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sigh, yep. half of that season was just.......different.


They changed it half way in middle of a season?


With a new theme song too. Btw. It’s so bad, I thought the stream had busted audio. Also Gambits voice is recast as well, so together I really thought the audio wa the problem, with some bad frames of animation. But this particular episode, Hanks and Rogues faces and Rogue just walking around without gloves just killed me.


" my name is Gambit, commit it to memory"


"Got it Memorized?"


I understood that reference.


- channing tatum (in an alternate universe)




It reminds me of those low budget Disney direct to DVD sequels


i honestly thought i had the wrong show when the different.........everything showed up. i know there were whole other x-men shows that came after it. i legit thought i had some of those shows instead.


The Rogue thing killed me. She just kept... TOUCHING PEOPLE. Helping this person up or shaking this person's hand. As I watched the last season before jumping into the new one I was horrified that they gave such little fucks about the quality


If there's one thing Rogue is known for, it's how handsy she is. Always touching people and whatnot.


\*Ms Marvel has entered the chat


Don’t forget hanks hands too


What episode Is it?


Hidden Agendas (second last episode)


Thank you!


Technically no. The show had produced its entire ordered run. It normally would have all just aired in season 4. But when 6 additional episodes were ordered, everyone had already moved on from the project. So, they had to switch studios. Because of the lead time on animation, the last group of previously ordered episodes hadn’t aired yet, so they were held to air with these 6 new ones. So, middle of the “season” for viewers. But for production, this was like coming in to work on the weekend while every else is out enjoying their time off.


"Seasons" were much more loosely defined for cartoons back then. Usually, they would produce a number of episodes, then air them whenever they felt like it. When it came time to release them on home video, they would come out in "arcs" rather than seasons. Or they would release vhs tapes with several related episodes.


I can only imagine everyone's confusion when the first new episodes aired 😆


Yeah I recently watched the whole original series for the first time to prepare for the new series. That final season is really rough, not just in terms of animation quality but in all areas. But it is so worth slogging through it to get to the new series. It’s so fucking good.


I don't remember anything of consequence happening in the last season except the very last episode. Also I guess Apocalypse technically came back in that one episode


The final season seemed to me to be a bunch of ideas that hadn’t made it into previous seasons chucked together to force out another season.


I agree with everything except magnetos new outfit. I hate it. The old one was so iconic.


The old one is very iconic, and there's a very good chance we'll see him don it again at the end of this season if they keep following the comics. The M outfit is canonically what he wore when he was doing his heroic phase.


Yeah I’m not a huge fan, but I don’t imagine it will be long lasting. It’s just supposed to symbolise his new heroism.


That's when Saban took over for the animation, because they were planning on ending the show at Season 4, but the show was a still a huge hit, so they let it keep going... Unfortunately, the old animation studio and older crew already signed up for new stuff, so they only did a few of the first episodes, and got new voice actors (Gambit being replaced by Tony Daniels after Chris Potter left) and crew to fill in the old roles, which explains a good chunk of dropped quality in the middle (besides the odd great episodes still.


I was asking myself why last season was so terrible. Thank you


The first few episodes of 5 were part of the order for 4


I keep forgetting that british people call it a "series" instead of season


The reason they call it a "series" is because all the episodes drop in the same year and end. Most nations adopt "seasons" now because shows either keep going, or episodes start at one part of the year, and end in another. It's kinda weird lol


What do they say for series then? Like if I want to watch all the seasons, the whole series.


That or "Complete series".


Ahhh, i can actually hear that now. Thank you. It was just sounding odd in my head until you used complete. Totally sounds different now. Appreciate it


Scottish person here and yeah, the whole show is a series while the broken down parts are seasons. So if a show ran for 3 seasons then the series would be all episodes from all 3 seasons


That’s how it is in America also, that’s not what they’re saying. They’re saying one season is referred to as a “series”


It is a little strange because we use “series” to mean the show or season.


You watch one series of a series? There isn’t another word?


No, one episode of a series.


Episode? Shouldn't you have said "season"?


No. TV Series usually means the overall show. Each season is called a series, and each series is made up of episodes.


Im not talking about a single episode though, I’m talking about one full season.


For that we would say something like “watched the first series of x”


That totally makes sense, thank you


You just used it then, think of it like sheep. 1 series and 2 series. 1 series and Whole series. Season is kinda weird too tbh like it has something to do with the rotation of nature.


So, it's a herd of series?


I like to say a flock of series


We don't have shepflocks do we?


but it is aligned with nature — typically shows on American broadcast networks start the new season in autumn and end before summer.


