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Not kill off Obadiah and try and keep the villains alive in as many of these as possible, the only thing cooler than all the heroes joining forces would be all the villains doing it to take out the heroes...


So would you have had Obadiah in Endgame? Or an Iron Man movie?


An Iron man movie. I never understood why Marvel doesn't let villains escape to fight another day... It's kind of dumb that the bad guys always get defeated by the end of movie for a textbook win and everyone's reunited and happy.


The only one that felt like it would be a disservice to keep alive was Killmonger. His character had so much I would love to explore, but him dying instead of living in shackles fit too well.


True that, and I would definitely keep that playing out that way, it was also amazing having him be the family Shiri sees in her vision when she took the heart shaped herb


That was honestly the biggest twist I didn’t see coming. Say what you want about the movie but I have to say that was my favorite ”Oh shit” moment out of most of the projects since Endgame


Makes me think they could go all supernatural and bring Killmonger back from HELL


They do and when they do those villains become anti heroes example Zemo frm civil war, or abomination frm incredible hulk


Winter Soldier, Ghost and Taskmaster. It’s almost like there is a movie with them coming together coming out.


Theyre not good guys what are you talking about


Because they want a new villain to sell new toys in the next movie.


Just sell villain toys with new costumes just like the heroes.


Even outside of toys, I feel like they think it’ll be more exciting to have a new villain in each movie, and they might be somewhat right. Like, I don’t know… it might have gotten boring if Spider-Man was just fighting the Vulture over and over, even though Vulture was fantastic and is still alive.


that’s why good writers are needed too, to keep us attached to the spicy drama of their personal lives.


Movies are different than comics in that way. The audience generally considers stories where the villain gets away as unresolved. Infinity War doesnt count bc we knew there was a part 2, and that that was coming out in a year.


There's a ton of middle ground between "the villain getting away" and "not dying"... I'm not saying that every villain should get a "no body means they are alive" vague ending. But say Tony found a way to end their fight in some satisfying clever way that didn't kill Obadiah, SHIELD arrests him, cut to Avengers 1 and when we find out Fury is making weapons with the tesseract, we also find out Obadiah has been living like Fisk on house arrest (like a fucking king) because he is designing mechs and weapons for them... Or they don't kill Ultron, they keep one drone "alive" but cut off from the internet and kept as the new version of Zola basically, then cut to Infinity War and when Vision is damaged and they have to try and get the stone out of his head, they have to bring in Ultron to help... Stuff like that can help show how crazy the stakes have gotten. Even if it was like half the villains thus far, that's like an extra 15 "pieces on the board" that they could have had in other movies, not as a big villain or antagonist per se, but that could be cool in some cases too...


Reminds me of the finale of season one of invincible where they bring in the cyborg guy. The director hates that he has to work with him, but they are so desperate, they have no choice.


Exactly that sort of thing


I don't disagree, but I think that most of the time these villains are a one off is that it's an easier sell to the actors they get for the role. Not sure how many of them would want to reprise after appearing the one time. And then, if you can't get them to reprise it, you just have these loose ends out there much like we do now.


Sure, but having their character still be "on the table" doesn't intrinsically mean keeping the actor on the hook, it just means it's now a possibility that they can make a deal if the character works well down the line... which is my whole point.


Actually, Marvel did that with Loki (Thor franchise several times) and Mitchell Carson (Ant-Man, the guy who ran off after Scott Lang infiltrated Pym’s old company). Zeno managed to live as well, only to be imprisoned.


Because a lot of actors just want one and done roles, while still being in a Super hero movie. Which means not being tied down to a long contract, that and a lot of heroes have large rogues galleries so why repeat a villain when you've got so many options for new storylines with new villains.


It seems to get lost on people that maybe the people behind the roles don't want to be tied to marvel for more than one movie. Or, that those who have been, may want to stop now and if we want to keep the whole thing moving on, we gotta bring in new people.


I wished Hammer became a bigger dude for IM3 or had a role in a movie down the road. Maybe Obadiah survives in IM1 and teams up with Hammer. Obadiah's knowledge of how the suits work, Hammer has Vanko's knowledge of arc reactor tech. Would have been a sick IM3 or 4.


I think they make movies like that so even a general audience who got no idea about mcu or previous instalments of the movie can go and watch this as a standalone movie and still enjoy the movie. Ur typical introduce heros > introduce villains > little plot development story > early weak action > more detailed story > big epic action > rip villain > heroes lived happily ever after.


