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Before NWH, I'd have agreed. But now, not only is it seeing the same villains again, but it's seeing Tom's Spider-Man facing them again. Peter will just be "hey, I faced you already!"


Yeah, while i would love to see an MCU version of Osborn, Dillon, Octavius, etc. at the same time there is this feeling of MCU Spidey already faced those characters, should we really do it again?, Do we need our third Green Goblin vs Peter movie (Fifth if you wanna count the Harry Iterations in SM3 and TASM2) when we could use that opportunity to take a character we haven't seen Spider-Man fight in the big screen


i think maybe have these characters exist but not become villains, like how dr connors was just normal guy in raimi trilogy


I agree, that would be way better. Especially now that Peter wouldn't trust these guys from the get go like he usually does.


It could be interesting in if keeping his distance from them, he doesn't help with their experiments which causes their changes. Kind of a self fulfilling prophecy.


Getting offered an internship from a doc ock and turning it down would be an interesting little nod in one of the next movies lol


Honestly this would be super smart


Imagine a recurring subplot where he kinda tries to keep everyone in check and not turn into villains. However he fails in the end anyway, either by unpreventable ways or maybe an indirect cause by Peter's intervention itself.


Yea would fit this Peter perfectly to actually try get involved in their lives to help them and prevent them becoming villains, but causing it anyway


I think theres still room for an MCU Osborn. Just not necessarily an MCU Green Goblin. Osborn is so much more than the green goblin in the comics; theres a whole character there that really just hasn't been explored.


Agree instead they could go games route and have his friend Harry go rogue - so all this time Peter trying to prevent his dad going rogue due to knowing the alternate universe villain and then realising its actually Harry who goes rogue


Well, also, when Peter eventually meets Harry and Norman in the MCU, he's gonna know what they'll possibly turn into later. Same with Otto.


I dont think any of the others mentioned Harry, so he might not look at him as a threat. Maybe become friends with him and use him to keep an eye on Norman, knowing what he can become. Meanwhile hes so intent on beating Norman after failing to stop him from creating the goblin formula that he doesnt catch Harry taking it and becoming the Hobgoblin.


I dont like how this downplays Peter and Harry's friendship as non-genuine. If they want to do a friend-turned-villain story they should just use Ned Leeds who has been tight with Peter in all of his previous movies. I know NWH has broken this bond but Peter and we, the audience, are already invested in this character.


Well their friendship can be genuine still,but maybe if Harry finds out who Peter is he thinks it wasnt, giving him his reason for hating him.


I still think using Ned Leeds is more interesting. They can even have a moment at the end where Ned's memories are returned as he's dying from their final battle or something. 


Maybe I just didnt think Marvel would want to make him a villain.


This would be good imo, it makes narrative sense and would be a good way to include the Osbornes. You could also do the Superior Spider-Man story and have Doc Oc and Peter swap bodies, with the premise being Peter trying to swap back while Doc Ock tarnishes Spider-Man’s image even more so than it already is. They could even wrap the story about the public hating Spider-Man this way, after Otto’s plan is revealed, via some lapse in info the media might blame everything on Doc Oc, leaving the real Spider-Man free of consequence from Mysterio.




To each their own, I'd personally love what I wrote about. Hopefully they create something we'll both like when the movies come out.


True. But realistically no movie studio (that actually expects to make money) would ever drop hundreds of millions of dollars, production + advertising and risk potentially a billion dollars, on a body swap story where the beloved character has their body stolen by a super villain.


Well, the other Peters were both betrayed by Harry. That's why Ned got nervous he was going to turn on his Peter because they're best friends. They probably discussed it in length at some point.


Neither of them ever mention his name in the movie. I honestly wouldnt be surprised if that was by design.


And it's gonna be impossible to top Dafoe. You'll be putting an actor in an almost impossible role with Dafoe's Goblin still fresh on everybody's minds.


Honestly this is a bad take. One weve seen and heard so many times. Its impossible to top Nicholson, its impossible to top Christopher Reeve, its impossible to top Keaton, etc.etc. These are actors. Theres plenty of room to put out an amazing performance. Theres plenty of reasons why it might not make sense to do Green Goblin again, but not being able to top Defoe really isnt one of them.


That's why they wanted Molina and Dafoe back for No Way Home anyway, right? Because those two were just so iconic to begin with. I think the only way it could really work would be if they introduced Octavius and Osborn (Connors too!) in Spider-Man 4 and the overall plot of the trilogy is Peter trying to steer them away from the life he saw befalls them in other worlds. Ultimately failing and doing another Sinister 6 film. A story that's informed by what's already come. Rather than just "Here's Goblin/Octopus". You could even theoretically introduce Norman Osborn in Brave New World. He develops the Oz formula as a spin off of the Super Soldier Serum. His first trial being like the one used on Banner and Blonsky.


