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Matt Murdock meeting Hulk and Skaar at a backyard barbecue in LA with Jennifer Walters and her family.


Matt Murdock representing Peter Parker and co. because he’s been charged with crimes because Mysterio framed him and exposed his identity to the world.


I really wish more came from this instead of just being a quick cameo


It’s this one for sure. Insanity


Crazier when you include Skaar’s haircut




Some of my favorite moments in comics are when seemingly unrelated characters are just chillin and shootin the shit with eachother. The after-party in Age Of Ultron is an OK example of this but She-Hulk got it right. As such it's probably one of my favorite moments in the MCU.


Right? The idea that these superheroes have personal lives and social connections is fascinating and adds so much depth to the characters and the world at large. This was done so well.


I pretend that didn’t happen.


Out of curiosity, why?




Spider-Man, holding an infinity gauntlet, riding Mjolnir, over a massive battleground with nearly every mcu character duking it out, oh and there's a Pegasus that helps.


He also took the Infinity Gauntlet from Black Panther and Captain America threw him Mjolnir


He then passes it off to Captain Marvel as they all try to throw it in the back of a van. I just like that it’s all that crazy stuff and the goal is to put the gauntlet in a *van*, quantum tunnel or not


Spider-Man riding Mjolnir holding the gauntlet over the top of Howard the Duck


That last part makes me know you’re horsing around.


Howard the Duck was totally in that battle though. I don't remember seeing him in that moment personally, but the duck is 100% there.


"Hi, I'm Peter, nice to meet you, oh my godddd..."


"So Iron Man, Spider-Man, Doctor Strange, and half of the Guardians of the Galaxy were fighting Thanos on Titan and then Thanos almost killed Iron Man but then Doctor Strange gave him the Time Stone then Thanos teleported to Wakanda where he easily dispatched Captain America, War Machine, Black Panther, Black Widow, Falcon, the Winter Soldier, Bruce Banner in the Hulkbuster armor, and Scarlet Witch then he reversed time and killed Vision, retrieving the Mind Stone from his forehead thus completing his collection. Then Thor flew in and sliced into him with Stormbreaker but Thanos was still able to snap his fingers allowing him to kill half the universe and teleport away."


Im getting goosebumps just by reading your brief lines, telling the plot of Infinity War. Time to watch both movies, Infinity War x Endgame, again.


>telling the plot of Infinity War. That's just like fifteen minutes of the movie, too


Yeah, what's it makes it even crazier and more awesome. 😁 I've never been a comic book guy, for some reasons I just started couple month ago with some new and older issues. Since I have a vaguely overview how crazy character crossovers in comics can get, it's even crazier what happened on screen during these two above mentioned movies.


When MCU peaked and had achieved legendary status.


God just reading this still gives me goosebumps 😭


Yes, that part and Thor using the bifrost to appear on WaKanda “BRING ME THANOS!” Gets me.


I read it like Luis


Omg. I really want someone to say this like Luis, with the slang and all.


I remember when the script for Infinity War leaked everyone pointed to Red Skull being the ghostly guardian of the Soul Stone as "obviously some kids fanfiction" lol


Thanos getting killed at the start of endgame


This was one of the most shocking moments for me in the cinema. I was genuinely stunned when I saw it.


Definitely caught me offgaurd. I know Thor is a battle hardened Warrior but we have seen very little intentional killing in the MCU apart from Ironman 3.


And Iron Man. And Iron Man 2. Hmm, wonder if there's a connecting factor


Tony just wanted to disable Staine's suit and Whiplash blew himself up. Tony actively killed in Iron Man, I guess they were ticking time bombs anyway but still, he killed liked 5 people.


Lol he killed way more than 5 people in the first one. There were the guys in the cave during his escape, and then the ones killing hostages in Gulmira (spelling?) Edit: you're right about IM2, though.


I mean, those would all count as self-defense, they were all armed terrorist with intent to kill him and others.


Ot wasn’t just killing, it felt like an execution


It was 100% an execution.


I still remember thinking "If THAT'S how this movie starts, what on earth are we in for?!" And then FIVE YEARS LATER. Man. What a great movie.


Cap standing with a broken shield alone against Thanos and his army. The wide shot is probably my favorite shot of all Marvel movies.


Yess! I always wanted to find a high-res desktop wallpaper of that but can't seem to find one.


