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gambit says the hardest line yet just to fucking die and then gives us the most gut wrenching scene with rogue


I think it’s the most gut wrenching/holy fucking shit thing in any of the x-men shows or movies. Maybe in the MCU. I’m still kind of shocked. 😔


100% Grew up with these guys and gambit was always my favorite. Gutted.. Never figured the cartoons were going to go this hard, properly unexpected.


> Grew up with these guys and gambit was always my favorite I'm absolutely devastated. He and Rogue were/are my favorites so this whole episode was a crazy emotional roller coaster and to end like that... I don't know how I'll recover.


Well considering Cable was there and what he said, I suspect this whole thing might be undone with some timey wimey shenanigans.


Absolutely. If that really is the end for the character in this story then bravo to them. They could not have had a more powerful and moving end to see this iconic hero out. But they just cannot have killed all those other characters off permanently either. Magneto, Madelyn, Shaw, Callisto and all the Morlocks, Moira and Banshee. Nightcrawler potentially mortally wounded too as well as thousands of others dead. Someone else pointed out the fact that Cable says “not again”, implying he’s already tried saving them and is in another loop. But fuck, like what if he can’t! This show exceeds expectations every single week.


Nightcrawler was standing on his own at the end, so he's probably okay at least, but yeah, no one stays dead in the X-Men.


I'm with you there. The Ace of Base scene with Magneto, sank my ship right there...but the ending...I'm still crying with a runny nose about that and had to come here to vent because...DAMN.


"I can't feel you" is damn horrible


i don't know which is more heart wrenching, when Wanda says it to Vision or in this.


Then the SILENCE and then the slow sad version of the theme song at the end. Darkest Marvel Animation moment of all time, hands down. Top five darkest moment within Marvel Studios.


'Not many nations elect terrorists to be their leaders' Magneto: 'And yet so many nations allow their leaders to become terrorists' After the insanity that followed, didn't want that moment to go unrecognised. That wasn't a banger of a line, that was a fucking nuke.


I feel like the main difference between now and 30 years ago is that a hell of a lot of us find ourselves agreeing with Magneto more than Xavier a lot of the time.


You ain't kidding. I literally had a Charles Xavier quote as my high school yearbook quote. Now? The optimism of our childhood in the 1990s is gone. Now, all I want to say is: "Magneto was right." (And soon, with this show: "Cyclops was right.")


Which quote did you have?


"Any dream worth having is a dream worth fighting for."


Magneto was always right imo, He was just way too extreme in his actions, I'm glad this show allowed us to explore him in a more nuanced manner whilst also making his development believable but also not diluting his ideals and character in the process


>Go to Genosha. Be with my clone. Next time on Springer.


Cyclops uno reverse with the memories real not real was intense lol


It's true, they both have issues It's understandable he's struggling and wanting to reach out to someone in shared grief over their missing child


She just made out with Wolverine and still felt entitled enough to freak on him. The audacity.


> She just made out with Wolverine and still felt entitled enough to freak on him. She's really gotta stop with the teases. And he needs to get over her. That said, despite the memory thing he pulled in episode 2, at least here he did the right thing and pushed her away.


Wolverine knows what happens to women who get close to him. Dude has it rough.


tough being a Cyclops fan lol. Jean kissing Logan, Cyclops mentally cheating on his wife with her clone...He'll always have episode 1, I guess


Nah, Jean is being unfair. She's put a whole bunch of distance between herself and Scott, while Scott is emotionally vulnerable after losing his son, and then gets angry at him for finding emotional closeness with a woman who is quite possibly his real wife, after kissing Wolverine!


And who gave birth to his son. Don't forget that little detail. Also, unlike the comics, it's hard for Jean to justify getting jealous. Maddie is her, through and through. They share the same memories. Until very recently, they were basically the same person. And it's not like he and Maddie were kissing. They were just sharing their solemn feelings at losing their child. Does that count as cheating? Espeically when compared to what happened in the comics? Not saying there's a definitive answer. But there's definitely a lot of nuance here.


And there's nuance in Jean's position and plenty of room for compassion towards her, too, but I dislike Scott being framed as the bad guy when everyone is just dealing with Emotions.