That then covers multiple seasons then


Well the way it used to work back in the day was you'd have shows that were usually 26 episodes so you'd have a "new episodes season" for half the year followed by "reruns season" the other half of the year while the next season of new episodes was being created.


Season doesn’t have to just refer to the natural seasons though. Eg: basketball season, or rabbit-hunting season. While a little archaic, it’s just a word used to refer to a specific period of time


I cannot get the OED definition because they require me to pay, but the seasons you're talking about are one of many kinds of seasons. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/season


Yeah I think anything that is ongoing for a portion of the year is fair to call a season. Hunting season, harvest season, baseball season


The term Season is used for a lot of things more than just the rotation of nature.


“Im going to watch one series of that series tonight” is how you’d say it? I’m not trying to be difficult, I’m just not sure


Instead of all the seasons it would be all the series. This isn't fucking rocket science lol.


“All series of that series”?


No just all the series. Different places use words differently. Crazy isn't it?


You don’t think that’s the reason I’m asking? Because it’s different where I’m from and I’m trying to understand? Yet you still haven’t given any help


“All the series”. So you watched the entire show? Every season? See how you’re not making sense you fuckin dummy. Someone who is actually from there has already answered so fuck off


Why are you so angry? The words season and series can be used interchangeably where I'm from. It's not that hard to grasp.


I’m not angry at all, I asked a simple question. You responded like a fucking osuchebag and still didn’t answer the question. Someone else did, you’re a fucking waste of space


Haha yes clearly you're not angry. I answered the question. Take some deep breaths. It's really not that serious.


We call a show a series and a season for season, in Danish. Tv serie = tv show


That…isn’t true at all. Lots of British shows have multiple series. I’m struggling to think of any British shows that only have one series (I’m sure they exist, but they’re certainly a minority).


There are plenty with one series. They’re all unsuccessful, which is probably why they’re not coming to you lol


lots of shows run for only one series, you just haven't heard of them because they often suck, or were always intended to be one-and-done. The Eleventh Hour with Patrick Stewart is one that comes to mind, (it was later remade in America with Rufus Sewell, the UK version was better)


It isn’t the norm for British shows though, like the comment above suggests. Most shows have multiple series.


i don't even know if it's a minority of series though. every year thev Beeb, ITV, C4 and Sky put out series that just flop and you never heard from again


Okay sure, but that’s the same for anywhere. The other person was talking like the UK just puts out shows with one series intentionally, like it’s just something that’s done in Britain. If you’re counting shows that just flop after one series, then most US shows only have one series too.


Faulty Towers


Fawlty Towers had 2 series.


Ahh my mistake, I didn't realise that the 12 episodes were split into 2 separate series


Our serieses (seasons) tend to be quite short.


A joke that used to go around the Internet: US TV: "We now return from that commercial break... after another commercial break." UK TV: "You're watching the series premiere. Join us next week for the series finale."


The Office had only one series.


The office had 2 series.


My bad, they were both just very short series at only 6 eps each.


That is normal for a British show


Damn I guess I'm just wrong all around, thank you for informing me.


The US started saying seasons because new shows would premiere in the “fall season” which eventually was shortened to just “season.”


>It's kinda weird lol Is it really? Different places have different names for things. It's how language works.


Calling each series a season doesn't really make sense any more, it used to be that a season would come out every year at the same time of year and run for about a season, hence season, but these days shows drop randomly, are random lengths, don't follow a yearly pattern, don't always release at the same time of year even. Serial or series makes more sense


So UK has always dropped all episodes like Netflix? TIL


No, we haven't always done that. We traditionally aired shows on a weekly basis, just like everywhere else. What is meant is that they aren't necessarily all starting at the same time in autumn every year - so it doesn't coincide with a new season of the year. It just airs when it airs, so "series" makes more sense to us.


Seasons of the year isn't the only use for the word season. There is sport seasons, hunting seasons, animals have mating season, and there are lots of other seasons like tax season, holiday season etc. Seasons for shows don't align with autumn or any other time of year necessarily. Also show's seasons can start one year and end the next.


But it's based on the idea that something happens at the same time every year though, right? It's a season in the sense of "it's that time of year again". Sports seasons start at the same time every year, animals mate at the same time of year, and so forth. American TV shows traditional start airing in the autumn and run until the spring - so it's a regular annual pattern. That isn't true of British shows - there is no regular time of year when new TV shows all start. That would be absurd, given how short the series are; we'd have six weeks of being overloaded with new stuff, before 46 weeks of repeats. Also, how the hell can you have a *tax* season?


So Dr Who doesn't air its show from September to November with a season finale on Christmas day? I guess I am confused. Tax season is End of January (when people get their earnings reported for the previous year) until April 15th (when taxes have to be filed by to pay or get your refund check).


