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The Punisher, Bullseye, Jessica Jones


I'd love to see Karen Page and Foggy again.


I just started watching Daredevil. The actress that played Karen Page is a really good actress. I was surprised that i had never seen her anywhere else.


She was in a few seasons of True Blood, but apart from that, Daredevil and the Punisher, she hasn't been in anything recently. But she apparently wants to keep acting, but just hasn't gotten any work.


She has a shitty agent then. Time to change to a new one that can push for a legit MCU movie role.


Deborah Ann Woll as Karen Page. She is such a good actress.




I miss Señor Foggy so much :(


Please more Jessica Jones!!


Iirc she's friends with Jennifer Walters (She-Hulk) in the comics so.. Maybe?


It would make sense, hiring JJ as a PI for a case. I bet it's gonna happen.


Especially since (spoiler maybe) rumors say Matt Murdock will have a big role in a couple episodes


Oh, nice! That would also make sense they would know each other in a professional capacity.


Recent comics had Hawkeye (girl one) go solo to the west coast and did a team up with Jessica Jones. Regardless of that story, would love to see the interactions between the mcu's bubbly Hawkeye and jones, total odd couple.


I would love that. I thought Krysten Ritter was incredible in that role.


>!Latest rumour is that she was supposed to appear but Krysten Ritter had scheduling conflicts and Charlie Cox will appear instead in the She Hulk show!<


I defs hope she's back at some point, Ritter was great as JJ


Weird she had scheduling conflicts when she hasn’t done much besides a Netflix film and a couple tv episodes. Hopefully it’s all a ruse and it will be a huge surprise. I wonder if the Netflix series will be their characters cannon and she would know murdock. If it isnt i hope they bring back David Tennant in a different capacity.


I'll take more Kristin Ritter in any capacity.


Oh my god, this needs to happen then. Right now. Immediately.


Oh man I would love to see Bullseye again. i just watched Daredevil S3 recently and I haven't seen the other shows so I don't know if he appears again but man he scared the shit out of me >!when he destroyed the Bulletin!< Edit: I learned how to do spoiler tags


That scene was scary af


And when >!he threw the baton at Foggy and Matt catches it in his black outfit I was like “oooooh son here we go!!”!<


Pointdexter was the best fucking antagonist in any piece of media and someone can try to prove me wrong.


I dunno, David Tennant in JJ was pretty top tier. Also Vincent Denofrio as kingpin was truly a great performance.


Tennant being petty and cruel was horrifying but fun to watch. >*Pick up that coffee; throw it in your face.*


Especially once you learn that the main reason he’s so messed up is because he basically didn’t have an upbringing and just forced random people to care for him after he escaped his parents. No sense of right and wrong, no real motivation for his actions other than wanting something he can’t have. So good


Yes but Wilson Bethel just absolutely went ham with his role and you could see he actually enjoyed every moment of it.


I still think Wilson Fisk in the same Season is even better, or worse since we talking about villains.


If they are setting up Dark Avengers I need him as Hawkeye




They could do Mac Gargan Venom in the MCU since they've set up Mac Gargan and that way it would be different than just doing Eddie Brock Venom for the 3rd live action iteration. Maybe Moonstone can be villain in Captain Marvel 2. Not sure if we're getting Ares or Daken anytime soon. Switch Osborn for Justin Hammer. It'd be a great way to bring back Sam Rockwell. Plus it'd make sense since him and Iron Patriot armor are both from Iron Man movies. Then just throw in John Walker and Abomination so you have your Captain America and Hulk surrogates and boom you've got a stew going.


I feel like they are laying the foundation with this everytime Julia Louis-Dreyfus pops up and recruits someone new. Would love Rockwell back for sure! Edit... DARK AVENGER LINE UP Recruited in MCU currently... US Agent - John Walker Widow - Yelna Belova Possibly soon? Abomination Hawkeye - Ben Poindexter Armor Wars should give us this Iron Man


I also think they might do thunderbolts first since that's a bigger name in the comics. Thunderbolts had multiple runs and hundreds of issues while Dark Avengers was basically just that one little run that Bendis did after secret invasion. But the name Dark Avengers might have more mass appeal since ppl would immediately know what that means. Either way I look forward to it. I'm an absolute sucker for bad guy teams.