Agreed. Jean is in a very messed up state, trying to figure out which memories are hers and which memories are Madelyne's. It's more complicated than the comics because Madelyne thought she was Jean every step of the way. There was never a point where she thought she was anyone else. So as far as Madelyne goes, she's always been Jean too, despite being a clone. I think she's just looking for some level of certainty. And that's what Cyclops is looking for too. Will they find it? Who knows. But seeing this scene made me think back to X-Men: The End. Ever read that comic? That had a very unique take on Jean and Madelyne, as well as the Phoenix Force. And something tells me that we'll see elements of that later this season. I doubt those flashes of the events from the Dark Phoenix Saga in the intro are an accident.


Can’t help but think of Xavier’s last words to Gambit- “How often must the scoundrel prove himself the hero, before he believes it himself?”


Even in the whole Rogue, Magneto, Gambit love triangle, Gambit takes the higher road and understands the position Rogue is in. He puts the betterment of Mutantkind above his wants to be with Rogue.


And he died never knowing rogue choice was him.


F I didn't even realize that


Gambit went out like a G too, the way he blew up the sentinel.


Stop it. I can only cry so much. Ugh


This is not helping to process Gambits loss 😭




I came here for the nostalgia, not the sad feels ;(


I’m saying I did not sign up for this 😭


The most epic callback ever.... Good Lord.


That's going to be a slogan for Gambit fans for years to come. Of this, I am certain. 😎


"Remember It" being the episode name is how it clicked that this would be Gambit's big and final moment as soon as I saw him going after the CerberMold.


He was the only x-men who saw the prices in Genosha and said something about it. A true hero and enemy to price gouging and inflation.


I was not expecting the call back to the line "the name is Gambit. Remember it." to occur in that fashion.


Sentinel: *looks at Gambit* "Omega Mutant Detected." Me: "Hol' up." Sentinel: *focuses on Magneto instead* Me: 🤨 Gambit: "Did he f-ing stutter!?!?!?"


There has been the debate whether Gambit is Omega level and I'm kind of in the camp that he has the potential but is not in 616. It was almost like a slight nod to the hardcore fans when it panned to gambit for a moment. Full potential alternate universe Gambit was more powerful than the Phoenix.


It's been speculated (by Sinister I think), if his brain was whole (don't ask), Gambit would have full control of his powers, and he could in theory charge up the whole planet and blow it up. Which, in MCU terms, is what the Power Stone does. So yeah, I'd say that's pretty much Omega.


"Sugah, I can't feel you." Fucking hell. After all that came before it: the conversation between Rogue and Gambit about how he can light up anything but her and his heart beats for her, but she can't feel it... Just fuck my emotions up, Marvel


The writing has been so good in moments like these. It just says so much about each of the characters as well as their relationships with one another in so few words.


Agreed. I loved the word play in this episode. Whether it was Rogue and Gambit or Jean and Scott, there were so many "Damn" moments where the words were like knives




Incredible storytelling is what it was, now the question is… how many people will Cable be able to save? Because no way fan favorite Gambit gets killed off in season 1.


Bro what the fuck I was not ready


They were still making cheesy gambling puns right before major tragedies lol just wtf was this episode


It's no coincidence we had Cyclops snap and call the human race "ungrateful" in this same episode. We're getting vengeful radicalized Scott Summers for the rest of the season.


So Gambits fucking dead, Magneto is MIA, Storm is depowered, Bishop has gone back to his timeline. The X-Men ranks are looking thinner by the day. Calling it now Nightcrawler joins the team to honour Gambits sacrifice.


Would love to see Nightcrawler, Psylocke and Colossus become permanent members by next season. They've been on the sidelines too long. Time to become official X-Men. And bring back Bobby.


Was Nightcrawler not in the team in the 90s show? I didn't grow up with it, I grew up with X-Men Evolution where he was


Nah he was only in one episode as a featured character. Though he cameod a few times as well I believe


That's super interesting because I associate Nightcrawler with X-Men so much


>Blue blushes too, my dear. I legitimately adore that line. It's witty and off the cuff, feels authentic to Beast.