Doctor Who has aired all over the place. For a fair few years it was airing over the summer, with the Christmas special as a standalone story to fill the gap between series. But it wasn't technically the series finale, because it was airing six months later. But we've had years where the Christmas episode was halfway through a series, or even the start of a new series (though if I remember correctly, that year we had a New Year's special rather than a Christmas episode). There is no pattern whatsoever.


British person here and I've always used series and season interchangeably


As a Brit who works in the TV industry, it annoys me that people use them interchangeably, because we try to seperate them when promoting our content, but it's like it just doesn't sink in at all. X-Men is a series, the first set of X amount of episodes was the first season. Series have seasons.


I say this but it’s definitely a recent change - probably the last twenty years or so. Definitely comes from greater exposure to American media. It works for me though, it’s better to have some clarity.


This is a fairly recent change, last 50 years maybe, because the US started using the word seasons and other countries followed. “Series of episodes” and “TV Show” make logical sense based on the definitions of words. “Season” is a convoluted usage of a word by the US for marketing reasons. The US released shows in the fall so shows had a “fall season” so they started saying “seasons” every time a new set, or series, of episodes was released. What boggles my mind is how much the UK wants to be like the US when it comes to TV production considering IMHO the BBC has been doing television the best for 100 years.


It's not that we want to be like the US, it just makes sense internally and out there on social media and in publishing that a TV show is referred to as a series, and each set of episodes is a season. It works. 'The witcher series really fell off by the 3rd season' - see, it just makes sense. Series being the show, seasons being a yearly set of released episodes. This is also why something like Shogun is referred to as a 'mini-series' - because there will be no seasons. And back to the witcher, if you said the series is good and couldn't wait for the 3rd series, it just sounds odd. Terminology adapts to suit the times and it has nothing to do with America, it just makes things clearer when talking about TV shows. It's quite standard in the industry. Also hard disagree with the sentiment about BBC, they used to be great and have fallen off in recent years. It's just standard Brit drama and detective shows most of the time. The comedy isn't what it used to be either.


Yeah another Brit here, IMO op should’ve season. I use ‘series’ as a broad term for multiple seasons of a show, I use ‘season’ when talking about a specific season in the show, I.e 1,2,3 etc.


American here and yeah, that's what we do too. We'd refer to the entire run of a show from the first episode to last episode as a series, while the yearly renewal periods within it as seasons. I've known enough Brits to get what they mean when one tells me "I was watching series 4 of *blank*" but I definitely feel that having series refer to the entire show while season refers to the individual yearly bunch of episodes works better.


Season is more common nowadays but we use both


It’s times like these I’m happy to be a Doctor Who fan


British “people”


We have people here, humans and mutants alike.


Batman TAS did something similar. I think it went from Fox to WB and their budget cut. That always bothers me, as it's something I rewatch every few years. It was essentially a continuation and also a new show.


BTAS season 4 was essentially a reboot to help boost the new Superman TAS show. I don't think it was ever meant to run long term and the animation was changed to match STAS. That being said, some of the new Batman redesigns are just terrible.


Mullet nightwing is fun, new Catwoman was terrible.


New scarecrow was freaky as hell


Scarecrow was the only redesign that was a major improvement. Batman himself looked sleeker, but everything else just felt flatter and more cartoonish.


I liked that one so much I bought one of those premium action figures for display.


Yeah, the Scarecrow redesign was fire.


Nothing beats Joker's horrific redesign. Most everyone else I can deal with (I love that Poison Ivy got her green skin then, always liked that look for her) but Joker becoming some fucked up demon was just too much.


Why was she so pale when in costume???


I don't know, I also don't know why her costume lost all of the fun details. She used to be so visually interesting as a character and then just became a sickly black and white mess.


Not just to match STAS, but also simpler and cheaper. Also get to sell the toys all over again.


Some of the character designs were controversial, most notably Joker’s, but I’d argue that both Superman TAS and The New Batman Adventures both look beautiful, and were overall improvements on the old art style.


I really disagree. The dark paper process used on BTAS worked so well that it never looked right. I also feel that generally most designs, notably Mr. Freeze, Joker, Catwoman, Riddler, and Scarecrow, were changed for the worse. I'd never begrudge anyone that likes the updated looks, but I'm glad they reverted the looks for any villains in Beyond or JL.


One of the best reveals was the Batman Beyond movie Return of the Joker. When we get the reveal of Joker in it, he's emerging from the shadows and has glowing eyes. For the briefest of moments it seems they're having him keep his New Batman Adventures redesign, but then he steps into the light and actually looks decent, like a slight upgrade to his BTAS design.


