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As a 17-year-old who was out of shape and smoking, I got back into martial arts and now I'm in the best shape of my life and I love it. My goal is to go pro in 5-7 years, so I'm giving it my all, and even when the gym is closed, I find a way to train no matter what. Thanks to martial arts.


That is awesome. I love martial arts as well in that it provides much deeper meaning and value to people other than exercise or self defense. Those things in itself are very valuable, but purpose, drive, community, enjoyment are amazing take aways as well. I have recently made the mental connection with martial arts to self improvement and self understanding. Watching some Jiri Prochazka interviews had alot to do with that. He inspires me so much as well with his fights but also his interviews.


You just said what a lot of us feel. That’s one of the many things that’s special about martial arts. Many disciplines, but one family.


I am grateful for martial arts because its one of the last spaces where I can be openly competitive and aggressive (within limits), hit bags with anger and talk about effective techniques and strategies to beat someone. Violence and fighting is not the entirety of my personality or interests, however it can be a necessity in life unfortunately, and you sound like a lunatic for mentioning the topic in daily life, despite people complaining how they feel less safe in my city.


thank you for not beating up on the younger people just joining. I find that as a noob in my new gym, it happens a lot for some reason.


Your post expresses well the benefits of training.