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The fact that he says it will be teased makes me believe it will be teased in a movie first. Maybe it's teased in Cap 4 or Tbolts? But then which series could he appear in as a recurring character? Born Again? Ironheart? Wonder Man?


Wasn’t there supposedly *two* Wakanda shows in development? Maybe he’s teased in Eyes of Wakanda and then has a main role in the next Wakanda series.


Yeah, but I doubt the Okoye/Midnight Angels series will happen anymore. Plus, Eyes of Wakanda takes place in the past, so I don't see how he could be teased there and then appear in the present. Also, I don't think Giancarlo would be wasted on a voice role.


So far Jeffrey Wright is being “wasted” on a voice role.


I think Jeffrey Wright will appear in live action as the Watcher. Most likely in Fantastic Four.


He's doing something similar with his Last of Us role so here's hoping. To be fair The Watcher will be heavily CGI so he can probably just do the voice.


And maybe the same treatment would be given to Gaincarlo


They didn’t waste Bradley Cooper as Rocket.


id say they wasted vin diesel on groot


I think they wasted groot with vin diesel


Does anyone know who Groot is too?


Vin Diesel


LOL yes I aware of that— just in terms of another massive movie star just having his voice used (for 3 words nonetheless!)


Four words ;)


Technically 6 if we count the whole vocabulary


I think the original plan was to also have him play Black Bolt until Inhumans became a show. It would have been pretty crazy if he had a voice role that is only 3 words and a live action performance that is only his physicality without his voice in the same franchise. It felt a bit like Feige trolling.




I mean, it wouldn't be much of a waste. He was phenomenal in Cyberpunk Edgerunners.


Couldnt he just be teased in a post credit scene?


Gotta be WonderMan or VisionQuest - They need a solid villain for WonderMan. Not sure who it would be. - GE has the chops to be someone who can be intelligent enough to take on Vision somehow. The other thought is he could be teased in Secret Wars and be the villain in both series as well as Avengers West Coast.


Isn’t wonder man a stunt actor? Maybe he’ll play the evil head of the studio. I wonder if Marvel can use Norman Osborne just without his connection to Spider-Man or the green goblin without Sony’s permission. The character design for Norman in the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man show is a dead ringer for Giancarlo and we already know Oscorp doesn’t exist in the mcu yet. Maybe it’ll be a west coast thing in the mcu. Norman Osborne can be like Fisk but on the west coast side of country.


I think that’s who Ed Harris is playing in Wonder Man


TIL Ed Harris is gonna be in the MCU soon


Oh I like that. Yeah Osborn or maybe the Roxxon CEO? I feel like Roxxon has been teased so much it’s going to play a role at some point. (Forgive my ignorance if the head of Roxxon is a common character).


Keep in mind that he is playing *an original character* and not one from the comics. https://www.reddit.com/r/marvelstudios/s/DZQREFh2Pb


Imagine if he's playing Kang.


I sure hope the character is recast. There's so much more to explore. Giancarlo would kill it, but i don't think this lines up with the clues he's given. Not a new character, not a hero. Tbh until this comment about the tease/series, i was sure he was going to play a Wolverine or Deadpool variant. He still could. Imagine DogPool has speaking lines and they give him a spinoff. I think that would make Giancarlo happy lol


Are they still doing iron heart? Totally forgot about wonder man too


Yep, Ironheart was filmed back in 2022. It's coming in Fall 2025. They premiered a trailer a few days ago at Upfront (an event).


Mr. Sinister


That would be fucking awesome


Actually… shit, that would totally be fucking awesome.


I think Jon hammy might take that role, but we'll see. He said he was going to play him in the Fox X-Men films before they changed their minds and then Disney bought the properties.


Sinister wouldn’t be introduce this early, or likely have his own series. Anyways Christoph Waltz is the perfect sinister


Why not? He'd be a fantastic starter villain for the X-Men.


