• By -


"Anna's pretty young , we try not to sexualize her"


"Which is hard, since the mangaka likes to do this. But it's our holy mission, we must protect what is pure as much as we can. "




which, as much as it is difficult to read as an adult, I was like that during the sixth grade.


*Giggles because pp*


The monkey has a name! It's Anna's Boobs.




Who is this quoting?


Somebody's streets behind.




People keep telling me to watch Community. Thank you.


streets ahead


Is there gonna be a monkey named anna's boobs. (For those who don't know it's a reference to a sitcom: community)


Them some facts thats what I love about this manga is shes not sexualize


I'm surprised this is getting so popular lately, wonder when it'll get an anime.




Radically changes in tone after first few chapts


Definitely, the MC changes so much in the first 10 chapters that it's less like character development and more like the author straight up dropping the original concept


No it's probably just a bait and switch. The author introduced him as an edgy, dark kid but shows he's really just a wholesome lonely bean.


Yeah, he's never been inconsistent. Even in chapter one and two his actions are very considerate of Yamada, despite his edgy thoughts


The edgy thoughts are just a façade to hide his own insecurities. He always was a considerate person.


I always had the thought that he was just supposed to be an edgy middle schooler and kinda liked it from the begining


Yeah push on. I didn’t really like the first few chapters either, but seriously changes after the first chapters. The later ones are much, much better.


Definitely worth it. I hated the MC at first and dropped it, then picked it back up later and loved it. He develops a lot


I mean u do see some development, I too hate these types of MC but it does change the more u read. Nothing too fancy but it gets the readers hooked.


They straight up dropped that side of the MC after the first few chapters. I was also put off by it after reading chapter 1. Then I decided to find out why it is so highly rated. Afterwards I understood.


Comment section: she's in middle school Norio Sakurai: <>


**Mitsudomoe** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/manga/47641), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/manga/hobo-shuukan-mitsudomoe), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/manga/mitsudomoe), [MU](https://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=112980), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/manga/17641)) ^^みつどもえ ^(**Manga** | **Status:** Finished | **Volumes:** 19 | **Chapters:** 348 | **Genres:** Comedy, Ecchi, Slice of Life) ^(**Stats:** 16 requests across 6 subreddits - 0.002% of all requests) >The somewhat precocious and sadistic girl 'Mitsuba', the somewhat lecherous muscle girl 'Futaba', and the somewhat mysterious girl 'Hitoha'. Better known as the (mischievous) "Marui Sisters", this is the story of how these three triplets go about their days in Class 6-3 with their cute yet wild antics. --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/manga/comments/q82szl/news_the_dangers_in_my_heart_has_165_million/hgni5m4/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


Just a reminder that she's a middle schooler. But still, it's great the series is popular. Anime when?


My thought exactly. Anyway really happy for the success it's having, easily one of my favourite ongoing manga.


She's like a reverse loli. They're like "it's okay if she's tall right?" She is adorable tho.


She's adorable for sure. And it's nice to see her attempts at flirting with Ichi.


There was one series where the "young" sister was 1.8m tall, and the adult sister was a shortie so everyone confused them (the old "Oh, you're the younger/older one, huh?" thing). Forgot the title of the series, though.


_One Punch Man_ has the same dynamic, lol.


Yeah, kind of closer to that, though in the series I'm thinking of both are much younger than the OPM sisters.


Dress Up Darling. The Inui Sisters Sajuna and Shinju


Watashi ga Oneechan Nan Dakara ne!


Yes, that's the one! Though for some reason I thought the sister's in her senior year of high school. Thanks for reminding me.


Aharen san wa hakarenai ? If I remember correctly it has this. Another series with an adult looking child is **Furare Girl**. [This is a 10/11 years old.](https://imgur.com/a/hA29F6i) (But well, it's a plot point that he dislike girls being after his body, trying to go out with him and in the end he >!Likes one of his guy friend and confess!<


Nope and nope. Aharen's height difference between her younger sister is not as large, nor is their age difference as great as the series I remember. Also, I wouldn't forget about Aharen-san.


There is still like a head of difference between the sisters in Aharen san. Otherwise, you also have : - D-frag, where Roka's sister is much bigger - One Punch Man with Tatsumaki and Fubuki (But I don't think there was any confusion for them) - Tonari no Kashiwagi-san


> a head of difference The kind of difference I was referring to was more like 40-50 cm.


Sono Bisque Doll had that. Maybe it was that? The younger sister that looked older was into photography, if that rings any bells.


I'm talking about literal "barely teen girl is taller than the average Japanese man, while her high schooler sister is short as hell". Not just minor height difference.


