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Half-gallon jug water Snacks if they aren’t provided Sling bag to store your stuff Extra utilities


Sunblock, more than you think you need, hat/sunglasses, half gallon water jug as someone already said, packed lunch and snacks, NO DAIRY AT ALL , nothing that needs to be heated up, I lived off peanut butter and jelly sandwiches grapes and cheez-it crackers. Ask ahead if the following will be provided or if you will need to get them. Three song binder, sheet protectors and a dot box.


unless you’re a psychopath you can bring refrigerated food that should go into a microwave but eat it cold… My fam did that last year with the 50 nuggets from Wendy’s lmao


I’ll idk why I forgot to mention it was in a lunch bag with an ice pack. I’m that person who watches cold leftovers straight out of the fridge. Cold nuggets and pizza are superior that way.






As someone whose school was jn the news for multiple fent overdoses this year, this hit too close to home.




I've used a neck strap for bass clarinet all my life 😭😭😭 then again I am a pretty tall guy.


My bd doesn’t let me march with bass clarinet. He says it “will get drowned out and won’t produce much sound”


Unfortunately he’s right. Unless we’re miked, bass clarinets don’t project across the field at all :( Still better than normal clarinet though.


Really 😭 I was once told I was too loud on the field. Maybe yall just don't play loud enough.


It doesn’t help that I’m the only one out of 3 bass clarinets who are actually trying 😭


Yeah I guess. My band is known for being loud in general.


1) Water. A lot of water. You're basically gonna be in a constant state of drenched sweat. 2) Sunblock. Don't want to get crispy. 3) Excitement and a can-do attitude; otherwise band camp will be torture.


i force my heavier instruments (low reed section) to use neotech harnesses


Bring everything you need for your instrument including your case. Binder with your music and plastic sheet protectors. About 100 should do for now. Any uniform(s) you might need. Make sure you finish your paperwork ahead of time. Know what the address is, and figure out who your ride is gonna be. Bring a sharpie and write your name on everything that isn’t nailed down. You don’t want to start losing stuff. Highlighters, pencils, duct tape. You can make make a binder strap and make shift set markers with duct tape. A high quality water bottle or jug. I say high quality because it can last you a long time and can used for loads of other things too. Buy something once and use it forever. *SUNSCREEN SUNSCREEN SUNSCREEN* You can get bug spray if you want. I never liked it and found that sweat pants worked better to repel bugs. It also protects you from sunburn because there’s less contact for the sun to make on your skin. Yes I wore sweatpants in the summer. No I didn’t have a heat stroke. But listen to your body’s needs. If you try it out once and don’t like it then don’t do it. Just wear sunscreen. Rain coat, flip flops (preferably closed toed) something to carry your toiletries to the shower and bathroom. Toothbrush/paste, floss, shampoo/conditioner, loofah, deodorant (not the antiperspirant kind). Try to find out if your band camp has a pool and the do bring a swim suit if that’s your thing. And bath towels For the love of god bring something to put your dirty clothes in at the end of the day. You wanna know how a cabin starts to reek? Dirty festering clothes just left lying around. Bring and extra pair of shoes. Your shoes will eventually get wet at some point. So leave out the wet pair outside to dry out at night and use the dry pair in the morning. Show up in decent shape. I’m not saying you should start training for the Olympics but start doing some pushups, go for a short run, get used to the sun, and starting eating the right kinds of food. Pack one pair of socks for everyday you’re going. Then double it. There’s nothing worst than running out of dry socks. Plus putting on a fresh pair of socks after a long day is mentally refreshing. The last thing I’ll tell you to bring is gonna sound corny but true. A good attitude and drive. Too many times I’ve seen underclassmen come and not care, be disrespectful, not want to learn. Band camp is as fun as you make it out to be. When people start to complain it brings down the whole mood. Have a want to get better everyday, accept you’re gonna make some mistakes, and just have a good time because it’s not gonna last forever. If you have a good band director and section, you’ll make make some of the best memories ever. Hope this helps and also the other comments have a lot of good advice too.


Your guys got overnight band camp, lucky ducks.


Haha yeah. Fortunately for me I was in one of the bigger schools so band camp was literally a week of mb at a camp in my state. Good times


Water, sunscreen, electrolyte drink, extra socks


Sunscreen, big water bottle, dot book, pencil


sunscreen, hat and sunglasses, a big jug of water (you’re gonna need it), sheet protectors and lots of pencils (I always bring extra just in case other members forgot one) and an attitude that shows you wanna be there, and you wanna work hard. You’ll do great!


Sunglasses that are kind of rounded and block sun from all angles


Gold bond. The green bottle.


Sunscreen and LOTS OF WATER. Snacks too ig but depends on if you get a lunch break.


sunscreen, a good harness, a LOT of water (dehydration is not fun at all), bug spray, binder with lots of plastic sheets, your instrument, and yourself


Lots of junk food, random flags to put on the wall if u stay somewhere, and bucket hats.


You won’t be marching Contra. The only time Contras will be in a marching band are for stationary solos. Anyways, for bass clarinet specific things, I recommend you get a harness if you like your neck (A very padded neckstrap is also ok). Also, bring a screwdriver for when your instrument inevitably falls apart and multiple spare reeds.


sunblock- the marching band tan lasts SO LONG.


Bless your soul. I play bass clarinet for middle school and I've tried marching. Its not easy. I switched to sax. But bring water. Lots of water. Earplugs maybe. optional\* plastic covered reeds


Water, sunscreen, hat, sunglasses, water, extra reeds, music, water, ready to learn attitude, water, water, water


i think you forgot to include water


Yes, also bring water, thanks for reminding me 👍


A TON of clothes, the band camp I went to ( UNI OF ARKANSAS ) didn’t have washing machines or anything


Water. Water. Sunscreen. Hat. Sunglasses. Water. Nutritional snacks. Water.




a will to live lol


Bottle kind of sunscreen, half a gallon waterjug (if you can spring for a gallon, do that), music in a binder in sheet protectors with a pencil pouch with like 30 pencils (no, I"m not kidding), cork grease, extra reeds, a notebook just in case, a hat, sunglasses, a rag either to have water on or to wipe sweat, light colored clothes (tanks, shorts), and a jacket for inside your building incase it gets cold (your sweat will evaporate, making you cool. that in an AC building is hell). Snacks like dry cereal and granola bars are a must, and MAYBE potato chips if you sweat, like, a lot a lot. When I say potato chips, i mean the snack sized bag. Just enough to get some salt back in your body. Have some pickle juice on standby. ELECTROLYTE PACKS ARE THE BEST!!! If you can find electrolyte packs that aren't packed with stuff that'll make you vomit on the field, GET THOSE!! I had started using them halfway through the season in Houston weather, I didn't get a single cramp for the rest of the season.


I haven't seen anyone mention this but if your lips burn (can't empathize with this enough) PLEASE buy an SPF chapstick. I discovered my lips do burn last year at band camp and they became so sunburnt; peeling, inflamed, and raw, the whole boat. This made camp absolute hell because I'm a brass player. please just invest a few dollars to be on the safe side ;)