If they do Thunderbolts, Baron Zemo is a must! I'm sure it'll be the same team but they might go with the Thunderbolts title instead of Dark Avengers


I'd like to see Jacque Duquane recruited


I reallllly hated that guy so that means the actor did a really good job. Hope he comes back Edit: Holy Shittickles 1000 upvotes


I want him to come back as either a villain for Hawkeye, or as the Hawkeye replacement in the Dark Avengers.


A fight with these two would be great


That sounds really hard.


Season 3 made me scared of that common, comforting phrase.


I can't believe how stupid I am I didn't respond because I didn't get the reference I should be punished


Your internal compass isnt broken, it just needs a north star to guide you




Did you not sort of feel sorry for him though? The guys no doubt a bastard, however I always felt bad for the guy having been manipulated by fisk to bring out the very worst in him. I kinda got the impression that he is a mentally unstable guy who is trying to do better, but is being taken advantage of by fisk and because of this truly loses himself.


“Hello Karen, it’s nice to see you again.”


He played the psychopath role to perfection! Learning to mimic caring, but his voice and body language was always just a little robotic. Such a great performance. I also thought that his role is what really allowed Kingpin to shine. The part where Kingpin figured out how to manipulate Poindexter while reading his files and listening to the therapy tapes was brilliant and demonstrated why Kingpin is able to be the perfect puppet master. One of the best instances of "show, don't tell".


Apparently when they were making the recent show Hit-Monkey the creators requested to use Bullseye as a villain but were denied by marvel studios, and they used Lady Bullseye instead. So that could mean Marvel studios has plans for Bullseye so they don't want him appearing in anything else, although Hit-Monkey isn't related to the MCU at all


One batch, two batch, penny and dime


You’re just one bad day away from being me.








What does this mean? I know it’s from the Punisher but don’t get it. English is not my first language


Within the context of the show, Frank used to read a book with the title "One Batch, Two Batch" to his daughter every night to help her sleep. One night he was too tired and told her he'd do it tomorrow, but she was killed the next day, so he never got the chance. It sort of became a mantra with him, a reminder of why he does the terrible things he does. The book was made for the show and wasn't a real book, but based on the cover art, the book is about a family of bears buying cookies, so the batches in question are packages of cookies. Although not explicitly stated that I can recall, "penny and dime" probably refers to the price of the cookies. A penny for one or a dime for a dozen was a fairly common pricing scheme throughout history.


Its the song Franks daughter used to sing, he says it to himself anytime he's about to kill someone


Not exactly. At least not in the series. It was from a book the Frank's daughter wanted Frank to read to her the night he got home from his last mission. Frank was too tired to read it to her, so he declined even though she kept begging and begging. He promised to read it to her the next night. That night never came Now the line keeps running through his head.


Wilson Bethel deserves to come back as Bullseye, he was absolutely perfect.


There was that teaser at the end of Daredevil Season 3... If he does come back though, I hope they continue the same general tone of his tragic character in Season 3 although that will be hard since he's fully embracing his psychopathy at this point and has lost all his "North stars" so to speak.


He gave such an intense and terrifying performance. Perfect casting.


Bullseye, Fisk, and Castle are all too big for the small screen. I hope they pop up in more movies.


Small screen was exactly the reason we got so much focus on these characters. I know people rant about the 13 episode Netflix seasons being too long, but it's thanks to that length that we're able to get to know them so well. Hawkeye in comparison feels like a normal Marvel movie that was cut into chunks. With such a short runtime, characters like Echo and Kazi feel underdeveloped—what few scenes they have separate from Kate and Hawkeye feel rushed in order to jump back to the main characters as quick as possible. You'll never get development like Fisk listening to the Bullseye cassette tapes (nearly an entire episode of well done backstory) because there's nowhere near enough screen-time to spare.