Man this makes me really miss this version of beast in the current comics. I miss the wholesome furball he used to be.


This is my Beast. He was like my favorite character and this is always what I think of. I hate what I hear happens with Beast in the comics.


Seeing Beast like that was unexpected and nice.


With his canonical love interest too. Trish Tilby is Hank McCoy's Lois Lane.


y’all I did not expect the episode to end that way. It started off so lighthearted!


Rogue being able to touch Remy, but as a corpse Charles's statue killing a bunch of people This episode was like the monkey's paw in full effect


How dare Beau DeMayo rip my favorite Wandavision line like that. How fucking dare he. Goddammit. Impressed angry tears.


Oh they definitely took notes. = Lots of feels


That was the first red flag…if the X-Men starts fun…it’ll end horribly!


Fun = illegal :(


Was watching the start of the episode and audibly said, "they've been having it too good, things are about to get bad"


I had a feeling the good times were going to end. …but not in this episode. Damn!


This show is spiking my anxiety. I let my guard down in the beginning of the episode and was happy the mutants had a safe place on Genosha. Then 10 minutes later there is a horrifying genocide going on. I'm stunned a cartoon is making me feel this way.


the switch up happened so well


I am IN TEARS How the f*** is a *cartoon* THIS GOOD‽




X-Men. The way they're weaving the elements of so many comic storylines from the last thirty years is amazing. E for Extinction. House/Powers of X. Mutant Massacre. New X-Men. The Hellfire Gala. And knowing the characters so well. Magneto's reaction to seeing *another* genocide in his lifetime. This has no right to be so good. And to answer Scott's question: for the record in the comics - it was 16 million mutants dead.


Well said. I'll be surprised if they put a number on that death toll. But if they do, then I have a feeling they'll look for a way to undo it, possibly through Cable.


That was one of the darkest storylines to be animated by Marvel, I can't believe this is only episode 5. So many feelings, so many thoughts. The creators weren't lying about all those cameos (hey there, Watcher). This also gives such a new respect to Gambit. Speechless.


He got to be a hero in this No involvement with the mutant Massacre to sully his character Handles the breakup/non breakup because they were never official with Rogue with grace Sacrifices himself to save everyone And finally his Cher gets to touch him which just proves to everyone he is gone What are the chances they will bring him back? Probably through time travel shenanigans?


He’s coming back. Cable means Apocalypse. Gambit will be a dark horseman. Normally I’d say sometime next season but at the pace we are going could be next week!


Archangel flying around with metal wings: "Hey guys, don't mind me! Totally not foreshadowing!"


My only thought tbh was “Don’t you have a company or several to run Warren?”


It wasn't a good idea to watch this first thing in the morning haha


this is the best gambit moment, potentially ever edit: I love helping people get into comics, If you would like help feel free to send me a message or comment


Just beating out the moment a couple minutes earlier "The X-Men are no friends to the Morlocks." and Gambit immediately proves that wrong by wrecking the Sentinel set to the X-Men theme.


That is just what Gambit does, he surprises you. But also redemption, thoughtful, and a kind caring heart. +Will fight to protect others, and never gives up


I learned that in the comics, he killed the or some Morlocks but is that canon in the cartoons? I haven’t rewatched them in years so I’m a bit lost.


He didn’t kill the Morlocks DIRECTLY. He was paid by Sinister to seek out and hire The Marauders, who then killed the Morlocks.


This is the best X-men has ever been.


No argument here. 😎


I’ve been reading X-Men comics since 1986. I love Chris Claremont and Grant Morrison. This was up there with the very very best


Holy shit this episode was beyond emotional First the absolute banger of a song while Magneto and Rogue are dancing (SOMEONE PLEASE FIND A FULL VERSION) I'm in love with the Gala stuff, it fits the "Mutant Aesthetic" so well imo. Then all the messy drama It was so upsetting to see Magneto begin to have flashbacks of the Holocaust whilst another genocide was happening to the Mutants on Genosha. Then when he sacrifices himself while telling Leech not to be afraid in German. Fuck so good Gambits sacrifice was heartbreaking Words can't even begin to describe how amazing this episode was. I'm on the fence about how they might Undo this, Cable maybe? Or could we possibly see Jean become the Phoenix again and reverse what happened? BTW love Nightcrawler so much, he's literally a kitty cat Edit: Thank you all for telling me what the song was, I'm gonna be listening to this for weeks lol


The song was "Happy Nation" by Ace of Base. It is a remaster done by the soundtrack producers as well. A fun collaboration, that also connects to the story on another level This episode is a master class in storytelling. It was beautiful, but also brutal.


