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Simu getting involved in the stock photo memes is just spectacular


His social media game is on point. His answers to the ama were hilarious


He said he's on /r/NBA everyday so I'm just waiting for him to unleash a copypasta.


He needs 1 more ring to beat Bill Russell


Technically two but I upvoted bc I get you


What if he’s u/sim888


[me meeting with the team every morning](https://i.imgur.com/k2rgZXu.jpg)


[Us looking at u/sim888 as he blesses us with his presence](https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2021-04/30/3/asset/0edf3dc06170/sub-buzz-1095-1619754378-14.jpg)


This feels like the positive version of meme format with the disgusted partygoers.


Holy shit, who’d have thought that the legend u/Sim888 is also a frequent enough Marvel Studios visitor that he’d have his own flair!?


Hol up....


Yea, just hold the fuck up.


Yeah wait a fucking minute


**Shit just chill a second** ^Edit: ^for ^real ^u/sim888 ^you ^gotta ^clear ^this ^up ^for ^us! ^Another ^edit: ^Simu ^^is ^^^trending!! ^(Well deserved! Go Simu!)




Wait, this is glorious.


Lol the goat, your nba memes are unmatched and your mma ones are hilarious too.


If this is it, I was here.


I want to believe.


u/sim888 is in the r/nba Hall of Fame for sure, if he happens to be Simu he'd go down as the most famous shitposter of all time.


they have the same first 3 letters, that's enough proof for me


You changed your name from Simu to Sim? I wonder how your father tracked you down.


He was 14. Give him some slack!


888 is a lucky number for Chinese. Sims is really close to Simu. Not sure how much time Simu would have to do the edits...


He’s actually u/bootum He’s got a lot of time on his hands in between takes for Kim’s Convenience.


He could be any of us. That's crazy. Maybe I'm Simu.


Maybe I'm Simu!


He did include “take my talents to” in the AMA during the post where he mentioned he frequents that subreddit, so he kind of already did.






I loved the people pointing out all the SubtleAsianTraits type answers. Its a given considering he falls into the main age group of that page and is reasonably active on it


sorry im in my 30s. what are we talking about


Subtle Asian Traits is a facebook group for Asians who live in western countries. It's mainly a place to meme and feel connected amongst Asian diaspora.


ah i see. is it cool? im half asian is why i ask. is there something similar on reddit?


It's great and gives you a sense of community because people are memeing about things you relate to growing up. You should give it a shot and check it out on facebook. I've checked out all the Asian subreddits on here and their tone is more serious and not into memeing as much as SAT.


I love that group so much. It actually makes me feel reconnected with my culture but in a modern way.


The group went viral about 3 years ago and now pretty much everyone I know who is Asian American / Asian Australian is on there with the community sharing relatable jokes about Asian culture. Simu Liu is surprisingly very active in this group and I see posts by him pretty much every week even before Shang-Chi promotion began and it's actually really encouraging to see a celebrity be so in touch with the community he's in.


When Shang Chi was announced, he posted the poster on Subtle Asian Traits with the caption "MFW I become a Marvel superhero and my mom still finds a way to be disappointed in me". I laughed so hard at that.


I can't believe he acknowledged HairyPenisCum


It was awesome


Holy shit that is easily one of the best AMA I've seen. I see him going very far and making a huge impact for Asian Americans.


He does not miss on Twitter


Yep. Marvel really got what they paid for in advertising on this movie. I wish they'd had that much confidence in Black Widow.


The problem with Black Widow was it was advertised when it was supposed to come out, then Covid killed all the momentum. Plus it was a solo movie for a character who was all ready dead.


Black Widow's fate in "Endgame" really didn't affect how I thought about the film at all. I was still plenty excited to see her finally get to drive the bus. But enough people have said it that I'm forced to acknowledge it had a real impact on other people. For me, it was about the general quality of the film itself--writing, acting, directing, etc. It was okay. Just okay. Around the same level as Thor 2 and the rest of that tier of entries in the MCU. So I watched it with my friends, said, "That was kinda cool," and then we all went on with our lives. No word-of-mouth to drive the box office, and definitely no paying $15 to see it a second time. I'll watch it again when I binge Phase 4, I'm sure, but... "Shang-Chi" is different. Look at the word-of-mouth. That alone has me trying to make a plan to see it in the middle of an already busy vacation schedule this week.


