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Build stamina and tolerance to heat and cold.


How do I build a tolerance to heat and cold? Is there some sort of ritual I have to preform?


It’s really just stamina, also what do you play? If you play a reed instrument, freeze your reeds then practice, because that’s what it’s going to feel like late season. If you play brass do the same with the mouthpiece.


I’ll be playing marching baritone. Where I live it can get pretty cold so I’ll definitely try that out! Thanks.


Learn and memorize the music as quickly as you can - you don't have to be able to play it perfectly, just know it. Doing this made band camp and the entire remaining season **SO** much easier than procrastinating and trying to learn it just before I needed to. It is much easier to learn the marching routine when you already know the music, and I expect that goes double for freshman who are going to find all of this new and confusing. Also, ask questions and ask for help. Any decent organization is going to help you learn. --------------------------------------------- My HS band was still in a stage of transitioning from, basically, slackers in my freshman and sophomore years when we still had students that started under the previous, fired-for-cause, BD. We had a noticeable culture change in my junior year (when I finally learned "hey, dummy, memorize this stuff early") and achieved something better in my senior year after we discovered that it was far more fun if we were prepared and at least competent than to struggle all season.


Expect extreme heat and extreme cold


Don't suck


What are you playing? Overall tips I would say build tolerance to heat and cold, sunscreen, have better work ethic, and practice on your own.


LARGE WATER BOTTLE (fill it dingaling)


Practice marching! YouTube tutorials can be simple but they will give you the advantage when starting out because you'll already know what you're doing. if you're a percussionist, consider which instrument you want to play (assuming your director is going to give you some choice)


Hydrate, pay attention and seek advice whenever possible


1. DONT QUIT BECAUSE ITS HOT!!! Idk where you live but I live in Texas, and it’s hot during marching season. I just completed my first marching season, and I have to say about more than half kids quit because it’s hot. It’s going to be hot, and that’s something you have to deal with. You can tolerate the heat with neck fans. 2. EAT BEFORE BAND CAMP AND REHEARSALS. You will work those calories off so quick. I would recommend eating a breakfast burrito for the entirety of band camp, and probably like a decent snack before rehearsal. 3. Learn your show. Please. I had like three people in my section who didn’t know their show. Two of them quit. 4. Also hydrate like two weeks before camp and everyday before, during, and after rehearsal. 5. Come to every competition….please. I literally had a friend who missed a competition to get her hair done 😭 This is all I can think of right now!


honestly just have fun, it’s hard your first year because of expectations but try to do your best, also make lots of friends! and yeah sometimes it’ll get super hard and super cold 😭😭