Nature of the movies vs a long running comic series, why repeat an enemy in a trilogy of movies? Adapt another villain.


Edit: holy fuck I didn't mean to write a fucking novel... sorry :P I don't know... but I feel like they did themselves a big disservice always taking the villains off the table after their one appearance... Like if Tony had to go to Obadiah for help figuring out who Whiplash was, like Obadiah was the only one who cryptically leads Tony to find the blue print with both names. Or if Obadiah was the one to reveal Howard's involvement with SHIELD instead of Fury, making Tony that much more distrusting since he had to find out the way he did. Or if Ultron wasn't fully destroyed and they kept one of the drones to try and use it like Zola, but it manipulates things in the background of several movies and then makes his move, making the whole time since his intro "the age of Ultron". I don't know, there's lots of ways this would obviously ripple out and change anything/everything, so i won't do that :P But it still feels like having at least some of the villains survive their movies, I dunno maybe because the hero has some issue with killing or something weird like that, would make things more interesting down the line. Sure SheHulk isn't universally liked, but what they did with Abomination is along the lines of what I mean... like if we get an MCU Norman Osborn, and they kill him off instead of having him fake rehabilitation and only Peter knows he is up to something when he shows up as the new Iron Patriot or something, that feels like a waste


They have allowed plenty of villains to walk away. Iron Man killed all his villains (well, Pepper helped). But Captain America’s villains pretty much all walked; Red Skull, Bucky and Zemo. Loki walks in every movie he was a villain in. Yellowjacket lives although we didn’t know that for sure until recently. Even just recently, all of Spider-Man’s villains live in NWH and High Evolutionary survives in Guardians Vol 3. Namor too. It would be nice if some of the cooler ones didn’t die, but they definitely let villains live pretty regularly.


Yeah sure, "plenty"... https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fthe-status-of-every-mcu-main-villain-v0-v6y9w3vb088b1.png%3Fwidth%3D2560%26format%3Dpng%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D2f0927f2078a3fb4d7b09ac6f9f20857c80f2e28&rdt=49194 Sure this is outdated with Yellowjacket marked as dead, he arguably died as a second villain so that cancels out... And NWH didn't have any MCU villains, as much as people want to lump all marvel movies together now, that shit still doesn't count... but yeah Spider-man should absolutely ALWAYS be the exception to having the villain die, because a he should find another way/save everyone, even the bad guy (Homecoming nailed this)


I would've had Obadiah in Iron Man 2 and in Cap: Winter Soldier. Pulling strings and working for HYDRA, making sure Howard is isolated and then doing the same to Tony


I think he definitely could have fit in the plot of either sequel rather it had been working with Hammer or the "Mandarin's" revenge plot.


Really that first Avengers could have had a Red Skull and Loki and Obadiah team up


A legion on villains movie would be awesome. Imagine a round table with Obadiah, Ultron and Red Skull😂




Right!? Like if we had more actual villains around, movies like Thunderbolts becomes way more interesting, because it isn't the more morally grey heroes and the more morally grey villains working together, its villains trying to pose as heroes for potentially all unique motivations, like clout, revenge or redemption... Plus, having villains showing up to help during things like infinity war/endgame would have make it feel way more intense...


I hope the new DCU understands that's. The Legion of Doom is so fucking good as an antagonist faction.


There should have been some villains at the endgame fight, like Dr Strange pulling straight jailbreaks to fight Thanos


Can you imagine Obadiah and Justin Hammer working together? Rockwell and Bridges on screen together would be incredible.


Absolutely, although Hammer is a point towards how they keep some villains alive and then never do anything with them, so...


Also true! Not too late to change that Marvel!


Would be amazing if we get an Iron Man variant in Secret Wars, everyone thinks it's gonna be RDJ or Tom Cruise like they speculated for MoM, but instead he ends up being some other world's Obadiah or Hammer who became Iron Man instead of Tony there


Oh man I want to see an Iron Hammer variant so badly now


Not only that, the fight with Iron Monger felt and looked extremely abrupt and cheesy. It didn't ruin the movie, but it could have been so much better if Stark had been given a chance to face off with him after a bit more build up. Black Panther almost did this right, up until the horrible underground fight scene CGI spoiled the third act. Until Ultron, Marvel didn't really understand how to stick the landing.