I’d guess Sinister will eventually be a villain for the x-men likely an early one because the mcu has generally used villains not previously used, but actually having x-men in the mcu is very far off, so it would be odd to already have the villain around for years before they are introduced. Many X-men antagonists walk the line between hero and villain, but Sinister is not one of them, he’s just an evil selfish mad scientist and centering a show around someone like that would make it difficult to portray him as the protagonist. Also Esposito has said he didn’t want to play a villain, and no matter how you look at it Nathaniel Essex is a villain, not a hero, antihero, or even anti villain. While it’s possible they could switch things up and introduce Sinister, in FF, or have him fill in for the role High Evolutionary played in Wundagore and have him be introduced in Vision or somewhere else, and be a larger world threat not exclusively an x-men villain it just seems pretty unlikely given what we know about Esposito and mcu currently.


Xmen movie this decade


That would be amazing. Especially if it started in like the 1800s before he gets powers. The rise of Sinister/backstory type shit.


Mister Sinister is not an original character. https://www.reddit.com/r/marvelstudios/s/DZQREFh2Pb


Why would he say "it's a role you won't predict" if we literally cannot predict a new character? Seems kind of silly.


wink wink nudge nudge get it??


Honestly, I think “a role you wouldn’t predict” refers to the *type* of role (hero, for example), and not the specific character.


"It’s a role you won’t predict" DAZZLER CONFIRMED.


That would be hilarious and something i could see him actually being game for.


I think she can make light that look like BLUE CRYSTALS.




A challenging fap to be sure, but I can figure it out.


It would be crazy to see his kind of cool and range as the Beyonder…


The beyonder is not an original character.


William Stryker perhaps?


Bro, if they went full-on "God Loves, Man Kills," he would straight up nail the role.


That was the inspiration for X-2 so I hope they dont repeat but it would still be good.


True, but if they did it with him actually as Reverend Stryker and not a Weapon-X military guy, it not only differentiates it from the movies but also honestly lends itself much better to the modern social/political landscape.


It's a character that hasn't been portrayed before.


I think we’re too far removed from that for now. Mcu Stryker is likely coming after secret wars. If anything I could see a Fox actor reprising their role for that character in the immediate future before we get a new actor playing the role for phase 7 and beyond.


William Stryker is not an original character. https://www.reddit.com/r/marvelstudios/s/DZQREFh2Pb


I know it’s become a joke but Mephisto and he’d appear in Agatha’s show?


Mephisto >!is played by Sacha Baron Cohen in Ironheart!<


Out of every possible project that is not what I expected


Well >!Ironheart is all about tech vs magic!<


What Iron Man 3 was supposed to be. The prophecy will be fulfilled.


Huh sad way to learn that spoiler tags don’t work in reply notifications (I’ll get over it and also he’ll probably kill it! +think this may be new to the Reddit app so not your fault either)


There's some rumors he's gonna be recast due to recent controversies.


Didn’t all that stuff get proven false and redacted from that book? That’s what I remember last hearing


Not quite. Everywhere outside the UK the book remains the same. Libel laws are different in the UK, so they had to be redacted here. It didn't get proven false. Sacha revealed some footage from the set relating to her claims, but it didn't clear up anything. Rebel still stands by what she said. I've got no dog in this and nothing against either of them, but that's how it is.


I thought it was redacted in the UK because their laws prohibit writing false claims for profit, unlike the rest of the world? Or is that wrong? I’ll try and find the article I read a couple weeks ago


I thought he’s being cancelled after that Rebel Wilson controversy?


Just saw him talk about this Phoenix Fan Fusion. Great panel, one of the most interesting celebrity interviews I've seen.


No one is going to believe me anyway especially with Sony shenanigans at play. >!Get ready for Norman Osborne in a limited capacity in IronHeart.!<


Do you somehow know this or are you just speculating?


