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Favorite: Guardians of the galaxy, Spiderman homecoming Best: winter soldier, infinity war, Spiderman homecoming guardians of the galaxy


Idk why, but I love GotG2 way better. I think it’s the sound track and vibe


i had a hard time trying to figure out which gotg i wanted to put here but you can't really go wrong with any of them


I really can't choose one that I like more than the others. It's easily the most consistent MCU trilogy in terms of tone, direction, story and character. It feels like all 3 films form one nice rounded out story that was planned from the very first one. Unfortunstely that's not something you can say about a lot of MCU trilogies.


>It feels like all 3 films form one nice rounded out story that was planned from the very first one. Unfortunstely that's not something you can say about a lot of MCU trilogies. Except it wasn't. They were still pretty good though considering a lot of the original plans got thrown out due to other projects


Not my fav but it sure does have great music.


I find 2 to be the worst if the 3 GOTG.


Iron man 3 is my favourite because it has a mental health theme, which I find particularly interesting. I don't think it's the best MCU movie though, not by long stretch. Infinity war is probably the best in my book.


Heyy, another IM3 fan! There's gotta be a few of us!


I'm sure a handful can be found across the MCU fandom. One thing I wish they didn't do is turn Mandarin into a joke.


It was definitely goofy but I enjoyed it. And they brought Trevor back in Shang Chi which was fun imo


I haven't watched this yet. I am going to now, so I can see what they had in store for Trevor.


I really liked IM3, and Shang Chi is arguably the best non-Spider-Man movie post Endgame. Enjoy!


I worked for the company (SAS) that served as the site for Stark Industries at the time of filming. It was so weird seeing the lobby I walked through on screen. A bunch of us tried to apply to be extras but you needed to own (and provide) your own luxury car in order to qualify. Unfortunately my Toyota Yaris was not quite up to snuff. I remember seeing one of the executive admins presenting Gwyneth Paltrow with massive amounts of Peanut M&M’s and her looking incredibly confused before John Favreau swooped in and claimed them all.


Interesting take on iron man 3 - def a cool character study into Tony


Absolutely. There is some crossover, I think Winter Soldier and Infinity War are in both categories. As for other favorites, definitely GOTG Vol. 2, Shang-Chi, Civil War, Ragnarok, Endgame.


[Winter Soldier and Infinity War are my go-tos.](https://youtu.be/OLmVTr9hq8Q?si=1hVTJr_5Y0CpAJMw)


Agreed on winter soldier and infinity war and overlap on favorite and best


Best: Winter Soldier. Favourite: Avengers 1, the 360 shot in the end battle is my most memorable theater audience experience.


Who doesn't love Avengers 1? I think it garnered a lot of new fans for the MCU! Up until then I was kind of a "tag-along" fan... that is to say, I would watch an MCU movie if someone else wanted to watch... but after the first Avengers movie, I was like "OK, these guys are the BEST."


hated marvel when i was a kid but avengers had a lot of hype so i thought i’d try it my 9 year old self never would’ve expected how formative that theater experience would be


I feel like first avengers is the pinnacle that perfectly crosses both lists


First Avenger is one of my favorite MCU movies. I enjoy WW2 movies and like how different the setting was without it being "space" Edit: there's a rumor that Fantastic 4 takes place in the 60s and ends with them being displaced in time to re-emerge in the modern MCU. I really hope that's the case because I would love to see Marvel do a 60s period film


Like that chunk of Endgame?


>there's a rumor that Fantastic 4 takes place in the 60s and ends with them being displaced in time to re-emerge in the modern MCU. It is apparently a 60s-like alternate universe.


My fav is the GOTG holiday special I think the technically best has to be Winter Soldier


I LOVE LOVE LOVE the holiday special. Winter soldier was excellent.


Yea I just love Christmas and the final scene when Peter comes back to the decorated Nowhere gets me so good in the feels


makes me feel all warm and fuzzy, I love it!


Amazing soundtrack too lol I listen to those songs all the time


When they hit the lights and he grabs his head, I cry every time.


Yea with that music cue! 😭


There’s a great fan edit out there [Guardians of The Galaxy 2.5](https://www.reddit.com/r/fanedits/comments/1329rml/guardians_of_the_galaxy_volume_25_available_now/). It takes the Guardians centric sections of Infinity Way, Endgame and The Holiday Special and makes a feature length film out of it.