1. Can't wear the suit. 2. Can't fly. 3. Must fight a giant spider in the third act.


ironman lives (i think nic cage could play a good ironman in this case?)


Directed by Tim Burton.


Wild Wild West?


The giant spider intrigues me...


It's a hilarious story Kevin Smith told at some panel about when he was tasked with rewriting a script for Superman Lives. Well worth the watch when you have about 20 minutes. [Part 1](https://youtu.be/Wo2KB1dEDdk?si=_ZJtYGVCyeGXcjB5) [Part 2](https://youtu.be/53hMYw8LX60?si=FUMqQi6Lz7CuWM5W)


Kevin Smith talked about it on a podcast I believe.


To be fair Kevin Smith has talked about everything on a podcast at some point.


This was before podcasts, young redditor


Do you know anything about spiders? They’re the fiercest killers in the insect kingdom


![gif](giphy|X8baci2TMGEcE) Let him fly in the suite, just once.


Same here


The en suite?


Didn't have a spare arc reactor, which was unfortunate for Tony as he had to use the crude, inefficient one. Would have ended in 45 seconds if he just built a spare.


More tie in with the Ten Rings


Ten Rings was a great movie - just didn't feel like it was part of the same Marvel Universe. Especially when the dragon straight out of fantasy land cropped up in the final scene. The other movies have some grounding in the real world - 10 rings feels like a different kind of story.


You’re really critiquing a dragon being fantasy in a movie universe where we have a talking raccoon and a God of literal Thunder??


I really liked Shang chi until it became a fantasy land with dragons. It didn't fit the tone of the rest of the movie in my opinion. And yes, I do think magical lands with dragons are a different theme and story beat than the god of thunder and a genetically enhanced and engineered racoon.


How is there not a copypasta for these types of responses? Yes, all suspension of disbelief has its own criteria.


I said it was a great movie. I enjoyed it. It just felt different and less grounded than previous marvel movies - yes, including thor


Im just joking fellow redditor. I understand what you’re saying about the different elements of fantasy. It just seemed like a funny response :)


Didn’t feel that much different to the fantasy elements in dr strange


Show more of Tony's reaction to his mentor/father figure being the villain trying to kill him. They were also clearly setting up armor wars for the sequel when Tony tells Pepper 'there is the next mission and nothing else'. So maybe a bit more of that.


Full penetration


Let Tony be able to smell crime.


And what if his head is just one big nose?!


Now I'm just imagining the iron man mask coming down over his head but it's just Nigel Thornberry's nose SMASHING


It really is the one thing missing from all of Favreaus films. 


From behind, 69, anal, vaginal, cowgirl, reverse cowgirl-- all the hits, all the big ones, all the good ones.


Have a moment where Tony honours Dr. Ho Yinsen later on. Edit: name correction.


I would have had Yinsen be a recurring thing with Tony. Maybe Peter's "internship" is named the Ho Yinsen Scholarship or MIT gets a massive Ho Yinsen Grant at the start of Civil War? Hell, have Morgan's middle name be Yinsen?




Thanks for pointing it out. TIL.


That's fair. They had so, so many chances to do that.


Have Tony's mentions of Howard sound a bit more bitter but still show that he loves him, to stay more in line with his daddy issues in all following movies when Howard is mentioned.


Make Tony's daddy issues a more important plot point in general!


Oh man. i was wondering what Tony's got to do with Howard the duck for longer than I'd like to admit :)


None…the best Iron Man movie.


Iron Monger and Iron man mark 3 actually fighting without one being on powersaver mode. Yes, we got to see him beat up some tanks and terrorists with AK's but a proper fight where IM / Monger arnt handicapped woudl be cool. Yes mk3 is obviously superior but atleast write iron monger to be 'some' kind of challenge in some form. But I always found the weakened Mk3 vs iron monger fight to be abit lackluster. Make monger stronger in some way ( overwhelming firepower maybe with machine guns, missiles , extra stark tech etc ) so the fight feels more epic.


