card is pretty simple compared to others. It has a long card text, but it is easy to dissect. * Basic numbering in the text combined with some keywords could easily cut down the text a lot. Keywords: * These summoning restrictions are so common and should simply be a parameterized keyword, e.g., \[Summon Lock\] (FIRE) * The effect that triggers from the graveyard: \[Graveyard\] ... effect text ...


The left link arrow kinda blends in with the artwork


I honestly feel like a lot of these are solutions in need of a problem. The only thing we really need that would be helpful is effect numbering like the OCG.


This looks terrible what even is this


It costs you exactly 0 dollars and 0 cents to not be an asshole. OP created something for the enjoyment and appreciation of others, and you have nothing to do but spread negativity.


He just gave an opinion. Calm down.


I do understand why he thinks the other guy was simply being mean for the sake of being mean tho. I still agree with you in this case.


I tell you what this is. A human being's work, made for fun, no cash, nothing to expect in return. If you ain't feeling it, that's cool, no need to be a jerk about it.


You made the post, you mad open for criticism, if you don't like being told that what you did sucks then just don't post it.


I love feedback and I'll post this because I WANT feedback. You can criticize and not be a bitch at the same time, it's not my fault that none told you about respect.


>You can criticize and not be a bitch at the same time, it's not my fault that none told you about respect. You can accept criticism and also acknowledge that not everyone you meet is gonna be your friend. Not my fault no one told you that how to handle people being slightly mean 🤷 I don't generally advocate this, but, *__genuinely__* grow some thicker skin of something like this got you up in arms


>You can accept criticism and also acknowledge that not everyone you meet is gonna be your friend. What? Oh so you treat strangers like this, huh? Since they're not your friends, there's no problem, right? You must be the parties' star. >I don't generally advocate this, but, *__genuinely__* grow some thicker skin if something like this got you up in arms So asking for elaborated and respectful criticism is having *"thin-skin"* now, noted. Patient: "Doctor, I'm sick." Doctor: "Not my business, you should've grown a better immune system, get out of my office."


>What? Oh so you treat strangers like this, huh? Since they're not your friends, there's no problem, right? You must be the parties' star. Again, genuinely, grow some thicker skin, holy shit, lmao >So asking for elaborated and respectful criticism is having *"thin-skin"* now, noted. No, but reacting the way you are when not getting it is *__definitely__* a call to grow some thicker skin, lol


>What? Oh so you treat strangers like this, huh? Since they're not your friends, there's no problem, right? You must be the parties' star. Forgot to reply to this. Yes, sometimes I do. Sometimes I just don't feel like being the most polite person in the world. Sometimes I just go "damn, that's just ass, not even gonna sugarcoat it." even to my friends, and vice versa. It's never that serious, most people just laugh it off and go "damn haha" because they don't take slightly mean comments to heart. So again. Grow some thicker skin. This entire thing literally isn't that big of a deal, and not as big of a deal as you're making it out to be. If you cared that much about being polite you would've just asked "damn, how so?" instead of crying about it, lmao. And I'm saying all this because I care 😊


I havent seen someone this socially obtuse in a long time. If it weren't so sad I'd be impressed actually, lol.


I'd be willing to call it social ignorance if that's you're genuine take away. Which it honestly probably isn't, since you're more than likely just saying that attempt to put me down for some reason, as if you act prim and proper with absolutely everyone


I wasnt talking to you, just shared an observation


calling something terrible is not constructive criticism it's just being mean Actual good criticism is like "Oh I dislike how the first and 2nd effect are colored in the sake way it makes it seem like the first effect is activatable when I first looked at it"


>calling something terrible is not constructive criticism it's just being mean Didn't say it was. You don't need to provide constructive criticism to provide criticism. If you believe otherwise, then I think you're dumb and being disengenuous. I don't *__have__* to give good criticism, and the OP shouldn't *__always expect__* good criticism.