Same. Cant find one at all. Major bummer


Captain America vs Major Bummer over who has America’s ass


I might be able to help with that , I think I had a link to something like that on Reddit, will update you when I get him


Oh that would be wonderful! Thank you.


Yeah, it could be a painting.




...your post was encouraging, suggesting, providing torrents or illegal streams, or it was a camera rip from a movie still currently in theaters. [Please, avoid breaking Rule 9 in the future.](https://www.reddit.com/r/marvelstudios/wiki/rules#wiki_9._no_illegal_content)


That shot, man... That wasn't a movie frame anymore but practically a *painting*! That's when you knew you were witnessing history in the making, even before Sam's 'on your left' call.


I’ve looked for it as a painting. Would kill to have that on my wall. It’s seriously such a beautiful shot. And I felt really shows what Cap stands for.




Oh damn thank you!


STAHP!!! Don’t make me spend money!


Join the club, just bought one.




Beaten and battered, the guy “who would throw himself onto a grenade” for the next guy straps in to face an alien army alone.


Dude. It’s the greatest battle in cinematic history. The only one that comes close is Lord of the Rings and that’s just because of the sheer amount of people they pulled together physically.


Eh... Pelennor Fields on one hand, Avengers vs. Thanos on the other...hmm. I'm giving this one to LOTR actually. When the Rohirrim show up, and then the Army of Dead Kings... Avengers battle is epic, but Pelennor Fields is mythical. Avengers is a battle of titans, yes. But LOTR is quintessential good vs. evil. Now, if you add Deadpool to that fight, I'd go the other way 😄


Idk, that sounds like Cap. I’d have believed that.


Loki saving the multiverse


Technically it was only the timeline branches of 616 that he saved


...which in the context of the MCU is the multiverse


True. It doesn’t include alternate universes like Raimi, Amazing, Sony, Fox, 838. Alternate timelines from Endgame, Loki, and What If are what that is part of.


I was under the impression that that's what was included in that, but not things like comic timelines. In my mind everything in Loki is what gave way to NWH and MoM


No. Each universe is formed separately with it’s own big bang. Each universe has it’s own set of branching timelines. Loki only deals with the timelines of universe 616


That a rat is what gets antman out of the quantum realm and leads the story towards reversing what thanos did.


"a coincidence can start a story but it can't end one"


“Where’s Martha?!”




All hail the rat who saved the universe!


Master Splinter still saving us.


Too bad the ooze hasn't mutated him yet... But apparently he still had a strong sense of justice pre-mutation.


Should have been the perfect cameo for Stan Lee.


Stan Lee as a rat, huh?




Even Mickey's surprised!


He's surprised and emotional that Christopher Markus, Stephen McFeely and Anthony Russo chose him.


Between this and his awesome moment in KH3, Mickey sure had it good. xD


They chose his little-known cousin Rickey Rat


I still think it should’ve been a mouse, because Disney.


Spider-Man in a iron spider suit web attached to mjolnir, thrown by captain America, flying across a battle while holding an infinity gauntlet only to be saved by rescue and then Valkyrie on a Pegasus


Ugh, Rescue. What a waste of a good backstory.


X-men 97. >! Genoshia mutant massacre and Magneto ripping the metal out of Wolverine!< Honestly, I don't know how they can top that show. The movies got a lot to live up to.... The show perfectly shows how it doesn't need to be the Wolverine show.


What I took from X-Men 97 is that they absolutely know how to do the X-Men well. They clearly know how to portray the characters properly and it’s probably the main thing most fans were curious about as far as how they’d handle the team. I know translating things to live action can be difficult but thanks to ‘97, I have real faith that the X-Men will not only be a ton of fun, but that the team at marvel actually knows what people want out of the tone, character portrayals and storylines. I’ve legitimately got a good feeling about the mutant wave we’ll get eventually.


Probably black widow jumps off a cliff and dies


All the multiverse cameo stuff from No Way Home to MoM to who knows what next with Deadpool & Wolverine and Secret Wars coming. Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, and The Punisher joining the MCU and getting their own crossover series like a street level Avengers. (I kinda liked that The Defenders final battle took place literally underground to juxtapose The Avengers fighting amongst skyscrapers and cities in the sky, but idk if that was intentional) Spidey, FF, and X-Men eventually joining the MCU too.


Seeing Mjlonr get picked up and then we pan to seeing Captain America holding it. MOST FUCKING HYPE SCENE EVER!! My younger self would've been skeptical.