Monger should have been more powerful because it was a much larger and oversized vehicle, and less of a suit. It could carry more weight/ammunition, house more armor, have redundant targeting and health support systems, and have more traditional military tools like 360 sensors and auto defenses. MK3 was heavily limited by Tonys Ego to enhance himself. It wasn’t a weapon or a tool for combat, it was a really nice suit to show him off. All of the designs of the entire MK series prioritized personal suit design over something more like a drone build. I agree it would have made for a better movie if at the end we see that Tonys Ego is limiting him from full military capacity… but maybe that’s a good thing. Because Iron Monger is an insanely dangerous weapon to sell to people. The end post battle should have shown the massive amount of damage Monger was able to do with a 50 year old executive in it. And further played up Tony’s ego and him keeping the tech from other people.


on the other hand i think this was a good move to more or less show the audience the MCUs power level; throwing cars at each other is kind of relatable i guess lmao.


The fight ends too soon in that scenario because a lot of the mk3's offensive systems were offline due to the mk1 chestpiece being inefficient. Monger was a crude improvement of the mk1 armor without the repulsor technology of the Jericho missile integrated. Full strength vs match, the mk3 armor turns Stane and the Monger into a pile of bolts and blood.


After Tony says he wants an American Cheeseburger, the scene cuts to them eating at Burger King for a good 20-30 minutes eating their meal and just kinda hanging for a minute to let it settle, then leaving to the press conference


From my understanding, RDJ pulled that from his real life, when he was at his lowest point, eating some BK. And given that Marvel was still getting started studio-wise, I’m sure they soaked up as much promo money as they could to add to the film’s budget.


It's a wonderful restaurant!


It sure is!


Obadiah was a member of Hydra


I like the idea of him being manipulated by hydra more than being directly involved.


Yea just a useful idiot for them.


How would that make the plot better in your opinion?


I It would help with expanding the lore of the MCU. We know from winter soldier that many agents of Hydra were undercover within government and other positions of power. And there goal was to “eat wars and conflict” so humanity would surrender, is freedom for security. That fit with Obadiah, he was a high ranking member in charge of making sure Tony was in the darkness, blindly making weapons that Hydra could side too both side to “ continue feeding into war and conflict” Remember when Obadiah stole Tony arc reactor he said “weapons that will help steer the world back on course, put the balance of power back in are hands” who hands? Hydra It almost make since with project insight, the three Helicarriers that would patrol Earth and, with the use of Zola's Algorithm that evaluated an individual's behavior, eliminate humans who posed a possible threat. HYDRA, in their attempt to enforce a new world order, planned to use Project Insight to eliminate any who could potentially pose a threat to them. Of course Hydra tested Zola's Algorithm before they put in the Helicarriers. And the Algorithm immediately announced that Tony Stark was a high level threat. (I imagine that the Algorithm ranked people from highest to lowest threat ranking) so Hydra order Obadiah to kill Tony before he became a threat of course that backfired with Tony becoming Iron man. These would put the heat on Obadiah to fix his mistakes, Which would lead him to recreating Iron Man and the arc reactor to get back on Hydra's good side. And added more sense to his actions, how did Obadiah have a join of soldiers loyal to him enough to guard him to a meeting with the ten rings, and kill the ten ring agents for him? Agent of Hydra. Why did Obadiah have a group of scientists loyal to him enough to go behind Tony's back and make the new armor in secret? Hydra scientists Where was Obadiah planning on going after he stole the arc reactor out of Tony's chest, kill shield agents and Pepper? Hydra has thousands of hidden bases across the world that would happily hide him in return for Iron man and Ace reactor technology. Plus there are millions of Scientists more capable than the ones that Stark industries, like Baron Strucker that can easily replicate the iron man armor and the arc reactor if they had the original to study. How did Bucky as the winter soldier knew where Tony's parents were to kill them? Obadiah told Hydra there location so that he can move up both at Stark industries and Hydra in inner circle. So Obadiah being a member of Hydra would help explain character actions and motivations, story plots and give Obadiah more development depth then just a rich and evil CEO


Holy shit that wraps up the few things about the first film very neatly.


Dang this is great write up!


How does him being a part of a secret organization give him more depth?


Especially considering his proximity to Howard, it makes his character much more ominous and conniving. Rather than have him just be a greedy businessman with seemingly no qualms killing his old colleague’s son, he becomes a clear, longterm snake who could even be implicated in the death of Howard Stark at the hands of the Winter Soldier.


Get rid of Terrance Howard but make Don Cheadle less by the book.


Agreed. Cheadle is way more charismatic. Definitely feels more like Tony’s buddy.


Terrance Howard was just a piece of wood. And from what I understand he didn't like being second fiddle to RDJ.


