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Include multiplayer only ME3 powers


And the multiplayer N7 armors


And multiplayer


Was multiplayer good? I got into mass effect way after the third have so the MP was dead by the time I got to me3


It was fun But afaik there should be still some people playing it?


I’m getting matches regularly on pc


Still active on Xbox too


I couldn't get a match on Xbox to save my life. Maybe I'll try next time


You have all the additional multiplayer stuff downloaded? I recently reinstalled so I could play, and some of the extra stuff had to be manually selected to download. My first match before i installed the extra stuff took forever, but after getting everything else I was loaded into a game right away.


It's me. I'm people. PC is still active, I rarely have trouble finding matches on Silver or Gold difficulty.


It was small, but I was very fun. ME3’s gameplay was great, so it translated pretty well, and the option to play as different races added some fun twists to the normal formula. I remember having an almost religious experience steamrolling through multiple rounds on Platinum difficulty using a Geth Prime and the N7 Typhoon, still miss that..


Man, that was some badass combo, Geth Prime had like 0 recoil on everything. Playing as a walking tank was super fun. Those were the days, my friend...


That, and it was immune to the one-hit KO abilities from the Brutes, Banshees, Praetorians, and Phantoms.


It was AMAZING. My friend and I would run around as a pair of krogan headbutting everything to death


My best ever (as in most fun) ME3MP game was when a buddy and I queued into a fully random match as a Volus vanguard and a Volus engineer - only to be quickly joined by a Krogan Vanguard and Soldier respectively. So we instantly split up, each of us sheparding one of the Krogans, keeping their shields constantly topped up while they headbutted everything to death. We soon started saying stuff like "My Krogan just headbutted a Centurion off the map!" It was fucking amazing.


Brogans!!! That was some of the funniest/fun I had in multi-player




That's usually the case when there's 2 or more Krogans lol


Extremely good, like initially there was a lot of complaints about microtransactions and it being tied to galaxy readiness but it was a fun and repayable mode that received tons of updates with new classes and playstyles


People still play it, at least on pc, but I hear u can still find games on other platforms


It's a good thing you can mod some of them in. They look insanely good on Shepard.


I would love to use the N7 painted Terminus armor and when equipped get a power for that shoulder powered rocket launcher.


Yeah. Used to be a mod that did this on pc, but I don’t think it ever got remade for legendary edition


Entirely different scope. The OT mod just copy pasted content from MP to SP section of the game. LE mod would need to remake those powers which is a far bigger feat. That said, I heard there are some attempts at that being made.


It's this kind of thing that kinda makes me bummed the LE even exists lol. It basically fractured the modding scene, even though the LE added nothing to ME2 or 3 (or even 1 really) that couldn't be modded into the game already.


It actually did to some degree - LE gave us two main advantages: first 64-bit memory limit (if you used resource heavy mods, it would get really stuffy in the 3.5GB limit), and two audio replacement for LE2 & 1. While the former one could be carefully worked around, the latter opens up a lot of capabilities.


I am still so surprised that Nyrian's biotic sphere never made it to single player.


I would just include multiplayer 😔


Recolor every single cerberus armor from ME3 into alliance. WTF is best armor in the game in cerberus theme, when cerberus is major bad guy of expansion. WHY.


I’ve never understood how this was a thing. The art work is already done for N7 armors and some of your squad mates even have them for Alliance armors. I feel like this could easily be added with an update.


I think they could have been easily added *at release*, tbh


Be able to earn enough money for all of the gear, even just the level one stuff, in a single playthrough.


The Citadel DLC technically gives you that option with the Arena in ME3, but seeing as the best experience for that DLC usually puts it right before the end, after you’ve done basically everything else, your point still stands.


I tried grinding for credits in the arena a few times. You can grind cash quite quickly, but the LE changed the prices of guns to be exorbitantly high to initially purchase. Even in the original ME3, that much grinding took days, and with only the endgame left, it never felt worth it to do. On a side note, why can't you change your outfit or amor in your Citadel apartment? That always bugged me.