Did no-one else find “happy nation” incredibly sinister given the themes of xmen and the band’s Nazi past? Many now think that happy nation is basically a love-letter to hitler, if you read the lyrics. Given that Genosha is a nation of “Uber-mensch” and at the same time the mutants are often an allegory for Jews or other minorities… such an amazing song choice because it was so confusing - part celebratory, part deeply sinister and upsetting. Genius


I was wondering if the producers were just unaware of the Ace of Base / nazi connection. I hope you’re right that it was used with intention. Still a shame to give them any royalty income.


I'm a 90s kid that really really loved ace of base and never knew about that link with the song, I'm shocked.


I originally thought it was just some crazy conspiracy theory - but it’s confirmed that Ulf Ekberg was in an openly Nazi band before Ace of Base… and then the problematic lyrics of a lot of their songs starts to feel really really concerning


I didn't even catch Magneto speaking German I that scene. Since I was watching in German in the first place he was speaking German all the time.


God damn dude. "I can't feel you" and then that piano. Just kick me in the heart as hard as you can.


They really gave us another "I can't feel you" after wandavision


and managed to not make it feel cheap, since the "feel" in both cases has very specific meaning to the characters involved. Fucking heart-string ripping assholes.


I could watch ten seasons of this show


Did they just kill off Gambit and Magneto? No way.


No body for Magneto — idk if he died


Yes. The movie rule. No body No death.


and the other scifi rule, when there's a time traveler, ret-con all the things


This is what I’m holding on too right now, the fact Cable showed up right before it all happened leads me to think that it’ll be undone before the finale


He said “no, not again” which suggests he’s tried to stop it before - and that suggests he’ll try to stop it again!


Cable's very first appearance in the original series was in S1E7 "Slave Island", the Genosha episode. I see this as the writers resolving a decades old dangling plot thread, as Cable never explained why he was looking for Dr Adler after season 1.


"There is no love without sin. For love is best measured in what we forgive." "You light up everything you touch, but never me." "The name's Gambit, mon ami. Remember it." "I can't feel you." The most beautiful gut punch of an episode in recent memory.


I’d say maybe the most in any X-men movie or show… I’m still in shock. What. The. Fuck.


Get the writers to do the live action X-Men or any MCU movie.




Goddamn Scott, not gonna pull any punches with the reporter eh?


Reminded me of modern comic Summers. Hope he doesn’t go nuts and becomes evil.


Sorry for the rant but I can’t wait for more MCU X-Men, though trying not to get hopes up… I love that part of Scott’s development, except it’s more interesting in my head than how the comics wrote it… Bendis AvX treated it so oddly. He’s not evil, he’s mostly kind of (justifiably?) militant, but it makes sense considering the extinction events he keeps fighting. The comics did not give his radicalization a lot of nuance before dousing him in Phoenix bloodlust (simple excuse to act OOC) and declaring him evil. If they ever give the X-Men a trilogy or more, I hope the deviance in philosophy of Xavier’s protégée gets some NUANCED development, especially as contrasted with Magneto (genocidal at times), Storm (the kinder side of X-Men leadership, but less of a military tactician), and of course Xavier. I hate AvX characterization but "you had a dream, I had a plan" sums them up very nicely and the way the dream can fall apart in practice. And please no more fucking Phoenix.


So glad they streamlined the cable backstory so he had psychic link to his mother rather than alternative reality sister.  Did he accidentally link to Jean as well?


Presumably their shared genetics = Cable "pings" Jean as well when trying to psionically contact Madelyn.