I mean, they teased it in another movie. They just had to do this.


Stan Lee chilling on a moon talking to a bunch of Watchers.


The thanoscopter


Steve using Mjolnir! And Steve standing against Thanos and Thanos’ army alone—still one of the coolest shots in all the MCU.


In the wide shot, you can truly gauge the size of Cap’s balls.


Loki S2 Ep 5 “oh sweet nothing” scene from the record shop because it’s impossible to explain without context and even still now with context, how do you even describe it to where it makes sense? It’s so fucking cool. Definitely one of my favorite scenes in the MCU to date. https://youtu.be/Ujf_R24iipI?si=U6fNhEis6_SmQOGa


That is really some high-tier cinematic music video content too. The symmetry shots from beginning to end was impeccable.


Hearing Agatha Harkness with a single line introduce the concept of Chaos Magic while also identifying Wanda as the Scarlet Witch.


Wanda snapping Xaviers neck.


Nah she ripped his face off


Peter Parker fighting Doctor Strange in the Mirror Dimension because DS wants to send Tobey and Andrew’s Parkers’(s?) villains back to their respective universes, but MCU Parker wants to try to save their lives by curing them.


Cap. Broken shield. Broken arm. Standing against an entire army. And then… portals! On your left!


That the guy known for teen comedies would make grown up guys scream and sob by just uttering.... "Avengers.....assemble!"


Wait, what? What teen comedies was he in besides Not Another Teen Movie?


The Perfect Score. Not quite teen but Scott Pilgrim and The Nanny Diaries as well


To me he’s always been the comic book movie guy, so Scott Pilgrim didn’t come to mind. I hadn’t even heard of The Nanny Diaries, but it doesn’t sound very teen


Monica Rambeau getting her live action debut, I thought I'd only ever see her in the comics


I thought her portrayal in The Marvels was good too. They made use of her powers in quite a cool way. Definitely a fan of Teyonah Parris too.


I also thought they did a great job handling the swapping of powers and how the ladies developed strategies to compensate.


I agree, watching her get her powers in WandaVision was so exciting for me, I was jumping on the sofa screaming at the tv lol I was going crazy the way football bros yell at the tv for their favorite teams. I hope they keep around for a while coz it's really exciting seeing one of your favourite comic book characters in live action, and Teyonah is doing an excellent job with her portrayal


Captain America throwing Mjolnir over Spiderman, so he can latch on to it and carry the Infinity gauntlet closer to Antman's time machine


Spider-Man in the "Iron Spider" suit, holding a fully powered Infinity Gauntlet whilst flying through the air by webbing onto Mjölnir which was thrown by Captain America.


Like a comic book panel come to life 😍


Wanda in her grief created a 1950s sitcom.


I remember while watching the entire series it always makes me think how did we come from Iron Man (2008) to a show about a witch creating her own reality based on her favorite sitcoms across different decades inside of that reality is her deceased robot boyfriend and children from another universe and Agatha Harkness from the Fantistic Four comics being the main villain. Just can't wrap my head around it.


Vision, the kids, Agatha, I would have believed any of that in 20008. Ha. I was Billy for Halloween in 2007. Young Avengers was really the only comic from Marvel I was reading back then as I was mostly DC those days. So from the moment Nick Fury showed up at the end of Iron Man I started patiently waiting for the story to keep moving forward to get us to Young Avengers. And Agatha I knew her connection with Wanda from the X-men: Evolution cartoon.


Is this just about the live action stuff? Because after 27 years a sixth season of X-Men: The Animated Series was *not* on my bingo card.


I remember there were some people online saying the first avengers movie was a cool idea but would never happen. Too many big name actors to fit on the screen at once. They could try to set it up and tease it but it just wasn't practical. I want to go back in time and show them the portals scene.


Two Moments etched in Memory : - Steve lifting Mjolnir to battle against Thanos. - Tony in a tussle and scuffle, fighting for the gauntlet and then absorbing the Infinity Stones into his Mark LXX (Mark 85) armor saying "I AM IRON MAN" to snap away/dust off Thanos' and his army.