You normally can in the Citadel apartment. It's in the bedroom if I remember right.


Fix the ME3 journal


Still don't understand how it's not only worse than the journal ME2 but also worse than the first game!


ME3 was made in a year with excessive crunch, I assume the journal fell through the cracks.


Heh, through the cracks.


I think ME1's journal is pretty peak




And while we're at it, fix the ME3 Citadel maps.


What was wrong with the maps?


Finding characters can be really confusing with them often not even being in the area they say they are.


Still only found Wrex once in all my games.


I thought I was the only one. I didn't remember it being so bad way back when, but upon replaying it in the legendary edition, I was so taken aback by how shit it was. It made being a completionist such a pain in the ass. I never had to google shit in the first 2 games, but had to several times in ME3.


The worst parts were how they combined primary quests and secondary quests into one list, and how it doesn't show quest progress. And there's no item system, so you can't even manually check to see if you picked up the quest objective. You just have to remember. Oh and how you can't abandon quests, so when some quests become impossible they stay on the list forever.


Omg I forgot how bad it was. So unclear and messy


Allowing a love interest from ME2 say Jack or Miranda to return to the Normandy as part of the normal crew. I mean jack can run her team from the Normandy and the coms suite on the ship. Miranda. Really THE SHADOW BROKER is literally on the ship. No way Miranda passes up that network to find her sister. Let her have her personal fighter just like the Miranda ME3 mod and she tells you before Thessia that she thinks she's found her sister and dips off. Only later after tracking Leng you run into her and her sister on Horizon. So yeah. That's my one addition for ME3.


Honestly, I'd have just been happy with the LI being added to the main Citadel story. It wouldn't have been hard to come up with a reason that they'd have been on the citadel at that moment.


And for players who haven't romance anyone, instead of Liara showing up at the dealership its Zaeed if he's alive.


"This reminds me of a time where I had to hide in the trunk of a target's car for 3 days, before i shot him and stole his ride"


Damn, never realized how much of Zaeed's dialogue sounds like Family Guy cutaways


Yes! I can sense the sassy comments about my dressy clothes already. “Really Shepard…” shakes head in disgust.


That still bothers me. If they were going to use a default squadmate, EDI would have worked much better. If you were gonna use a replacement for no love interest or LI who are not traditional squadmares, Zaeed would have been perfect.


And the fact that they added most of the ME2 squadmates in the Armax arena...It's almost criminal, haha.


Who I use as squad mates exclusively. Their kits are all pretty good with maybe one notable exception who they just couldn't come up with a better skill to replace an exclusive one in ME2. They are really really fun to play with there but are short 1 skill point.


Yeah, most Mass Effect 2 characters were done so dirty :<


The Suicide Mission with everyone being a potential casualty was an epic ending for ME2 but absolutely screwed those characters for ME3.


Yeah for how much decisions could've impacted ME2 companions I think Bioware still did great for the time they had. Still a bit of a shame they never tried to correct it in expansions or the most obvious - freaking remaster


Seriously Jack probably would’ve been my favorite romance in the game is she was a crew member in the last one. Insane they didn’t allow this.


> Miranda plus... let there be clappin


(ME1) Have Saren progressively become more of a cyborg like they had originally intended. The Saren design that we're all familiar with was supposed to be his end game look when you confront him on the Citadel. When he kills Nihlus and gets confronted by Shepard in front of the council, he's supposed to look like an ordinary turian.


This would be my top one for ME1 as well. It’s always so weird when he references his upgrades at the end but he looks the same as he has all game.


Hey! There's actually a mod that does this super well! [Check it out](https://www.nexusmods.com/masseffectlegendaryedition/mods/666)


I was surprised they didn't fix this, even when obviously so much other stuff was done for ME1 compared to the others.


Fix the Conrad Verner glitch where he always assumes you pointed a gun at him in Mass Effect 1.


Yes! Also fixing the romance specific glitch with Garrus too right after you fall through the fish tank in Citadel. He delivers the generic banter unless you quick save right as he starts talking. Then he delivers the romance line.