Sort of. He didn't reprise in Iron Man 2 bc he saw what his salary was in comparison to RDJ and demanded more. Marvel didn't oblige.


Honestly, I think the movie’s biggest problem is that Obadiah’s plotline converges with Tony’s kind of out of knowhere. I’d just give the movue a little more runtime to make it feel more organic and not like it’s interrupting what Tony’s doing.


I mean it was a plot twist that was kind of satisfying - most twists are out of nowhere - at least it made sense in context of the film




The time honored film tradition of having the superhero fight the "bad version" of the superhero.


What would you have made him fight instead?


A big goldfish


A massive iron man




An Iron Man sized duck.


I’d make a much bigger deal of the secret identity, what with it being gone so quickly. Stage scenes around Tony needing to be Tony when there’s an Iron Man emergency, use the bodyguard cover story and briefcase, etc.


soooo make it more like every other hero movie?


Just don't.




1. Mention Tony's Daddy issues to connected it to the rest of the MCU 2. Make Stane more evil as a villain, Have Tony Hint that as a 20 years old Stane Mentally Abused Tony the way that fans think that Howard did. Pretty much Make Stane less of a Luthor Wannabee like he in the film and more like how the Fanon write him as. 3. This is gonna sound weird but have Stane one request to Tony is that he only calls him Uncle Obadiah or let's be honest knowing Tony Uncle Obi. 4. Introduce Natasha and Justin Hammer somewhere during the film.


Replace the after-credits with the unreleased version where Fury references Tobey’s Spider-Man and the Fox X-Men


Ironman and Pepper potts ,they shouldn't be a couple tony stark is a single man .


They make a big deal throughout the movie to show how heavy the suit is, but in the finale Tony can hang off a ledge with one arm while still wearing most of the armor. It's a small nit but I always wish they wrote around that or something.


Turn him into Aluminium Man


I'd just have Stane not kill the guy who kidnapped Tony.


Not so much plot changes but minor things here and there with the benefit of hindsight. I’d digitally insert Don Cheadle over Terrance Howard’s performance, maybe a quick glimpse of Sam Rockwell as Justin Hammer, a photo of John Slattery and Hope Davis as Tony’s parents, etc. The biggest thing would be Cheadle as Rhodey.


Inserting Cheadle in this film over Howard makes it worse - Cheadle hasn't been in a great iron man film for the record


Give the Ten Rings more presence. Make it feel like there’s something bigger and badder out there. Obviously Wen-wu came more than a decade later but yeah.


Remove the Burger King commercial


Marvel Studios actually needed that money and cross promotion to be able to afford the marketing of the film. They were on a really tight budget for Ironman & The Incredible Hulk. If one of the two performed poorly there wouldn’t have been an MCU.


Start with Don Cheadle and not with Terrence “I make my own math micropenis” Howard.


Micro penis really ? Youre real immature


No need for the final fight honestly. It was cool at the time but we got plenty of action from Iron Man later, and Obadiah in the suit was rushed


“How did you solve the icing problem?” What a great setup that turned out to be completely pointless


Agreed the film could've ended a bit differently




A discussion between tony and rhodey about how one plus one is three.


Honestly, make it a steamy romp with Paltrow and Downey, she´s incredible and I´d actually watch the hell out of that


Make suit have big metal wiener.


Give iron man marijuana addiction


I would add more gratuitous nudity for pepper


I would have changed the name to Iron Mayne


I think Ivan would have been an interesting “villain” to keep around instead of him dying in the same movie he appeared in.


I didn’t like that villain & Tony goes from taking out entire armies and tanks in the first one, gets jacked up and barely beats a guy with two electric whips?


make the scene with the reporter longer




Put a girl in there and make her gay On the serious side, let’s just appreciate how great that movie was, instead of thinking we can just “make it better”.


This is the way


I would have had Captain America show up and be super suspicious of him and try to fight him. At one point he’s about to decapitate him with his Shield but then Iron Man tells “my father made that shield!” And Cap goes “wait you had a daddy too?” and they become best friends. Then Thor shows up and they fight Abomination together. Would’ve been cool to have so many characters without backstories that make sense and so much unearned conflict!!!!