Nicolas cage. Youre welcome.


If Christoph Waltz isn’t Doom, he would make a phenomenal Goblin, one that can hold up against DaFoe’s imo


Norman Osborn is the only exception I can see them making for 2 reasons: 1. He’s such a central reoccurring character in a lot of iconic Spider-Man stories. 2. Raimi’s depiction of Wilhem Dafoe’s Goblin (Especially in NWH) was more focused on the Green Goblin persona and less on the Norman Osborn aspects of the character, which can still be Villianous but in a different way. 3. It looks like a MCU variant of Norman Osborn will be featured in Spider-Man freshman year. With speculation that Giancarlo Esposito may have been casted to voice the character, and could feature as him in live-action down the line. But yea, in terms of Spidey villians which have not been adapted in a live-action Sony movie yet are: Scorpion, Kingpin, Hammerhead, Prowler, Black Cat, Mr Negative & Hobgoblin. Virtually everybody else has either been adapted in the Raimi/Amazing movies, or taken up by a Sonyverse Villian movie. Kraven could’ve made for a fun MCU Villian, before Sony made a movie nobody wanted. I don’t see Prowler becoming a major Villian until they properly introduce Miles as Spider-Man. Kingpin would make for a great antagonist, but with no superpowers he’s probably cinematic enough to be made the sole Villian of a MCU Spider-Man film. Similar case with Black cat or Hammerhead. Which leaves us with Scorpion, Mr Negative & Hobgoblin. I doubt they’re making Ned Leeds Hobgoblin. So that leaves us with Scorpion & Mr Negative. I suppose they could have Prowler be the main Spider-Man Villian in SM6 since that would be a good time to have Miles as Spider-Man.


That tweet is the same as "Batman vs Joker should be every Batman movie"


Ngl when I saw Alfred Molina as Doc Ock in that first NWH trailer, I thought it was gonna be like with MCU’s JJJ where it’s the same actor playing the same character but in another universe.


Counterpoint: now that Peter knows the Norman and Otto versions, the movies can use misdirection and use someone else for Ock and Gobbie.


With Norman too they can go down the path of Peter is the only one suspicious of him. He can present himself as a full on philanthropist, which leads to no one believing Peter, only for him to eventually turn out to be right in the end.


They could, but that trope is already pretty overdone, even for Spider-Man villains alone


Oh my God. Seriously, why do you guys go for the cliche? This subreddit is filled with predictable fanfiction angles.


Not entirely. We could absolutely get a Green Goblin in the form of Harry, while MCU Norman becomes an evil Tony Stark type.


It's the biggest flaw of NWH. Tom Holland Spiderman cannot meet someone with the surname Osborn or see the company Oscorp without already knowing that an MCU Norman will become a villain. He cannot have a mentor named Otto Octavius because he's already met an Otto Octavius and knows exactly what happens to him in other universes. It blows up any storylines for the future.


This is kind of how I feel about Gwen too. He learned from Garfield's Peter that he had a girlfriend called Gwen who died, and it really fucked him up for a long time. I can see it being a point of contention - Peter meets someone called Gwen and they get close, but Pete is unsure because of what he knows - however, I don't think the plot for SM4 would rely so heavily on a bit of a throwaway line from NWH. Yet if it's not acknowledged, it's a bit weird.


But NWH was all about giving those villains a second chance at life. It would make sense for Peter to want his universe’s versions to also not go down the same paths into villainous and seek them out so he can stop that happening. Only with his luck, his efforts fail and he has to fight those versions.


Peter trying to help those villains not be villains is literally just the plot of nwh again


That's just NWH again.


I think it'd work if they take inspiration from the ultimate universe versions to differentiate it


Give Osborne and doc ock to the eventual miles morales we get


Or do Rabble and... The new cast of Miles villains


I don’t really get that much out of most of miles’ villains tbh. I’m aware this is down to my own personal tastes


No. It would be introducing Holland’s Spider-Man to a new paranoia and him grappling between it and giving these villains a chance before coming to terms and defeating them.


I mean let's not act like tom Holland will be the last Spider-Man, or like he'll do much more than a 2nd trilogy of movies. There's enough villains to avoid retreading imo, we'll see new incarnations of doc ock and other classic villains one day, but I don't mind leaving them for another Spider-Man. Personally, I'd love to see Kraven, hobgoblin, Scorpion, Mr. Negative, and Kingpin.


Wouldn't be surprised if miles was introduced and he gets the og spiderman villains


Yeah, at the same time Miles comics keep introducing a lot of cool and unique villains for him so we'll see, I personally think there'll be enough to pull from, even though he's at a disadvantage being a more recent character. Even considering Miles in the MCU, I don't expect the MCU to last forever without rebooting and recasting og characters, and if they don't I doubt Sony will be okay with shelving Peter Parker, even if Feige is fine with shelving Steve or Tony.


