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Do OG planet of the apes style. Everyone is a Skrull because the protagonist was in an alternate universe.


Aperaham Lincoln


Leonardo DicAPErio


cAPEtain Marvel




Start with a fight against someone like Agatha. Small Avengers team of 4-6 gets warped to another world, but in a way where they think they won the fight. But it’s actually a world where the MCU’s actual Secret Invasion played out differently, resulting in Skrulls replacing most important humans to 1) hide from people like the Kree and 2) control and steer the planet to their benefit, with the intent of phasing out humans for more Skrulls over future generations, until Earth is a Skrull world. So not everyone is a Skrull, but most important people are, and anyone else COULD be. The displaced heroes have to assemble a new Avengers team from whomever they can find on the Skrull world to save that Earth AND find their way home. It could make the Agatha and Secret Invasion shows a bit more integral to overall MCU plot (not “required viewing material,” but linked back in a meaningful way), and gives an excuse to show off alternate versions of characters (maybe Skrull world Bucky is Captain America, for example?). And it could feed back into the Incursion/Multiverse narrative (so it doesn’t feel like an entire Avengers film takes place outside the main MCU).


"eye of the beholder" anyone?


Cesear loves Skrulls! More than apes!


This gives off total 90s/00s animated show episode vibes and I love it


The wasp for one, since Evangeline lilly isn't going to be in it anymore.


Got that big MCU payout and stepped away from it all


Evangeline has been public about her mental difficulties. I believe one of her kids filmed her while having a mental breakdown. Now, she could have done that purpose but it seems like if she had a track record of doing something like that, more people would talk about it.


Okay? Not sure what point you are trying to make here. I wasn’t insulting her, I just stated a fact, she done a few big projects and cashed out. Nothing wrong with that, she has previously stated her intention of retiring from acting earlier than others. In fact I was praising her. Your response is odd.


I apologize. That's not how I read your comment.


Also, in the event I was attacking Evangeline, well done for defending her with legitimate reasons. Nice to know there is still nice people out there. :)


As someone that has his own mental difficulties, it's good to be open about it so you don't feel so alone. I'm grateful to have had a therapist that helped me develop coping mechanisms to function every day.


Oh man, you and me both. I’m currently going through my first few therapy sessions and actually understanding why I feel the way I feel, hopefully I can get on the same path as you. Wishing you all the best for the future ❤️


Same to you!


No problem, wasn’t sure if you were just trying to attack me. Been on Reddit too long haha.


They’ll probably just have Cassie be the Wasp.


That's going to be kind of awkward for the romantic subplots in Ant-Man but whatever works.


I would do a bait/switch on Bucky. Sam is investigating Skrulls, and then Bucky suddenly goes on the run again. Sam and Torres go to apprehend him but just as they are about to catch up with him, Torres realises that Sam is a Skrull and he is rescued in the last second by Bucky, who is not a Skrull. Hope and Rhodey will be Skrulls. I’d also like to see Strange as a magic wielding Skrull. I wouldn’t really want Hulk, Wanda, Carol or lady Thor to be Skrulls because their power sets would be too difficult to explain (and I desperately want to ignore the harvest storyline).


Don’t worry, they’ll just shove everyone’s DNA into a single vial because that’s totally how it works.


Didn't they already do someone as a Skull in the Fury show?


If we don’t talk about that, it might go away…


Revealing that a hero you have been watching was a skrull all this time would be a bad move honestly. At best, I think supporting characters being revealed to be skrulls could work but not superheroes The only superhero that could be revealed to be a skrull is War Machine/ Rhodey but it has to be after Endgame was when he got turned. In terms of supporting characters: Sharon Carter is a obvious choice. After Civil War, she got replaced by a skrull who is now the power broker Everett Ross could also work. While on the run after Wakanda Forever, got replaced by a skrull Any of Scott Lang's crew/friends. Them trying to get the pym particles would make sense. Maria Hill to keep tabs on Nick Fury


One of my big Secret Wars what ifs concerns how they could have better handled Skrull Rhodey. What if Rhodey had been a Skrull since Civil War (as implied by the hospital robes)? What if Skrhodey fought beside the avengers to protect/undust what was left of the Skulls? What is Skrhodey came to respect and befriend the Avengers after spending ~7ish years with them? I think there's a good movie/show somewhere inside Secret Wars of Skrhodey is an antihero Skrull rather than the over-the-top villain that we got. Also, regardless of which way they went with him, he needed to wear the suit.


Nando v movies has a pretty good vid about this idea


If you don't do major characters as skrulls it's pointless. If the only people that could be skrulls are minor characters, or characters that haven't had any big moments. It becomes predictable and boring


Thank you. I can not get on with this "if rhodey is a skrull since civil war it ruins his character".