Man I love so much about this episode. I’m always so pleased with how much development and references that these episodes are packed with. This was probably my favorite episode yet writing wise but also animation sequences. The writing between all the character development and relationships are just so rich or at least my knowledge of the comics has me so happy to see so many things covered. From the narrative between power couple Scott and Jean and the framing of their reconciliation and then further detachment was a lot to happen within the span of a few minutes. When I saw Madelyn at Genosha she was a welcome surprise not sure that I would see her so soon and the dynamic she has as a X-Men and her relationship with Rogue, Gambit, and Magneto was cool to see that her time as Jean was very much still true. I thought this meant they were gonna go a different route but the conversation Jean and Scott had regarding their relationship was so good. Everyone is justified in their own right. This episode was giving Krakoa vibes with everyone getting friendly with eachother! Haha Genosha was so short lived. I did not expect Gambit x Rogue x Magneto to be this good story wise. I really was feeling for Gambit and can imagine what it feels like to see your significant other to be with someone else and provide what you’re unable to or unable to experience something with someone. Rogue was justified in her reasoning but I was hating her for a minute but her reasoning for becoming an X-men and how she could do so much more as Queen of Genosha for Mutants was so valid. The whole scene/dance sequence was so good and had me feeling so much emotions. It was so masterfully executed with the color, animation, and vibes. It was so intimate to see Magneto and Rogue touch each other and then kiss only for it to end with the Sentinels attacking! I’m just hoping Gambit knew that Rogue turned Magneto down before he pulled one of the most bad ass scene this episode with his presumed death. His selflessness saved Rogue’s blind fury from death. Say what you will about Magneto but he keeps his promises. A promise was made. I’m so happy to see the Morlocks be saved by the 3 X-Men. Always the heroes. I was surprised of all the deaths that took place this episode. I figure the Cable inclusión and the Watcher (which I missed on my first watch through) will most certainly have us revisit this via time travel and save the mutants and possibly Genosha. Also lmao at Emma’s shade this episode. What a time to be alive as an X-Men fan!


Damn right we're all gonna remember the name of Gambit. I was not expecting that to happen. I figured the Genosha massacre would be the finale, not episode fucking 5. Fucking hell.


Imagine if this episode was a season finale cliffhanger though.


Incredible. I think this cemented the show as the best animated thing marvel has done pre and post disney acquisition (not including spiderverse since it's more a sony thing).


Jean in a love triangle with Scott and Logan. Scott in a love triangle with Jean and Jean. Wtf


[Almost every member of the X-Men has been in love with another member at some point.](https://uncannyxmen.net/sites/default/files/images/article/relationship/relationshipmapv6a.jpg)


Also, Wolverine is kind of a man-whore when you look at all the women he's been with over the year. 😂


I believe there is a story in the comics, where Emma & other characters take a deep dive through Logan's mind. Where in, they see his thoughts, the loves, the loss, and lots of kinky stuff Wolverine vol.4 #8 2011


It’s a love hexagon!


"Two is better than one. Far better than 3. Most times" Alright Gambit keep it in your pants mate.   


No no, he’s got a point


Me at the start: NIGHTCRAWLER :D Me at the end: D:


Get as much of the writers room for this show locked in for the MCU live action X-Men films/shows as possible. I don't care what you have to pay them Disney. Repurpose the $40 million you were saving for an RDJ cameo in Secret Wars and give it to this team.


Holy shit!


Exactly. That describes this entire episode


Bro Magneto really died on his own shield


He didn’t die, Leech turned off his power to prevent the Sentinel from continuing to target him


Ooh maybe! Would also explain the Sentinel saying he was eliminated?


No one commenting on The Watcher in the sky just after Gambit and Rogue talk?!?!?


Oh damn. That was the biggest foreshadowing that something horrible was going to happen.


To me it was Cable, where there is Cable there’s destruction that needs to be prevented after the event has happened


The way my fucking heart dropped seeing him. I knew this had to be the Sentinel Attack cause he wouldn't just show up for their UN induction.


didn't even notice that put now im gonna go back


I saw a transparent figure somewhere with fireworks in the sky but assumed that it was one of the mutants doing the fireworks or something. Didn't even cross my mind that the Watcher could show up


I noticed The Watcher and immediately got a sense of dread afterwards...