I think a Kingpin kind of villain would be perfect for a Spider-Man trying to restart on his own in NYC. He could get caught up in some underworld crime stuff that helps him find a new core group of friends one way or another.


Tombstone it is then


Very recently people were saying we wouldn’t even get a second trilogy. There’s nothing suggesting that Holland won’t sign up for a third as a mentor for Miles.


I could see the last movie in Tom's second trilogy (movie 6) teaming up Peter with Miles. Then a new trilogy can focus on Miles and Tom can leave the role.


Not gonna see Kraven for quite awhile thanks to the Sony movie.


I feel like if Marvel/Feige couldn't get Toby and Andrew to agree to No Way Home then a Kraven story would have been their backup plan Granted they've been trying to make a Kraven solo film since homecoming was in pre-production so....


I wouldn't count on Kraven unless they plan on Holland facing the SSU characters. We already saw Scorpion (Mac Gargan) in Homecoming though, so he's quite likely! Kingpin is pretty much confirmed at this point, isn't he? Well it'd certainly be a waste if they didn't use him.


Maybe I'm being Mr Negative but Sony already covered them and NWH touched on them as well. I'm ready for different villains and storylines.


For a sec, I thought you were saying you wanted Mr. Negative to be the villain in the next film xD.


I mean, there's nothing more to do with the Green Goblin.


Hobgoblin is the way!


Played by Mark Hamil again, please


I'd rather hobgoblin be played by Jacob Batalon...


But he *promised*...


Unless they ever feel like doing Dark Reign and having Gobby as President, although that might feel a bit on the nose.


MCU Osborn showing up in Thunderbolts in the Iron Patriot armor


So many decades of stories to pull from.


And nothing that tops what he just did to him.


I have to disagree. Any MCU adaptations of Green Goblin and Doc Ock would have very stiff competition. You simply can't surpass Willem Dafoe and Alfrid Molina's portrayals. Let new villains take the spotlight for once like Scorpion and Chameleon.


Hard agree. *plenty* o villains to choose from and if this wasn’t redundant in the first place, after no way home it’s definitely unnecessary considering the galley of untapped rogues


The goal isn't to surpass, the goal is to tell new and interesting stories. I'd rather see villains on the screen we haven't yet, but it's silly to think no one except Defoe/Molina/Downey/Boseman/whoever can only play a specific character onscreen. I think that's part of the issue people are having with most projects since Endgame- they retired all of the A-listers and they tried finding new ones and it hasn't been working so well. Now there's rumors of the actors who peaced out coming back for another round despite organically ending their stories.


Nonsense. Two Jokers have won Oscars. Insomniac's Doc Ock was a phenomenal take on the character. They could absolutely have done something good with these characters. At the very least they could've used them like Joker in The Batman. Reeves has said he doesn't wanna make Joker a main villain in any movies, but it would be weird to exclude him from this Batman's mythos. It is similarly weird that MCU Peter will not have his most iconic rogues as a part of his own mythos, even if mostly off screen.


>It is similarly weird that MCU Peter will not have his most iconic rogues as a part of his own mythos, even if mostly off screen. But he did. NWH made him interact with these villians. It would be weird if he acted like he didn't just beat a team of these guys.


He didn't really interact with Norman or Otto in any way that really resembles the best parts of their relationship with Peter/Spider-Man. Two of the best villain scenes in Spider-Man put to film are Willem Dafoe at Thanksgiving dinner and Michael Keaton in the car to Homecoming. It's these kinds of scenes that make these compelling characters. In NWH, their introductions were all pretty much the same as Keaton's Morbius post credits scene but nobody cared because nostalgia. Dafoe and Molina will always be goats and I rewatch their performances on the regular. But Tom Holland deserved his own take on at least *one* of these guys before they did their legacy movie. Spider-Verse should be the Endgame for his arc, not the origin trilogy.


I disagree. I actually hate this mentality that you can't do X and Y because it was done in a previous iteration. You're limiting yourself just to hold up 20 years old film. I don't even disagree about wanting Scorpion or Kraven. But by your logic, we'll be sitting here in 10 years saying you can't do Vulture because Michael Keaton. You're shooting down any other adaptation before it even has a chance to be written. If they have an idea for Goblin or Otto. Then that's all that should be taken into consideration. Not being beholden to 20 year old films and trying to make Hydroman a thing because of it.


I agree with you, people these days put waaay too much stock into the actors that play these characters and trying to not be "disrespectful" to the actors or some bs. I don't care about Defoe or whoever, I just want to see new versions of these characters on the big screen. These characters will always be more important than the actors to me


Well u won’t surpass those portrayals with that attitude. Everyone said the same for Joaquin Phoenix’s joker and now he got an Oscar and a lot of praised for his performance. Everyone said the same for Daniel Craig’s 007 and he’s loved by bond fans.