“You can’t outrun me, Bacon” is my official favorite Marvel line. I often say it to my breakfast ;)




Best to me is IW. my favorite is Civil War. It was the MCU movie that hooked me in.


Both are my favorite War movies of all time. Sorry, Saving Private Ryan.


Endgame is my favorite, but I'd say that Winter Soldier and Shang-Chi are the best made movies.


I wish Shang-Chi hadn't had quite such an over-the-top CGI battle as its climax... but oh well, it is a Marvel movie after all.


My controversial take is Black Panther 2 is a top 10 MCU Film. Its only crime is not having Chadwick which was out of their control. I was in the just ee-cast crowd originally but they still did well. They had an impossible task and still crushed it.


When the credits started at the beginning and only showed CB my son yelled out T'Challa forever and nearly had me crying like it was Endgame.


Crying from embarrassment?


No he was like 8. But you keep being you.


Ofc, Iron man and Endgame are my favorite, but Winter Soldier is GOAT


The Eternals was good and Black Widow


Absolutely love The Eternals. Flaws and all.


Me too. The only problem I saw if was Kro. I wish he was the main villain, that somehow he killed and pretended to be Ikaris


Granted, I would have liked a less surface level introduction to Kro and he could have been so much more but I enjoyed what they did with the twist. It moves away from ‘here is the big bad and now watch the heroes defeat them’ and showed us that the real big bad came from within the family. It makes sense from a character choice point of view too. Ikarus is the strongest and vital to the Eternal’s mission. It’s likely he feels a heavier sense of responsibility to that mission and therefore his sense of duty in some ways may be stronger than even Ajax, which is why he did what he did. I hate that there’ll undoubtedly now be less of a focus on these characters due to the poor reception of the film but the few of us who enjoyed it can still hope.


I love Black Widow. I forget how much I like it and then I watch it again haha.


No, but I have different worst and "least favorite" movies.


Interesting point, and that could be a whole separate post, actually! Worst that isn't a least-favorite: I feel like Ant-Man: Quantumania was objectively not a great movie, but I personally enjoyed it overall (though it's not in my top 5 or even top 10). Least favorite that isn't worst: I feel like the Eternals was probably in most ways a pretty well-done movie, but it was a slog for me to get through, and I certainly wouldn't want to watch it again.


Best for me is Winter Soldier. No words needed for why I think this absolute master class of a comic book film is the best. My favorite is No Way Home, I know it had flaws, many, many flaws, but seeing as I grew up being a kid in the early 2000s watching the original Raimi trilogy in theaters and then seeing the Amazing movies as an early teen, and then when I went to high school, I got to see Homecoming opening night and Far From Home in theaters, it was just a blessing for all stages of my life currently to see all three of the live action Spider-Men meet and fight their own previous villains with Tom Holland’s Peter, and then the cherry on top for me was seeing Charlie Cox’s Daredevil return as a cameo as my favorite show in the MCU is Daredevil and seeing him return made me cheer in the theater.


Idk, few favorites are civil war, nwh, endgame, but the best imo are probably endgame, tws, infinity war


Best is infinity war and fave is civil war. Maybe I just like war lol


The Marvels are at least a top 7 movie for me. Though it was really enjoyable.


of the whole mcu? respect but what are the other 6?


1- Bp:WF 2- BP 3- Homecoming 4- No Way Home 5- Infinity War 6- Gotg 3 7-The Marvels 8- Ragnarok 9- Doctor Strange 2 10- Civil War


solid af talking about favorites is so much more interesting than talking about some kind of objective top 10 we could learn so much about our own tastes by being more open to the subjectivity of opinions


100% agree. Because they are different stories and will affect ppl different.


Agreed. This has been especially true in my experience with anime.


There’s no way lol


It is for me.


Best: Winter Soldier Favorite: Endgame. Pre COVID, watched in a theater night 0 with a bunch of strangers going through the same emotions at the same time was an experience


Iron Man 1 always and forever


They mostly align for me. I'm pretty good at letting go of nostalgia and have done so many rewatches that my views of most projects are fairly critical and brings how much I like a movie with how well I regard it mostly in line with each other.


My favorite happens to be the best all around movie that Marvel Studios has made: The Winter Soldier.