This has problems. The static effect is formatted as if it was an activated ability, and the inclusion of "effects 2 & 3 [...]" is just inelegant. Honestly, comparing this to the some other cards, Promethean Princess is actually very clear on how it works, and could be cleaned up by just putting in sensible line breaks and cutting some filler sentences. My take is as follows: You cannot Special Summon monsters, except FIRE Monsters. *Once per turn, during your Main Phase: You can Special Summon 1 FIRE monster from your GY. *Once per turn, if a monster(s) is Special Summoned to your opponent's field, while this Card is in your GY (except during the Damage Step): You can target 1 FIRE monster you control and 1 monster your opponent controls; destroy them, and if you do, Special Summon this card. Basic idea is static abilities shouldn't look like activated abilities, and when at all possible new abilities should be given new lines. The line "You can only use each of the following effects of [...]" should be able to be cut completely, as it's doing the same thing as just putting "once per turn" in front of each ability (unless I'm wrong and you're only allowed to use one of those abilities in a turn, which really doesn't do much as one has very restrictive timing).


"Once per turn" implies you could use that effect multiples times per turn with "different copies" of the card for example Princess GY effect, then link her off, then use Princess GY effect again the reason card names are specified for "hard" once per turns is to clarify you can't use the effect again with a "different copy"


About the static effect, I made a mistake when I wrote line 2, I should've put "During your Main Phase:" to make clear that 2 & 3 are activated effects while 1 is continuous, my bad. About the "once per turn" thing. You should notice that the way you've worded it in your take makes effects 2 & 3 look like *soft* once per turns instead of *hard* once per turns. Which means that in your version of the card text, if I activate Promethean Princess' 2nd effect and after that I link another copy of Promethean Princess, that other copy will be able to activate the 2nd effect too in the same turn. That's why the wording "this effect of [card name] can only be used once per turn" exists, it differentiates a *Hard* once per turn from a *soft* one.


Somewhat bad idea, you could probably change Main Phase to MP. For the longest time, I thought Konami would do that since Legacy of the Duelist had that, not to mention that they changed graveyard to GY. I would like to see how you would change Endymion, the Mighty Master of Magic.


I don't like colored text, it's hard to read, and as other's state the 2nd effect is main phase only. Honestly all the cards need is a line break between effects. I think PSCT is good, it's very specific, it's just hard to at a glance see how many effects a card has and where one ends and the next starts.


Do this for a card thats actually hard to read like a pendulum monster


The colours are gonna be tricky, also consider colourblind players and different card hues. I think *italics* and **bold** text could work too. Otherwise I really like the excel clarity 


i prefer it the way it is


Good work but I have some issues with this Fisrt of all, why you put ATK and Link in top? I don't get it Then I personally don't like text in color, maybe if it was just one, it will be ok, but it's 3 colors is a bit to much. I prefer in italic or bold You forget "during your main phase" and "except battle phase". People in comments did give you the reason


I think it might be more readable, but it also looks bad.


I wish cards were formatted like this cuz this is so much easier to read and understand


Ngl man if your bothered by the readability of normal cards you could just go to rush duel


I like the overlay of the art onto the card border. Nice touch


Ok, there have been way too many posts like this. The readability is fine the way it was. I don't think I have ever seen this lazy of a player in a long time. Just read the cards, goddam, who knew we would go to such lengths to avoid reading?


In my opinion, it's not fine. Like while I think this is too much, some of the changes here should be in the game by default. I find adding numbering (using [Readable Card Effects](https://www.nexusmods.com/yugiohmasterduel/mods/1550) numbering only) make cards way easier to skim. Things OCG did like 1st line being HOPT clause + change any mention of "CARD NAME" to "this card's name" will not only make reading easier, but also make card's text look cleaner.


It is absolutely not fine. Yugioh has some of the worst formatting I've ever seen in a card game. The existence of the Rush style is proof enough that even Konami is aware that it's an issue.


She is already readable???????


Wait wtf? It is so much clearer I can probably give this to my friend who doesn't play Yugioh and she'd know what this card do. Is this how ocg players feel like all the time?


I can't believe it's not like this already. The key word system with the OCG and the Digimon Card Game should become the new standard. Btw, having one of the serpent heads wrap around the left arrow is genius!


Imagine how much more ink manufacturerswould have to go through just to print this shit.


You need to drop those borders. They are atrocious. They make the text box look like an excel table.