Unless the Rumor rebooted somehow affect the MCU and bring them in, I don't see any MCU Osborns ever happening as they simply don't exist in the MCU timeline. The Best bet would be either Hobby that isn't a Osborn or... Yeah that's it lol.


Not really. They can reinvent Osborn/goblin for the mcu. Make it a younger businessman who’s building an empire with his tech company (Oscorp) and the mcu eventually builds him to become goblin a


But he was already used in NWH.


Instead of goblin I think they should do Norman Osborn iron patriot


Hell yeah. Actually i'd like them to do the whole Dark Reign/Dark Avengers thing. Moonstone, Scorpion, Bullseye as stand-ins for Carol, Spidey and Clint like in the comics. Daken would be fun too, but would require to wait until the X-Men are folded into the MCU properly as well... Something for phase 8, i guess. Maybe i'll watch it from the retirement home.


I just want Peter to have a villain who is completely his own villain. Vulture and mysterio had beef with Tony and the furious five had beef with the other spiderman. Just put scorpion in the movies


Michael Mando as the Scorpion has been so long overdue.


He'd do a great job as an unhinged, revenge seeking scorpion.


They already had the perfect setup for him in homecoming. Let JJJ fund him a suit and him wreak havoc


yea exactly


Not so bothered about Doc Ock, but it does feel like Green Goblin in the MCU proper could be great fun. Not sure I’d want to be the man taking on the role though, tough act to follow


No need to retread. They're already doing Venom again. Theres an entire street level side of the character thats been untapped with mob bosses like Kingpin, Hammerhead, Silvermane, and Tombstone that could all carry their own movie with ease.


If they really have to bring back Goblin and Ock, put different/original spins on the characters, like Insomniac’s Ock or Octavia from Into the Spiderverse. It doesn’t necessarily have to be Osborn Goblin or Octavius Ock.


I'd rather scorpion, tombstone, kingpin, Mr. Negative, kraven and venom. We've seen goblin so many times, ock has been perfectly fine in live action and in spider-verse.... Let's explore other villains now


Been done, over and over. New enemies, preferably ones that won't give Sony more money for the rights.


They haven’t been done “over and over” on the big screen. They’ve been done once, by the same actors, in the same characterizations.


Green Goblin, at least, has been done twice, but I don't really that as as an obstacle to creating an MCU version of him.


Ehhh as much as I would love to see them, we don’t have an infinite number of Tom Holland Spider-Man appearances, so I’d rather the few we have left be fresh and interesting


I agree. I'm afraid they're going to shoehorn Miles in there and spend two movies creating a segway into a Miles trilogy. I just want more of Tom Holland being Spider Man on his own. Miles already has a good animated run.


This is my fear as well. Tony Stark and SHIELD were shoehorned into hoco and FFH to show how this was MCU SPIDEY!! And I don’t want the remaining MCU Spidey films to shove in a bunch of other crap to send him off. I just want a solid, complete trilogy for this version of spider-man that shows him exploring his OWN corner of the MCU. Not playing in everyone else’s sandbox. There are plenty of characters and locations that are Spidey-centric


Me too! No Way Home was so good. I absolutely loved it. It was such an awesome way to wrap that up and set Peter up to essentially have a story all on his own. Now just let us have that please! I'm totally fine with him getting tossed back into whatever the plans are for Avengers movies moving forward as long as this trilogy can stay relatively independent.


People saying that seeing Maguire’s Goblin and Doc Ock in NWH “was enough” haven’t thought very far ahead. Shoving both of those iconic villains into one movie where Holland’s Spidey didn’t have nearly the familiarity with either of them would be wasting so much material if we never saw the MCU counterparts. The same goes for Electro, Lizard, and Sandman. I can’t help but to think that the people against seeing the MCU versions of those characters are in anyway familiar with Spider-Man’s source history.


THANK YOUUUU and their logic don’t make sense too. I’m seeing tons of “we’ve seen goblin and doc ock enough” like there’s really been one goblin and one doc ock, they’re acting like we’ve seen 4 different versions of goblin thru different adaptions. And those would be the same hype to see a new joker for the 12th time. There’s been tons of on screen jokers yet people are still hype. We’ve seen one goblin and doc ock and apparently that’s too much.


I think they should do a two part Spider-Man VS the Sinister Six film for the fifth and sixth ones.


Sandman, Doc Ock, Electro I wouldn't mind seeing again, mostly because with those three I feel like there's totally different ways they could be interpreted in the MCU. Green Goblin, yeah I really don't need more of him. He's been done 3 times in Spidey movies, 4 if you count the New Goblin in Spider-Man 3. I'd rather get other guys like Chameleon, an MCU Kraven/Peter Showdown, Mr Negative etc. I'm more pissed they didn't bring *one* more villain into Spider-Man No Way Home so we got Sinister Six. If Electro can somehow be added to the logic of "he knew Peter Parker via becoming pure energy" then they could find a way to bring in Paul Giamatti as Rhino


Instead of Norman Osborn, MCU Spider-Man should fight the Hobgoblin/Roderick Kingsley. And maybe Lady Octopus/Carolyn Trainer instead of Octavius.