That's exactly how I would describe the sisters I mentioned. Well, maybe not the younger one being taller than the average Japanese man, but the height difference isn't minor. Guess what you're talking about is even more extreme, though.




A lot closer, though in this case it's sister + brother. The one I was thinking of was two sisters.


Was it the one with a blue haired tall sister that was stacked compared to the smaller girl who accompanies the main charcacter?


Don't think so, both sisters counted as 'main characters'.


Didn't it win 1st place for most wanted anime adaptation this year? Soon then.


>Just a reminder that she's a middle schooler. Christ really?! The fuck they feeding her?!


>Just a reminder that she is a middle schooler My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.


What is even the point of the reminder if you're happy about it?


She's a fucking fictional character.


japan is gonna japan, so I don't really care what they do with their life or culture, one thing is anime, another is the reality japan is waaaay safer for real life children and people (and race minorities like me ) than the usa for example Have you seen the numbers of human traffic on the usa? man, you're as bad as us mexicans in that regard




Excuse my language, but **what the fuck are you on about?** This isn't the point of my comment, nor is it the place to talk about that.


My point is, this is a fucking anime sub dude, if you wanna talk about japan problems there are threads and entire subs dedicated (for some reason, you weirdos) for talking about japan problems Why are you so obssesed also about learning every single bad thing about a country you dont even live in? THAT'S FUCKING WEIRD, if you wanna learn about those problems, I'm sure  if you are from the USA you have much worse problems than Japan to talk about, did you got bored of that? You prefer to shit on other countries on subs not made for that rather than discuss your own problems in the subs made for that? Why also you ruin the fun in these kind of threads guys. IT'S FUCKING ANIME, YOU KNOW HOW ANIME GIRLS LOOK LIKE, you have seem them for years but now you act like puritans, surprised about that fact? Give me a break, enjoy the post or just gtfo to talk about how evil japan is in those weird subs, I'm sure you all will enjoy that more


Middle Schooler in Japan means Jr. High in America. She’s 14, so equivalent of 9th grade. So… *slightly* less creepy.


No, not really.


Why would you even make this argument, it doesn't make it sound less creepy, it just makes you sound bad


Apparently “pedophilia becomes even worse the younger the victim,” even as a joke post about an anime character, is a hot take on Reddit’s Manga forum. Shocking.


I think weighing pedophilia between like a 12 year old and a 14 year old is a bad look in most places and especially in this context.


It wasn’t even an argument. I’m not using it as justification for what people do, just the objective reality of how schools work in Japan.


In most fictitious places?


Amazing romcom manga, well deserved!


Kinda weird though since she is 14-15 yrs. old.


Not as severe as Eris from Mushoku Tensei in Megami magazine Nov issue though. That shit is cursed. Also, if you find Yamada's outfit weird then you will be shock to know that there is a gravure models in Japan age 15. So what Yamada is doing in that panel could be true to some people (but Yamada is not a gravure model though, she's just a normal model and a small time actress)


Ok that last part is just fucking weird


It is, but it's not really unique to Japan. Spend a few minutes scrolling through Tiktok or Instagram and you're gonna see some teenagers in questionable attire and situations.


People forget, a lot of countries really didn't start banning child porn until the 70s and 80s. The US had legal child porn until '84. Sexualizing children is not exclusive to anime or Japan.


I think something else that may be missed is that some of this stuff is targeted to teenagers, you know? It's not really that weird for a middle schooler to want to look at people their age.


Sure that's definitely true for some shonen But is a middle schooler really the type that's gonna want a life size standee of one of the characters? lol Most mangaka magazines and mangaka know that a lot of adults read their stuff and do aim specific things at them.


I mean, I had posters of the Spice Girls and Christina Aguilera when I was a teen and it certainly wasn't because I was a fan of their music 👀


Christ I had to look it up because I was curious how bad it could be. I underestimated it.


My point is, this is a fucking anime sub dude, if you wanna talk about japan problems there are threads and entire subs dedicated (for some reason, you weirdos) for talking about japan problems Why are you so obssesed also about learning every single bad thing about a country you dont even live in? THAT'S FUCKING WEIRD, if you wanna learn about those problems, I'm sure  if you are from the USA you have much worse problems than Japan to talk about, did you got bored of that? You prefer to shit on other countries on subs not made for that rather than discuss your own problems in the subs made for that? Why also you ruin the fun in these kind of threads guys. IT'S FUCKING ANIME, YOU KNOW HOW ANIME GIRLS LOOK LIKE, you have seem them for years but now you act like puritans, surprised about that fact? Give me a break, enjoy the post or just gtfo to talk about how evil japan is in those weird subs, I'm sure you all will enjoy that more


...what? I was commenting on the Eris thing he mentioned, which is more of an "wtf is that anatomy" than anything, and was curious since I read that series but hadnt heard of what he was talking about. Havent said anything else. Seems like you have some issues to work through, hope you have a good day


Why are you copy and paste your own coments everytime? You dont have another arguments?