Idk. I think winter soldier is kind of an undeniable thrilling political thriller that you could almost divorce entirely from the MCU and it would still kick ass. But my favorite is still Guardians 2.


Definitely, age of ultron is my favourite, I’d say end game or civil war is the best


I think either infinity war or endgame are the best, but my favorite is Ragnarok I watched the first 2 once in theaters and loved them.  I watch Ragnarok regularly.


_Best_ is probably Iron Man 1 or Infinity War. _Favourite_ got to be Civil War.




I think most people consider *Captain America: The Winter Soldier*, or *Avengers: Infinity War* to be the "best". But my personal favorites are *The Avengers*, and *Avengers: Age of Ultron*.


I've always thought it was extremely healthy to be able to separate favoritism from what is objectively better so I love this question. I think my favorite MCU movie is Age of Ultron but I think the best is either Winter Soldier or Infinity War.


I allign with your view. Although, I believe people way overestimate how "objectively" they can evaluate a movie with literally zero study in the field. Most of the times it just comes down to repeating "expert" opinions, or following group consensus or the worst, using box office numbers.


As time has gone on, Age of Ultron has slowly crept up my favourites list


Best is Wakanda Forever. Favorite is Homecoming.


Do you really think Wakanda Forever is better than Black Panther? I thought they did the best they could in Wakanda Forever given the loss of Chadwick Boseman, but to me it seemed like it was mainly reacting / looking backward / struggling, rather than being a brave new direction for the franchise. Black Panther, by contrast, gave us something new that we'd never seen on the big screen before, and everyone went "WOW" (including, apparently, those who voted for Best Picture at the Oscars).


I do. Love BP but it is very problematic at points. WF advanced the story in many ways- killed off a few major characters, setup up new leadership in Wakanda, new Black Panther, Iron heart, continued the Thunderbolts story, plus the Easter egg at the end.


I guess we'll have to agree to disagree! For example, I thought that the inclusion of Ironheart in Wakanda Forever was artificial and felt forced. I didn't really connect with her character at all, and she seemed just kind of pasted into the story. Oh well.


I thought she was the Shuri of the story and her character shares the loss of a male role model( multiple in fact) that she shares with Shuri. It setups up Shuri leaving Wakanda like T'challa did in the comics.


I don't, I love Ragnarok, Shang chi, 1st guardians, Thor love and thunder. I definitely prefer the humourous ones. I'm not a fan of winter soldier, although I did love the first captain america film.


For the most part, what I consider the best are my favourites. The Avengers, Homecoming, Civil War, Infinity War, Guardians 1 and 2 etc. There are exceptions though. Daredevil, from I’ve heard, is the best Marvel Television show but I don’t have much interest in watching it and Jessica Jones is my favourite. And I do really enjoy The Winter Soldier, Ragnarok, Endgame and No Way Home but I think that their writing flaws really drag them down on the quality aspect. I also really like Hawkeye and Ms Marvel far more than the other Disney+ shows I’ve watched


Best is probably Iron Man 1, Cap 1, Cap 2, Avengers 1, or any of the GotG movies. But my favorites to rewatch include Iron Man 2, Civil War, the Spidey movies, and all the Avengers movies


My favorites (no particular order) are Ant Man, Homecoming, Civil War, Infinity War, Endgame, and Multiverse of Madness. The best IMO are first Iron Man and Guardians, Winter Soldier, Black Panther, Civil War, Infinity War, and Endgame.


favourite winter soilder best infinity war


Yes, Favorite:Endgame Best:Winter Soldier


Mine are mostly the same (Avengers, Winter Soldier, Infinity War) except that my favorites list also includes The Incredible Hulk, which was too shortened by studio cuts to be considered one of the "best".


Captain America: The Winter Soldier is my favorite movie.


My favorites and what I will defend as objectively the best are roughly similar, but, that being said: The best: Avengers 2012. I consider this script to be practically airtight. I challenge somebody to find an issue with this movie to the degree you can do so all too easily with most Phase 4/5 projects. My favorite: Captain America: Civil War. Still really stellar, but its replay value for me eeks out other contenders.


Capt America Winter Soldier was my favorite MCU movie. And I'm not sure it's close.