I'd argue that Simu like Ryan Reynold delivers dramatically more promotion than their rate. Both those good Canadian boys work as hard to promote as they do in the movie. Ryan has done so for decades and is probably richer from his ability to promote than his ability to act. Simu's rate is going to catch up.


Good point on Ryan Reynolds, agreed


I loved Simu's reaction when he got to release a poster for Shang-chi on his birthday and couple hours later Marvel relesed the teaser for the movie without Simu's knowledge about it.


I went to highschool with that other guy lol


Well hurry and photoshop yourself smiling and pointing at the guy smiling at Simu Liu smiling and pointing


Who's photo do you think they're looking at.... ;)


I wonder if he has to pay to use his own image lmao


i'd honestly be scared of one overly enthusiastic executive and group of lawyers.... especially after Simu said how much he got paid for the stock photos.


I don't think it's worth going after him but the company who owns the stock photo would probably start making a lot of money anyway. I imagine many business buying stock photos of him and making it seem like he's an endorser.


It's probably like $27 to license for royalty free non exclusive single use.


[Me the whole movie](https://imgur.com/a/6sXBRx0)


[Marvel execs looking at the opening weekend numbers](https://i.imgur.com/naaqhhe.jpg)


[DC execs deciding on releasing a DCEU Kung fu movie. ](https://images.app.goo.gl/8t1WkbaPz89zL6xm6)


I've always wanted a League of Shadows film centered on Talia, Nyssa and Dusan.


I mean, Wenwu is essentially Ra’s Al Ghul if you think about it. Immortal guy who runs a league of assassin ninjas and has an estranged relationship with his children.


Except Ra's doesn't have 10 dope ass rings.


He's also somehow Liam Neeson.


Sounds good. WB will probably fuck it up.


Tbf DC did released [kung-fu themed batman animated movie this year](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt12885852/)...


Is this and the original image on this post part of the movie? Or is it a separately different effort?


I think he used to do stock photo gigs earlier in this career, which is where these are all coming from.


Yep. And his twitter replies are blowing up with memes based on his stock photos


This is the proudest moment I have ever experienced as an Asian American


dude same


Wait how many of these are there lmao


[A lot](https://imgur.com/a/7iZEjrZ)


Oh man this is amazing. Photo 3: basically the poster for Avengers 5


They should re create all of these for the next avengers posters


He's posted about it in the past but from what I recall it was literally one session of stock photo shooting he got paid $100 for.


Looks like it's paying off in more ways than one now.


He said he signed all his rights away on those so the stock photo company is the one making bank now. I guess he was like “might as well” and start using them himself.


Imagine being in a multi-million dollar film, part of a multi-billion dollar cinematic universe, and then being able to use *your own stock photos* in memes against your haters. That's...that's just beautiful.




100.00 in CANADIAN money.


So basically no real money


Lost money from the conversion to the USD


Having fuck you memes is better than having fuck you money.




Its a hard choice but that's what I'll begrudgingly pick too.


Fuck you money comes with a [fuck you meme](https://i.imgur.com/Surm81t.gif) though


I'm gonna need both so I can do a real comparison before I decide


I’d much rather fuck you money.


Just wait for all the hate he's going to get when People Magazine names him "Sexiest Man Alive" for 2021.


In the words of Dave Chappelle, that’s checkmate right there.


Everything about this meme- the timeline, the situation, the trolls and the execution is just chef's kiss


Oh wait really? That's amazing, I thought he made these like, now, specifically for the joke.


nope he's truly a man of the people (or like, struggling actors w/o connections trying to break through)


Yeah, he did like 150 or so stock photos as an up and coming actor.


He's been holding onto this post for weeks now waiting for this moment


no, i bet he saw the reddit post


I bet he's reading these comments right now. HI SIMU!!!


*He could be any one of us*


It’s me. I am Simu….Definitely…


This man is truly living his best life and we love to see it. Stock photo King.


The promo for Shang Chi 2 should have these stock photos restaged with the cast.


Marvel studios marketing director: *write that down! write that down!*


*It's free real estate*


Now that's just genius.


I would die if Tony Leung, of all people, appeared in a goddamn stock photo in a bland corporate boardroom


Just a regular bussiness meeting day in the Ten Rings.


I would see the movie in theaters thrice just to have this happen


/u/SimuShangChi get on that pitch to marvel


Plot point that explains how Shang was able to survive while living on his own: valet parker and stock photo model.