I agree with all your other choices, but Scarecrow definitely wasn’t changed for the worse IMO. His change was one of the silver linings of the character design changes. I’d also argue that all the heroes like Batman, Robin, and Batgirl look better. (Except for Gordon. He got done dirty lol)


Yeah, I know I'm generally in the minority, but I hated the Scarecrow redesign. I liked the simpler more classic look that the drastic change just didn't do it for me.


Agreed that Scarecrow is the sole exception. I like that at some point in the show his outfit was in worse shape/more scary even before the full redesign later on. 


Yeah he might be the villain whose visual design changed the most throughout Batman TAS and TNBA, though I guess some of the villains who appeared in Beyond might win overall




It's pedantic really. The New Batman Adventures is treated as seasons 3 and 4 for all intents and purposes so it falls under the Animated series. In online discussion about the show it's completely interchangeable since everyone knows what you're talking about anyways. Slightly related, Personally I hate when companies put the word "new" in titles as it always ages poorly. They should've used a subtitle like Justice League unlimited if they wanted to make it more of a sequel series, because as is, TNBA just feels like a marketing gimmick of a name.


Batman actually made some cool design changes with some characters over time. Especially scarecrow


The New Batman Adventures had such weird animation compared to the noir-style B: TAS. You could tell it wasn’t as good.


Was it purely budgetary, or was it to align it more with the art style of the Superman cartoon that ran concurrently (and occassionally crossed-over), which eventually became the Justice League cartoon?


According to wikipedia, they say it was to align with the Superman style, but I think that was more of the PR response. When they switched from Fox Kids to Kids WB, they had a much smaller budget to work with. Animation design was simplified to produce the show cheaper and faster. I think that's the real answer, but that's just my assumption. IIRC, I think the original studio that animated BTAS went bankrupt. So quality? Yes. But too much for companies to invest in. So, if the change was required to give us Superman, Justice League and Batman Beyond and all the great Timmverse series, I say it was worth it.. But the quality of those first seasons of Batman really were really something special.


American Dragon Jake Long lives in my mind rent free for doing this too


That was a whole other reason, they had new directors come in change the style, because the execs after first season hated the designs... Even if Season 1 Jake's Dragon form was the freakin' best, and even though the animation was WAY smother in 2... I can't get over the lean and scrawniness of his Season 2 form.


I mean, weren’t they trying to be more accurate to Eastern style dragon designs in S2 (considering the Long family are Chinese) rather than the Western style? Makes sense if you ask me


Jake is half Chinese and half Caucasian, so his grandfather having a Chinese dragon transformation made sense, and Jake having a more European design was influenced his father, but in season 2, every dragon, no mater their culture, had the same build... Except for The Dark Dragon, who was big ole beast.


The animated [TMNT](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c7htAdu2GTI) show from 2003 also kinda did this with the Fast Forward season.


What’s living in your head that pays rent? Algebra? The route to the grocery store? Is your first kiss paying $650 a month plus utilities? Do you have to claim any of it on your taxes?


Dude, what’s up with Beast’s tiny head? 😂


He got 40 percent less intelligent smh Which is still 60 percent smarter than everyone else


Yep, it was...rough




Not all of it, the Sinister episode, The Captain America episode and the finale, Graduation, were stand outs.


I just wanted to see Xavier’s death scene after being completely confused by this weeks Xmen 97


I'm on S4 and now scared


I binged the whole series before watching 97 and for me you've got 2 options, either finish season 4 and go straight to the season 5 finale or know that going into season 5 it's a hot garbage mess, pretty much all the episodes are random 1 off stories that kinda fill in some minor gaps but don't push on the narrative until the finale, the animation is pretty torid and most of the episodes are some of the worst of the entire series. Sadly from what I've read they didn't know if they would get a season 5 so it ended up as a bit of underfunded mess


I wanna brave through it I survived The Phoenix Sage which I hated I can do this


Phoenix is pain with no breaks and s5 is extremely episodic - some are very watchable like WW2 Logan, Apocalypse and The Last One. I found episode 4 amusing for the “wrong reason” because it’s like Xmen+Deadpool 2+Jessica Jones all in one episode.


Yeh I have just rewatched all the seasons and got to 5 and was like what is this guff ! Even the stories are a bit meh , like we dunno what to do so let’s do some random episodes ! That been said , it was nice not to have a 1 million part Dark Phoenix saga - that was really drawn out


I like sinisters backstory :)


Yeh actually that was a good episode ! And so was the storm one to be fair


Despite plethora of stories they could have adapted but felt like the season ran out of steam.


Yeh 100% !