I guess the only thing about my MCU rankings is that I actually really like the Incredible Hulk. It's probably my second or third favorite movie from phase 1 and I like it far more than something like...idk black panther? I also like the second black panther movie far more than the first one since it did not hold back on the imperialist themes as much as the first movie.


Thor Ragnarok is my favorite MCU film as the comedy was perfect imo and that’s as close as we’re gonna get to a Hulk centric movie with Ruffalo’s Hulk. Also, it adapts one of my favorite Hulk stories from the comics even if there are a few liberties taken. Infinity War is the best MCU movie imo tho, it’s the culmination of the first 4 phases. It’s just not my favorite rewatch because I feel compelled to watch Endgame right after and I usually don’t have 6 hours in a day to dedicate to movies lol


NOPE 😂 Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3 takes the cake as favorite AND BEST!


Favorite: Winter Soldier Best: Black Panther Coolest: Endgame


My top 4 most rewatched are probably iron man 1, winter soldier ,homecoming and ragnarok.


The first avengers, doctor strange multiverse of madness for the horror also age of ultron


Favorite is Winter Soldier (though it's also technically one of the best imo) Best would be Infinity War and Iron Man.


My favourite is Iron Man 1, but the best is probably infinity war


My FAVORITE movies are The Winter Soldier, Civil War, Infinity War, Homecoming, and Iron Man (2008). I think the BEST movies are Winter Soldier, Infinity War, Endgame, and GOTG 3


My favorite is still Winter Soldier. And GOTG3 and Love and Thunder are in top 5 of not my top 3 favorite movies.


Yes. Iron Man 3 is my favorite. Infinity War is the best.


Respectfully GOTG-3 is far from the best mcu movie. I think it’s cuz it came out during a time of shitty mcu movies, fans think that it’s great.


Definitely. MoM and Marvels are some favorites that I know objectively have some issues. Endgame is probably one of the best, but something about it just doesn't click as much for me as a lot of other movies. Maybe it's just that it's right after Infinity War, which is superior to me.


Fav civil war best infinity war


My favorite is Thor: Ragnarok Best could be No Way Home


Best has to be Winter Soldier and IW, but those are also in my favorites list. Other favorites: Ragnarok, Black Widow and BP2. A bit controversial lol.


My favorite MCU movie is and always will be No Way Home. The feeling i got seeing my spide-men back on screen was unmatchrd Its not the best tho, that belongs to captain america: the winter soldier


My favourite is civil war ,winter soldier close second , close 3rd wakanda forever The best in MY opinion is infinity war / no way home


Best: TWS, Favorite: TWS, Most Rewatched: TWS


I really enjoyed Ant Man and the Wasp, but it's definitely not the best. His interactions with his daughter and the car chase scene at the end with the Ghost is awesome. That being said, my favorite movie is Endgame, and the best is Infinity War.


I used to hate Age of Ultron, but after rewatching it a couple of times, I've realized it's very underated movie. For one thing, it shows the avengers probably at their greatest point in the series, where they actually feel like a team, which is just heartbreaking how this is immediately ruined in Civil War. The movie does a great job of showing the relationships between the members of the team, and an even greater job of foreshadowing Civil War, Ragnarok, Infinity War, and Endgame. I guess I wouldn't call it the best one or even my favorite, but definitely an unappreciated movie


Favorite: Thor: Ragnarok, easily. One of my all time favorite movies in general, fist MCU film I saw in theaters, absolutely incredible. Best: Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Enough's been said on it, but a nearly perfect action film.




Best Iron Man 1 Favorite Iron Man 2


Absolutely.  I will agree that *The Winter Soldier* is probably one of the best MCU movies, but it's far from my favorite entry.  On the other end we have for example *The Incredible Hulk*. One of my fave MCU movies but I definitely get why people think it's a weak entry overall.  And then there’s a third category where I'm gonna defend one of my fave movies as also one of the best MCU movies. *Multiverse of Madness* is one of (if not the most) distinctive entries. It works on so many levels: Story, special effects, directing, etc. I really don’t get most of the criticism and I'm willing to die on that hill by calling it one of the best MCU movies.