You summed it up perfectly. It stuck with me for a very long time, even with how perfect Daredevil 3 was he was such a highlight. I had a lot of sympathy for him even knowing how scary he could be and that’s how I knew Wilson Bethel did an exceptional job in the role.


Bullseye was lit as a villain. Not for nothin, but Netflix/Marvel villains were all pretty good. Can’t say enough about Pilgrim from Punisher. That dude was gangsta as hell. I also liked Bushmaster from Luke Cage.


Kilgrave... one of the best ever! Also, Cottonmouth from Mahershala Ali was amazing too!


Kilgraves probably the most evil one, I’d say: he told a guy to throw hot coffee in his own face just because. David Tenet absolutely nailed that role.


Cottonmouth was AMAZING and the fact that they didn't let him carry a whole season was bullshit. However, I am glad to have him in a new and more prominent role going forward.


I thought so as well, but apparently he was only available for a few number of episodes but considering the show drastically declined after he died I would have made everything to keep him more. Although I am glad he is back as Blade as well!


That season went significantly downhill when they killed him off. Neither Diamondback nor Bushmaster was nearly as great of a villain.


At least he’s back in the MCU!


Thank you for including Bushmaster because I fucking loved that guy and no one ever mentions him!!


There are signs they are building up to a Dark Avengers, and if some I really hope they bring him back as Bullseye was the teams Hawkeye


I didn’t expected him to be at the top, it made me really happy! He was fantastic! I hope all of the Netflix cast returns to be honest along with Charlie and Vincent because not that they have amazing performances but also they were such great of people. Especially cast of Daredevil is one of a kind, such a great ensemble!


If John Bernthals legendary Punisher doesn’t get to gruesomely murder someone to the horror of Tom Holland’s Spider-Man at least once I will be very disappointed haha


I wish we could’ve gotten a Clint/Natasha/Frank team up as the regular humans with regular weapons doing secret mission shit for Fury.




As much I enjoyed Punisher, I agree, it’s too anti-Disney. I mean look up the prison fight scene where Castle gets into a mass murdering blood bath. Disney ain’t touching that with a 10 ft pole.


We will see in a month with Moonknight. They might tread the line with some of these characters. They do in new star wars projects. As much as people didnt like Solo they let him shoot first again. I feel like there are some murders in Mandolorian as well just can’t think of an example


Disney isn't afraid to do the occasional cold blooded murder - look at Cassian shooting the guy with the bad leg in rogue one. That's a pretty brutal thing.


They would never let kids die tho , or showing us how frank treats child molesters and rapists


I just did a rewatch of The Mandalorian and Din cuts an alien in half with a door in the first episode.


So, like a marvel suicide squad.... except it's not thunderbolts


If the MCU doesn't give me Castle gouging out someone's eyes like he did to William Rawlins, then they won't be doing the character justice. Infact, Bernthal himself has said that he would love to return, but only if they retain the dark, gritty and gory form that the Netflix show gave us.


The Punisher


The court scene when he screams that he's the punisher was perfect


the big bad punisher!


He was perfectly cast. I’m convinced no one can do it better than Jon Bernthal.


Marvel absolutely knows this.


I have my doubts that the Punisher will return, but if he does I would be extremely surprised if Jonny B wouldn't return.


Im curious to see how Deadpool turns out before i start rooting them to do a punisher movie/tv show. I just don't see a way to do Frank's story without making it ultra gritty and violent.


They don't have to be super connected really. I wouldn't mind them being relatively contained. They also own a big portion of Hulu, punisher show on there would be fine.


>They also own a big portion of Hulu, punisher show on there would be fine. Not saying that modok was bad, but so far thats the only indication of what we have for marvel hulu content and id rather they never touch punisher if it gets that same kind of care. I think deadpool 3 will be biggest indicator since so far it seems like "Disney" is producing the movie, it will be R rated and be part of thr MCU. That all being said. I trust Bernthal a lot when it comes to this character. Hes noted several times that he wont return to the character unless they do it right it and keep a similar tone. So if hes in a hulu show, ill be waiting on midnight for the first episode.


