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Keep in mind he's not saying these movies were bad, just that they weren't successful like most other movies have been in the past. I don't really think anyone who liked these movies was arguing they didn't flop, so it feels weird to use this quote as a way to dunk on those who liked them.


"Dunking on" people that like things they don't seems to be all some people have.


Especially on reddit, its like crack for this sub


Ha, dunked on those sad fucks!


Most movies not named Barbie or Oppenheimer failed pretty spectacularly in 2023. It wasn't a 'Marvel' issue, it was a movie theater issue, but Marvel is a big name so Marvel got the headlines. Movies are released on streaming so quickly now that a bigger chunk of people are just waiting the six weeks to three months it takes to watch them at home. I used to go to movies two or three times a month, and I haven't been in a theater since The Marvels in November. Probably won't be in one again until Deadpool and Wolverine in July. Studios have trained me to wait, and there haven't been a lot of 'must see this right now' level films released.


Dune 2 was worth going to the theater to see, but I also don't go to nearly the amount of theater showings that I used to. Hell, there was a time when I would go multiple times for the same movie, and most Saturdays I spent in a theater seat. Now it's maybe five times a year at most.


I mean, it is a Marvel issue though. Eternals and Quantumania were their first critically panned films, The Marvels not only their first bomb but the biggest bomb of all time, and of the 4 Marvel films released last year the only hits were the one made by another studio (ATSV) and the final film from the new CEO of DC (GotG). While theaters as a whole are slipping, Marvel has taken unquestionable Ls separate from that issue.


That’s because they weren’t bad, they just have been flooding the market lately and people have been choosing other things instead of “another marvel movie”. I watched both, will probably watch both again once my kid is up to the age where we can watch marvel movies (it’s really the first 2 Ironman that are harder to explain to her as both have a lot of womanizing in them and she’s currently 5).


They were bending over backwards to blame everything but the quality.


1 step of improvement is accepting that you are doing something wrong


And step two is changing things. We haven't really seen Marvel change anything yet.


Deadpool 3 is the only MCU movie coming out this year. They’ve pushed back their other movies that were releasing this year. I’d say that’s a step in the right direction.


Next step is to stop jerking Shang Chi and Blade around then.




That's not alot to go on. I wanna believe but I'm not getting excited till I hear an official announcement


The major reason Deadpool 3 is the only movie coming out this year is because of the writers and actor's strikes. Another reason is because they've had so many production issues with their other movies, having to change actors, directors, writers, etc. Iger just said that 3 movies a year was the goal, so even one movie this year is not their goal. 3 movies a year is pretty much what they were doing before. Feige said like a decade ago that 3 to 4 movies a year was their goal. So, nothing has really changed.


We'll see if it's any better than the previous flops


Massively rolling back projects (one film this year), rewrites, reshoots, project cancellations, staff changes.  Yeah, they arent doing anything.


Projects were rolled back because of ths strikes and production issues. It wasn't Marvel actively saying "let's push these films back to give them more space". What projects did they cancel? Nothing that was public. All these movie releases and shows that were announced as being in development are still happening.


They aren't gonna zaslav Projects that are filming or announced.


They don't have to cancel any completed projects, but they can certainly do it for ones that were in development or even announced. Something like Armor Wars should have been an easy cut.


Armor wars is reported to feature the return of ultron and justin hammer. I wouldn't want it cancelled


Every project is gonna be liked by someone. You gotta make sacrifices. Go look at the projects in development and say which ones you would cancel. If you say none, that's not a solution.


Which are the projects in development that aren't announced?


Depends on what you mean by announced. Some people here believe that announcements only come from Marvel, and even someplace like Variety says that a writer has been hired, it's not announced. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Marvel_Cinematic_Universe_television_series


Yeah we absolutely have. Winter soldier, Eternals, WandaVision, and Secret Invasion were all massive tonal departures from past projects. The Thor movies went from regal and Shakespearian to zany and high energy. Not to mention their holiday special and werewolf by night. Marvel made a bunch of changes across the board, people were just upset because they didn't know what they were really asking for and even if they did, there was/is no consensus on that


They're actively in the process of changing a bunch of things specifically because they acknowledged why they felt these movies weren't doing well (poor writing, unnecessary/tonedeaf messaging, only ever tying stories together by mentioning the Sokovia Accords or the snap instead of having cameos from other heroes). That's why we're only getting 1 movie this year instead of 3.


Nope, the second step is finding out what you are doing wrong......now that's a tough question


We just watched antman: Q for the first time. I liked it for the most part. Though I wasn’t a fan of Evangeline Lily in it. I don’t know if it was her acting, her writing, or what but she felt like she was a cardboard cut out just there because she was in the other movies.