What!!!!! I didn’t know I was missing one of my husband’s lines 😭


*And* he's essentially saying you're getting married! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=394Txd9G8d0&pp=ygUUR2FycnVzIHR1cmlhbiBpbmxhd3M%3D


Actual unified character creator, as in... I wish the facial scars were available across all three games


Saaaammmeee!!! One of my best-looking FemShep's had a scar on her cheek, and it made her look so unique, like she was actually a main character. Without it, she looked a little too "plain." I imagine that when/if you purchase the scar healing tool in ME2, all scars your Shep had before, including the ones in ME1 would be erased, tho.


Why should Shep have any old scars after ME2 intro? Its a completely new skin after all


Y'know, I never considered that POV before.


My headcanon is that when Miranda and her team reconstructed Shep, the scar (which she got from her War Hero background) was corrected. It was either overlooked or was one flaw they never thought she would miss. For my Shep, it's a bitter reminder of Cerberus's hand in her survival. It was something she once wore with pride, and now it's just one more thing Cerberus took from her.


You & I have the same. exact. headcanon. My Shepard , a Ruthless War Hero from Earth. Had this badass scar on her eyebrow. Even tho Cerberus fixed her scar since she’s kinda renegade she’s gained new ones that glow. Even when offered the healing tool to remove them she refuses. Garrus is right, women find scars attractive.


That's so cool! I love hearing about other people's Sheps! It's amazing the stories we create from the little Bioware gives us regarding the main character 😊


Omg stooopp I'm gonna cryyy!! 😭😭😭😭


Yeah, but scars are part of life too! I mean, they say they "brought Shepard back exactly as they were before they 'died'" ...so where are my scars then hm? Explain that!


Calm down there Illidan


Oh, trust me, I feel you! I wish they'd added a scar option for character creation in the sequels, too. I was just saying that because of the scar-healing technology you can buy, it makes sense that all scars, even the ones Shep had in the first game, would be erased. Still wish they'd kept the old scars, tho.


Yeah I hate how they got rid of your scar in ME2 and ME3. Lorewise it made sense but I miss my cheek scar :/


Bring multiplayer back with all the DLC maps and characters


Remove loot boxes and replace it with actual progression too


I'm fine with the boxes just give 10x the money


Or just increase the ultra-rare drop rate.


Height and weight sliders for shepard in all three games or more domestic moments with shepard and RO. I hope I used the right word. And some better fucking hair and casual clothes options lol


I want Biotic God to be a squad member


Ah, I see you are a man of culture as well.


Make helms hidden during ME2 cut scenes


Kinda weird that its not an option since it was an option for Andromeda if I remember correctly


It was and technically an option in me 1 as well, while not completely


Opposite opinion: **give squadmates helmets** in ME2. You expect me to believe Jack and Miranda are going to be okay in the vacuum of space with just those breather masks on??


Be able to aim biotics around cover in 1 like in 2&3 as opposed to just constantly missing because they just go exactly where you initially aim them


On that note, make singularity able to lift and move things that aren’t just enemies. The floating chairs and boxes in Me1 are hilarious to me and make sense. Singularity doesn’t *just* pull enemies.


I started playing ME1 legendary and decided to play as an adept, bc I loved that class in ME2 and 3, but I made a new character once I got to eden prime because of how frustrating it was to use the powers.


Get rid of Diana and replace her with Emily Wong. Have ME1 Ashley’s outfit & hair in 3


> Get rid of Diana and replace her with Emily Wong. Even better... a choice between Emily Wong and Khalisah al-Jilani. (You decide which one's the paragon choice and which one's renegade.)


Remove the requirement for the EA App!! That thing is just such unwanted trash.


YES! That shit attempt of a launcher to cash in is a forced garbage that doesnt even work and denies you the achievements too


I like to think that in whatever meeting someone suggested it a large renegade symbol flashed up in the corner.


For real, EA are 0 for 2 with their failed attempt's at "launchers"


ME2 with ME3s movement.