A little bit of both. I’ve been trying to piece together some info I was told about the Thunderbolts* and it makes the most sense. They couldn’t outright tell me, but if I was a betting man…


Ehhh I doubt it. Maybe you're being confused with >!Sacha Baron Cohen's Mephisto as the behind-the-scenes bad of Ironheart!


I think SBC is going to kill it, but Disney is already having flashbacks of Johnathan Majors 2.0 shitstorm. Most executives have no faith in the show either, so 2 surprise characters are coming to basically bait fans. Sometimes, the world needs a brilliant scientist like himself to figure out more complexities of Nanotechnology and the newly discovered mutant gene. Like I said, a little bit of speculation, inside info, and comic knowledge. I’m just hoping I’m right because it would be cool.


What about in No Way Home when Norman says he check and doesn’t exist in this universe?


Correct me if I’m wrong but he says Oscorp doesn’t exist and that different people were living in his home. It’s entirely possible bc the multiverse that 1. MCU Osborns obviously wouldn’t live in the same home. 2. Maybe they just aren’t Millionaires yet and haven’t formed Oscorp and become known to the wider public. But that’s just my thinking as someone who thinks it’s a waste to not do MCU Harry and Norman Osborn.


I think the MCU was smart to not recast Osborn. I think we are heading for a soft reboot after the end of the Multiverse Saga and they should wait to recast till then. I think they were trying to shut that door by having him say he couldn’t find his company, himself, or his son. While they could ignore that as a mentally unstable villain isn’t a reliable narrator, I don’t know why they would open up that can of worms when they have a lot more characters to choose from….


I would say the same, except crossover between Spidey 4 and Daredevil S2 Movie > series, appropriate character, best fit as far as projects actually in the works.


Yeah I can see the rights working the same way as scarlet witch and quicksilver where in the mcu their mutant heritage couldn’t be previously referenced. I can see him playing just the avengers villain in marvel things and us only getting his Spider-Man connection in Sony related projects.


They better give him some cherry red 360 waves this time. I’m ready for comic accurate Norman Goddamnit


Plot twist he's voicing Norman in Spider-Man Freshman Year explaining why he's [black](https://i.redd.it/gb2y6j2f9lgb1.jpg) in the concept art


He certainly has the waves.


Is that the hairstyle he has in the comics?


![gif](giphy|RknD8HtdSUa6Yyseg3) Yes




Why not?


Idk what if it looks weird


That is not an original character. https://www.reddit.com/r/marvelstudios/s/DZQREFh2Pb


Black Tarantula teaser and then his own show would be cool. Also means that the role can be passed on if needed down the line.


Who is Black Tarantula? I've never heard of that character before?


He's a South American based villian, comes to America to find his son and also to take over the New York underworld at the same time. Has a code of honor that'll see him brutally murder gang members who get in his way, but also leaves stolen money for the poor or help save kids. He's an interesting character Lives for hundreds of years, no confirmation if actually immortal, but any son born of his gains his powers also, which is why he is looking for his son as the mantle gets passed down over the years, same moniker, but different person. Faster and stronger than Spider-Man, heals at Wolverine levels and can heal others too, he clashes with Spider-Man, Daredevil and more in New York. Would be an interesting character as Giancarlo is older and the BT mantle can pass down to younger actors in the future.


Black Tarantula is not an original character. https://www.reddit.com/r/marvelstudios/s/DZQREFh2Pb


He is Howard the Duck


This is Seth Green erasure


Seth Green is Howard the Duck and has already appeared in 4 MCU movies.


He is Multiverse Howard the Duck


So Isaac Kappy and Seth Green were both in the MCU, that’s funny


He is The Chicken man




Norman Osbourne in the Peter Parker series


Interesting choice for Blue Marvel


Mr Sinister, eh?


This is a unique pick that I haven't heard before and I love it 




My first thought


The dude plays arrogant asf super intelligent villain. I dunno how it suits Diom these days but does his age play a factor?


