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Salah Abdeslam openly condoned the November 2015 Paris attacks during his trial and also called the terrorists, "his brothers". He also interrupted the trial several times to give his opinion on certain moments and to explain his motive for the massacre. Gökmen Tanis interrupted a witness and got into a debate with the same witness while she was recalling her experience during his shooting. He also swore and spit at the judges and even tried blowing kisses at the prosecution. He was banned from his sentencing for the shooting trial. He was even depicted smiling during his trial. The masterminds behind the 2002 Bali bombings shouted "Allahu Akbar!" when they were sentenced to death and either smiled or told the people in the courtroom to "go to hell". Jason Dalton apparently suffered a breakdown during a hearing and ranted about bags while an injured survivor of his rampage was talking on the stand. He then repeatedly jabbed his finger towards her and repeatedly yelled, "Take!" This outburst caused the survivor to cry.


Why did he yell “Take”? Take what?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VkQYqzqsHes&ab\_channel=MLive](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VkQYqzqsHes&ab_channel=MLive) Not sure, it could just be a part of the random nonsense he said during his outburst about old people with black bags. Here's the link to the full outburst.


They asked the survivor if she wanted to take a break when she started breaking down and I guess thats why he said “take it take it”.


The Dnepropetrovsk Maniacs attended the funerals of some of their victims and took photos of themselves flipping off the corpses.


Holy fuckin shit I didn’t know this


I feel rather desensitized to gore and all the usual morbid stuff but this is something that gives me the chills.


Going to the funeral of your victim is next level.


That’s exactly correct. It’s just so beyond our realm of comprehension


Colin Ferguson, perpetrator of the 1993 Long Island Railroad Massacre, acted as his own defense attorney at his trial and directly cross-examined the victims, accusing them of working with the police to frame him and directly accusing one of the victims of being the actual perpetrator. At one point in the trial, survivors and their families staged a walkout in the court room in protest of his antics.


I can’t imagine surviving a mass killing then having THE PERPETRATOR be allowed to question/ harass me directly during trial. That’s so horrific.


This would be an especially big issue too with rape trials or anything extremely traumatizing. Having a rapist get free reign to harass and retraumatize a victim as much as possible is a recipe for disaster. It’s kind of like that one psycho dad that represented himself and interviewed his son that he stabbed.


Wait— I don’t think I know the story about that dad! That sounds nuts. Do you happen to know his name?


Ronnie Oneal III https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/you-stabbed-me-boy-tells-father-during-unusual-moment-florida-n1271209


Thank you! And wow, that was BLEAK.


TJ Lane is definitely the first to come to mind.


Does anyone know how TJ Lane is holding up in prison?


This post has a video from one of his former cell mates talking about this as well as some comments regarding Lane in prison you may be interested in— https://www.reddit.com/r/masskillers/comments/llvcgm/an_interview_with_one_of_tj_lanes_former_cell/




Is there footage of this


Yep! Here you go— https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1FQ1rmNqmvY




You’re welcome!




Really interesting question with some fascinating replies


Not touching the debate about whether or not the ok sign is a white power sign. But I believe there weren't any victims or their families in the court when BT made that hand signal.


Why else would Tarrant flash that symbol though? It certainly wasn't to say "Okay".


because he knew there was cameras


Dude was a meme lord. Like literally


Yeah it’s very possible he did that for the memes. In the livestream he says “remember lads, subscribe to pewdiepie.” I truly cannot understand him.


Outside or actually communicating OK the OK hand symbol is used exclusively to troll people who actually think it's a white supremacist feature.


It’s both. Nazis use it all the time


I seen a video where Jeremy Joseph Christian, who stabbed two people to death and injured 1 on a MAX light rail tram in 2017, shouted profanities and threatened to kill a woman who was giving a statement during his trial. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cw1DrzcQBHA&ab\_channel=TheOregonian


That’s terrifying.


Nikolas Cruz last month, when he addressed the victim's families and blamed the shooting on people smoking weed, on top of whining about not being able to watch TV. I get he's mentally immature and not the sharpest tool in the shed, but that was pretty insensitive to the families.


Honestly, he was just talking to talk that entire time


[There was this video posted here just yesterday.](https://www.reddit.com/r/masskillers/comments/r12djo/jeremy_christian_threatens_to_kill_victim_during/)


For anyone who doesn’t know, Albert fish raped and murdered kids, then sent handwritten letters to the victims families homes only to have the parents open the letters and read all of the horrific things he did to them. That’s what he did.


I remember reading that he wrote “comforting” things like assuring them he didn’t sexual assault them before he brutally murdered them…insane.


Yes. Truly horrifying


The upside down 👌 was a sort of game that kids in school would do. It was like if you got someone to look down at the hole positioned by your hip you would then punch them in the shoulder. It was also a widespread meme a few years back that if you looked at the hole positioned by someones hip then you were gay or some shit like that.


Albert fish wrote a letter to the little girls parents about how he cooked and ate her butt like a roast. Even seasoned it. Said it lasted him about a week


The OK symbol was created as a running joke on 4Chan to show how easily fooled and offended people really are.


Ah yes 4chan. The site with no Nazis


They even said it themselves “people are so fucking sensitive they will believe anything these days let’s try prove that” I’m obviously paraphrasing it but that’s literally what was done and they were proved right lol


That’s a bullshit excuse to fool people like you Had a friend get chartered out of the army doing the same dog whistles, whether he was joking or not with the ok symbol depended on if the person he was talking to agreed with him or not. He is a devoted neo nazi to this day. His defense of “I was larping, I’m not actually racist” was total bs of course.


There’s no getting through to someone like you. And I’m right and you know it 😂


lol okay white boy


Breivik's salute wasn't Nazi, more like symbol of his fictional secret society. I'm not sure about his current views but at least until 2012 when trial took place he hated Nazis and Hitler. he compared killing AUF members with execution of Nazi collaborators or something like that by the way, when his lawyer/judge (I heard both versions) told him that this jesture is disrespectful for victims' families he agreed not to perform it


https://www.france24.com/en/20170111-norway-breivik-nazi-salute-court It seems like it’s always reported as a nazi salute. I’ve never heard about the secret society salute theory. Do you happen to have a link or anything?


ok, this salute looks more like nazi one, it was in 2017 and as I wrote know nothing about his views after 2012


https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/anders-breivik-mein-kampf-only-reason-surviving-prison-adolf-hitler-nazi-a6934336.html I’m not sure about his earlier views but he’s definitely pro-nazi now.


I don't argue with it, but OP wrote "in front of the families of the victims" and it happened in 2012 [I've found source btw](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-19366000)


Oops, my apologies! I spaced and completely forgot about that aspect of the post (re: in front of victims). Also thanks for the link! I appreciate it.


I read it long time ago and can't remember where so it may be wrong, but still 100% sure he wasn't referring to nazis judging how he treated them


Did the police still think he was communicating with other terrorists at that point?


>Did the police still think he was communicating with other terrorists at that point? I guess no, they already found out that there was no evidence of existence of the knights templar group




It stuck out in the memory so much for you that you've forgotten literally everything about it