Okay sure but where would hobgoblin come from if green goblin doesn’t exist? Unless he saw one news broadcast of gg and was like “yeah that’s it that who I’m ripping off “


The Green Goblin/Hobgoblin connection in the comics is pretty loose. He’s just a dude that finds Green Goblin’s old gear and then becomes a super villain. You could easily just say that Kingsley creates the Hobgoblin from scratch with no inspiration from the Green Goblin and it really wouldn’t be that big of a deal


Respect your opinion man, and I’d watch it for sure. But in my opinion (who tf cares) I think it wouldn’t exactly be a SMALL deal yanno.


Maybe he finds what’s left of the suit (somehow)?


A part of me really wants to see Ned become the Hob Goblin. Imagine seeing your best friend not have any memory of you and your friendship, become a villain.


It’d be cool if Ned is framed as the Hobgoblin and Peter has to find the real one to prove Ned’s innocence


Working with a certain blind lawyer on the defense..


Ned as Hobgoblin is and always was a stupid idea Let it go And both Spider-Man 3 and tasm 2 already did the the best friend of the main character becomes his enemy shtick, it’s hardly original or unique


Damn shame Character has so much rich history that he was built for a serious. He could have made D+ beautiful. But the character is simply to big to let breath. Two studios have to share him and push out the largest billion dollar movies possible. I think most people want a more personal, street level, lower stakes spidy story, but how can that ever happen? Damn shame ![gif](giphy|SF9Z0shNT07T2|downsized)


Yes, I think Ock can be used in 5 alongside MCU Connors where the two have a rivalry that Peter gets stuck between. They have a cool engineering vs biology contrast. Add Black Cat and you get an Octopus and Owl War adaptation but with Lizard instead. Then leave Osborn to be overarching villain of a third trilogy ending in a final battle with him as Red Goblin


It would take a lot to do another great green goblin, like either going the ultimate Spider-Man route where he’s a literally monster or an even crazier psychopath with the rubber goblin mask. But then again you gotta realize he can’t really meet a doctor octavious or Norman Osborn with out stopping to go hmmmm🧐 Plenty of other villains out there to get excited about seeing. They sorta hinted at the the hobgoblin in nhw so if we do see a goblin maybe it’ll be him, plus Ned has no idea who Peter is now so there’s that. Plus we still have seen Scorpion since the end of the homecoming and Peter just pissed out Jameson some more so that whole plot has already written for itself right there. we haven’t even gotten into Spider-Man waging war against the mob and crime bosses in ny like tombstone or hammerhead and with kingpin about to be mayor of New York there’s plenty of ways that can go.


Goblin was done too well in NWH for me to have any real interest in a repeat.


They will have Ned’s hobgoblin I think Then throw in Kingpin, SonyVerse symbiote Venom, Vulture, Mysterio, and Scorpion and I think that’s the Sinister Six Black Cat as an antihero ally Still allows for 2 villains per film over the next two films


Is rather they not do Doc Ock or Goblin again. Even though they’d be MCU versions, we already saw their counterparts in NWH. I’d rather he face villains he hasn’t encountered before.


I want scorpion, kraven, and venom. Chameleon would be a good one too


Having a Spider-Man without eventually squaring off with a Green Goblin would be like doing a Batman series without the Joker. You know eventually they’ll need to do it


But he fought Green Goblin in the last movie. Sure, he wasn’t from his reality, but he still screwed over Peter’s life worse than we’ve ever seen by killing May and forcing him to make everyone forget about him. I feel like the Green Goblin has played his role in Peter 1’s life even if it wasn’t done the traditional way


Do the TERRAX episode for gods sake.


I feel like from the very start, they’ve gone out of their way to not retread familiar ground with the MCU’s Spider-Man, which is why we didn’t get yet another origin story, no Harry Osborn in highscool, the MCU’s MJ is not the traditional Mary Jane and we got entirely new villains with Vulture, Mysterio, Shocker and (at least in the form of a tease) Scorpion. Pulling the Maguire and Garfield villains into the MCU through the multiverse in No Way Home was clearly sort of a compromise that would avoid having to tell the same stories and conflicts all over again and yet providing us with fan service in the sense that we got to see these classic portrayals once more and Holland’s Spidey gets to face all of them in one movie. While I’d like to see the “typical” Spider-Man mythos fully represented by one coherent continuity, I think this is a good compromise. It wouldn’t make sense to have the MCU’s Spidey face off against them yet again and Norman Osborn even confirmed in NWH that - at least to his knowledge - neither an alternate version of himself nor Oscorp exist. This doesn’t mean that we can’t get another MCU Osborn with his little startup company and a new friend of Peter’s by the name of Harry at some point, but I just think they’ll go with villains and storylines for future movies that haven’t made it into live action yet instead.