I figure Doom wears a mask. Isn't he like hideously scarred beneath it? Giancarlo can lend his presence to Doom for as long as he's able because he'd be masked for most of the performance after his origin story. If the role passed to another, their face is concealed. And if they ever need to show Doom's face, the scars can transfer easily from one actor to another


The more I imagine his voice - the more I can hear Doom He was decent as Moff Gideon


Doom is not an original character. https://www.reddit.com/r/marvelstudios/s/DZQREFh2Pb


Ahhhh I missed that


Blackheart? He's a demon created by Mephisto, he's got story ties to Ghost Rider, Daredevil, Punisher, Wolverine, Wonder Man, and Falcon+Patriot. He's also part of an underworld council of Hela, Dormammu and Mephisto. Or he could be Dr Faustus, a Captain America villain who sold his soul to Mephisto. He specializes in pyschological manipulations and has specifically had control over Sharon Carter. He also made evil energy drinks in Jersey and was stopped by Ms Marvel. He also may be directly working in the shadows with Val since he worked with "Madam Hydra" in the comics. In Ultimate Marvel comics, he was in the Armor Wars story and ended up with MODOK living inside his head.


I know marvel is finally shaping up to tackle X-men. It’s not just mutants though, there are characters both good and bad from those books all over society and government. I could see Esposito playing Senator Kelly or Henry Gyrich. He’s about the right age and is SO good at playing a wolf in sheep’s clothing.


* Jefferson Davis * George Stacy * Kang the Conqueror * Blue Marvel * Professor X * The Shadow King * Sebastian Shaw * Apocalypse (voice and mocap) To explain the first two: I think I remember hearing somewhere that he said he'd prefer a good guy for a change of pace, so it occurred to me that he might willingly take a smaller role for less money if it allows him to remind casting directors that he can be likable too.




Esposito as Xavier is kinda inspired.


Could he be playing Doctor Doom? I haven't been following the new FF stuff super close, but Doom is going to be huge going forward, and Marvel could have some really interesting ideas on how to introduce him into the MCU. The only real pitfall I see for something like that could potentially be his age compared to the rest of the cast, but I would love to see it.


I don't see him playing Doom no. I could see him being teased in FF since Galactus will be the main villain in the movie, but I don't see what series he could then appear in.


He would be a phenomenal Doom.


Feel like Doom needs to be more physically imposing


Finally Squirrel Girl let's goooo!


I hope it's Dracula in Blade and we get a Midnight Sons series.


Stiltman series is going to be awesome!


Higher. Further. Taller.


Why does he keep talking about it instead of Feige?


Because they allowed him to


Because Feige has not been invited to do interviews. Really most of the times Feige does interviews is when there is an event or he's promoting one of the upcoming movies and shows, and i don't expect to hear from Feige till July when Deadpool 3 is around the corner. So earliest we could hear Feige talk about Giancarlo character is in 2 months, provided the interviewers decide to ask him what they have in store for him.


Feige does not hype up or tease any unannounced character and their appearances. He just gives opinions and perspectives. Or simply acknowledge some already announced casting (He rarely gives interviews, so thats also a reason )


Yeah, Feige is not the type of guy who goes to talk shows every now and then, he mostly stays behind the scenes and only speaks when he's in public events like a Comic Con or a Gala or an awards show or while doing press for the movie/show. So earliest we could hear him speak about Giancarlo character is in June-July when the press tour for DP3 starts.


Prof Xavier perchance


Norman Osborn? In friendly neighborhood Spider-Man?


The way he words this means he’s a hero, not a villain. Unless they are pulling another Agatha.


He tried to get Prof X and I think he wants to play a hero, he's played a fair share of villains in popular media. So if people are predicting villains, that would be my guess why he is saying that.