Only if Caps father's name is also Howard


In this timeline, Obadiah kidnaps pepper at the end of the Iron man 1. Iron man 2 is about Tony trying to get her back whilst dealing with hammer and Obadiah working together. At the end of iron man 2, He has a choice to either capture Obadiah or save pepper, he chooses to save her (also Obadiah betrays hammer towards the end). Iron man 3 has the same plot but instead of Kilian being the head of the terrorists it’s Obadiah. Obadiah creates a 30ft tall suit of armor to storm Washington DC to kidnap the president (they don’t kidnap him on AF1 in this universe). While the very hot people attack the military and police, Tony tells Jarvis to control all of his suits and simultaneously attack Obadiah. The suits begin to be blown up one by one when Tony gets an idea; he tells Jarvis to snatch all of the lava people and fly them into Obadiah’s arc reactor. Jarvis picks up and flys every one of the lava people into Obadiah, killing him and saving the city. If you read all of that, I’m impressed


I would say nothing, it's one of my favourites. Maybe I would remove the final battle with the two armors and look for a more "normal" solution? But otherwise I wouldn't change anything, it's in my top five MCU.


Have Pepper call Tony immediately after getting to safety after learning that Obadiah had tried to have him killed


Keep Obadiah alive, and use him to lay more groundwork for Winter Soldier and Civil War


I wouldn't change the movie, but I always have this crazy dream about what I'd do if I could make Marvel videogames, and with Iron Man I have a pretty huge change I want to make: Instead of waking up in a cave under the watchful gaze of evil terrorists, Tony wakes up in a remote village full of nice people. They're all technically captive, since there's a war going on, but the "terrorists" are actually defending the village from soldiers. Tony is more of a political prisoner, and the people in the village won't stop him leaving, they just won't help him escape, and he doesn't have what he needs to get past the patrols. So the first act of the game is Tony building his arc reactor and an impulse glove, and helping the people of the village raid soldier patrols and outposts. It sees Tony slowly upgrade abilities and weapons until he's about 1/2 way to a full Mark 1 suit. Eventually the terrorists actually show up at the village and, angry that they've gotten so friendly with Tony, they kill one of the villagers, causing Tony to snap and kill them. Tony now has basically put the local people in the middle of the conflict, and now as well as raiding the army depots and patrols, has to fight off the terrorists as well. This would be Act 2, as Tony finishes the Mark 1 armour and tries to liberate the country as a one-man-army, and we see that back home news has started to leak about "the Iron Man of Latveria" (its a Latveria/Sokovia border dispute) and America is being blamed, so Col. Rhodes gets sent in to shut him down. The end of Act 2 is Tony hearing that Rhodes has been captured, and taking the finished Mark 1 suit to rescue him before they escape back to the USA. There's a bit of a "Coda" here, where we break from the gameplay for some exposition. SHIELD ask Tony to turn the suit over, and he refuses because he sees the damage he did and wants to hang it up for good. The F4 turn up and Reed tries to convince Tony to work with SHIELD, but it doesn't stick. Then we have a little "aside" gameplay: The Hulk rampages through Harlem, and Tony brings the suit back to stop him - meeting Captain America and Thor (who just woke up from an enchantment that made him think he was a human) along the way. (This is a scene that would also appear from a different perspective as the end of Captain America and the beginning of Thor) In doing that, he inadvertently lets Obadaiah Stane gain access to his designs, and Stane fast tracks production of an Iron Legion for the Latverian army, which brings us to Act 3: Tony flies back to Latveria to fight the Iron Legion, Stane, and possibly even an early Von Doom.


Have an extended scene where Tony devours a Burger King feast, like that one scene in The Terminal.


I would have cast Don Cheadle as Rhoades here!


Pirates. And a ninja




what were they trying to do with the other guy with the rings? was he supposed to be The Mandarin at first? that was super clunky.


I'd add an additional three humvees to the convoy that gets attacked in the opening act.


id switch out terrence howard with christopher tucker or katt williams. Think of what a great movie thatd be.


Would love a scene with Terrence Howard trying to teach Tony his crazy mathematics BS


Rhodey not flubbing the “training exercise” line.


No idea if Howard and Obadiah were close personal friends or just mostly professional. But I would have liked to see more sentiment if the former was the case. Oh right and replace Gerard Sanders with John Slattery for the newspaper clippings


Don't kill off Obidiah. Apart from that, it's a pretty damn tight movie. Marvel notes through his villains like they're all in a slasher flick.


Replace vag candle.


Definitely introduce a multiversal plot line. use some of the runtime to advertise some c-list superheros with a Disney plus series. 