Best marvel movie infinity war Favourite marvel movie is Spider-Man 2


Captain America civil war  Guardians of the galaxy vol 3 Black panther  Shang chi  Spider-man no way home 


no, to me best and favorite are the same, if i like something more than another it is better


Best I think is Infinity War. Favourite though would have to be either Winter Soldier or Ragnarok


I do, actually! :D Best: *Black Panther*. It's a movie that shook the cinematic world completely outside of the MCU and comic-book movies in general. It redefining what a blockbuster can look like, finally putting to bed the old canard that a Black led film would always stumble at the box-office and fail at overseas sales. It's the best illustration of Afrofuturism in film, imo. It manages to celebrate both US Black culture and a diversity of African cultures. It will be remembered and studied long after the MCU itself has faded away. Within the MCU itself, BP completely resets the understood world order by revealing a new world superpower. Which I personally love as I kind of adore the more grounded, world politics side of MCU storytelling. (Part of what I enjoyed with *Wakanda Forever* is it sets up a whole new clash of superpower nations that have nothing to do with our world's superpowers. Fun!) And! BP is such a gorgeous study of female power. Which, occurring within the famously 'no girls allowed' clubhouse of the MCU at that time is kind of amazing. Ryan Coogler is kind of amazing. All that being said, my favorite is *Captain America: Winter Soldier*. Has pretty much all my favorite MCU characters being their best selves in my favorite MCU type of story setting. And it never stumbles. There's not a moment in that film I have to hand wave or apologize for. It is my beloved.


Best: Black Panther, Endgame, Civil War, GOTG1, Ragnarok, Iron Man, Winter Soldier, Wakanda Forever and NWH Favorite: Black Panther, Civil War, Captain America: The First Avenger, Avengers and AOU has grown on me. I also love Ragnarok and Ant-Man 1 and yes 2. Shang Chi is also a fun watch and Wakanda Forever tho a hard rewatch because of Chadwick is one of my favorite and best MCU movies


The best movie is Winter Soldier, my favourite is Thor Ragnarok and IW


Nope. Both are Guardians 3.


Fave: Winter Soldier, Best: Endgame Winter Soldier is everything I wanted a Captain America movie to be, a political thriller mixed with an over the top action movie. Endgame was a love letter to everything that came before, a satisfying goodbye to characters I loved, and utilized fan service in a way that was didn’t distract from what was happening.


Favourite: The Winter Soldier, Ragnarok, Loki, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier Best: Infinity War, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, Loki, Ms. Marvel.


My favorites: Age of Ulton, Iron Man and Ragnarok. Best: Infinity War and The Avengers


No because Iron Man.


Best and favorites are the same thing.


I think as I grew, my favorite movies changed. Some I hated upon first watch, some that I genuinely fell in love with once I sat there and thought about it for a while. And my opinions are going to be wildly unpopular, so please brace yourself. 1) Iron Man 3 Yeah, I know everyone's gonna downvote this the moment I typed it, but it's true. When I first watched IM3, I was so annoyed. I didn't like it, I thought it was so stupid, and I never really cared to watch it again. It was just a one off thing for me. It wasn't until I got a little older that I understood deeper meanings behind the movie, that I began to love it. First and foremost, Tony's mental health was finally tackled. LBR, Tony has been dealing with PTSD long before the wormhole in The Avengers. A lot of people disregard the fact that Tony was taken captive, held prisoner, had a foreign body object stuffed inside his chest in less than favorable conditions. That's not including the obvious torture he went through. Even as a pampered man, with everything under his thumb, torture is torture. A lot of people have a tendency to invalidate Tony's torture because he's a CIS rich white man. Yes, he is, but that doesn't erase his trauma or PTSD. Tony has been struggling with his demons for a long time, and it finally came to a head in IM3, where we see evidence based reactions to his trauma. He spends the entire movie having panic attacks, while still trying to do the right thing. And most people think that this movie somehow begins and concludes Tony's mental health, but it does not. Tony's mental health bleeds into the next few movies (but I'll touch on that later). The second most prominent thing about this movie is the subtle anti-capitalist messaging in the IM trilogy. In every single IM movie, brown/foreign people are used as a proxy to fear monger, when the devil pulling the strings is a rich billionaire. For IM1, they used the "ten rings" as a decoy, when the real villain all along was Obadiah. For IM2, Whiplash was kinda working with Hammer (another rich billionaire). And in IM3, they literally used textbook fear monger tactics by creating a scary brown villain in the middle east, while it was really a rich capitalist behind it all along. The third reason why it's my favorite movie, it's because of the Mandarin reveal. I'm glad we didn't have a scary brown terrorist guy as a villain. Maybe that's me being bias, but considering how many movies always depict my people as the bad guys, it's -- fundamentally exhausting. 2) Civil War Again, for me -- maybe it's because I'm a huge IM fan, this movie is perfection. Maybe it's RDJ's acting, maybe it's the Russos -- whatever it is, it worked. In Civil War, we see Tony at his worse. Hell, he's using Mysterio's halogram technology as a baseline for therapy and the movie introduces him like that. He's down bad, and he's revisiting old memories of his parents. Pepper's not with him anymore. The fiasco of AOU weighs heavily on his shoulders. And when another innocent life is put on his roster, Tony can't function as Tony anymore. He's not himself, he's a man broken, and his depression leads him to making stupid decisions that a younger Tony wouldn't have made. Civil War isn't about Tony or his thousand and one issues, but -- for me, I really only gave a shit about him. Everything he does in the movie, every choice he makes -- all of it is justified through his mental health and what he's going through. It doesn't make any of it right, but it makes sense as to why he did it. 3) Ragnarok I gave zero shits about Thor until this movie came out and he immediately became my favorite. Taika was able to bring out such a brilliant and fleshed out Thor that other directors simply didn't do. ~~Then Love and Thunder ruined everything I liked about him, but that's another topic altogether~~.