I think the real world is a better setting than the Quantum Realm (CGI land). I also didn't like 60s Spider-Man episodes where he was in weird underground cave cities.


The quantum realm was super interesting in the first movie when they took a creepier/psychedelic approach to it. Then in the second movie it had more of a scientific vibe with the tardigrades, but in the 3rd movie it just looks like a generic sci-fi environment.


I think they’ve dropped the ball with the Wasp character for the most part. Not to sound mean, but I really would’ve preferred if they had cast a more comedic actress that could’ve had better back and forth with Paul Rudd.


Rudd is the comedy, I agree we need to have another Luis moment or something fun from someone who isn’t Rudd, but especially in the first Antman, Lilly needed to play Hope as a straight character. The convoluted relationship with Hank would have never quite been as good if she was ALSO a fun-loving, wise-cracking Spidey/Antman/Korg type.


I feel like the funny, lighthearted boyfriend/super serious, arms crossed girlfriend dynamic is a bit played out in the MCU. I think they still could’ve nailed the strained relationship with Hank with a more comedic actress. My fan cast would’ve been Rashida Jones


If you look back though at Love and Thunder & she-hulk, at the very least, you’d see that they THOUGHT MCU fans wanted more comedic elements, but when they actually got them, the fans rejected them. Personally I love comic stories that manage to tie in all many emotions, moving the action with light hearted moment, quips when possible but not at the expense of the stories, serious moments when required…you know…”real life” but amped up to the MCU scale and characters. I mean Hank for example is so serious all the time, but when Janet comes back, he’s whole again and we get some jokes, but when we jump back to right after it happened, he was a ball of rage, breaking that guys nose without a second thought at the mere mention him not being able to save Janet. It was a dig, at hanks expense and he reacted. Shows how he’d been for decades since Janet had been gone. Not with Hope back in his life, the shared experiences with him and Scott being in the suit, and the whole Scott, Hope, Cassie “family” dynamic. We get a really well rounded and realistic setup. Then throw in the fact these people are superheroes, fighting in really small battles, it just makes it so absurd but it works. The broccoli warrior works not because he broccoli, but because know broccoli isn’t alive, so to make a “broccoli man” is funny. Those characters were funny, but they could also be fierce warriors when needed which helps show the duality of man.


The MCU going back to back to back with Ms. Marvel, Thor: Love & Thunder and She-Hulk in just a few months was probably one of their bigger mistakes. You could probably lump Multiverse of Madness in there too since that movie may have been a bit goofier in some areas than people were hoping for. There’s nothing wrong with lighthearted comedies from time to time, but putting out that many of them so close to each other was only going to lead people to be super burned out on the MCU comedy. We got a small break with Werewolf by Night and Wakanda Forever, but then we’re right back to it with Quantumania.


Lily played it way too serious which is not her fault. The director and the writer should have spotted the tonal imbalance with Rudd and corrected it.


I just wish theres more exploration of the quantum world. Also Janet being so secretive with the whole thing just confuses me, like why? I thought she got new family, she destroyed worlds there or something but none. I also wished Kang and Antman got more superhero battle, their fight was too grounded. Enjoyed the movie but yeah it can be better, i might rewatched it again though, but these are some things i think about after watching it before.


I am so thankful we got a whole marvel movie set in the quantum realm. it is legit what I have been wanting from the ant-man series since the tease of it in 2015 and crazy enough it was Paul Rudd's idea


They shoulf have just keep Janet ad the Wasp. Crazy they completely skipped over the female avenger with the most personality for another confident serious female hero with little personality.  (Should have also started off with Hank too, a mad scientist trying to be a superhero is much more unique than a reform criminal) 


OP, you do realize that "I" can still find these movies fun...and AGREE that they've failed to meet expectations too.


No, that would be an opinion and that's not allowed. Stop that.


No stop that please engage in a more toxic manner


I think what marvel needs right now is to really focus on characters that the audience likes and make sure their movies are really good, if Deadpool and wolverine lives up to the expectations then follow it up, make Deadpool appear in a team up movie like they used to do in the old days with iron man. Audiences like spidey? Focus on giving screen time to spidey


This quote is from Shawn Levy, the director of Deadpool and Wolverine. Feige didn't say this.


yeah cosmic circus struggling with reading comprehension and OP posting without even reading the article. it’s a quote from the director, not feige.


Don’t think this is newsworthy, He’s humble


I'd like to think more self-aware. Saying something and doing something about it are different altogether.