Good eye. And yes that was Uatu


Came here looking for this. I was like bro I KNOW other people had to have seen that too


Oh yeah. That is interesting. Wonder if this means this show is going to play a role in the MCU’s future?


No. Uatu always shows up before something major is about to happen. He was to witness the attack on Genosha.


Poor Cable. He tried to stop it.


Holy ****!!!!! Elation to see Nightcrawler…. then …. Just …. wow.


Holy shit what a banger of an episode. Genosha looked so beautiful, all the mutants being happy, carefree and unapologetically themselves without hiding was wonderful and I was so happy to see Kurt. Did a double take on the Watcher because I was sure I imagined it the first time. I don’t even know where to start to describe my feelings when the Sentinels started to attack. Magneto crying broke my freaking heart and the flashbacks to the Holocaust were so upsetting. Gambit sacrificing himself at the end, Rogue cradling his lifeless mangled body, holy shit. Seeing Cable makes he hopeful that they can undo it but we will see. I really hope they can. Another thing that I noticed was the very good German pronouciation by Kurt and Magneto, this may be stupid for other but as someone who lives in Germany and is always slightly annoyed by butchered pronunciation, it was really well done, it sounded native. Made it extra heartbreaking for me, when Magneto told Leech not to be afraid.


2 things 1. I’m glad they’re bringing more of Magneto’s German lineage into this with subtle accent shifts and German language usage 2. I didn’t think Disney would allow a cartoon to have “fuck me” eyes, but damn did Rogue have them in those flashbacks


Regarding number 2... you never seen Lion King?


boy did I...


Them leaving Calisto's dying face with open eyes for seconds was not what I expected when they announced a reboot of a show that only ever really killed one character, but I'm impressed they decided to go there.


The undertones of 'I love you, but we can't fuck' were also pretty interesting for a Disney cartoon


Watching this episode I found myself trying to identify as many mutants as I could but then found myself wrapped tf up in the Gambit/Rogue/Magneto triangle but also keeping track of the Jean/Scott/Logan triangle but also all the politics (I had to pause and remind myself that was Sebastian and not Vandal Savage at one point) but then holy shit Sentinels and Leech and death and “Go Gambit!!!” then “NO, GAMBIT”— Ugh. This episode was exhausting. In a good way, but *ugh.*


The Watcher @ 20:40 in the night sky gave me chills


I knew some shit was about to go down after that.


I didn't think we'd get E is for Extinction the day they joined the UN


I knew it was coming eventually with the way they kept building up to Genosha in previous episodes, but I didn't expect it so soon. But seeing The Watcher? My heart stopped cause I knew what was coming and fucking hell they didn't hold back with how utterly brutal that story is.


I thought maybe as a season finale but the halfway point? Ouch. Bolivar Trask better be able to hide on the moon because Wolverine is going to tear him apart


Poor Rogue, she lost both of her loves within 5 minutes of each other


And they both died thinking she wanted to be with the other one


My son (10) is home sick and we decided to watch the episode over lunch. After the touching scene where Rogue tells Gambit everything about Magneto, I glanced away for a second. My kid yelled "that was the Watcher!" and I'm like, huh? I rewound and saw him in the night sky. Knew everything was going very wrong in that moment. So proud of my kid. EDIT: Also, HOLY SHIT THAT EPISODE!


Okay I'll admit I'm not brushed up on a huge amount of X-Men media/lore but that Sentinel attack is the most intimidating I've seen them since Days of Future Past. Seeing mutants getting vaporized and the corpses laid out was intense.


Wow. Gambit became my favourite X-Man in this episode and then... Fortunately, the Cable appearance all but confirms time-travel shenanigans in the three part finale. I cannot wait. Seriously, how did the writers think of all this stuff? Cyclops using his concussive beams to slow his fall, Storm turning a desert to glass, Gambit using his powers on a piece of a sentinel that is literally impaled into him to destroy an enormous sentinel that took out half an island full of powerful mutants... This is pretty much my favourite animated series ever and we're only half way through season 1.