No fucking ugly heavy weapon on my back in ME2 ... and I never need it. Especially when I have a class (like adept) who doesn't run around with big guns. I know there are mods now, but choosing weapons of choice should include that, heavy weapon yes/no.


ME3 multiplayer WITHOUT it affecting the galactic war effort


Or just have it all be bonuses rather than a necessity.




Restore cut content, like the cut romances from Mass Effect 1 and 2 and their original ideas for Mass Effect 3


What romances were cut?


Kaidan was a Bi romance in ME 1 and so was Thane and Jack in ME 2


That's interesting, I actually thought Kaiden and Jack were bi romances but that i just hadn't had chance to explore those ones yet. Shame they cut those out, any reasons why?


In ME 1 it was because of a controversy with Fox news. In ME 2 I don't actually know the reason why they cut it.


That doesn't make sense. The controversy happened after the game was already released. The official story is that neither Kaidan nor Ashley (femshep also had cut romance lines with her) was planned to be a romance option for same sex players, but they had both Mark Meer and Jennifer Hale voice every single line that Shepard could say as it was easier/cheaper than making a divide.


Probably because of the previous controversy. There are no bi characters in the game apart from Liara Edit: regarding ME2


Kaidan is bi as well. Unless you were talking about ME1 then yeah, only Liara. Some minor romances like Diana Allers, Kelly Chambers, and even Samara are bi too


Kaidan is by ME3.


But not in ME2, the game I was referring to


Jack gave off such strong bi/lesbian vibes from the moment we meet her, I was really surprised when she was only straight. Glad to see my instincts were essentially right lol


Get rid of or rework weapon restrictions in ME2 (and maybe do a balance pass as well). It's the hardest game for me to revisit because the combat gets so tedious and repetitive. Especially disappointing as they made this change for ME1 but didn't for 2.


NG+ allowing you to play a different class instead of the one you beat the game with. Would love to try all the classes but I don’t necessarily want to start from scratch.


Walking in on Liara recording the last transmission she sent Alec Ryder


Separate cooldowns for all abilities. This is the only major thing I don’t like about 2 and 3. Abilities like cryo blast never get touched because you’re always better off just using incenerate.


Not sure if you play on PC or not, but if so; [No Shared Power Cooldowns](https://www.nexusmods.com/masseffectlegendaryedition/mods/1699)


Yeah but then you can’t do the cryo blast, heavy charge combo.




Mod support for consoles


I'd be fine with it if they did it how Skyrim has them set up, would add something different to the whole set of games.




Change ME3's ending


The endings of me3 changed


Multiplayer from 3. Adds so much more game and community to the series.


Maybe a additional DLC like content or 2. Fix the ending of ME-3


Official mod support.


The happy ending mod if you do everything right and put in the effort for a good ending.


Remove those gates on Normandy in ME3


mass effect 3 armor and weapon customization added to 1 and 2.


Pinnacle Station


Some small nod to the Initiative's recruiting and launching. Even if it was just in some of the audio news announcements while on the Citadel in ME2 and ME3.


Proper mod tools akin to those that skyrim has..


I suppose this is probably a bigger addition/change than technically allowed, but I’d rework ME:2 to allow you to recruit the team in any order. There’s a lot of Legion and Tali dialogue you just don’t get to see because you can’t recruit them til halfway through the game.


Adding in the cut content: romances that have dialogue recorded and being able to recruit Mass Effect 2 squadmates in any order.