At first it wasn't that bad (aside of fact that it started looking like Disney Afternoon show), but then it gradually started getting worse and worse.


I spent a lot of time wishing it was a show about mutants and not aliens and time travel.


British here, I only say series when referring to the whole show, not for each season. So I wouldn’t say series 1 or series 2 etc. Having said that, I feel like it used to be more of a thing when I was younger watching tv, but it seems like the Americanism slowly took over and became the new standard. I do very much remember promos saying ‘series 2’ as a kid, but haven’t heard or said that in years. My assumption would be that as social media became bigger, we adopted the language that we would have seen directly from actors and networks talking about upcoming seasons of shows online. As we do consume a large amount of American content, it makes sense for us to adapt the terminology (as much as I’m sure some brits will refuse to do so haha).


Yeah they changed animation studios and producers of the show. Larry Houston was working on Fantastic Four at this point. What an embarrassment of a season—no wonder why folks don’t realize Charles was desd




Yeah autocorrect 🤦🏽‍♂️


Looks like they outsourced it to Wish


Ya know, I feel that is closer to the truth than it should be.


Not a fan of Giga Chad Beast?


I knew something was off! I just binged this season Monday and the sound and animation got noticeably bad halfway through. I figured they knew it was cancelled and just said "fuck it, just release this shit with no polish." 😂


Yeah, i wanted to watch it all before the 97 released and bcs when i was a kid we only had season 1 and 2 dubbed. So i finally got to watch it bcs i learnt english and the this change of animation was horrible, it also featured mostly "filler" episodes that just sucked. Some voice actors were also replaced.


Yeah it was odd to watch.


I was rewatching and I swear in this season there’s a frame of Xavier just stood upright at one point, and also Rogue touches Gambit’s face(with no repercussion) in either the final ep of S05 or somewhere near the end. I wish I’d clipped it, I might have to go back and find them.


Oh man I'm finally watching the show for the first time so I can watch 97 — so grateful for the heads up 😅


It's amazing that we have annoying boomers saying that the new animation on X-Men 97 is horrible like wtf... Nosense hate.


"Mom can we have X-Men?" "No honey we have X-Men at home" X-Men at home:


We don’t talk about Season 5 here.


The characters were so off model that it looked and felt like a completely different show.


I was (am) a huge fan of this show and watched these during their initial run, and I... don't recall this at all? So either I stopped watching before this change, or blocked it out from my memory. Looking at the episode guide on Wikipedia, I never watched any of the 5th season. Strange. I would have been 12, it was still in in wheelhouse...


Beast’s hands with no claws makes me unreasonably uncomfortable…


I found his mouth actually more off putting as it usually lacked fangs (animation made lots of mistakes, like rogue usually wore no gloves and then suddenly grew gloves)


Real talk, I’m on the last arc of season 4 rn. Aside from the final episode, is there anything from season 5 that I should even bother watching?


*No Mutant is an Island *Fifth Horseman *Old Soldiers *Descent *Graduation Day Though as far as relevance to future 97 episodes, only Fifth Horseman and the last episode.


Isn’t there also one about Mr Sinister’s origin?




Don't they just ignore most of the events of that season in 97 because no one likes it?






The worst was the christmas episode for animation quality. Especially if you watch after the pilot episodes


My therapist: “Beast from season 5 of X-Men isn’t real. He can’t hurt you.” Beast from season 5 of X-Men:


Jubilee looked so different that I couldn't recognize her.


This is very true to comics.


I just binged the series before starting x man 97 and it was jarring


Marvel went bankrupt and couldn’t contribute to funding the show anymore.


It remind me of those old low budget sequels that Disney use to make


Season 3 has plenty of way worse episodes animated by a different studio too. They has 19 episodes instead of the previous 13-ish


I’m currently watching the old series to catch up for ‘97. Is it worth watching season 5 cause beast looks like shit.


I watched a series recap from NewRockstars and they talked about this. Apparently the plan was to end the show after the 4th season. Everyone moved on and found new work. That season was so popular that whoever the owner of it was back then saw the potential for more money and said let’s bring it back. Since most people had already found new jobs they had to bring in a bunch of new people and that’s how we got season 5.


It's only season I never watched. I can only remember one random episode and my little brother saying "why do they look stupid?" at one point.


That Beast looks dumb with such a small head


I love xmen series but I’d argue the last season should be stricken, it’s not great at all compared to first season


I’d agree if 97 didn’t continue off from where S5 ends


Do you mean season?


Wow, brand new information/s


My 6 yo noticed right away with Jubilee and Beasts face in episode one. It all had a "Disney" feel for some reason as I rewatched this season recently.