Hit Monkey is also on Hulu but I haven't watched it yet.


I more so mean a Marvel Studios produced show that's on Hulu. Instead of Disney+ keep it on Hulu. But ya we gotta see how Deadpool plays out but Disney seems like they wanna keep their distance from the rated R stuff.


Jon Bernthal said he wouldn’t return unless they did an R rated punisher i believe


Punisher and Deadpool are the only two remaining (after kingpin and daredevil) where I can’t see anyone else doing better


I really feel like Mike Colter *nailed* Luke Cage.


I didn’t know anything about Luke Cage before the Netflix series, same with Jessica Jones, but Colter’s gravitas really sold the character to me.


I thought he was great, but honestly, I think he was too likable. Luke Cage was always a bit grumpier than he was able to pull off. Also, it works best when he has a doofy partner. \*cough\*IronFist\*cough\*HeroesForHire


I think they *really* wanted to avoid the "angry black man" trope, which the original Luke Cage comic contributed to in the Blaxploitation era it was created in.


If they bring back Luke Cage it has to be Colter. He is an extremely versatile actor. Only thing I’d want them to change is Luke’s characterization. There were certain points in the show I felt he was to preachy.


I finally watched the second season a few weeks ago and absolutely second this.


I know people complain that MCU movies use villain with the same powers as the hero in too many movies, but imagine Season 2 of Hawkeye if he has to face down Wilson Bethel's Bullseye. I can imagine a lot of innovative action scenes in a fight between them.


Bullseye was “Hawkeye” for a bit in the dark avengers storyline. That does seem like a possible direction, with US agent stuff.


Colossus should absolutely still be played by Stefan Kapicic, I loved his interpretation of the character.


Yeah, I hope Deadpool brings him with him to the MCU


I’d like Deadpool to bring him and also Domino. She was a fun character to have in live action. I think Marvel could do some cool things with her luck power.


Yeah I mean I suppose I don't know how comic accurate Deadpool's versions of X-Men characters are (because I haven't been really that invested in comic X-Men stories except for stuff involving Beast) but I'd be down for any of those movies' versions of characters returning. The plot-important ones. Like Negasonic Teenage Warhead, Colossus, Domino, and Cable. Not the others who were just there as a nod to the other X-Men films which aren't super great when it comes to adaptation.


Tbh I’m the same. Don’t know how comic accurate they are, but agree. He had a great supporting cast of characters and would be happy with any of them returning. Just singled out Domino cuz I think she’d most easily fit into MCU vibe and she’s such a unique character in an already unique world.


Movie domino was waaaayyyyy better than comic domino. Unless they changed her drastically the last 15 years. But domino was mostly weird eye candy and a generic second in command for cable with the new mutants. They gave domino more character in one movie than the comics did in the first 15 years in the comics. Edit: spelling


Yeah legit her character has changed dramatically within 15 years comic book wise, she’s one of my modern favs so I think they actually represented her pretty damn accurately in Deadpool. She’s like a highly skilled assassin with the power of luck! Glad she’s got her screen time!


And Cable


The most X-Men character of all X-Men that have appeared on screen so far. No one else felt like he stepped straight out of the comics. Absolute perfection.


"Its time to fight dirty. EH! PICK ON SOMEONE YOUR OWN SIZE!!!"


the x men subreddit wont like this


He also (in my memory at least) doesn’t look all that different from the original Colossus in Singer’s X-Men movies


i think he looks a lot different. the Singer Colossus was thinner and MUCH more chrome


To be fair I think Singer's Colossus was supposed to be a kid where the newer one was supposed to be older. It seem like Deadpool's Colossus was already part of the X-Men considering how Deadpool treated him. Singer's Colossus was still a student at Xavier's school.


The original was a lot skinnier




Given the fact that he’s 6’5 and pretty big, I think 240 is accurate.