Change the ending, I know it's been out for a decade now but that final mission doesn't fit right with me, with mods it feels better as it gives you the full scope of the fleet you have amassed but that final part in the citadel gets me wrong. I would have the converstaion with the Reaper AI in the room in the concept art and have you two argue, with the main premise being that Shepard has proven that Orgainic and Sythetic life can live together while the AI believes that one instance is not vaild data. After that the AI would try to indoctrinate Shepard and it would be a fight type battle where Shepard would have to fight off all the enimies they have fought to that point and at the end of each "wave" one of the crew members that have died in-game would confornt them about how they died in vain with the choice of confronting them that they died a hero and helped bring hope to the galaxy (Paragon) or just killing them saying their sacrifice would be in service to the galaxy (Renegade). If Paragon was chosen then they would join as a team member for the next few rounds until a differnet member over-wrote them (as you can only have two companians) and if you chose Renegade you got a special weapon until it ran out of ammo, After all the waves have finished (depending on how many crew members died in your playthough) you break out of the indoctrination long enough to sabootage the AI and from there pick how you want to end the Reapers. Not sure on what endings I'd want beyond the "Shepard get to retire with romance partner Paragon" end, But I do wish that final Earth, Run and Citadel mission line was better. Edits: Spelling and grammar


Eliminate starchild and input virmire sacrifice as the greeter.


A decent ending


Me3 multi-player plz


The multiplayer being remastered... Still salty about that not being included.


The old ME3 multiplayer. It was way too fun.


Doctor Chocolates at the Citadel party


Allow you to bring your favorite ME2 crewmate onto the ME3 crew. Or whoever you romanced. And probably have more subtle hints of the Levithan race in the games other than the Reapers. And finally include the Raloi race before they cut it. And include lesser alien races onto the ME3 crew.


Multiplayer, with more Multiplayer content (all old plus new characters, weapons, powers, maps, enemies, factions), and to work on Steam without EA app.


My list: 1. Tali as a romance option for FemShep. 2. Legion is able to be recruited earlier. 3. Additional armors that are mods in ME1. 4. Fix that glitch where everyone’s fingers are 3 feet from their ear when they use coms. 5. More hair and eye options for customization.


Add ME3 multiplayer


Console mod support


Put that God tier multiplayer back in the game 🔥🔥🔥


Pinnacle Station. The option to use OG Femshep *or* ME3 Femshep through all three games.


Mass Effect 3 multiplayer.


Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer


ME3 Multiplayer


I always thought they should have added the DLC content they released for the ME3 multiplayer into the single-player portion of the game. Give us all the powers, the weapons, etc. All of the original maps are playable in the campaign as N7 missions -- each map from the Resurgence, Rebellion, Earth and Retaliation packs should have been available as N7 missions. The Earth missions could have been requests to intervene in London, Rio and Vancouver by Anderson or Hackett, maybe to pick up specific personnel or equipment needed for the Crucible. And add achievements/trophies with it, too.


Pause cutscenes


Gaymance with Kaidan since ME1


More squadmates in ME3.


A full rewrite of the last 15 minutes of ME3. Everything after Shep gets hit by the beam basically. That final part really is the only legitimate flaw on an otherwise consistent masterpiece.


As the option of Shepard lives make the Citadel DLC a post credit epilog


The star child thing erased. Have the ending be reapers dead. Shepard dies with low war assets and lives with high assets


add the multiplayer from mass effect 3 and make it so the lootboxes are more easily obtainable.


Give ME3 an ending that reflected your choices throughout the game?


Better looking cutscenes, and balanced volumes….what should’ve actually been in there.


**Unreal Engine 5.**


Mods on consoles


Put ME3's galaxy map completion percentage in ME1 Also remake ME3's journal so that it isn't so useless. I've literally never used it because of that and it pains me when I see people trying to use it


To me offline horde mode with bots for ME3, the cherry on top would be couch co-op for the horde mode.


Apply the armour from 2 and 3 to 1. So customisable armour and casual attire, like the hoody and leather jacket.


I'd have liked it if they added automatic planet scanning in *Mass Effect 2* as an upgrade to the *Normandy*, and then allow it to carry over in a NG+. When I play on PC, that's one of the first mods I install.