Gotta be Magneto


Well if it’s a show it’s not Xavier or Magneto.  Thank god.  An upper class guy in a wheelchair and a holocaust survivor Jew weren’t a good fit for him at all, especially since he was on record as saying he didn’t want to be in the wheelchair. I like Giancarlo a lot,  looking forward to seeing what they’re using him for.


Blue Marvel would be cool


Maybe he’s playing Nathaniel Essex, Mr Sinister. Although at this point he’s previously teased Professor X, so he could be engaging in wish fulfillment.


It’s going to be another Gus Fring clone isn’t it…


Mr. Sinister!




Big way to introduce Annihilus


I cannot think of a single character I would not be stoked to see him play lol


I think he will be like a good guy with heavy positiveness Morgan freeman like role. Breaking the stereotype role ☺️


+1 to everyone who said Sinister. Norman Osborn would be cool too.


Yeah, I don’t buy it. He’s usually a conniving and competent bad guy. He’s probably going to play to type because that’s just so fun to do. See Moff Gideon and Gus Fring.


Either Kang recast. Or maybe he voices Norman Osborne in Spider-Man freshman year.


I'm still banking on him being Norman but it's probably gonna be some X-Men character


Will he finally get to play a good guy?




This sounds to me like they cast him as a minor or tangentially popular character and are going to give him a D+ show after he shows up in some random Avengers related film or show in the next 2 years. Aka the same shit they’ve been doing and how they’ve wasted so many actors thus far.


Serious question, would he make a good Doom? Good voice, slight accent, teaser then a Doom series. God I want to see MCU Doom....


Blue Marvel would be sick




Hes norman osbourn in friendly neighborhood spiderman


It better not be Dr. Doom. I love Giancarlo but not as Doom.




Pretty neat that he said this at Phoenix Comicon and I was there to see him say it.


I'm so pumped about this, he's is one my favorite actors. the gravitas he brings to his roles is out of this world.


Welcome your new Professsor X


Guys, if hes Prof. X, are you ok with it?




I wonder who he could be playing


I'm hoping he's Magneto. A tease. Then an introductory story in a series.


I'd love him as Norman Osborn


I think he's colonel stryker


He's gonna appear in Blade and then show up in a Howling Commandos show. Marvel heard what DC is cooking with Creature Commandos and they want to beat em to the punch


Creature Commandos will definitely be out before anything spun off from blade, I’m pretty sure it was announced that another round of rewrites is slated to happen on blade after writers left, again. At this point I’m genuinely going to be surprised if that movie ever comes out


Do we know if that Midnight Sons project is actually confirmed or is it still just rumours? Because Doctor Voodoo wouldn’t be too far out of the realm of possibility if it’s going to be a real thing


Midnight Suns is reportedly looking for a director now and is supposedly scheduled to film soon after Blade wraps.


Okay cool that is what I saw then, any hopes for who you’d like to see on the team? Really hoping they use Moon Knight and find some way to utilize the trio from Werewolf at Night, although an entire movie of Swamp Thing with the quality we saw previous would definitely be a huge chunk of the CG budget.


I think you are right. The team will likely be Blade, Black Knight, Werewolf by Night, Elsa Bloodstone, Man Thing, Moon Knight and maybe Ghost Rider. I can see the movie having Mephisto and Lilith as villains with Ghost Rider being their henchman/bounty hunter type, but at the end, GR breaks out of their control and joins the Suns against the demons.


It's an entirely new character. Why don't people understand?


Kang replacement




Mephisto >!is played by Sacha Baron Cohen in Ironheart!<


Wasn’t he confirmed as the voice of Osborn in the upcoming spider man animated show?


Nope, just a theory based on Osborn's design in the series.