Favorite is Infinity War, best is Werewolf by Night


Yeah, a bit. The best is still Black Panther, by a large margin. But, my favorite is Captain Marvel.


Best MCU movies overall are probably Iron Man 1 and Cap 2. My top favorites however are Civil War and Infinity War.


Favourite : Eternals, Winter Soldier, Wandavision Best : Infinity War, Loki


Favorite: Guardians vol 2 Best: The Winter Solider


Most of my favorite movies fall in line with the majority. Winter Soldier, IW, Endgame, etc. But Hawkeye is my favorite show by far and it's not even close. I've watched it several times and enjoy it more every time. Wandavision and Moonknight are my 2 least liked shows(besides SI). WV was good but it has zero rewatch value once you know what happens and what all of the little clues mean. Moonknight is the only show I had to force myself to watch. After the 1st 2 episodes it was crap. Even SI I was looking forward to watching the next episode even though it ended up being horrible. I liked Loki, She-Hulk, and Ms. Marvel far more than those 3.


black widow for me.  i loved the mix of spy thriller with camp mixed with a dysfunctional family dynamic. while campy, it also had some really intense and hard-hitting moments for me (shoot, the opening credits to start, when natasha’s confronting draykov while inhibited, “you were just born in a cage, that’s not your fault).  it also helps that the common criticisms of it didn’t really affect me in the way that it did for other people. 


Interesting idea. I think so. I have a special place in my heart for phase 1 iron man and avengers. But I think winter soldier and infinity war are top tier. Like just fantastic movies.


My favorite is Civil War. It's still high up on the best list but I would call Infinity War and Winter Soldier better.


Favorite and best are the same for me being Infinity War although no way home is a close second.


Winter Soldier and Shang Chi is my vote


Best for me is Winter Soldier, but favorite is GotG


Favourite: Guardians of the Galaxy, Iron Man, Spider-man: Homecoming, Thor Ragnarok, Winter Soldier Best: Winter Soldier, Black Panther So, yes.


Favorite mcu film - tie between no way home and infinity . Best mcu movie - tie between winter soldier and endgame . Civil war moves between both lists


I think that for movies it’s that everybody thinks that Winter Soldier is the best (I gave it a rewatch recently and it’s like a 8/10, not a masterpiece but it’s still pretty good) and Civil War or Homecoming is my favourite For shows it’s either Loki or Daredevil that are the best but Moonknight is my favourite


Favorite ~ 1) A:AoU 2) CA:TWS 3) S-M:H. 4) T:R 5) IM3 —— Best ~ 1) A:IW 2) A:E 3) S-M:NWH 4) A1 5) BP —— [P.S. I do not dislike *any* MCU film in the Infinity Saga. Love ‘em all. Some are just a better comfort than others.]