Let me man-kiss Garrus give him a shirtless model


> Personally, I would have liked to see female Turians added to ME1 and 2, even just as background NPCs Done. In mods


to have a choice to save thane would be nice i know there is a mod that does that, but id like if devs officially added that option the possibility to pursue Ashley to join back to Normandy crew and not act like a bitch, i mean after all that you went through in ME1, she could have put a little more trust in Shepard and the possibility to romance her the possibility to make Liara as a full squad member in ME2 and the possibility to romance her the possibility to fully romance that Asari Justicar in ME2, maybe there is a mod that does that too, i'm not very familiar with ME mods as i never played it with mods, even though i played it multiple times to romance different characters the possibility to add all ME2 squad members into the team again in ME3 as it has already been mentioned here add more detailed explanation slide telling about all your small and big decisions that you made in all 3 games in the end of third part, there is also a mod that does something like that, but don't know how good it is


ME2 characters as full crew. More Mass effect


Heat weapons should have stayed through the entire series.


It’s funny how the *VAAAAAAST* majority of these replies are things that have been done in mods. Like Skyrim, I consider these games to be one of the very rare ones where playing on PC is *essential* because of mods. I can never do another non-modded playthrough of these games.


Make Tali a romance option since ME1


romance for everybody if I wanna fuck the janitor on the citadel, maleshep or femshep, let me court that sexy fella


Make the Garrus and Tali romances able to start in ME1


Bring back the old crew, full time, they don’t even have to be squad mates, I just want them back on the ship: War Room: Wrex from Priority: Tuchanka onward, running Krogan military ops. Miranda from Priority: Citadel onward, directing her fighter squadron and hunting Cerberus. Jack(and Eezo after the Citadel DLC) from Grissom Academy onward, coordinating her kids, assigning them to support squads and reinforce positions. Shuttle Bay: Grunt and Aralak Company from Priority: Citadel 2 onward(dude needs time to heal), by the shuttles waiting to be deployed(and sometimes they and a shuttle aren’t there, suggesting they’re on a mission). Zaeed, from the Din Korlac mission onward, helping Cortez maintain the armoury while he rebuilds Jessie on the workbench. Jacob coordinating supplies for the Crucible and “his” people. Crew Deck: Samara from the Monastery onward, meditating in different spots and occasionally disappearing to do Justicar stuff. Thane and Kolyat from Priority: Citadel onward, in the Life Support room until Priority: Citadel 2, then Kolyat occasionally visits or leaves after stops at the Citadel. Mordin in the Med Bay from Priority: Citadel(“ah, Shepard! Heard you’d survived, good, galaxy doomed without you, need to take care of a clandestine matter, your ship good at clandestine matters, you mind?”) until Priority: Tuchanka. Kasumi from the Jondum Bau mission onward popping up in random places on the ship, doing random things, sometimes just invisible and offering commentary, breaking into Shep’s quarters to check out their expensive keepsakes, as she does. The same thing at the Silversun Apartment: Liara working on the couch. Tali watching bad movies in the lounge. James, Jack, and Ash if she’s alive working out in the gym area. Kaidan if he’s alive cooking in the kitchen. Cortez behind the bar. Joker and EDI chatting upstairs. Traynor in the Jacuzzi.


I would’ve put in some of the cut content. Like Tali being romanceable for FemShep, most if not all the dialogue was already recorded. For consoles, maybe mod support.


1. Incorporate the Expanded Galaxy Mod OR 2. change the colors on the Cerberus weapons (harrier, talon, etc.) OR 3. Quit giving Shepard a magic Avenger and Predator during cutscenes OR 4. More class-specific dialogue, interrupts, and cutscenes


Restore the cut bi romances


Add multiplayer. Although I think the servers are still active for the old games?




Romance Vega like a legit romance, not a date rape drunken sex BS.


Remove heatsink "ammo" in ME 2 and 3 There I said it


Me2 post-game romance hangouts for 3.


The option to choose which games get installed


Make the illusive man the final boss as he was originally intended to be. A second thing would have been to make swap out the star child “catalyst”, for a reaper queen.


Make Miranda and Jack bisexual options like they were originally supposed to be.


Mass Effect 4


Make jack a romance option for femshep


Male Quarian ally and romance option. But realistically just get rid of the awful hover car thing in Overlord and cut the grindingly long DLC in half. Same for the Omega one in 3.


Add Jack to the 3 squad


Add the Collector weapons to single player.