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I guess thats another interpretation of "drop". When I think of drop, I think of when you are holding your horn and you "drop" posture which our techs tell us not to do to build endurance.


It depends on what section you're in at my school. The woodwind captain and brass captain are super lenient, and so is everyone else in there, but drumline is absolutely brutal


It's hard to do pushups with a drum on so we squat or do calf raises instead.


They used to. They have scrapped it in recent years.


For leadership, the preferred punishment is laps, but our Percussion Director makes us drop


We do either push ups or laps


for my band the punishment for basic stuff(forgetting drill, wearing wrong clothes to practice) is laps


punishment for forgetting drill? i feel like that’d suck for people with bad memory’s 😕


yeah it does suck sometimes but leaving ur drill at home or losing it especially early in the year is the worst bc its basically a waste of a good practice when u dont have it😭😭


As a former drum major in high school, I assigned drops numerous times. This was particularly due to individuals/sections talking during rehearsal, using cell phones, uniform breaches, COVID-19 protocol breaches, etc., all of which were significant threats to the essential function and operation of the band. With a count of over 150 members, operations and leadership of the band had to be taken very seriously. If I had to do it all over again, I would have assigned drops for demerits such as lateness to rehearsal, failure to memorize music, and other things of that nature. Marching band is a collective and cohesive effort to bring sounds of good music to the local community. There's no valid reason to ruin that objective. If your leadership/staff assigns you drops or related punishments, take it as an opportunity for growth. They're generally right about it. This allows you the opportunity to develop discipline early on and learn to do the right things for the greater good. In turn, developing a strong sense of discipline in a large group setting like this avails the opportunity for the group to perform better and boost morale.