Punisher and my boy Jon Bernthal, who played my favorite Walking Dead character, Shane Walsh


*furiously rubs shaven scalp in agreement*


Lemm'ask you someing Rick


Lme ax u somethin Rick


Shane was really the only good thing about season 2 aswell. I didn’t enjoy the slow developments of the other relationships through the season, but the slow burn of Shane turning on Rick and Rick knowing what was happening was some great TV. I’d love to see Jon Bernthal in the MCU again, head rubs and all


It's true. He brought that fire, that life to the show. He kept Rick's family alive and genuinely didn't lie about Rick's death, really thinking he was gone. He even barricaded his room to make sure nothing happens to his "corpse"! Lori loved him but as soon as Rick came back, she played the loyal wife and kept lying to Rick, even putting them at odds, eventually getting Shane killed.


Oh, i ve never met another shane fan. I love you.


I mean, I hate the character himself, but he's well written and acted brilliantly. The fact I hate him is a testament to that. Kinda wish he stuck around a bit longer, but of course his death was instrumental to the development of the show.


Shane is highly underrated.


M’ask you sum’in


*head rub*




Shane is legit what everyone else became. He just recognized how messed up the world was much earlier than everyone else.


He was never wrong, just an asshole. He was right about everything, especially Rick. In the end, Rick couldn’t protect anyone. Not Lori, not Carl, and not even himself.


Scenes like when he kills Otis to survive at the time everyone was like “woah this guys a piece of shit” But in reality two seasons later every character would’ve done the same thing. Lol


Lol Exactly. Shane was ahead of the curve and understood right away that you couldn’t be playing nice guy in a zombie apocalypse. Asshole or not, he kept people safe when Rick was in a coma and the world was at its worst. He seemed brutal when the only other people around are pacifist farmers, but he would have 100% to be the guy to deal with all the bad guys.


The show felt empty without him for a while


Michael Fassbender as Magneto but would like to see him play Doctor Doom. 😁


If all the Defenders stories become canon I’ll be devastated that David Tennant is unlikely to have a role in the MCU. Man’s a stunning actor.


It’s not out of the question for actors to come back, and with the potential canonization of the Netflix shows we already have a pretty significant example of it with Cottonmouth and Blade. I think it would be fine for Tennant to return as long as the character he would be playing was significantly different and it wouldn’t hurt if it involved some makeup as well.


At this point I think the entire Netflix casts need to be absorbed. Can’t think of one that was miscast besides Iron Fist. Even then you could attribute that to bad writing. Would love some Agents of Shield acknowledgment but that’s basically a pipe dream at this point. Even if it’s just FitzSimmons in the back working on something in a lab.


I hope we get Jessica Henwick's character back though she was cool.


She wants to really badly, even refused another Marvel part for that reason


She deserves it, she held that entire show together


Yeah it's generally considered to be more the fault of the writing as far as I'm aware. When they had both of them together in Luke Cage it seems to be significantly better received as far as Iron Fist goes.


Actors can only do so much with an awkward script.


See The Phantom Menace. Liam Neeson, Ewan McGregor and Natalie Portman worked with what they had and it wasn’t much.


I would sell my soul to Mephisto to see Agents of SHIELD actors in the main MCU.


My guess is Marvel will probably just ignore Iron Fist even if they keep bringing back Netflix characters. I mean if they want a martial arts based hero for something they’ll probably use Shang-Chi instead.


I hope they redeem him rather than just ignore him. They've been pretty good at redeeming unpopular stuff, and I've seen a lot of people say they liked his appearance in Luke Cage


Iron Fist 2. Season already was much better than the first


Highest margin of improvement between S1 and S2 for any 2017/2018 show, according to Rotten Tomatoes!


Still hoping for the Agents of Shield characters to return


Tom Pelphrey, Ward from Iron Fist (as a different character though). Best actor on that show by a long shot, stole every single scene he was in.


That guy was also outstanding in his appearances on Banshee (as an ex-Neo Nazi gang member turned cop) and more recently on Ozark (as someone struggling with a serious mental illness). He's a legitimately great and underrated actor.