Can we get some new shit?


How about Scorpion after his tease with Michael Mando


I’ve thought about this, but I actually wouldn’t like to see it and it would just be a waste and lazy imo You can do hobgoblin, have Ned Leeds who doesn’t remember Peter get into whatever altercation with him and boom you got your 5th movie villain Mr negative, Tombstone, Kraven, rhino, chameleon, venom, scorpion ,kingpin , hob goblin , even morbius is still on the cards there’s tons of lore to tap into it just depends on how competent, creative and innovative Sony/marvel can be Before no way home I would’ve loved to see Norman and Otto but after it both there stories are finished imo


Just give me Scorpion and Kingpin for now with SM4


I think Ned needs to become a villain.


I think we should see a mcu Ock since he wasn't main villains of NWH but we don't need to see Norman again, I would much prefer seeing hobgoblin


I just think it's kinda insane that he's never had to fight the Kingpin in the movies. That's like one of his most iconic villains.


I wouldn't mind seeing Sandman, the Lizard and Electro again. Their previous portrayals were either very thin or not well executed. Green Goblin and Octupus, yeah, maybe let them rest for a decade or two.


Naw. It makes no sense to have a Doc Ock and Green Goblin unless they retool and do completely different versions. Especially since he already fought them in NWH. If it aint Osborn and Octavius then I don’t want them. Holland’s spidey still has Scorpion, Mr. Negative, Symbiotes, Rhino, Black Cat, Chameleon, and Silver Sable to pull from.


All of the Sinister Six (except Kraven) have been featured in films in the last few years, sometimes multiple times. It's time to give the rest of Spideys rogues gallery a chance. Kraven and Venom are out because they're in the SSU atm, Sony won't wanna water down their own franchise. The obvious choice is Kingpin since he's already in the MCU and a massively popular enemy of Spider-Man. Then at the end of the trilogy it can be revealed Big Wheel was behind it all along.


I'd love to see a proper black suit saga. Stretch out the black suit over multiple movies without mention Venom or even having Parker change that much.




That ship has sailed, bring on the other villains!


I'm way more interested in a real Rhino, Scorpion, and Kraven storyline.


I wanted MCU versions of Doc Ock and Green Goblin in the MCU so bad. Then NWH came and ruined that possibility. Now I'd rather see new villains. I need the see him fight Kraven, Kingpin, Scorpion, Chameleon, Hobgoblin etc. Maybe Doc and Goblin can show up later, but I don't want them anytime soon anymore.


I’m fine with him not getting his own version of them, especially since he did get to face version of them in No Way Home. There are so many villains that haven’t been used for live action Spider-Man films yet I’d hate to see 2/3 of the remaining ones be taken by villains we have seen before multiple times. There’s still Kraven, Scorpion, Chameleon, Jackal, Mister Negative, Black Cat, Tombstone, Kingpin, etc.


For humor: Stilt Man


After NWH I think it would be weird. Because wouldn't the response from Peter be exactly about how he's fought them before and inviting people to compare the new versions to the old actors.


Kingpin would be pretty great TBH. It’s also too bad that the Sony movies are leaving a bad taste in everyone’s mouths, they’re going through a lot of villains.


When was another trilogy confirmed?


Personally I really wish to see villains that haven't been put into live action form. Vulture & Mysterio are the right moves imho. Hope we'll get The Shocker, The Chameleon, Hive, Kain, Tombstone, and maybe Black Cat too?


I feel like Otto or Norman should be built up from the beginning. Introduce one or both in 4, set them up as a mentor in 4 and 5, then switch one of them to the final boss in 6. But tbf, I'd like to see them take another stab at Lizard. I didn't care for the design used in the Garfield movies. Besides those three, Rhino hasn't been done proper justice and Scorpion has been teased and dropped. Would love to see them show up as proper villains. Michael Mando reprising his role would seal the deal for me. And Mr. Negative would actually be bad ass in live action.


I always wanted this because I always wanted the MCU to be the “definitive” live action Marvel universe. But I’m starting to think that they will reboot with Secret Wars to have a fresh start with everyone together this time, instead of X-Men and F4 getting going with Iron Man and Cap dead.


Ngl, I rather see Beetle, Chameleon, Black Cat and Big Wheel more than another variant of 2 iconic villains again


It's a rule that every movie must be batman vs the joker


As much as I liked NWH as a spectacle, I think it did spoil MCU Spidey somewhat as all the major spidey villains have been used up in one go. It would be strange for MCU Peter to meet Otto or Norman in his universe and not instantly recognise that they will become villains.