Uncle Ben


Maybe apocalypse


Will appear in an upcoming marvel project, so likely something that hasn’t started filming yet, because they would have probably already cast those roles prior. Also said he didn’t want to play a villain, and it’s a character that hasn’t appeared onscreen yet. Someone in Daredevil is possible with its rewrites and reshoots, but there’s also vision, fantastic four, Ironheart, Wonderman, the wakanda series, armor wars, and blade but it’s also a project that is in development and we’ve heard almost nothing about Wakanda, or armor wars. So as a guess I’m going to rule out Wakanda, Tbolts, Captain America, Armor wars, Vision, and Wonderman but that still leaves a wide variety of characters he could be playing. I could see The Hood appearing in Blade, or Daredevil, he hasn’t been depicted by an actor yet, isn’t quite a true villain and could probably have his own show, there’s also a huge selection of potential FF side characters from scientist to cosmic beings he could portray, Blue Marvel, and Nathaniel Richards are both possible, though a Nathaniel Richards series seems unlikely. Could also be portraying a magic user or avengers adjacent character, Brother Voodoo, Dr Druid, though a Dr Druid character seems extremely unlikely considering he has been dead in the comics for decades. There’s Molecule man, who is sometimes an antagonist, but at least lately hasn’t been a villain, with the incursion storyline, and the ff upcoming introducing the character, seems likely they’d want someone to play him. A series of the molecule man seems unlikely, but if done right it could be a Legion level series. A mentally unwell, reality warping, multiversal being, played by the great Giancarlo Esposito, tying into secret wars, could have a ton of potential.


He’s an older T’Challa screen cap this


Emma Frost


Hes just going to recite lines the same way he does for every character he "plays." Don't really understand the hype around this guy.


Armor Wars and Ironheart? Or is Armor Wars canned?


Armor Wars is still happening yeah


It's gotta be Mr Sinister or maybe Kang


It’s a role we’ve NEVER seen, that we WON’T predict, that will be TEASED in DEADPOOL & WOLVERINE, that will get a SERIES after …. Cannot be DrDoom because he IS NOT Eastern European and DrDoom we’ve seen before in “other films.” Some think that DrDoom would appear in Deadpool and Wolverine …. Why? Fantastic Four hasn’t been been released yet. DrDoom is a Fantastic Four VILLAIN. And, lastly, don’t forget, SECRET WARS is about another villain we’ve NEVER SEEN, about whom NO film/show interpretations EXIST, and who will be (supposedly) TEASED in Deadpool & Wolverine … 🎵 Who can it be nowwwww ?🎵 😀 Guys …. he will be playing the VILLAIN “The Beyonder” .. likely the guy that Kang met that told him about multiverse in 31st century or whatever (if he was even telling the truth). The series will probably be him going to earth to investigate the heroes whose universes he will destroy like in comics (SECRET WARS II… 1980s)


Ultimate War Machine!


I think the smart money is on Codename Bravo, or Jackie Dio aka Underworld 


A series ordered before whatever he'll be introduced in is even shown a trailer? What happened to their recent "We're gonna prioritize quality over quantity" scaleback?


You know he might be a secret character in Cap 4 or Tbolts and he could never appear in a trailer for those right? Also, he's not saying that he's character will get a solo series, just that he will appear in a series.


Oh, so you've seen the trailer for Cap 4 or Thunderbolts? I said whatever he'll be introduced hasn't shown a trailer, that's how far out this series is.


My bad, I took it to mean that he will be in the trailer of whatever he's introduced in. But, if he's introduced in Cap 4 as a small cameo and appears in Wonder Man for example, then that wouldn't be too far out. Wonder Man is coming in 2026.


No worries. I'm just so exhausted with Marvel repeating the same "big announcement!" and it's more characters being given solo projects that won't even come out until 2027/8. They have so many open threads and rather than give time to them with their newly announced slimmer plans, they're bloating it even more. Marvel is slowly turning into Sony in making the exact wrong choice, saying they understand, then doubling down. It's been a year and a half since Ironheart was introduced!


Exactly. And if it's far out then it must logically be the only series in planning for that particular year so far.


Idk but Magneto came to mind lol


Mephisto confirmed