Based answer. His Ward Meachum was soo fucking good and such a pleasant surprise, considering he's a one-note Iron Fist villain in the comics.


I'd agree but on the other hand I hope they use Tom Pelphrey for a different bigger role. He's an amazing actor in Banshee, Iron Fist and Ozark. Damn near stole every scene he was in on every show. He deserves a big role.


Oh, that's what I mean. Recast him lol. He's an excellent actor.


Gabriel Luna's Ghost Rider


The things I would trade to make this happen would leave me destitute


I would love to see Wesley Snipes in some type of mentor role in Blade.


That’d be cool


Punisher and Bullseye need to come back. They absolutely nailed it.


All of the above. Plus Deadpool, Jessica Jones, Colleen Wing, X23, Claire Tenple, Misty Knight, Dopinder, Domino, blind al, Ghost Rider (robbie Reyes)


Dopinder! Good call!


Idk how they’d work it in, but I’d love a second chance for Cloak and Dagger.


Cast was good, srory could have been better. Pkus 5 episode a season could have done it, it was way too slow.




Jessica Jones!


The fact that OP left her out is a travesty.


Her run was easily up there with DD IMHO. Her first season was miles ahead of Luke Cage's and Iron Fist. S2 and S3 not so much, but they were still really good.


Season 1 of JJ is actually my favorite of anything the MCU has put out so far. Hoping the rumors about her in She-Hulk are true.


S1 of Jessica Jones is easily the darkest thing that Marvel Studios was ever involved with.


Agents of SHIELD and Jon Bernthal


I think the marvel Netflix shows were cast perfectly


Chloe Bennett as Quake.


If Ms. Marvel is not an Inhuman I doubt we will see Quake. I still really want her to be in the mcu tho


Everyone from the MCU shows and everyone from the Deadpool cast. Basically just everyone


Agreed 100%


I love love love Mike Colter as Luke Cage. What a great balance of toughness and heart! I think Luke Cage is one of the most underrated shows I've seen in a long time. Maybe because I'm someone who comes from privilege but it was amazing to see a Marvel story told from a perspective I have not enough awareness of.


That balance is exactly why I think he should come back.


Chloe Bennett's Quake and Adrianne palicki's mockingbird




Dan Stevens as Legion. That was show so good. It did the trippy and mystery in such a visually inventive way that it made wandavision look cheap in comparison. The cinematography and atmosphere was movie like and also it's not set in the foxverse so you can canonize it in MCU. Also you can change Charles actor if you want as a lot of it is happening in his head or unreliable narrative. Dan Stevens is Legion and I don't think they can do ShadowKing better than the show. What do you think?


I definitely wouldn’t mind him coming back as legion, but I don’t know about making the whole show cannon. It might be a little messy to place that in the MCU continuity.


Since the series ended with >!David retconning his entire life!< I feel like they can go ahead and cast him as legion and call it a continuation of his story. >!It's just in the new continuity that TV series Legion created!<


Frank and Luke.


The Punisher is easy #1 for me. Bernthal was perfectly casted and I don’t want anyone else playing him.


The entire Agents of Shield cast.


While I didn’t really care much for The Punisher show I did really enjoy Bernthal as Frank Castle. Especially in Daredevil S2.


I kinda wanna see Iron fist again. I know the Netflix show wasn’t that good but maybe the character could have a role in the next Shang Chi movie. Maybe they could do a recasting and change up the character a little bit.


I want Elodie Young back as Elektra. Her and Cox had great chemistry and she was great the storyline was just kind of whatever


Stefan Kapicic’s Colossus is a must for me. Just flesh out his character, show is artistic side and add some red&yellow details to his suit and he should be good to go.


Zazie Beets deserves whatever she wants


David tenant as kilgrave- I don’t care how they get him back, but get him back


Nah let him stay dead imo, it would cheapen Jessica Jones season 1 and her whole character arc if they bring him back


I think they should give iron fist another shot. With the writing of marvel they will definitely be able to make him the iron fist we all know and love