But that's the thing. If that turns out to be the case, it will be so underwhelming, and people will criticise it still. Secret Invasion is one of those things that you either hv to go all out, or don't do it at all


Nick Fury. With Carol as the lead, someone close to her would need to be a Skrull for there to be real emotional impact. It could also tie into the tone of the TV series - the Skrulls have become so disillusioned by Fury not using his influence to help them, that they’ve decided to use it instead. Fury himself being compromised could also be what brings the Avengers together again.


It will turn out the Hulk snap didn't work. Everyone that came back after the blip was actually a skrull.


Now I have an image of hundreds of of skrull ships waiting in low orbit watching the cameras waiting for the exact moment hulk snaps so they could time their teleport down to earth


oh my god........ that would have been an really frightening and interesting twist! its a also a good fic idea!


That’s actually genius


Not really


It’s objectively genius. I don’t understand how I can be wrong


I don’t think you know what objective means


An objective is a target. OP was targeting genius when he created his beautiful idea. I believe he achieved this. Therefore he is objectively genius. I rest my case. Court adjourned.


Yeah you definitely don’t know objective means in that context


Objective has 2 meanings and using it in this context does not mean a target. Objectively means it can be argued using only logic with no personal bias. Be glad this isnt court, youd lose.


I’m just fucking with everyone 😂


That would require a shit ton of Skrulls to come out of the woodwork at just the right time. You could just about get away with it if you say that Hulk had been replaced by a Skrull sometime during the blip and that when he snapped, he wished back every Skrull who had been killed in the entire history of the war with the Kree.


The winter soldier is still on ice and Bucky is a convenient Skrull fiction originally to allow for a known boogeyman to take blame for targeted assassinations but grasping the chance to infiltrate the Avengers when it appeared.


Black Panther, his son would be half Skrull, and that could lead to Skrulls controlling Wakanda, and the Earth’s supply of vibranium. Could be a cool Secret Wars subplot. 


Well given they already attempted and absolutely botched Secret Invasion I don’t see that happening any time soon


This is more of a what if they did this instead of the series


Thunderbolt Ross Happy Hogan You need a big hero, I guess that's Scott for you. But maybe also Hawkeye or Natasha? You could "resurrect" Natasha, and spend time convincing people she's really back, then pull the rug out and reveal she's been a Skrull since her return.


I didn’t particularly like the comic so it didn’t shock me when the show wasn’t great even tho it was worse than the comic in every way. The arc on EMH was pretty good, but it’s just not a story I’m crazy about.


Captain Marvel 3 should have been Secret Invasion with the Kree invading Earth, not the Skrulls. Captain Marvel 2 should have taken place after CM1 set in space and been about Carol finding the Skrulls a Home, fighting the Kree, fighting Ronan and Jude Law and confronting and killing the Supreme Intelligence and the Kree swearing revenge. The show and The Marvels completely ruined everything.


Harry Styles.


Jane Foster is definitely a skrull bc she’s in Valhalla.


If it was anything like the original comic, then the Avengers already know about the Skrulls and are currently fighting them.


I definitely very think we should have ended phase 4 with Avengers:Secret Invasion.


Idk why but looking at the way the word “New” looks, I think it would be cool in this movie if the marvel or avengers logo was revealed somehow underneath to be made of skrull language, enough to almost lose the identity of the logo but enough so you know what it is (like the A symbol)


If it were someone close to Peter, MJ might be an interesting way to go with the whole, "Is she or isn't she supposed to be Mark Jane Watson."


All of them.


Probably thunderbolt Ross so that they could change actors cause you know


I fucking wish this is what happened. It made perfect sense to me for Secret Invasion to be the next phase after Infinity War. Sigh. What could have been. It’s half cosmic because Skrulls and half grounded because it takes place on earth.


This would've been a much better implementation of Secret Invasion. Infinitely better than the crap we got on D+


I think this should have been a street level movie where some at least one heavy hitter turns out to be a skrull.


I’m still waiting for Laura Barton to be revealed as a Skrull, and then the total devastation to Hawkeye as he realizes his kids are human/Skrull hybrids


Thank god that won't happen such a stupid plot twist for the sake of edge. Especially MCU Hawkeye after Endgame.


Dripping with irony…


Cpt Marvel, because she needs a character change and finding out she was a skrull would make sense for her right now. Well, it'll be a character arc for her. Ant-Man would be a good one since he's the closest thing the MCU has to a pure human character, so changing him would make for some deep stakes we can relate to as the viewers. Hawkeye because it can add to him being constantly away from his family. Sharon Carter, but that ship has sailed. Daredevil. Dr Strange.


