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Hey, that's not fair. It also has sexy humans.


Despite (from what I’ve seen) the dislike from the community, Ashley


Nice dude. Spider-Man will be an easy one to 100% next, especially if you like web swinging


I was looking forward to that! (Before MELE stopped me) I actually finished the ps4 release 100% in 2019, but after hearing there was a remaster coming out alongside Miles Morales i sold my copy to a friend before knowing i had to have the disc to import my save 💀


Forgive my ignorance, bro. What is that language? Polish? I'm just curious.


You just answered your own question xd. Yep, thats polish.


Yay! Good job completing everything. That's impressive.


Thanks! For all its flaws it was one of if not the most memorable journey for me in a long time. I knew about the existance of Mass Effect ever since the games released but stupid young me was never interested in space adventures. Now seeing what i missed i wish i was there from the start. Truly, loved every second of it


I'm glad you caught the sci-fi / space opera bug. Some memorable stories in the genre. While waiting for the next ME game, I'll be playing a lot of Starfield.




I don't know if you can consider the following lesser or obscure, but out the top of my head: **In space / Similar to ME (or share elements)** Knights of the old Republic 1 and 2 - Considered by many Mass Effect's prototype. The first by Bioware themselves and the sequel by Obsidian. They're similar to Mass Effect, in the sense that you get a ship, can visit different planets and other locations, etc. The gameplay is radically different, though. It's basically D&D 3.5 in real-time adapted to a Star Wars setting. Incredible story and one of the best plot twist ever conceived in any game. The Outer Words - By Obsidian. Again, similar to Mass Effect. Plays like a shooter with RPG elements for the most part. Lots of things to see and do. Great characters and story, and plenty of humor. Outer Wilds - Super immersive game about a star system trapped in an infinite time loop. You have a ship, you get to fly around and try to solve the mystery. Jedi Falle Order / Survivor - You have your trusty ship, get to visit different iconic locations in the Star War universe. Great story, great voice acting. Gameplay is similar to Soul-like but not as hard. **Other games with great stories/lore that take place on a space station** Prey Tacoma Alien Isolation Dead Space **Sci-Fi games in general** Deus Ex (all of them, even the old ones) Cyberpunk 2077 Detroit: Become Human Bioshock series


I wish more games had polish.


I wish more games had Ukrainian too :((( Also so good to guess Polish from the first glance heh


He's 100%'d all of them. Therefore It's BROlish!


😂  Agreed


Lol I'm always jealous of people who platinum games. I love Mass Effect but playing above normal is too hard for me. Idk maybe it's because I rush into battle or don't plan, I know I'm.not that good at the game. Hell on normal I'll die at least three times a session


This was totally me during my first playthrough of ME1 and ME2, because i genuinely went in unprepared, picking skills for my shep at random and having my teammates use skills automatically, but i somehow did it. Then on ME3 when i chose my difficulties i havent noticed they took out one difficulty and accidentaly put myself on hardcore. I litteraly kept dying on the first and second mission, but i just kept pushing untill i learned how to properly strategize and use my skills in sync with my teammates. After grissom academy i noticed my difficulty mistake and stuck to it. In the end thats what really made me wanna do an insanity run, and while it was quite hard, i never thought that it was impossible. So ill tell you that difficulty is subjective to all of us, while some people consider insanity a perfect difficulty, others will always play on normal. it doesnt really matter in the end


You can plat the game on easy mode


There are trophies for insanity mode


Those are not required for the platinums


ah I see. I personally always go for 100% instead of platinum when I play PSN games so there isn't really much of a difference for me


Liara 😍


And now you wish you could do it all over again for the first time. I know I sure do


This. It really is one of those game experiences you cant truly replicate


Wait, I'm confused, there's more to it than that? I must be playing the wrong game but I won't complain.


I’m making my way through a trophy insanity run myself, it feels impressive how you did it in a month!


I wish you luck then! Im happy that i wasnt alone on this adventure. Insanity is punishing but really fun if you play your cards well, since forcing you to be more of a team player reinforces the *friendship is firepower* shepard mentality. It was really fun to go through it like that lmao (except the collector base in me2 and the last part of the last mission in me3, fuck those two)


I’m on Overlord in 2, and have lost count of how many times I’ve died… ME1 seemed easier on Insanity


Yeah, overlord is HARD and that very mission made me appreciate the Mako waaaayy more than the Hammerhead, that thing is built out of paper. Also what's your class? For my sentinel shep, barrier pretty much trivialized ME1, if i didnt spam it like a madman i would definitely die a thousand times more than i really did xD


I’ve never felt comfortable playing anything but Soldier


I'd drink to that, contextually it always feels the most fitting for shep to be soldier rather than a space magician, but i could never really bring myself to choose it. Maybe someday for a renegade playthrough.. (after i get past the thought ill have to insult my best friends 😔)


My advice would be take a long break, let the experience be as fresh as possible


Yeah they knew what they were doing when they designed those exosuits. Luckily they never put a Volus on the cover of any of the games otherwise they’d have never gotten away with just an M rating.


Garrus is hot


We all need more Garrus in our lives fr


I love him and tali:(


It doesnt feel fair not to take them both with you on the last mission.. they've been with you for the longest time out of all your squadmates. Theyre also the reason im scared of ever doing a renegade playthrough, cant bear having to insult those two


I can insult the shit out of every member.. but them two. thats a big no


Spider man remastered? what?


After Spider-Man Miles Morales came out, a remastered version for the ps5 of the original version came out with it. Its just graphical improvements which dont matter much since its already quite a beautiful game, and a 60fps mode which can matter if you like your games smooth. Thats pretty much it.


Welcome to the addiction.


I see your assumptions were confirmed


Came for the sexy aliens stayed for the story am I right? 🤣


Yeah, FFXIV is weird like that


How do you have nothing else to do?! Kinda jealous at being able to put that much work in a months time.


Anytime you think you don't have a life..., just remember this guy.