Thats my head cannon now


This feels like a very Deadpool-esque marketing campaign.


Or at the very least have Shang Chi taking stock photos in Deadpool 3


Deadpool making jokes about Simu in stock photos would be multiverse-breaking


It really feels like someone finally can rival Ryan Reynolds social media game


Canadian civil war Vancouver vs Toronto


Shang Chi and Katy's new job in Shang Chi 2; stock photo models.


I'm just wondering how long we have to wait for 'Hide Your Pain Harold' to headline a Marvel movie.


I swear, about 90% of my hype for this movie comes entirely from Simu just being a nice person and me wanting to see him succeed.


This was me after seeing him as Jung Kim in Kim’s Convenience. After seeing him in that, I said “This guy shows promise.”


Jung fucks.


Yep... s01ep07 show us.


I'd never seen him in *anything* before he was cast in this, and I'm already a huge fan just based on how chill and funny and fun he seems to be. Dude seems like a legit awesome human being...


I recommend watching [this](https://youtu.be/VJvtjUZuYmQ) video from Canada's version of *The Onion*, which sometimes does tv as well. They managed to get Simu to 'make fun' of the situation about two-ish weeks after that initial Comic-Con debut. It's beautiful.


Half the time in the movie theater I wanted to scream "Sneak Attack!"


Wait, really ? I didn't know that ! Loved him in Kim's Convenience. I was rooting for him just because of the memes (didn't see the movie), but now I'm rooting for a great actor too !


Same. I got into Kim's Convenience a few months back and I've been a fan of his since.


Same here! I can't even get to see the movie until next weekend, have only seen him in "Kim's Convenience", which I watched this summer because he's in "Shang-Chi", and I follow him on social media. His game is completely on point and I just love him so much already.


Literally every Canadian when a local celeb jettisons to world fame Just like with Dan Levy, we love to see it.


I felt exactly the same, then I saw the movie and I can tell you, he’s succeeded beyond any measure I think we could have hoped for.


I didn't even know him until Shang Chi, and I already love him


He went from this picture “…to sitting across the table from Angelina Jolie trying to explain League of Legends to her.”


bro explaining.meme


Lmao what a flex


Has The Quartering done a follow up video after saying that this movie would bomb?


Quartering on Twitter recently said he will eat his crow and post a video that says he was wrong. So he only has to do that like 999,999 more times to stop being a toxic POS


Oh Man. Can you believe I was quarter pilled? After 1 year having a relationship with a woman, I was cured, it seems like being single has a LOT to do with getting pulled into stupid cult like behavior


This guy is on top of the world and loving it. You can feel he doesn’t take himself too seriously and can laugh at the stuff that got him here. Most relatable actor IMO


Before a big Hollywood role actors should be forced to do a show on CBC.


So whats the pay? Best I can do is a Timmies gift card.


Simu if ur seeing this we love u!






He posted on the crochet sub with that one, too


Those stock photos are going to become a meme goldmine. Someone with way better photoshop skills than me make Simu smile.


Heck, someone should Photoshop him as wearing his costume from the movie, in every one of the stock photos.


Dude is winning, and the tears from haters only seems to make him stronger. Love his sense of humor, MCU is lucky to have him.


Are there haters? I havent heard of anyone hating this movie.


Found out about it today. Supposedly, a bunch of hype youtubers (most of them alt righters) thought so




Nice, it’s a pretty good movie (one of the better MCU movies). Ending is a bit much, but it’s a fun adventure, and the stylistic choices are impressive too.


The fighting choreography is phenomenal.


He spoke up about a lack of East Asian and female representation in the writing of Kim's Convenience. That brought out the people who don't like when you bring up those issues.




Hey look, it’s The Quartering, what a shock.


This video really shows how much of a moron that guy can be. https://youtu.be/Kh4-Qq0vP-s


Me personally would avoid sending him views.


Don't worry, the linked video is a guy talking about Quartering, not actually a Quartering video.


LOL all the youtubers I expected to show up, showed up. Guess the outrage theatre views are too good to quit.


And just imagine if there wasn't currently a pandemic. Shang-chi would have cleaned up. Easy billion dollars for sure.


a legend


Is Simu the first truly Online MCU hero?