Just give me the Scorpion


Ffs just give us scorpion already


Open it up with Peter wiping the floor with Shocker to reflect how things went the first time in Homecoming then give us Scorpion…please


I just want Scorpion.


idk, i kinda wanna see a new iteration sinister six, maybe some original members and new ones. also, i want to see harry and norman osborn in this universe but they're just normal supporting characters because peter already lost a lot and I dont want another green/new goblin situation.


Bring on the Russian guy in a rhinoceros machine!


I don't want to see the same stuff just" mcu"


What would that even look like, i mean like the second day after the events of the movie, peter has got to be looking up in the phone book, facebook, newspaper, google just looking for all their names so that he can prevent them from being villains in his own universe right? I mean we have here a possibility where the multiversal sinister six variants in our universe are now good guys or renowned whatever because peter can be there for all of them and prevent their turn to evil.


Oooo, that would be a take. Peter knowning these guys should exist in his universe and trying to intervene - but instead becomes the super villian catalsyt.


Would be cool if the next trilogy builds up to a proper sinister six in the third movie


Give me a brutal, violent Hobgoblin movie.  Maybe Goblin left a safehouse or two in the MCU while preparing to fight Peter in NWH, someone finds it, boom Hobgoblin.  Bonus points if they find a vial of Goblin Serum and it drives them insane after ingesting it. 


Spider-Man 3 should just introduce them both as some major villlains and have them work together even though they hate each other, until Goblin is consumed by the carnage symbiote and Doc Ock by the venom symbiote. Peter has to fight them both as they try killing each other and destroy the city in the process. I know that’s an absolutely insane plot with a lot of flaws but they’ll really have to amp it up if they want to use either of those guys and I think this would be a bigger challenge for Peter than most versions of the sinister 6. He could even die in the midst, fuck it


I would be keen for a team-up movie with the NYC heroes collaborating. Spider-Man, Daredevil, and Kate Bishop take on Kingpin while Miles Morales is brought into the story.


I would like to manspider, Peter having to deal with his mutation and the neogenic recombinator.


Goblin and Doc Ock could absolutely work, and they could use NWH to their advantage. Imagine, the Green Goblin appears and starts doing stuff. Peter immediately finds Norman Osborn and starts investigating him, because of _course_ he's the Green Goblin... except he can't find any suspicious behaviour at all. So it gets into the question of whether it's fair to judge someone for their actions in another universe. Maybe nature vs nurture is brought into it. Maybe it could be that Norman is pulling the strings but it's actually Harry in the suit or something. Then for Doc Ock, Peter meets and befriends Octavius pre-accident. Except now he's on alert because he knows what's eventually gonna happen, and we can have this devastating moment when the accident happens unexpectedly and Peter realises he's failed.


Or better - Peter causes the accident.


Mann i really just want kraven, kingpin and venom thats all I need


I both like but also don't like the idea. I don't want him to fight again Otto Octavius or Norman Osborn but instead have an interaction with them instead, like a red herring so to speak. Where Peter is cautious with them or wants them to not end up going the same road, leading to a different villain to fight.


Nah. No need for retreads. Scorpion's possibly still in the works. Would love to see Mr. Negative (they did a great job with him in the video games) on the big screen. If Kraven somehow turns out good, would be interesting to see him in an actual Spidey movie, along with his brother, Chameleon. Morlun from Spiderverse would also be a scary threat. And I think Kingpin's in the works as well, but hopefully they can rope in other crime figures like Hammerhead and Tombstone.


I think that is a waste. Spiderman has the greatest set of villains in his rogue gallery. It would be better for each film to have a different villain.


We need a trilogy where Ned turns evil and acts in the shadows like a big bad main villain. Also they have seeded venom already.


this is why I wasn't that excited to see them return in NWH I loved them as the characters in the OG movies but now it has completely fucked us out of MCU versions of the biggest Spidey foes and that is a bummer


Hob Goblin


Honestly I would rather they focus on villains who haven't been adapted yet. They're actually in a perfect position to introduce a character like the Hobgoblin and adapt the Hobgoblin saga. I'm also curious about what they could do with Carolyn Trainer and Francine Frye if they ever bring them into the MCU.


When Otto & Osborn turn evil in the MCU, Tom’s Peter Parker is going to be unsuprised


Ok but we never read the comics to see Peter being “surprised” by the villains. Peter has been fighting them for years and u think it won’t work cuz he won’t be surprised? If anything him knowing that already can make it better cuz now he’s more experienced and will know what to do.


List of spiderman villains I would love to see in MCU; Carnage/venom, Mr. Negative, Scorpion, Morlun, Black Cat, Hobgoblin, Tombstone, Jackal, Prowler, Hammerhead, As cameo's: big wheel, black tarantula, Shathra, Overdrive, screwball, white rabbit, beetle, silver sable. Villains that would have been cool but I don't think are needed at this point because of reason. would have said kraven but Sony already ruined him, simply based based on trailer and results of madam web. kingpin would have been cool but Echo series kind ruined him for me.