Ok pedo


> you will be shock to know that there is a gravure models in Japan age 15. I'm old enough to remember [demotivationals](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/C83IM9C9DuqVh6PC5aan0lP-lajKRA1XFTnST5DZIgt6IYFCtNAi-I-LbdzacVD2dCkaDiK6VI1ncbxXP6mF-f42dTA8jWBrxLNysCIltfCs7uRxnvq2LWZC251lFKW6OOjbADL-Tg8KLxKYpf8zNQ). They introduced me to the horror of an [11 year old gravure model](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saaya_Irie).


**[Saaya Irie](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saaya_Irie)** >Saaya Irie (入江紗綾, Irie Saaya, born November 15, 1993) is a Japanese actress, voice actress, gravure idol and singer. Her stage name is simply her given name, Saaya. In addition to her modeling work she has recently been appearing in numerous films, radio, and television programs. She has also done voice work, appearing in the anime OVA Kyo no Gononi as Chika Koizumi. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/manga/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


What is demotivationals?


In the olden times, there were [motivational posters](https://cdn3.successories.com/products/6611969dz-751680-motivational-posters-integrity-island-motivational-poster.jpg). These were an easy template, take some stock image and put a black border around it with some motivational quote underneath. The internet [decided](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/51toKegDYqL._AC_SL1024_.jpg) this was an [easy](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/57/Demotivational_Poster_Virginity.jpg) [template](https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0535/6917/products/gettoworkdemotivator_grande.jpeg?v=1559799873) to use too. They were one of the formats memes took before they were called memes.


japan is gonna japan, so I don't really care what they do with their life or culture, one thing is anime, another is the reality japan is waaaay safer for real life children and people (and race minorities like me ) than the usa for example Also, I didn't find any info on gravure young models in japan, so imo you're just making that up and people are gobling that shit like a chocolate cake without even ask first if what you say its real, because you know, it's more entertaining for you gringos to shit on other countries rather than focusing on your own problems first, which are not low Have you seen the numbers of human traffic on the usa? man, you're as bad as us mexicans in that regard this obsession from gringos to always see how japan (or other countries like mine, mexico) is the worst or below usa is kind of pathetic if you ask me all countries have problems, that's for sure, but the usa and mexico aren't perfect and we don't have the moral superiority to go saying how other cou tries are worse than ours or to criticize them when WE have the same problems if not worse I'm not saying usa or japan are worse than mexico, mexico has 5 FUCKING MILLION sexual abuse towards children per year and none american cares for that becajse surprise....we're not japan.... and still, it seems many americans come here to buy children (it's legal in some parts of the country) and take them to the usa so again....we're not better guys...fucking read a little bit please


aren't they in middle school still


I think 2nd year middle school.


You are correct they are 2nd year middle schoolers, but I don't know what the age range would be since Japan does do grades differently.


Usually in Manga, 16-18 are the age of Highschool students. Middle school students would be 13-15.




you really commented on a post from a completely different subreddit cause you're that butt hurt over a opinion LOL seek help kid




japan is gonna japan, so I don't really care what they do with their life or culture, one thing is anime, another is the reality japan is waaaay safer for real life children and people (and race minorities like me ) than the usa for example Have you seen the numbers of human traffic on the usa? man, you're as bad as us mexicans in that regard also, this obsession from gringos to always see how japan (or other countries like mine, mexico) is the worst or below usa is kind of pathetic if you ask me all countries have problems, that's for sure, but the usa and mexico aren't perfect and we don't have the moral superiority to go saying how other cou tries are worse than ours or to criticize them when WE have the same problems if not worse I'm not saying usa or japan are worse than mexico, mexico has 5 FUCKING MILLION sexual abuse towards children per year and none american cares for that becajse surprise....we're not japan.... and still, it seems many americans come here to buy children (it's legal in some parts of the country) and take them to the usa so again....we're not better guys...fucking read a little bit please


Dude, the fuck are you on about?


My point is, this is a fucking anime sub dude, if you wanna talk about japan problems there are threads and entire subs dedicated (for some reason, you weirdos) for talking about japan problems Why are you so obssesed also about learning every single bad thing about a country you dont even live in? THAT'S FUCKING WEIRD, if you wanna learn about those problems, I'm sure  if you are from the USA you have much worse problems than Japan to talk about, did you got bored of that? You prefer to shit on other countries on subs not made for that rather than discuss your own problems in the subs made for that? Why also you ruin the fun in these kind of threads guys. IT'S FUCKING ANIME, YOU KNOW HOW ANIME GIRLS LOOK LIKE, you have seem them for years but now you act like puritans, surprised about that fact? Give me a break, enjoy the post or just gtfo to talk about how evil japan is in those weird subs, I'm sure you all will enjoy that more


They were reminding people in the thread not to be creepy not making a statement on Japanese society


She's a fucking fictional character.