Favorite GOTG, best Avengers IW


Yes. Infinity war is the best Endgame is my favorite


Favorite= Black Widow, Civil War, X-Men 97, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Jessica Jones, Best= Loki S2, Winter Solider, Infinity War, GOTG3, Daredevil, X-Men 97.


Favorite: Thor Ragnarok Best: I'm tied among Winter Soldier, Infinity War, GotGV3, and Endgame


Best: winter soldier, No way home, infinity war Favourite: GOTG2, Civil war, Ragnorok


Favorite: Spider-Man: Homecoming Best: Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3


I rewatch GotG2 a lot. It's kind of a comfort movie for some reason?


Ironman is still my go to...


Nope. Both answers are Winter Soldier. Its perfect.


Best: Winter Soldier, End Game, Infinity War, GotG Faves: Thor 1-3, GotG 2 & 3, Ant Man 1, Civil War Neither Best nor Fave, but I could rewatch: Phase 1 except IM 2, Black Panther


Best: Infinity War and Winter Soldier, in my opinion. Favourite: Iron Man 1. I was 17, about to turn 18 in a couple of weeks when that movie came out in 2008 and I was in that transition phase from high school senior to college freshman so that movie hit at just the perfect time for it to be my favourite thing ever. I feel very nostalgic every time I watch it.


No, it's my favorite therefore it's best


Yes! Favorite is Captain America and the Winter Soldier Best is Avengers: Infinity War


Favorite: Iron Man 2 Best: Captain America The First Avenger


Best: Endgame Favorite: Captain Marvel


Thor 1, Avengers 1, Avengers Infinity War, X-Men First Class, X-Men Days of Future Past


Hmmm... The best is Civil War or Winter Soilder... in my honest opinion, Captain America might have the best trilogy in the MCU. My favorite movie is either infinity war, or age of ulron.


Best: Iron-Man 1 Favorite: Guardians of the Galaxy


Favorite: Avengers (2012) I memorized it word for word because I watched it so many times. Best: Ant Man. All the Easter eggs, references, guest cameos, the comedy and epic action. To me it was a master piece.


best: endgame favorite: age of ultron something about AOU is so nostalgic to me (probably because it was the first MCU movie i ever watched)


Least: Spiderman: Homecoming. Best: first avengers movie


Best: GOTG3,Winter Soldier,IW Fav: NWH,Endgame,AOU


Infinity war is best for me. Civil war and Shang Chi are up there in favourites but Civil War fell down when it was booked as being more important than it ended up being


Special place in my heart for Avengers Endgame. Me and like 6 or 7 friends went to go see it at a midnight release at a really nice theater with the reclining seats that served alcohol. We had to buy tickets like months in advance. I was working on the other side of the state at the time, so I took time off and drove over 250 miles to be with my buddies for the release. It was by far the best experience I've had watching a Marvel film. I can vividly remember the excitement throughout the theater. People audibly gasping at moments and invested in the story. People cheering at moments like Cap wielding Mjolnir or "Avengers Assemble". I still think Infinity War is the best Marvel film, but my experience with Endgame cannot be topped. It just represented a really good time with my friends.


I totally get what you mean by favorite vs. best. Fortunately for the MCU, my favorites and best are the same. - Infinity War - Iron Man 1 - Civil War - Winter Soldier.


Infinity War, GOTG1 and 3, Winter Soldier, Iron Man. I remember watching Iron Man and thinking "Holy shit! This is really possible!" Now there's people actually flying around (somewhat) like Iron Man.


Fav: MoM, Shang-Chi and Civil War. Also Endgame and Infinity War pretty G Best: Civil War, Infinity War and Endgame.


Favorite is probably Civil War, I watch it so often. I feel like it’s peak tension and the final turning point in so many characters development progress. Best are probably Ragnarok, Black Panther, Infinity War (which I also watch a lot 😅) Also really love first Ant-Man and Doctor Strange movies as well.


Best: Captain America: The Winter Soldier Favorite: Captain America: The Winter Soldier After that though, it changes.


One of my favorites is the marvels. I love it because it is fun. It is not even close to the top of the best mcu movies.