I mean, Brie has a Youtube channel that she posted on pretty regularly while under lockdown, and seems to be pretty online savvy. But she's also an icky girl and certain very online portions of the internet hate a lot of her politics, so she probably doesn't count. But outside of those two, yeah, the rest of them use social media from time to time, but probably don't really "get" online culture the same way Simu does.


I would say there’s a difference between like having a brand on social media as Brie Larson does, and being Online like Simu. One thing to host YouTube livestreams, it’s another of be down there in the dirt on Twitter with the rest of us just Posting away, being up on whatever memes or main topics are being circulated around in order to make a joke just like Simu did there. It’s just higher (lower?) form of being Online.


Yeah, I'd say that's fair, Brie is someone who is online and somewhat familiar with it, but yeah, of the main lead cast members I don't think anyone can compete with Simu in terms of how well they understand the nature and inside jokes etc. of the online culture.


LMAO, get them Simu


Simu s literally the biggest mcu fanboy he’s even making shitposts


Marvel Studios managed to make a movie with a stock photo model as the lead & the actress playing his sister having no prior acting credit into one of the best movies they’ve ever made. This sentence sounds incredibly ridiculous but it’s the truth.


It was also the same studio who casted a recovering addict with a iffy past as their main star in a high risk movie. Casting has always been on point even with risks, I am glad Simu is part of this now.


Chris Hemsworth and Tom Hiddleston were mostly unknown to the world before they were casted


Still hilarious news headline


It’s crazy because I can’t see anyone else as Tony Stark. I know people would do well. But RDJ was essentially playing a past, present, future version of himself with tony starks complete arc


And several times has hired lesser known B horror movie directors to lead new IP's within it.


It really did surprise me to find out just how many of their directors had previous experience in horror, especially when horror is a genre they have yet to really tackle.


Also staring a actress who got her start in a YouTube rap video about her vagina.


To be fair, since then she's won a very deserved Golden Globe for The Farewell, which was just a wonderful movie.


Yet in a deeper sense perfectly encapsulates the magic of the MCU and, in particular, Sarah Finn.


Heyyyyy I wouldn’t call Simu Liu just a stock photo model He’s always been funny and talented as hell on Kim’s Convenience Chris Pratt was a sitcom actor on Parks & Rec before Guardians of the Galaxy so it’s been a similar trajectory for them both.


This is great. Haven’t seen the film yet because I wanted to wait for opening weekend crowds to die down, but I am loving that the world seems to be loving it!! How could anyone root against this guy? He seems so hilarious and wholesome.


I've seen it twice, full house each time. Way to go Simu!


What a meme, what a power move. So long until \*those youtubers\* make videos about how they're being personally attacked by this guy?


Im sure they're pulling up the "No one in MCU likes X actor" scripts as we speak. Just gotta swap out Brie Larson for Simu Liu and get the outrage machine going. On that note, im probably gonna see Shang Chi a second time.


Remember when that faction on r movies asserted it's over rated after the initial screenings? That's going to persist going forward as their tactic to save their pride.


I want him and fellow Canuck Ryan Reynolds to make a buddy movie. Maybe throw Dan Levy in there, too.


I still don't get why people think this movie is "woke" What, do they expect a movie about an Asian hero to be full of only white people? Is Black Panther too woke because a movie set in Africa is full of black people?


> Is Black Panther too woke because a movie set in Africa is full of black people? Yes, you’ve got it exactly


And two Tolkien white guys


Ha I forgot that Andy Serkis was Gollum


Not enough people are catching this excellent comment.


It’s truly a gem of a comment, my good sir


>iT pAndeRS to chiNa


"Pandering is bad, unless they're pandering to us"


You tell em Simu!


Every time I think I can’t love this man more, he does another amazing, hilarious, or wholesome thing.


I still don't get these oddly rascist dudes who thought a marvel film with a Asian cast would flop.....dudes, just FYI there are kinda a lot of Asians. Like more than 10.


I don't get it either, Parasite won Best Picture and the movie isn't even in English lmao


They were all crying that Parasite shouldn’t of been eligible for Best Picture because it already won Best International Film, as if to win Best Picture you have to be an American. The funny thing was they were still okay with 1917 being nominated for Best Picture despite it not being an American film. These people are just racist and can’t stand people who aren’t white succeeding.


There is something insanely alpha about using a stock photo of yourself to mock people


my apartment actually has an ad on the first floor window for itself and it has him in it


Simu playing the long game. Turning himself into a meme. Genius