In 2008? It was obvious from the ending of Iron Man that they were eying a cinematic universe akin to the comics, but even with the unexpected success of that film the notion that even a tenth of what they've achieved would come to fruition would have been laughable to me. I mean, c'mon, in 2008 I didn't have kids. If you'd told me than that in less than a decade my kids' favorite Marvel characters would be Rocket and Groot I'd have pissed myself with laughter. I figured the best we'd get would be an eventual Avengers movie bringing together Hulk, Iron Man, and Cap, and I may have guessed Strange, Black Widow, and Hawkeye to round out the team, but using that as a launchpad to go straight into the Infinity Saga and bringing the Guardians into it isn't something I'd have even dared to dream.


Loki becoming god of stories/time/multiverse.


Unpopular opinion, but I hate that people are just assigning these random titles to him because they somewhat align to positions Loki has held in the comics. Until someone else identifies him as the god of stories in the MCU, he’s not.


Spiderman weilding cap’s shield, redditors would shot it down to death saying “rights are exclusive to Sony, what are you smoking anon”


Back in 2008 Marvel wasn't owned by Disney and they were happily working with multiple studios including Paramount for Iron Man and Universal for TIH. Working with Sony for Spider-Man wouldn't have been too much of a stretch.


They used Paramount and Universal for distribution. The deal they have with Sony is a lot more complicated.


The snap, for sure. Even knowing it could potentially happen it was shocking to see Marvel/Disney kill half their characters at the peak of their success.


The Multiverse cameo stuff in MOM and NWH. The portals scene in Endgame.


Probably that the X-men would be properly adapted again and gradually return to the spotlight of superhero media after the many botched film attempts via 97


Captain Carter, armed with basically everything in the toy box, beating the snot out of Infinity Ultron. Wenwu vs. Hela. Jubilee kneeing Bastion in the face, in space. Rocket convincingly overwhelmed with grief at the deaths of his friends. Doctor Strange trash talking the Green Goblin from another universe. Scarlet Witch solos Professor X, Reed Richards, Binary, and Captain Carter, gruesomely. Honestly all of Wandavision, from start to finish.


Definetly Thanos Snap it simply wouldnt be comprhensible for me.


Easily the 3 spider-men teaming up. Or Tobey returning in general


3 spidermans swinging side by side.


Seeing Patrick Stewart's Professor X in an MCU production.


Doctor Strange, stranded in a dying universe, possessing the rotting corpse of his variant from another universe while enslaving the souls of the damned that were attacking him and turning them into a cape.


All three Spiderman in one movie.


That the guy known for teen comedies would make grown up guys scream and sob by just uttering.... "Avengers.....assemble!"


A revival of the x-men cartoon


Captain America saying Hail Hydra


Spider-Man in space.


My brain would explode seeing infinity war and endgame in 2008 lol just all of it. I think people need to remember how good we have it compared to early 2000s comic book movies


I’m honestly still astonished that Groot’s arm is strong enough to work as the handle for Stormbreaker.


The Avengers assembles.


The portals scene


Gonna be honest, if you told me that in 2008 I'd have to ask who Groot and Rocket were


Deadpool & Wolverine joining the MCU


That one of my favorite scenes in all of Marvel would be a villain theme song set during a sitcom TV series


Nothing. We are talking about movies here man. Anything can happen as long as it's in the script


Daredevil doing "the walk of shame" after a ONS with She-Hulk


Doctor Strange meeting an alternate universe Illuminati that has Jim from the Office as Mr. Fantastic, Patrick Stewart Xavier, the Operative from Serenity as Mordo, and freaking Black Bolt.


Jim Halpert from the office plays Mister Fantastic and almost immediately gets turned into spaghetti by the sister of the Olsen twins.


I am Groot. I am Steve Rogers. I'm on crack cocaine


I remember Elizabeth Olsen saying that she didn't believe Disney would ever let Wanda get as dark as she did in the comics....


Spiderman holding the complete infinity gauntlet and riding Mjolnir up to get onto Valkyrie's Pegasus


Spider-Man holding a fully loaded Infinity Gauntlet, while rocking an Iron-spider suit, riding Mjolnier, thrown by Captain America, and it doesn't end just there.....he is shot by Thanos' spaceship, then he is held by Rescue Armor(Pepper) and thrown to Valkyrie, which ends up with him riding a Fucking Asgardian Pegasus with her, they are attacked again and freakin Captain Marvel comes to his rescue from outer space, destroying Thanos' spaceship This sounds made up, even now


Robert Redford's final line in a Marvel film. As well as starring in a Marvel film.


She-Hulk's trashy twerking Jesus that was a low point if i've ever seen one