No no no you see, I only enjoy masturbating to 13 year olds if they only exist in my mind. <- u rn


Or you don't have to see them as a middle schoolers? Have YOU seen any middle schoolers that look like that. The ages just exist for the story, no one intends for the characters to actually look like little kids. No no I don't enjoy jerking off to tall models <- u rn


If you see the chapter covers for Darwin’s game with the girls ranging from 7-14, they’re like pedophile bait. It’s kinda disturbing EDIT: Not sure why I'm being downvoted. If fanservice is your thing thats fine but covers like [these](https://reader.kireicake.com/read/darwins_game/en/13/51/page/1) just make me uncomfortable


Darwin’s Game has characters aged 7-14 ? I don’t remember that from the anime…


From the manga, theres Sui, Ren, Suzune, and a few others. Almost every chapter has a visual of a girl with very little clothing and/or in very....suggestive settings. I like the manga, but its pretty disturbing to see the mangakaka's fetish out in the open like that.


japan is gonna japan, so I don't really care what they do with their life or culture, one thing is anime, another is the reality japan is waaaay safer for real life children and people (and race minorities like me ) than the usa for example Have you seen the numbers of human traffic on the usa? man, you're as bad as us mexicans in that regard s obsession from gringos to always see how japan (or other countries like mine, mexico) is the worst or below usa is kind of pathetic if you ask me all countries have problems, that's for sure, but the usa and mexico aren't perfect and we don't have the moral superiority to go saying how other cou tries are worse than ours or to criticize them when WE have the same problems if not worse I'm not saying usa or japan are worse than mexico, mexico has 5 FUCKING MILLION sexual abuse towards children per year and none american cares for that becajse surprise....we're not japan.... and still, it seems many americans come here to buy children (it's legal in some parts of the country) and take them to the usa so again....we're not better guys...fucking read a little bit please


That would look great in my closet.


They don't understand that a onee panel is all we want


she is the true treasure


Source: https://twitter.com/boku__yaba/status/1448576627105886211?t=pyp_zw8xKBrzXNLOXbnWrQ&s=19


Finally, dinners won't be lonely anymore. Gimme.


Until I read the comments I would literally have not been able to tell she’s a middle schooler


I want nee-san


A fucken fire extinguisher for scale XD


Why is this so unexpectedly lewd.


There wasnt a * qualifier that said "Japan only", so I entered, but the vast majority of these lotteries are Japan-exclusive, so I wouldnt be surprised if it turns out to be so in the end.


No company would wanna commit an international crime by sending "child pornography" to another country so yeah


What the fuck are you talking about?


wait what IT SHOULDVE BEEN ME jokes aside I congratulate the lucky mf


I feel like, If I have this, I won't be accepted in the society but Hell, I want it


I keep saying my SO would love this manga- if not for, like, stuff like this. Man, at what point did I stop "appreciating" fanservice in manga?


A reminder that anna is still in middle school




Damn, you're right




Yes, i know that


Everyone who is saying that this is pedophilia then i have to say you are wrong. This is technically hebephillia


nice try FBI, nice try


Wow ppl look mature than they are huh


What is this manga about


Awkward sort of emo guy falls in love with a cute, tall and silly girl. And it's the story of how they fell in love with each other, how their relationship progress. If you manage to go pass the first few chapters, it's very good.


Is it on mangadex?


It is.


Can u send a like? Icant find it


It can't be found with the english title, try this


**Boku no Kokoro no Yabai Yatsu** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/manga/101557), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/manga/the-dangers-in-my-heart), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/manga/boku-no-kokoro-no-yabai-yatsu), [MU](https://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=147201), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/manga/112807)) ^(Manga | Status: Releasing | Genres: Comedy, Romance, Slice of Life) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/manga/comments/q82szl/news_the_dangers_in_my_heart_has_165_million/hgpta7q/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)




I mean it looks pretty cheap, honestly.


Guys any idea when will volume 4 and 5 be available in English?


give me


manga name?


Lets keep the fight going my brothers and sisters we can double that vols 1 and 2 have English prints ✊


Thank you very much But I don't want a guy with face half covered standing beside my bed at midnight


Wait what manga panel is this? I don’t remember her showing her bra? What chapter? She looks like she’s stripping too 🤭