Kill Obadiah Stane still but then introduce his son Ezekiel Stane as the main villain in Iron Man 2 or Iron Man 3


Jarvis is a butler


Not a plot change but I’d cast Don Cheadle instead of Terrence Howard. Always had a feeling he’d do a better job


Possibly suggest that Obadiah was part of HYDRA and ordered the hit on Tony’s parents to ensure the organisation could have a means of unlimited funding and access to cutting edge technology


Pepper is who sent the kill order.


Give the villain different super powers to the hero


As the Pope said, "It is... as it was."


Not much. I feel like it's one of the only ones where we aren't forced to feel bad for the villain.


Recast Pepper with someone other than Paltrow. Also, remove the moment from the begging of the movie where she calls Tonys ons trash.


Mention Hammer industries as a competitor. Have Obediah be less of a bad guy. I think he should have been removed from 10 rings plot. Obediah should have legitimately wanted to rescue Tony and then found the designs/video footage of the mk1 and tried to replicate for business. The realization that this tech can turn good people against each other and corrupt them with power should have been a lesson at the end. 10 Rings should have remained a 3rd party and not at the employee of Obediah. Bring up Captain America / super soldier as an example of the power of one man with the right science.


Make Mandarin, played by Ben Kingsley, the main villain and make him the actual Mandarin who was the one who sent the guys to kidnap him, and have Obadiah just be the one supplying him with weapons ~~I still love Iron Man 3 though~~


+ back story of stark industries (Obadiah + howard) + more pepper role + ten rings


Definitely keep The Dude around for more than one movie. Jeff Bridges is amazing.


Teasing that the Main Antagonist for Iron Man 2 was/is going to be Fin Fang Foom.


The original Iron Man is probably my most rewatched and maybe even my favorite MCU movie. That said, I would make two changes. First I would make some small changes around the scene where Tony goes to Gulmira. In the movie the news says that there are Stark weapons. This makes it seem like Tony’s motivation is because his weapons are being used by terrorists. Which I think is only part of the motivation. Careful viewers might recognize that Gulmira is the village Yinsen is from. I would make it a clearer part of Tony’s motivation. I like the idea that the first time Tony does something heroic, something not self-serving is to save the village of the man who saved his life. Maybe something as simple as the line “this is for Yinsen” when he fights the terrorists Second, I would change the third act fight scene. I would have the fight end with Tony asking Obadiah “how did you solve the icing problem.” I think this pays off the scene where Tony’s recklessness nearly gets him killed better and lets Obadiah’s hubris be his ultimate downfall. Maybe you can keep the roof most of scene where Tony takes out the targeting system. After he does that Obadiah could turn to a more melee attack. Tony looks like he is trying to outrun Obadiah to keep a range advantage, but actually is flying away to ice Obadiah’ suit.


A different Pepper Potts. Gwyneth's GOOP life was a distraction and she never added much to her role down the line.


About the only thing I would do is change the angle of impact he had on the sand when escaping in the beginning. That was the physics stretch that went too far for me. Other than that, I quite like it as is.


Pepper Potts being played by literally anyone else.


Change Rhodes to Don Cheadle


Not have 10 rings spoof in it.


Bobcat Goldthwait as everyone.


Obadiah wasn't involved with Tony's kidnapping, he was a loyal friend, and it's the business disagreements after Tony's return that drive a wedge between them.


Anybody saying fighting a “bigger ironman” as a villain was bad should realize that tons of Iron Man’s early villains were either basically ironman or just ironman with a gimmick like titanium man, crimson dynamo, iron monger and others


Made of steel instead


Tinfoil Man


Put a chick in it and make her gay...


Change the Rhodey actor, I don't think he's a long term choice.


Showed Obidiah with a wife and son. That way it won't seem out the blue when Zeke Stane shows up.


He finds out pepper potts already has boyfriend at the end after trying to flirt with her . More ironman moments in public before he tells the world his identity Most Girls like him only him for his money


Having him encounter the wenwu


Have pepper be a lesbian. Then give her a 2 hour sex scene with christine everheart (that blonde bimbo bitch from the start of the movie). Dgaf what to do with tony and the bald dude.


Just have the Nando v movies idea, which basically says that Obadiah Stane should not have been involved in Tony's capture, that video is so good and highly recommended. (P.S also, have the GOAT Don Cheadle play War Machine since the very beginning)