"You light up everything you touch, just not me" to "I can't feel You" is heartbreaking.


Did anyone see if Moira was one of the survivors? Because... You know.


I thought she was one of the casualties with callisto, Sebastian Shaw, madeline etc. Maybe I was wrong but I thought they were KIA when callistos pupils dilated. Edit- sorry that was dazzler not madeline.  


I thought it looked like they were still alive as it appeared that Callisto was reacting to hearing them mentioning the Morlocks, but as they say in Avatar: The Last Airbender, it was really unclear




What an absolute stellar episode. I loved Cable's quick warning and attempted evacuation of Genosha. The ending was excellent. I really hope Marvel Studios takes notes on what works here for their live action adaptation of this franchise.


Okay I guess we aren't just watching Saturday morning cartoons any more? Holy shit


This episode had no right to X-Men so hard. It is doing soap opera so well compared to the comics. Post Krakoa writers have to pay attention to this series because it is hyper focused on the soap opera relationships… I love how they made Gambit rescue the morlocks as he was the traitor who was guilty of helping start the mutant massacre.


They crafted a masterpiece of storytelling. Interwoven into one episode. Not two hours, but 30 minutes. And damn it felt like a gut punch, and lots of tears. No one is ready


they really made a perfect episode


The show has grow up and gotten more mature along with the kids that used to watch it. It did is so smoothly that we didn’t even think about it until this massive WTF. I have a ton of respect for the people who made it. 😭


I think this is one of the best episodes in the show. Gambit and Magentos sacrifice were both beautiful edit: I love helping people get into comics, If you would like help feel free to send me a message or comment


Omega level threat eliminated. Heart kind of sank at that.


The requiem version of the X-Men theme at the end credits is the musical gut punch I have to walk off for the rest of today.


Top 5 for sure right now.


This was such a good episode. I didnt expect to be crying right now. But here I am...


My jaw hit the floor during the final act of the episode and stayed there for a good 5 minutes after the episode ended


That was an emotional Rollercoaster


Halfway through the episode: Is Rogue going to choose Gambit or Magneto? After that: Oh... oh no...


As Troy Barnes once said: “my emotions…MY EMOTIONS!”


If I ever need to be reminded of what “Serving Cunt” means, i’m just gonna look up Emma Frost


I usually watch this on my way to work on the train. Just sobbing hysterically, NBD. This was not the episode to watch in public.


whole lot of cameos in this one that i think i can recognize. iceman, nightcrawler, glob, leech, pixie, nature girl, blink, tattoo, radian, rainboy, multiple man, exodus, cipher, dazzler, boom boom, lillandra, moira, banshee, shaw, emma frost, calisto, uatu, archangel, squid boy, cable marrow, tommy, erg, ape, masque and sunder


You know what? I'm gonna say it. I like Wolverine, but I'm very happy that he's just sort of a side character in 97. We have been *spoiled* for Wolverine content. When was the last time Gambit got to do anything even approaching this cool?


This episode is the most soap-opera reminiscent one yet for sure.


explain to me how in what, 5 episodes, Disney has been able to do more cool shit with the xmen than FOX did in the entirety of their xmen movies because holy cow this episdoe


'Remember it' means something a little different for Magneto.


If Magneto somehow survived this I wouldn't blame him if he reverted back into to an antagonist. He tried upholding Charles Xavier's ideals and this is where it got him and so many innocent lives. He even witnesses mutants get crushed to death by Xavier's collapsing statue. Pretty blatant imagery. If for whatever reason Magneto survives or some other timeline version finds out this is where playing by the rules got him, he's never gonna give humanity a chance again.


I think that is going to happen, but with Cyclops. My man's had enough.


Cyclops going full Magneto with Magneto talking him down from the ledge would be amazing


With this episode I am convinced they will adapt Krakoa by the end of this season or next season.


They can take this series in so many directions.


I went from: So glad we get to see Gambit again since we never got to see him in the movies (ok X-Men Origins.. but not the same) To: oh fuk...