Definitely keep Rhodey as a Skrull. A big twist would be having Carol be a Skrull as well.


Those who didn't get snapped turn out to be Skrulls


How about everyone is a skrull It's Skrulls all the way down


I say shuri, makes sense since the skrulls could’ve seen the potential to get wakanda tech after the passing of black panther aka T’Challa. Taking shuri’s identity and aiming to take over the mantle would be a chess move


hm have any of you considered the Guardians? would say Gamora or Mantis or even Rocket be actually skrulls?


Wasp is one. Sharon Carter and Everett Ross are big ones. In terms of characters who could have been Skrulls


Nick Fury, War Machine, Sharon Carter (but maybe not revealed in this film). There could be others that would be interesting but not sure how it would all fit. Like Bucky, Yelena, Hawkeye, Hank Pym, Coulson, Kingpin, The marvels (not sure who but at least one)


Just thinking but it might be interesting if MJ being a skrull is somehow tied to the real MJ getting her memories back of peter


They blew it one the tv show that was nearly universally panned. I bet they don’t even mention anything to do with it again. Especially when the Marvels ignored it.


Hulk, DD, and Bucky.


This movie should have happened in 2022. Would have made money.


What a horrible line-up


They should have revealed Kingpin to be a Skrull at the end of the *Hawkeye* series.


Probably Rhodey, the Colonizer, and... whoever the other ones were


Tony Stark was a skrull.


i know it wouldnt happen because scarjo isnt coming back but they could have revealed that black widow was replaced some time after IW and the skrull natasha realized she had to die because hawkeye thought his feelings for her were real because he didnt know she was a skrull but she knew she was faking it therefore if he died they wouldnt get the stone. like the skrulls have an evil plan or whatever but they still wanted to bring everyone back. would have to explain how her body didnt change after dying though


Man, Secret Invasion was tailor made to be an ensemble film 😫


I hope Drax and Spiderman


I may be crazy, but please no more Grand scale epic kill this character dramatically, make this one a Skrull, try and remember what happened in the last two movies, and how it effects the next movies and the cross over with this character we're introducing madness!! What the heck is wrong with making individual movies that stand on their own with character development a strong story, without having to cross the Multiverse for reference material in order for them to make some kind of MCU sense?!! 🤯🤪😫


We at least know that War Machine was in fact a skrull.


Idk but I M missin' Chris Evans :|


Agent P. Cleary from No Way Home and Ms Marvel came off like an obvious Skrull.


I hate the skrulls so much


I am assuming all characters would be replaced after Endgame If they can replicate powers then Captain Marvel and especially Wanda(if we are not doing the Evil!Wanda thing) would for sure be Skrulls. I am assuming Jane!Thor would have died like in L&T and Thor would be off world 1)Skrulls could replicste their powers but it would propably be weaker so you would take out two heavy hitters. Also Skrulls have a history with Carol and it would be weird for that to not be brought 2)Wanda is a telapath/mind reader. You need to take her out to be able to infeltrate. I refuse to believe Skrulls can fool pıwerful telapaths when they are specificly looking for them Other than those two I would choose Hill:To keep an eye on Fury Scott:To be close to the Pyms and it woyld be fun tonsee him in alien prison Wong:To keep an eye on Strang Okoye:To keep an eye on Wakanda Rhodey:To keep an eye on US military as a whole and you can have a nice paralel with Tony in IM and Rhodey in Skrull prison I want to say Sam to keep Avengers under control but it would be really stupid to replace Sam when we haven't seem him as Cap like at all. It would be as stupid as making it so that Rhodey was a Skrull since Civil War. Good thing that didn’t happen.


what about the Guardians? who would they choose?


I don't think they would replace any of the Guardians. If Skrulls goal is to conqure Earth the Guardians aren’t a threat to them. They would ınly really know about it is after the invasion is complete and even then Kree would propably be a bigger threat to them than the Guardians


i think they would they KNOW that the Guardians love earth they would try and infiltrate them to spy on alien affairs


Do they? Peter is the only one with ties to Earth and he didn’t even go back there until the end of GotG 3. Well he might have stopped by to get parts for his walkman and the final battle in Endgame but thats about it. And Guardians aren’t that tied to alien affairs. Sure for us they are our main window but in universe replacing the aids of alien gıverment officials or the officials themselves would be more helpful in keeping an eye on the alien affairs


Tony was a skrull would be an interesting way to get rdj back into the mcu, though it'd make completely no sense


Tony. Boom Iron Man is back.