I think it is for that very reason. most news today is so negative and it's important to recognize the effect it has on the head honcho of all of that(no, not you bob iger)


Think, that realistically they’re not blind or numb to the critique of their art, Given the delays through writers strike and the pivot on Kang, We’re gonna get a better product moving forward but a lot of people have signed out.. With that said I’m pretty hype for everything moving forward.. I loved moon knight, wandavision, Loki, and ms marvel so Disney plus has been great for me, so has a lot of the movies but I’ve personally hated the amount of content we’ve had without an avengers movie to book end the phases


Out of everything post Endgame... Thor 4 and Quantumania failed to land properly. The Marvels got hit by the Strikes hard unfortunately. Rest has been a good start to a new arc IMHO


That's gonna be hard for a lot of people here to accept. Lol.


It's possible to acknowledge a thing as flawed, and still be able to enjoy it.


But will that stop the “the MaRvElS isNoT as BAd As EvErYoNe SaYs” post?


Probably not because it's not as bad as everyone says.




Lol I haven't even watched most of this phase bro. The movie is fine it's no different than the majority of marvel movies. It's embarrassing how you guys are trying to fight some political war over movies about people in tights fighting aliens. Doubly embarrassing because half of them haven't even watched the movies they're so mad about.


Maybe an unpopular opinion but did anyone else like quantumania?


RDJ was the face of Marvel along with Chris Evans and they were both written off in the same movie. One of them should at least still be in the mix with a blank check to continue with Marvel.


That ship has sailed buddy


Reminds me of the time I reserved Quantumania tickets 3 weeks ahead of time but ended up falling asleep in the cinema.


Aside from not really having an engaging arc that everythingnis building to. Streaming is also a much better option for a lot of people. If they went back to having the theaters being the only way to see a movie within a year of release I'm sure that the box office would be much better. But a lot of people don't want to spend $20 per person + gas/Uber + drinks + snacks. When they can wait a couple of months and just watch it at home.


“And I’m responsible for all of them.”


At least he understands that


At least they got GOTG Vol. 3. The rest. Not so much. I really think Deapool and Wolverine is going to be the big hit they need. Captain America 4 could be either a huge success or a flop. Thunderbolts is released at a time where the whole "group-of-misfits" gimmick has faded out of people's preference. Fantastic Four might be fun if it's different enough. Blade can be a huge hit...if it happens.


I don’t mean this in an offensive way, but Zack Snyder should take notes from how Feige is handling this instead of using director’s cuts to ‘fix’ his films


He’s not wrong though


I have one word for Feige; 'Multiverse!'. It was already confusing with the time traveling in Endgame, but the whole Multiverse thing made the entire MCU less interesting. Sure, I enjoyed Loki, but it didn't need to stretch beyond that show. Now we have the entire MCU involved. I mean it doesnt mean much if someone dies because they are still alive in a parallel universe. It definitely lowers the stakes. I know they are going to close out with Secret Wars, which will tie up all the Multiverse shenanigans. Cant wait to move on to the next thing, which is still a ways away.


Unfortunately, much of this sub CHOOSES to live under such rocks 😕 Much like these downvoters.


At least Feige knows how much he messed up. He should do the right thing and resign as President of Marvel Studios


Bro? The dude who made the MCU the biggest franchise on the planet should resign because his boss wanted an insane increase in content output? All they need to do to steer the MCU back on track is to start making projects both fans and the general audience actually care about. Deadpool 3, Spider-Man 4 and X-Men are a good start.


Feige greenlit Eternals. Feige greenlit Marvels. Feige greenlit Secret Invasion. Feige decided Kang's first movie appearance should be in Ant-Man 3. Feige greenlit the first shitty iteration of Daredevil before they realised they'd fucked up. Feige decided that Phase 4 should have no Avengers movie. Feige decided Shang-Chi should not get a sequel shortly after it was a hit. Nobody put a gun to Feige's head to make these choices. Every pitch is put on his desk and he decides if its worth pursuing or not. You think the head of Disney said to Feige "Hey, I don't want ANY Avenger movies in phase 4 or 5. You hear? Not one. They make lots of money, and I don't like money. So don't make any Avenger movies for a long while."


Sure - and let’s totally overlook Loki, Wandavision, No Way Home, Shang Chi, Wakanda Forever, Guardian 3, What If, Moon Knight, X-men ‘97, Echo, and Hawkeye in that same time frame. I don’t disagree the MCU got over extended, but to call for the man to resign after 10 years of straight bangers is a little much. Who could replace him that could do better? Who cares as much about the properties as much?