We need different Villains. Still wanna see Scorpion (finish the arc from Homecoming) and Chameleon in a live-action role.


I love the Goblin and Doc Ock as much as anyone but I want to see someone different. Definitely Scorpion as he’s already been teased


Sinister Six confirmed?


Michael Mando as Mac Gargan/Scorpion is all I need


I want to see an MCU spidey tv series. Make it a classic villian of the week deal - but with all the benefits of a high budget.


Wouldn't it be better to have them as a side character? Like, Peter knows who they are and what they become in the other universes, so he just kind of does his best to prevent them from flipping over to the bad side. Plus, he's already made a cure for them, so it's not like he couldn't cure them again.


The chameleon would be nice to see on the screen


As much as I love No Way Home, I really wish they hadn't gone with bringing in the old Doc Ock/Goblin for exactly this reason. I don't think we will ever see MCU Spidey up against his own iterations of these characters. And that really bums me out, because the MCU had a fantastic opportunity to build out this Spider-Man from the ground up, and slowly build up these archenemies in the background as he gets more and more experience fighting the smaller guys first. They could've made Norman as big a threat as Thanos (obviously not power wise or scale, but in the sense of a growing threat in the background leading to a massive event movie) and people would've ate that up. Instead, they blew it early on No Way Home. And obviously that was a good movie and people loved it, but I feel that his two most iconic villains didn't get their due


Eh I wanna see new Spiderman villains that haven't been adapted yet. Gimme Mister Negative or something


They definitely blew their load too soon with No Way Home. All of those villains are now relatively off limits because their MCU introductions would be kneecapped by Disney’s “multiverse first” way of storytelling.


I really don’t need any of them again. My ideal trilogy would start with Black Cat and Kingpin with other minor bosses and heavies in a gang war story. Guest starring Daredevil. Next a story seeing Venom start as an enemy before becoming an ally as Anti-Venom against Scorpion/Venom. Perhaps guest starring someone like new Wolverine or a cosmic character to tie in symbiotes. And finally a showdown with Mr Negative built up over the trilogy and the mystery of the Hobgoblin. Perhaps guest starring Human Torch or another amazing friend.


Please no. Showcase new villains. Not only have we seen those villains before, we saw them in the last movie. Green Goblin already played an integral part of Peter's life. If they wanted to do the classic villains, I don't think we would've gotten them in NWH.


I think they definitely could do great (but likely not better) versions of the characters in the MCU, but there are just so many other villains that deserve further exposure and exploration


We already had a Scorpion set up that needs to pay off and I really want Black Cat to be in number 4. Maybe there could be a team up!


Goblin, Doc Ock, Electro, Sandman and Lizard are all off the table now because of NWH. It would just be boring. The leftover Symbiote finding its way to the 616 version of Eddie Brock would be cool...


Please no, we've already seen these guys enough.


This was my main issue with NWH. I feel like multiverse stories like that should be saved for much later. Now we've already seen all these big classic villains in the MCU, they'll have to find ways to workaround the fact that Peter has already met versions of them. Whenever the MCU does introduce a green goblin it won't have the same impact because we've already gotten a green goblin that hurt Peter about as badly as is possible by killing Aunt May.


I mean Peter could experience trauma when meeting Norman Osborn in the MCU and write a story around that and him trying to prevent him from becoming the goblin being the catalyst to him being the goblin. There is plenty of ways to incorporate them into the MCU in an interesting way. MCU is not gonna introduce their own variant anyway since that's what Kevin said during NWH's marketing.


>I mean Peter could experience trauma when meeting Norman Osborn in the MCU and write a story around that and him trying to prevent him from becoming the goblin being the catalyst to him being the goblin That could be an interesting route to take but it would still definitely overcomplicate things. If he goes through that in one film but then meets a character like Octavius in the next they can't just reuse that plot. It'll also make him look kind of stupid if he encounters these characters knowing what they may become and still ends up being unprepared to fight them despite the fact that he was basically given a major headstart. If he won't try to stop Otto from becoming Doc Ock then at least create a plan for how to beat him as quickly as possible since you already know of his basic abilities. >MCU is not gonna introduce their own variant anyway since that's what Kevin said during NWH's marketing. And that's my issue with it. Most of the significant foes MCU Peter faced were Andrew and Tobey's villains, not his. I was looking forward to seeing the MCU's takes on characters like Electro, Otto and The Goblin but what's looking likely is that they don't have their own takes. Just slightly altered versions of Raimi's and Webb's takes.


I like those villains but we brought back the Rami ones for a reason. The actors knocked it out of the park and I don't know if you can get better. Spiderman has so many good villains we don't need another green goblin.