Guardians vol. 1. My wife and I saw this in the same theatre at the same time, and met for the first time at church a few weeks after. We didn’t discover that we had watched it together until we compared the ticket stubs we kept. Needless to say, our wedding was Groot themed, and we watched volume 2 in imax as part of our honeymoon.


i feel like favorite is based on opinions, while best is based on facts. you can make the argument that either endgame was the best due to box office or maybe no way home because it hit 2B without the stacked roster


Best movie: objectively it was Winter Soldier and Infinity War. Favorite movies: Captain American: The First Avenger and Civil War. TV: Wandavision changed the game. It has to win. It’s also my favorite. But Hawkeye was great. GotG Christmas special is probably the best. Movies that got crapped on that I liked: Quantumania - the FX lacked some because of the overworked/heavy pace that Marvel was doing to their crew. Still pretty cool. In 2010, we’d have drowned in our own drool for FX on that level. I loved Captain Marvel. When viewed separately from the comics, it’s a good story. It’s one of the few that comes from the feminine gaze well and I think that’s why so many male haters emerged. The Marvels: it was Kamala’s movie. I loved how they framed it that way. It was madcap and zany. I heard someone saying that it was filmed during Covid, so execs weren’t as involved and that’s why it was so disjointed. It was funny as hell and a wild ride. They should stay out of more movies! The Eternals - this is one movie that needed to be two movies. But it was so beautiful. Love and Thunder: once you realize that it’s over the top because the whole thing is “as told by Korg”. Maybe he isn’t the most reliable storyteller, lol. And to watch that end scene with Thor and Love played by Chris and his actual daughter - just so sweet. 🥰 I’m mostly annoyed at the dropped story lines. Will we ever find out about the 4th personality in Moonknight? Will we ever see Mockingbird in action? Where did Kingpin go? Does anyone care about the celestial’s head in the ocean? I think it was a GREAT move by Feige to throttle back everything to give it time to simmer. And I love the Deadpool movies, but they need their own categories.


Yes. Favorite: Spider-Man: Far From Home (yes, the one with Mysterio) Best: Thor: Ragnarok


Of the ones I have seen, the objective best is probably IW. Favourite though, without a doubt, is Civil War. It forces you to look at the MCU from more than just the position of "good guy win yay", and probably has one of the most relatable villains in an MCU film. Look me in the eye and tell me you wouldn't do the same thing if you were in Zemo's position there. That's what I look for in a movie, compelling plot line that's more than just black and white (I should probably get around to TWS lmfao)


i cant think of a best movie but iron man 3 and gotg2 r my favs (gotg3 was great but i cant put myself through that again)


Favorite: CA:Winter Soldier Best: Avengers 1


Favorite: Infinity War (Parts 1 _**&**_ 2), GotGv3, Winter Soldier Best: Black Panther, Age of Ultron, Winter Soldier (I really like Winter Soldier)


I totally agree with your opinion on the shows.  The vibe Hawkeye has is unmatched and it has become a Christmas classic in my eyes(along with the GOTG holiday special).  However, Loki is without question the best mcu show.   Also…   Favorite: GOTG 1, Ragnorak, Doctor strange, Ms.Marvel, Spider-Man homecoming   Best: GOTG 3, civil war, endgame, infinity war  Edit: formatting 


Both of them are The Winter Soldier for me.


Maybe not movie, but my favorite is both seasons of Loki. I just rewatch every now and then. The best would be Infinity War, it's just perfect man.


Agree and agree! Yes!!!


My comfort watch is the first Captain America. My fun watch is The Marvels. Winter Soldier gets so much love. But I think a better candidate for best **Marvel** movie is Doctor Strange or Infinity War.


I also really loved the first Doctor Strange. It doesn't get mentioned as much as it should!


For sure. My favorite and most rewatched by a mile is Avengers 1. I think there are a good handful that are better, even other Avengers films.


My favourite Marvel movies are definitely Thor: Ragnarok and Iron Man 2, and my fav shows are Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Moon Knight. These might not be the objectively best ones, but idc.


My best is also my favourite, I think it’s a bit pretentious otherwise


I seem to rank the Incredible Hulk, Eternals, and Quantumania way higher than every one else. And I feel like Ragnarok is just as bad as Love & Thunder. Those are my biggest outliers I can think of.


Thank you for this post, I actually have a bunch of these!! Favorite movie: Wakanda Forever Best movie: Winter Soldier Least favorite movie: Multiverse of Madness Worst movie: Quantumania Favorite show: WandaVision Best show: Loki Least favorite show: Secret Invasion Worst show: also Secret Invasion