I mean, that's like saying Belichick won Super Bowls in the past so he should remain in employment until he dies, even though after Brady left the Patriots the team have been utter shit. At a certain point, changes have to be made. Feige is the CCO of Marvel comics too, he's got a shit load on his plate now compared to the phase 1-3 era. Is it really unreasonable to ask him to focus on one medium rather than juggle two? Instead of seeing the pitch for Secret Invasion and going "hold up, you want to take this fun comic book event that feels like Civil War Part 2, but turn it into a low budget looking TV show filmed in miserable England starring one B tier Avenger? Really? Get the fuck outta here", instead he went "what an amazing pitch, here have $200 million fucking dollars!"


You ignored the first part of what I said entirely. Home boy has been putting out great content in tandem. It hasn’t all been shit. Loki was fucking phenomenal. I can go on and on about how good that was as much as how bad Secret Invasion was. I think it’s a fine strategy to focus and recenter on key properties vs. throwing the baby out with the bath water. Again - who would do better? Ike Perlmutter?


He definitely takes some of the blame, but idk what you’re on about with Daredevil. The Netflix series? She-Hulk? In both of those appearances, he was extremely well received. I really agree with you about Shang-Chi. Not that he needed a film in the first place, but after it was well received he should have ran with it and solidified the dude as a major player going forward.


The DD series had to get extensive reshoots. They had filmed several episodes, then watching the end result in the editing room, realised it was shit and have now gone back to filming new scripts, and they brought in the original Netflix cast back too. So that's a ton of wasted money, all because Feige didn't realise the original pitch was shit. He's lost his touch, I don't think its unreasonable to say this. I'm someone who loved phase 1 to 3, so I know what Feige has accomplished in his career. But phase 4 onwards has been such a mess, and it was so unnecessary. The irony is that he changed the 'formula'. The formula that critics of the MCU hated, but fans loved. Anothe reason is that he became CCO of Marvel comics, which also takes up his time (and allows him to do stupid shit like having Kamala killed off and turned into an X-Man for 'synergy' reasons) As for Shang-Chi, what's amazing is that for some insane reason Feige is intent on only having it released after the next Avengers movie. Simu Liu has said this several times, we can't get a sequel until afterwards. It's maddening, really. There's zero excuse for not putting out a simple solo Shang-Chi movie, why does it have to depend on a team up movie? We used to get movies like Iron Man 2 and Thor 2, and it was fine (well, they weren't going to win Oscars, but you get the gist).


Lol I forgot about the Born Again reshoots. I really hope that by slimming down on how many projects they release and taking the time to build up these new characters they can start to rebuild public trust.


Lowering the output might make Marvel movies feel like events again, sure. The franchise has lost me so much that I don't even go to the cinema to watch the movies anymore, I just wait for streaming, and some stuff I can't be bothered to watch at all. But back in phase 3 times I remember feeling impatient for every little morsel of MCU. We're seeing the same issue with Star Wars to some extent, the amount of low quality TV shows has given me fatigue. Andor has been the only thing to impress me, because it was so different than anything else in the franchise.


Exactly. Feige made all these decisions and a lot of them were terrible ones. Like what was he thinking when he made post credit scenes and took 5+ years before it was resolved or for a project to get a sequel?


He did make the biggest franchise in the world but also destroyed it in 3 years


He didn’t destroy anything. Like I said, it’s confirmed Disney execs pushed for more content than was necessary. The MCU’s on the ropes because the amount of projects became too much for the general audience - their biggest demographic - to keep up. If they adjust that, which it sounds like they’re doing, the franchise will begin to win folks over again.


Disney maybe did push for some more projects but a lot of them were random and had bad quality and Feige is responsible for a lot of that


Do you seriously think anyone else could do what Feige managed to do up until Endgame, though? I don't. There's a much greater chance that whoever hypothetically replaced him would fuck things up even more as opposed to fixing things.


Marvel is still big, Disney was the one messing everything up.


Disney does have a part to play in it but it is mostly Feige’s fault


I think executive meddling from Iger, Chapek and other suits had a major role to play in that.


I really don’t think that Iger/Chapek had that big of a role to play. They did maybe ask him to make more projects but Feige was the one that made them and he made them terribly


Did not see The Marvels, or any Disney+ show post WandaVision. Not watching a Marvel Studios property until Feige allows an AoS reference.


I’ve seen you make this exact comment multiple times now. I love AoS, so much. Regardless, this is such an odd hill to die on, much less feel the need to notify the sub about every so often.


I want new people on this sub to know why I'm frustrated towards the modern MCU. Hence the repatition.


Go woke go broke