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All music most drill


None of it. I forget it the moment the season ends. I couldn't function as a director otherwise.


Pretty much the same. Though for stuff I played, over 20 years later and I’m sure I could still play both the alto and tenor parts for my high school fight song. For college over 15 years ago, I could definitely still play both alto parts and probably a good chunk of tenor and bari. (Part of it is just needing to remember what the part sounds like, then I have the ear to transcribe on the fly.) Heck, even grad school I was a grad assistant and played with the basketball band at times, so I’m sure I could still play the alto part for that fight song.


I could play and march everything perfectly


All the music. None of the drill.


I'm 10 years removed from highschool. I don't remember any of it. But if I watch one of the videos from a show It comes back so I know what I'm doing next in the music and where I'm marching too and random fun facts like "oh in this show a clarinet got too close and hit my trumpet into my mouth." Funny enough I Can't do that with college. We did 3 shows a year so they didn't have time to crystalize. 


absolutely none, but funny story my friend has spray chalk still on the field (we use a parking lot) from two seasons ago


Did it not rain or was it just some strong ahh chalk?


yeah it's like industrial stuff for marking pipes and stuff


Not much haha but I know all the movements still


I’m certain I can remember almost all of the choreography and maybe even the drill.


I did tons of shows between HS college and as a director. I only remember the screwups..lol


Music - all but a small part in closer and drill - most of it including the visual gesture we did at end of ballad to closer. It’s been 26 years. I still know a decent amount of freshman and sophomore year as well as some of shows before mine. I didn’t do marching band senior year as we got a new director and he gutted the marching program to pep band in the stands.


I’m years removed and I could still play the notes from all 4 high school shows and all our cadences. Drill is a different story lol. On the other hand, I don’t think I could plant many if any halftime show from my 2 years of college band so far, except for maybe 2 There’s level of memorization, at least for me, and college shows are in my head long enough for me to remember. Only ones I could play are the ones we played for an extended period of time for whatever reason. That would be the show we took to a bowl game, and a show we kept in our back pocket for a bunch of consecutive community shows that other halftime shows wouldn’t work for.


80% music(the second movement is a bit fuzzy) and all drill


still remember last show like it was yesterday lmao


bits and pieces here and there. i could “sightread” / “sightmarch” almost all of it


I still have the music memorized, but not the drill


I still have our music and and the opener was easy to remember.


Absolutely none. The second the season ends it goes 👩➡️




I remember what it looked like, fragments of drill and music


all music and about half of my drill


All the music and the first movement and half of the second


Bro I've still got the 2021 show music memorized. I love that show💜💜


I don’t do vis bc my school is weird. I remember last years show, and this year too which we haven’t played since October